Willy Wonka, Charlie and his Chocolate Factory... The Whole Story Never Told Before!

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I've got a perfect puzzle for [Music] you Willie Wonka is one of the most recognizable  characters in popular fiction over the past 60   years the mysterious recluse choler was the  figment of the imagination of rol doll first   realized in his 1964 children's novel Charlie  in the Chocolate Factory thanks to the novel   its sequel Charlie and the glass elevator as  well as movies in 1971 2005 and 2023 the fifth   generation of children from Boomers to generation  Alpha will grow up in awe of the wonders of wily   Wonka where did he come from how has he impacted  our lives and most importantly how has his story   changed across so many tellings and where does  wily Wonka go from here is he a villain a hero   or a twisted character created by the mind of a  once battered child riding his way through the   tra tragedy of his own children the truth may  change everything you know about one of your   favorite childhood stories this is the definitive  history of willly Wonka and we promise you've   never heard his story told like this before it's  perfect it's unbelievable it's a miracle it's a   TV dinner it's won Vision it could change the  world and make sure you stay tuned until later   where we'll show you why Trade coffee will change  the way you experience your coffee at home and if   you haven't already subscribed to our Channel  please do so now and give us a thumbs up if you   want more videos like this and make sure you  stay tuned to the end to see how to get this   awesome Wonka boat tour's graphic design W  let you go far enough quite right sir stop   the vote if you're a fan of the movies you might  be surprised to learn that willly Wonka isn't the   main character of the story that honor goes to  Charlie Bucket who in the novel is the childhood   embodiment of all that is virtuous but while  the story may be about Charlie's Journey the   magic mystery and Intrigue are found in the comp  licated character of chocolate maker Willie Wonka   both a Dream Maker and savior figure Wonka is also  flawed and of questionable character but why and   how has this affected the story as it's been  transformed from book to three-time theatrical release Charlie in the Chocolate Factory was  published in 1964 by British author R doll when   he was 48 years old but the inspiration for the  story and willly wanka went all the way back to   1929 when he was only 13 years old it was here  at Repton School in Derbyshire that doll would   not only experience hazing and ritual cruelty  from other children at the school but he would   have an odd runin with chocolate the Cadbury  company which was close by Sent test packages   of chocolate to his school and in exchange they  were interested in the opinions of the children   both Cadbury and Round Tree two of England's  largest chocolate makers were in a war of ideas   often stealing each other's Trade Secrets by  sending spies into each other's factories sound   familiar this combination of secrecy and doll  believing there must be a huge hidden invention   room deep inside these factories where they were  experimenting on all sorts of wonderful new treats   is what initially gave birth to Wily Wonka but  the story would only ruminate in his mind for   the next 30 years until his young daughters Olivia  and shant tall were born and he began telling them   bedtime stories do was already a working writer  but it was this time with his children and the   stories he created for them that would end up  making him one of the greatest children writers   of all time despite his accolades for writing  children's stories what most people don't know   is that doll created Wily Wonka and wrote Charlie  in the Chocolate Factory during one of the worst   times in his life following the joy he felt riding  James and the Giant Peach do resurrected the idea   of his chocolate story and in 1960 began writing  that classic Charlie's Chocolate boy that's right   Charlie and the Chocolate Factory had a different  working title Charlie was originally encased in   chocolate and given to another child as an Easter  present something else most people don't know is   Charlie was initially written to be a little  black boy but his agent who thought it was a   bad idea convinced do to make him white because  people would ask why do made the change in 1960   during the height of the civil rights movement in  the United States where that same year the NAACP   youth Council chapters stag sit-ins at White only  lunch counters in the South doll living in New   York at the time would have been aware of growing  racial tensions in the country while he was   Penning what would become Charlie in the Chocolate  Factory his first son Theo was born tragically on   December 5th only 4 months after Theo was born  his baby carriage which is Nanny was pushing was   struck by a taxi cab in New York City the child  suffered unimaginable injuries his skull was   shattered and he was diagnosed with neurological  deficit doll had been in his apartment working on   the Chocolate Factory at the time of the accident  do quit writing and devoted himself to saving his   son's life Willy Wonka would have to wait in 1961  wanting a change in scenery doll moved his family   back to England and while his wife Patricia Dean  was co-starring in the movie HUD with Paul Newman   in 1962 doll went back to work on Charlie again  but in November his oldest daughter Olivia came   home from school with the measles while teaching  her how to make little animals out of colored pipe   cleaners he noticed her fingers and her mind were  not working together and she began to feel sleepy   12 hours later she died doll went into the  greatest depression of his life to escape the   tragic heartbreak he eventually channeled his  emotions into Charlie in the Chocolate Factory   doll's biographer Donald sto said he wrote the  book during the most difficult four years of his   life he believed doll's feelings of helplessness  over what had happened to his children is what   helped him create the story because it was the  only thing he could control in his life at that   time and it's in this that we can see the first  formation of Willie Wonka in an interview with   Vanity Fair sturk would explain that doah poured  himself into Wonka and the more you understand   about the difficult circumstances of the author's  private life as he was writing the book The more   sympathetic and extraordinary Wonka becomes with  the sense of magic and Genius of the inventor it   is clear that in Wonka there is a strong dominant  personality that can overcome anything and for   doll overcoming anything meant overcoming the  tragedy of his children in doll's imagination   and grief he captured something Charlie in the  Chocolate Factory was published in 1964 in the   United States and became an instant bestseller  children love doll's book and fantasized about   finding a golden ticket and visiting that  magical Chocolate Factory one 10-year-old   little girl named meline loved it so much she  wanted someone to make a movie about it so she   told her dad mine's dad just happened to be Mel  Stewart a Hollywood director who had been making   documentaries throughout the early 60s Stuart took  the book and read reached out to David walper who   had produced several of Stuart's documentaries and  asked him what he thought about it sometimes the   Stars just line up walper happened to be in the  middle of talks with Quaker Oats company about   a way to introduce a new candy bar from its newly  acquired confection company Whopper saw the chance   to combine both opportunities and persuaded Quaker  Oats who had no experience in the film industry   to buy the movie rights to the book and finance a  motion picture for the purpose of promoting Quaker   Oats new Wonka bar so for the cool price of $3  million Quaker Oats agreed to finance the film   and while a big box office release is great it was  this next thing that made Willy Wonka a legendary   figure in popular culture but before I share a  little known fact about Willy Wonka let me first   tell you how to mix a little chocolate into your  Java with this video sponsor Trade coffee our day   just doesn't start off right without a perfect cup  of Joe and that's why we prefer Trade coffee trade   is a coffee subscription service that allows you  to experience a curated for you coffee delivered   to your door helping you make better coffee  at home when and how you want it we love that   the coffee is high quality conveniently delivered  and personalized for our taste buds it's exciting   every time a new package arrives on our doorstep  trade has built relationships with over 55 local   roasters so you can enjoy their craft from the  comfort of your own home trade Maps your specific   preferences to hundreds of different coffee flavor  profiles their technology pairs you with the best   coffees using Art and Science 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bars it makes sense but  there are a few stories floating around about this   one is that the term Mr Charlie had been used as  an expression in the black community for a white   man in power and press reports claimed that the  change was due to pressure from black groups at   the same time reports that Vietnam soldiers  were using the derisive term Charlie for the   Viet Kong and the filmmakers didn't want it to be  associated with that and while the NAACP had taken   issue with the original Oompa loomas depicted as  African pygmies Stuart addressed those concerns   and and change them to little orange skinned  men the studios publicly stated that the name   change was to put emphasis on The Eccentric  willly Wonka and walper said he changed the   title to make the product placement for the Wonka  bar have a closer Association so whether it was a   demand by Quaker or a great idea by walper  that decision squarely put the name willly   Wonka in the minds of multiple generations  of children well that and an unforgettable   performance by the man who would bring the  chocolate maker to life there's nothing to it Gan Wilder will be remembered for many of his  roles but none more than the mysterious Willie   Wonka Dudley Moore and a slew of other actors were  being considered for the role before Jean walked   in for an audition actors had been auditioning  for the role in a suite at the Plaza Hotel in   New York all week and then Wilder walked in Stuart  and walper realized they could stop looking walper   even remarked the role fit him tighter than one  of jock who stow's wet suits Stuart saw what all   of us saw on screen he was captivated by the way  Wilder caught humor in his eyes and he had the   sardonic demonic Edge they were looking for at one  point walper had to suppress Stuart's excitement   so he could negotiate Wilder's salary but the  director didn't care and ran into the Hall as   Jee was leaving and offered him the part of Wonka  but Wilder would only accept the role under one   condition he wanted Wonka to carry a cane and have  a limp during his first entrance he said after   they see Wonka [ __ ] and Whisper among themselves  would lose his Cane and begin falling forward   and just before hitting the ground he would do a  beautiful somersault and bounce to Great Applause   Stuart looked at him and asked what do you want to  do that for Wilder told him because from that time   on no one will know if I'm lying or telling the  truth Stuart agreed and he was right the entrance   of Willie Wonka in the 1971 movie set the uneasy  tone for the character so you get nothing you   lose good day sir Oscar winner Jack Albertson was  brought in to play Grandpa Joe and Sammy Davis Jr   who would go on to make a hit out of the Candyman  song Wanted the role of Bill the candy shop owner   but Stuart felt that the presence of a big star in  that scene would break reality once the deal was   done to make the movie walper agreed with doll to  write the screenplay and although he was credited   for the film doll had not delivered a completed  screenplay at the start of production and only   provided an outline pointing to sections of the  book David Seltzer would end up coming in for the   rewrite after doll left unhappy about the choices  for the film not only did doll not like the name   change or that the story had some differences  from the book but he didn't like the casting   of Jean Wilder as Wonka doll thought Wilder was  pretentious and preferred Spike Milligan or Peter   sers as Wonka doll also hated the iconic musical  score calling it sappy and overly sentimental his   dislike extended to the character of Charlie  Bucket and the film as a whole is being more   optimistic than his novel but just like Stephen  King hated the movie version of his novel The Shan   in audiences loved it and the same thing would  happen to willly Wonka in the Chocolate Factory   eventually here's Johnny the movie began filming  on location in Germany because the production   didn't have enough money to film Stateside Stuart  chose Munich because he wanted the viewer to be in   a never Neverland and at the time very few people  had been there filming took a little more than   2 and 1/2 months 10 actors of short stature were  the Oompa loomas including one woman and nine men   who were cast internationally the child actor were  auditioned from hundreds in the end Julie Don Cole   Denise Nickerson Peter ostram Paris theman and  Michael bolner were selected to play veruka Violet   Charlie Mike TV and Augustus four of the kids had  previous acting experience but Michael had seen an   ad in a local Bavarian paper and his mom thought  her big boy would be perfect for the part the kids   now adults recalled in a 2003 documentary How  Sweet Jean had been with all of them apparently   all of the kids were great with the exception  of theman who played Mike TV he was apparently   a little difficult to Wrangle going so far as to  release bees that were being kept under glass for   one of the invention prop rooms which then stung  him as anyone who's seen the movie would say the   showstopping set of the film is the chocolate  room created by Oscar winning set designers they   transformed a giant Munich Warehouse into Willy  Wonka's Chocolate room complete with a chocolate   River chocolate waterfall and wall to--all Edible  Delights the director was careful not to let any   of the children see the set until the first  shot so we could get their genuine reactions   an interesting fact about the chocolate room  is that the chocolate River was initially made   from 150,000 gallons of water real chocolate and  cream but the filmmakers had to change the formula   because the original concoction turned blood red  and also because of the cream the mixture began   to spoil and by the end of filming it smelled  terrible the chocolate room was everything a child   could wish for unless you didn't like chocolate  and that's exactly what happened to Julie who   who played veroa ass salt there's a scene where  she smashes open a pumpkin and then has to reach   in and pull out gobs of chocolate and eat it but  she hated it so they had to shoot the scene over   and over until it looked like she was enjoying it  Stuart's preferred directing style was to keep the   actors in the dark as much as possible he really  wanted genuine reactions besides the chocolate   room reactions to Wonka limping his psychotic  singing in the tunnel and the final scene where   Wonka shouts at Charlie and Grandpa Joe were all  genuine reactions from the actors Stuart was so   into his method directing while the wonkatania  was on a track in the chocolate River the actor   playing the Oompa Loompa at the helm thought he  was actually steering the boat you can see him   in the scenes carefully turning the helm as if he  was worried he would wreck the boat but it seems   to have worked seeing the genuine reactions  gave all of us a richer experience and added   to the quality and believability of Gan Wilder's  performance despite doll's anger over the movie he   did visit the set during filming and seemed very  happy he even attended the premiere the fantasy   musical willly Wonka and the Chocolate Factory  opened in theaters on June 30th 1971 and it was a   failure a little nonsense and is by the wi earning  only $4 million on its $3 million budget the film   was a huge disappointment for everyone especially  Quaker Oats who had paid for the film but doubly   because they weren't able to get the actual  Wonka bar right for the release something in the   ingredients was causing the candy bar to melt too  fast even in cooler temperatures so Quaker Oats   pulled all of them off the shelves if you want  to know more about what happened to the Wonka   bar check out our you get nothing video right  after this one so despite being nominated for   an Academy Award for best music Wily Wonka and the  Chocolate Factory appeared destined to fall into   the deep dark forgettable pit of bygone movies  and then something interesting happened after 3   and 1/2 years Charlie in the Chocolate Factory was  pretty much an a afterthought but Gan Wilder would   experience his first success in 1974 with Blazing  Saddles and Young Frankenstein he was a hot   commodity so NBC decided they would give Wonka its  first TV airing on Thanksgiving in 1974 it seemed   to be a success so they did it again the following  year after an NFL football game on November 23rd   between the Oakland Raiders and the Washington  Redskins but when the game went 45 minutes over   its schedule thanks to overtime NBC joined Willie  Wonka and the Chocolate Factory 45 minutes into   the film to keep the network on schedule the  angry reaction from parents and children was   Swift and immediate the network received more than  1,000 calls from people upset that they missed the   beginning of the movie to make up for the blunder  NBC re-aired the movie on May 2 1976 the next year   when it was time to renew for the rights of wily  Wonka in the Chocolate Factory neither Paramount   nor Quaker Oats saw the potential of the movie  but Warner Brothers did Quaker Oats unloaded the   rights to Warner for $500,000 just in time for the  VCR craze and Wily Wonka was about to blow up it   was 1985 and VCR machines were finally coming down  in price 112 million VCRs were sold in the US and   Warner Brothers made its move to make Charlie in  the Chocolate Factory available for purchase on   VHS tape and thanks to Disney's stubborn policy  of putting much of their animated features in the   vault for rare and expensive releases on VHS other  family entertainment were purchased and Willy   Wonka and the Chocolate Factory was a must-have in  nearly every Home the movie that had failed at the   box office had become a VHS cult classic in 1996  the 25th anniversary theatrical re-release also   gross the film another 21 million but a few years  before the theatrical re-release in 1991 Warner   Brothers knew what it had and desperately wanted  a chance to update and remake the movie but they   needed the rights to remake the film from doll's  estate the author had passed away the previous   year and after his dislike for the first movie the  family was reluctant to make a deal it would take   the studio 7 years of courting finally getting the  rights to make the movie in 1998 but just because   they had the rights didn't mean they could do what  they want the family maintained artistic control   over the choice of actors directors and writers  Ang Lee Terry Gilliam Anthony mingela and Spike   Jones were doll's widow's choice for director  Scott Frank was hired to write the screenplay   in 19 99 after asking for the job he was a recent  Oscar nominee for out of sight and wanted to work   on a film his children could enjoy he was a  huge fan of the book and intended to remain   faithful to doll's Vision instead of the 1971  film Nicholas Cage was discussed to play Wonka   but he lost interest the studio had also shown  interest in Bill Murray Michael Keaton Brad Pitt   Will Smith and Adam Sandler for the role of the  chocolate maker Gary Ross signed on to direct in   February 2000 which forced Frank to write a  second screenplay both of them would end up   leaving in September 2001 the doll estate and  the studio wanted Frank to stay on but he had   scheduling and contract obligations with Minority  Report director Rob minkov who had co-directed the   Lion King was brought in with writer gwy Lori and  they started over from scratch on a new script in   February 2002 lorri agreed to adapt the original  book and ignore the 1971 film but efforts didn't   go over well and only 2 months later Martin  scorsi became involved with the film briefly   although he opted out to direct The Aviator with  Leonardo DiCaprio Warner Brothers president Alan   horn wanted Tom shadia who wrote Ace ventur a pet  detective to direct the movie with Jim Carrey as   Willie Wonka believing the pair could make Charlie  in the Chocolate Factory relevant to mainstream   audiences but doll's Widow didn't like the idea  that's a version we'd personally love to have seen all righty then then in early 2003 Tim  Burton known for pioneering goth culture in   the film industry and known for his films  like Beetlejuice Edward Scissor Hands and   The Nightmare Before Christmas became interested  in the project during a visit to doll's former   home in the village of great menden he told doll's  Widow that R's famed writing shed was the bucket's   house she thought thank God someone gets it Burton  was hired after receiving enthusiastic approval   from the doll estate his widow said Burton was  the first and only director she was happy with   Burton had produced another of doll's adaptations  with James and the Giant Peach in 1996 and like   the author Burton disliked the 1971 film because  it strayed from the book's storyline Lorie script   received a Rewrite by Pamela petler who worked  with Burton on Corpse Bride but he chose to hire   Big Fish screenwriter John August in December  2003 to start from scratch August had never   seen the 1971 movie and decided to go through  the book with a highlighter and save little   bits of scene description so it would sound like  the author Burton and August included many of the   parts of the book that were absent from the 1971  movie including the construction of the Indian   Prince's Palace the inclusion of Charlie's father  and Vero assaults attack by squirrels but while   they tried to remain with the source material they  couldn't help but to explore the themes of family   and unearthing Willy Wonka's origin despite the  additions Burton felt it was in the spirit of the   book Warner Brothers had wanted Charlie's father  removed from the film so Wonka could become the   Father Figure just as he had in the 1971 film but  Burton believed Wonka would not be a good father   thinking the character was similar to a recluse  so many names had been considered and discussed   by the studio to play Wonka yes the ones we  mentioned earlier but also Christopher walin   Steve Martin Robin Williams Robert dairo Mike  Meyers Ben Stiller and even Patrick Stewart shut   up Wesley even Dustin Hoffman and Marilyn Manson  wanted the role Michael Jackson wanted the role   so bad he recorded an original soundtrack for the  film film at his Los Angeles [Music] Studio but   Warner Brothers didn't want Jackson for the role  considering him unmarketable with rumors about   inappropriate relationships with children that  said Warner Brothers went nuts over the soundtrack   and offered to acquire the songs in addition to a  small role somewhere else in the film but Jackson   was upset and shell the songs I don't understand  I mean it's makes me very sad in the end Johnny   Depp was the only actor Burton considered for  the role although interestingly Dwayne The Rock   Johnson was Burton's second choice in case Depp  was unavailable and you smell what The Wonka is   cooking yeah maybe not and when it came to depth  it was the first time Burton hadn't faced push   back from a studio about hiring the actor since  Pirates of the Caribbean was a blockbuster success   Warner Brothers was more than happy to have him  on board it was important to Depp that he take   Wonka in a completely different direction than  Jee Wilder had in 1971 Depp and Burton Saw Wonka   as a children 's television host like Captain  Kangaroo or Mr Rogers hello neighbor Depp was   also inspired by various game show hosts Depp  wanted Wonka's hair to look like Prince Valiant   with high bangs and a bob something unflattering  that Wonka would think was cool because he'd been   locked away for such a long time and didn't know  any better Depp also based Wonka's unique voice on   how he imagined President George W bush sounded  high on drugs it fooled me We Can't Get Fooled   Again the casting of the children was done very  similar to the 1971 film with children from the   US and UK and Augustus casted from Germany Burton  was looking for kids who had some of the character   in them and found Mike TV's part the hardest  to cast he was also having a hard time casting   Charlie until Depp suggested Freddy himore who  he'd worked with on Finding Neverland Gregory pek   was considered for the role of Grandpa Joe but  died just before being able to accept the role   filming began on June 21st 2004 on film stages  at Pinewood Studios in England and also several   locations across the country Burton brought in  close friend and composer Danny Elfman to handle   the music for the film Elfman was not only the  lead singer for Oingo Boingo in the 80s but he   is also The Voice singing for Jack Skellington in  The Nightmare Before Christmas to this day Elfman   has composed 19 of Burton's 22 major projects  Burton was filming Corpse Bride simultaneously   with Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and used  most of the same team to make both movies the   Oompa Loompa was played by Deep Roy thanks to his  previous collaborations with Burton on Planet of   the Apes and big fish the actor played various  Oompa loomas thanks to the use of split screen   photography digital and front projection effects  Roy played a total of 165 individual Oompa Loompas   in the film and said it was a rigorous experience  forcing him to work out intensely and follow a   diet so his appearance remained unchanged during  the filming for veruka salts demise at the hands   of a hundred squirrels Burton wanted the animals  to be real believe Believe It or Not 40 rescue   squirrels were trained over 19 weeks they were  given props and taught how to sit on a bar stool   tap and then open a walnut and deposit the insides  on a conveyor belt CGI was used when the squirrels   were in close interaction with veroa but the rest  was live squirrels thanks to a British Equity rule   that only allows children to work 4 and 1/2 hours  per day the film took 6 months to shoot ending in   December 2004 the release of the movie on July  15th 2005 in 3,7 70 theaters coincided with a   real golden ticket hunt by the Willy Wonka  candy company which at that time was owned   by Nestle the prize was $10,000 cash and a trip  to Europe Charlie the Chocolate Factory earned   over $56 million during its opening weekend  which was the fifth highest opening weekend   in 2005 earning almost $500 million worldwide  the movie was the eighth highest grossing film   of 2005 Behind movies like Harry Potter and the  Goblet of Fire and Star Wars 3 Revenge of the   Sith with a $150 million budget it was a complete  success and while the movie developed its own cult   following and some critics praised it as Burton's  best work in years there were criticisms for the   film especially for Depp Roger eert who had high  praise for Jee Wilder's Wonka when the 1971 film   came out compared Depp's performance to Michael  Jackson he was among several critics to make the   comparison he said Depp's performance was the  weak spot in an otherwise mostly delightful   film Deb was surprised by the comparison and  stated that he did not base his performance on   Michael Jackson Burton would go on to say unlike  Jackson depps Wonka does not like children despite   the criticism there were those that thought he  played the character in the book perfectly and   like Gene Wilder before him he received a Golden  Globe nomination for his performance speaking of   Wilder it wasn't only some critics who didn't  like the movie Jean didn't understand why they   wanted to remake Willy Wonka at all in 2013 Wilder  made further comments calling Burton's version an   insult he said he thinks Depp is a good actor  and he likes him but he didn't care for Burton   and while he's a talented man he didn't care for  him doing the movie the way he did and perhaps   Burton had it coming he had after all called the  1971 movie sappy and that he wasn't a fan of it   but the 2005 movie had made Warner Brothers a lot  of money so in October 2016 they reacquired the   rights to the willly Wonka character it would  take a couple years but in February 2018 Wonka   was set in motion with British director Paul Keane  in negotiations to direct that same year the list   of actors the studio was interested in included  Donald Glover Ryan Gosling and Ezra Miller it   was also revealed that the film would serve as a  prequel to the events of Charlie and the Chocolate   Factory after a worldwide pandemic that shut  down Hollywood in January 2021 it was confirmed   king would direct Wonka and Timothy shalam and Tim  Holland were Front Runners for the title role both   actors were hot with shalam coming off of Dune  and Tom Holland is Spider-Man in May shalamay   was cast with King saying he offered the actor the  part with no audition after seeing his high school   performance of Lil Timmy Tim rapping statistics  on YouTube which to King at least proved his   vocal and dancing skills we don't really see it  the script was co-written by King's Paddington   2 collaborators Simon farnaby Jeff Nathanson and  Simon Rich in September 2021 Keegan Michael Key   Rowan ainson and others were announced as part of  the cast production began in the UK in September   2021 Hugh Grant was cast to play lofty the Oompa  Loompa King originally sent Grant a mockup of the   Ooma looma naked which alarmed his little children  Grant said it was one of the most disturbing   things he'd ever seen and if it leaks out a  generation of children will be scarred Grant's   look for the role was taken from the Ooma loomas  in the 1971 movie but unlike the 1971 movie where   the Wonka Bars were wood covered in fancy candy  wrapping the set of Wonka had an incredible choler   on the set King said he gained 50 lbs from all  the chocolate on set and said everything tasted   better than they needed to and the actors didn't  have to pretend how good they were and perhaps the   chocolate was a little too good because shalam got  sick multiple times during production because of   how much chocolate and candy he had to eat Wonka  opened in the UK on December 8th 2023 and in the   United States on December 15 at the time of this  video Wonka is expected to have an opening weekend   of between 35 and 45 million the film will need  to earn $250 Million To Break Even reviews for the   movie have been mostly positive as it's certified  fresh on Rotten Tomatoes and like Wilder and debt   before him shalam was also nominated for a Golden  Globe for his performance as willly Wonka the   legacy of Willie Wonka can't be understated two  Charlie and the Chocolate Factory video games   were made in 1985 and 2005 there's a Charlie in  the Chocolate Factory ride at Cloud cucko land at   Alton Towers theme park in Staffordshire England  there have also been three major stage adaptations   of the story in 2004 2010 and 2013 at one time  Netflix was even considering a TV series based   on the famous choler the bottom line is that  Willy Wonka's place in pop culture history is   secure and you can be certain Wonka isn't the  last we'll see of doll's wonderful children's   story and the Magical chocolate here he imagined  and no matter what version of Wonka you like best   between Wilder Depp or Shalom the one one thing  we can all agree on is that they've each brought   the joy of Wonka to a new generation of children  and we can't wait to see what the future holds for   the world's most famous confectioner but what do  you think which Willy Wonka is your favorite which   movie do you like best we want to hear about  the first time you were introduced to Wonka   let's talk about it in the comments below also  check out this incredible Wonka inspired graphic   design in our store get 20% off your purchase  by using coupon code the popcast the link is in   the description below and please don't forget to  check out our sponsor Trade coffee they literally   got us through the making of this video with  so many late nights until next [Music] time and
Channel: The Popcast
Views: 107,395
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Willy Wonka, Chocolate Factory, Roald Dahl, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Documentary, History, Definitive History
Id: RsfKhPvkwxA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 27sec (1947 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 19 2023
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