Winch, fire, and fixing things!

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hey guys welcome back okay so we wrote a list and we said hey what do we got to do like immediately before we go to the track and one of the things was we need a winch so if the car breaks how are we going to get it on the trailer if we can't drive it on there we need to pull it on there so we had actually already purchased this winch knowing that we were going to need it but we never got around to installing it so let me show you how that went it was actually not that bad turns out uh Harbor Freight sells this little bracket down here so the winch comes with this piece and they sell this bracket separately for only seven bucks so I bought the bracket and I'll try to zoom in and I basically just welded it to the trailer pretty straightforward uh it's about as simple as it sounds so ground the paint back man this trailer actually has thick paint I'm kind of surprised I don't know if that shows up on camera but that's some thick stuff anyway that's cool so yep welded that bracket and we also oh we welded these bolts so that they would be captive so it's got a stud poking up so now if you ever need like say the Wench burns up and you want to change it you just undo these wires undo those two bolts and the winch lifts off so that's cool cuz uh that other bolt would be a nightmare to get to anyway it's just better to do it that way so winch is mechanically installed this is the controller so we just drilled and tapped and put our bolts in there so again they're nothing to deal with no threads on the other side that we have to put a wrench on it came with a wire wireless remote which is super cool but it also comes with a wired one that plugs in here so you have both options we're going to keep the wired option uh in my toolbox and that way in case the battery in this goes bad or something we got a backup option cuz I could see that happening the day you need it all of a sudden the battery is dead anyway next is electrical so it comes with this pretty straightforward you just hook it to a battery um we don't have a battery so we got to figure that out I think I'm just going to go buy like a cheap box and a cheap battery and bolt it somewhere not really sure where yet and then call that a battery we'll see should be easy so let's see the other big thing we talked about was that we about tore the front end off my car again due to not having good ramps so I ordered them Christ they were actually I found a better price than I'd found they were still over a th000 bucks uh I forget the exact number maybe like 1100 or 1150 or probably about 1150 something like that so we got ramps ordered uh I'm not sure how we're going to like totally Implement them yet the reason I say it is this trailer kind of come over here so it has these built-in ramps but these are going to be in the way so here's how the factory ones work so you pull this cotter pin this piece flips up once it's stuck it's not it's a little tight these ramps slide out and then This falls down like that and lands on the ramp so this is like its own little mini ramp between the ramp and the trailer but I want all this crap out of the way so I think I'm just going to take all this off cuz it's I really don't need it and it's just in the way it's going to cause issues I want my ramps to like come right up to this you know like a nice flush situation so I think I'm just going to cut these off it looks like they're welded on the top I can hit that with an angle grinder let's see if there's one on the bottom yep it's on the bottom too I can feel it wait a minute no y That's I don't know if that's welded or not maybe I'm crazy let's get the camera under today and let's just see how about that maybe it isn't welded okay well that makes it easier to cut off so we just got to cut these top welds which we can do that with an angle grinder so okay that's going to be our plan those will come off the ramps I say the ramps just slide out you got to like lift the trailer several feet that'll be I don't know how we're going to do that maybe we'll use the lift or something I don't know seems sketchy we'll figure it out I guess on the bright side this thing does have lifting stuff all over the trailers we can probably figure out a safe way to like chain or something the trailer and lift it enough that we can get these ramps out yep basically those are going to come off and then I got to look it up I think we welded like a channel back here that the new ramp hook into we'll see I want something that's like safe and effective like I don't want it to ever come out in fact I wouldn't be against having some mechanism that when it goes together there's like safety pins to where the ramps like you know say the car bounces or the trailer moves or whatever the ramp can't like un you know like fall out and come unhooked I've seen a lot of ramps that have like a little ledge and they just catch so you know I don't want to like hit the gas and the ramp slide or the trailer move up and down and it come unhooked we'll figure that out I don't mind customizing the ramps a little if that's what's needed the funny thing is the ramps I ordered they're 3 and a/4 in thick they're aluminum and get this they are 14 ft long I know that's ridiculous they weigh almost 100 lbs each so that's kind of sucks well depends how you I mean if you want a strong ramp that's good but anyway they are beefy and they're ridiculously huge they're this trailer is only is 18 ft so I mean those ramps are big they're big bigger than my car so we got to figure out where to you know how we're going to get them on the trailer and how we're going to attach them to the trailer cuz I want them like I want them secured in a way that they're not going to get stolen cuz these are some giant aluminum ramps they're expensive and uh I worry about stuff like that so we got to deal with all that we will but yeah the that was two of the big ones with the trailer I think that was the two big ones was that we needed ramps to not damage the car and we needed a winch in case the car isn't running we can get it on the trailer so the winch is in progress and the ramps are ordered so those are definitely in progress so check this out so we have a catch can on the car and I just drained it and it looked like a bunch of water came out with a few drops of oil I don't think this is water I think this is like E85 I don't know but yeah I just drained the catch can so that little valve all that came out of there so I'm going to try something real quick I want to know what this really is all right so we come outside I've got this little pan I just want to see if this stuff's actually flammable or not if it's fuel or water going dump a little bit of that in there not too much hopefully that shows up yeah a little bit let's see let me get my source away in case that is [Music] fuel yeah sure enough that is fuel look at that turn this light off huh so I'm guessing that when I was racing the car a ton of fuels getting in the uh past the Rings into the block and then it's evaporating from the oil like the oil heats up so it flashes to a vapor and then that Vapor travels through the crank case ventilation system gets into the catch can where it cools down and condenses back into a liquid even though you think it would just evaporate and go out of the uh you know right out of the filter but apparently it condenses so there's a bunch of fuel in there it's not all fuel you can see the fire is going out little bit left so there's definitely water it's not only fuel however this is from the next day that thing's been sitting there probably fuel evaporating for the last you know actually today Sunday night it's been two days that's interesting okay now now that the fire went out let's see what's left get the light back on not available let's try again there we go yes there's actually there's not much left there's a little bit so that's probably water but yeah the rest of that was uh fuel how about that I'd have never thought well maybe I guess the fuel look like the oil look like hell want to change oil so maybe that that makes sense yeah so there's like a few drops of water and the rest of that was fuel crazy all right guys so we've been doing a little work that oil hose that was cut that's this one right here one of the things I did when I built all this stuff was I left some slack in the hoses I tried to like uh package everything in a way where it wasn't too obvious but it gives you room like if you ever pull a hose you can cut like that inch off or so and redo it so luckily I did that with this hose you can see here like it goes there there's plenty of extra on this hose so that's nice so we cut the end off it's just taped to keep it clean I had to order so all right so one of the things on our list was heat shielding and when I did the water hose this one I actually did heat shield it because it goes right by the header and that is quite hot so that one shielded but we didn't do the stuff over here I didn't have the shielding that's why I didn't do it that's not a good reason so I ordered it it'll be here when it gets here it might actually take like a week I don't know so we may not go to the track this week we'll see uh depends if everything gets here but for now it's taped instead of putting it back together without heat shielding we're going to wait and get heat shielding so we're going to be heat shielding the oil feed the water hose and this water hose if you look I'm going to wiggle this goes back here and look how close that is to the exhaust so it's going to get heat shielded all there as well here's the throttle cable we're going to heat shield that um because it's close to the exhaust and this guy cuzz this was laying in here and it was also you know that's close enough so we're going to heat shield that too so all of that's ordered we also ordered some stainless steel wire so there's going to be a couple spots where like for example this right here I'm going to go ahead and heat shield this to kind of keep any radiant heat to just like reflect it away so but even though the this stuff comes with like an I think it has an adhesive yeah it looks like it does so you can probably peel that and stick it on but after we do that I'm going to get stainless wire and tie it so that even if the adhesive fails it won't actually you know slip off of there cuz who knows with heat maybe it'll you know fail so just to be safe stainless wire I should have some anyway it's not that expensive so we ordered that that's on the way we had pulled the plugs and they looked good but we got a spare set ordered cuz it's kind of ridiculous not to have a spare set of plugs for a race engine uh so we got those ordered uh we ordered our headlights are kind of yellow on this car they're not that bad actually doesn't look bad on camera right now but if you saw the blue car and then look at this these look yellow so we ordered our restore kit we maybe will do that at least I'll have the kit so there's no excuse not to and uh yeah we did the bolts on the transmission they were basically fingertight which to be fair I put them in barely more than that so we pulled them cleaned everything drowned them and blue locktite and threaded them back in and just barely snugged them because that's a rubber Mount and I want it to be able to like uh basically dampen so I don't want the tail of the transmission to like resist all the torque from the engine so I keep them there's Rubber and they're kind of you know they're snug that's it so it can actually pivot a little bit and work with the motor mounts and not just be the only thing uh anyway we bleue lock tighted them remarked them so basically we'll monitor it and if it's good if it's not we'll try redlock tight and if that don't work we'll rethink things so we got that done let's see what else here's our list we've actually been checking stuff off yeah oil filter we cleaned and retorqued that it actually is tight as so maybe last time I just didn't get all the oil out uh we'll see uh fuel pump Inlet cleaned it downpipe yep we that was easy just loosened it and rotated it uh did those tail shaft just wiped it off so yeah and then of course we're doing all this so actually this list is getting knocked out pretty quick probably just going to be waiting on heat shielding to come in so that's cool we uh also ordered a battery box for the trailer uh and we got to get we're just going to go to like Walmart and find a group 24 battery cuz that's what size box I bought and so once we get that should be straightforward I'm not sure where the battery is going to go yet so let me see I think I got my yeah I got the keys to my truck so this truck if you got to back the trailer up if you put the tailgate down you can actually look out the truck and see what you can see your trailer the way this thing's designed it's hard to see if the tailgates up the camera sucks so anyway I I like to have the tailgate down but you can see like if you rotate you know this gets closer to that as you swing so I don't want to put a battery like right there or wherever because I don't want the tailgate to swing and you know my trailer to like hit it so we'll just have to check and make sure we got a safe spot for the battery so maybe it'll go like you know right there or something or under the trailer hell I don't know and then we're going to probably put some kind of like Quick Connect plug to make uh charging it easy uh something like like that so we'll figure it out but yeah that'll be pretty much it for the winch uh and that's the trailer the ramps are ordered I do need to maybe tomorrow I'm going to figure out how we're going to attach the new ramps and go ahead and order whatever is necessary for that so anyway that's a little update on getting the race car ready oh yeah another thing we got to do haven't done this yet probably for tomorrow the uh we got to measure of the battery so we're going to hook a charger up and actually set like a timer to like remind myself to check on it every so often and see when it finally stops charging so we know how many amp hours we used uh this you know that'll be a good number to know so we're going to do that too
Channel: Patrick Cowan Jr.
Views: 73
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Mnf0AmaCKBM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 8sec (848 seconds)
Published: Tue May 21 2024
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