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[Music] hey there buddy I'm gonna head off to Nashville so I will see you tomorrow but in video terms it'll be a few days you have a great time ja we had a great night didn't we we're hanging out and wrestling and everything yeah I know I'll see you tomorrow everybody will think it's gonna be a long time but it's actually just tomorrow traveling the back towns of Alabama on our way to Nashville today the first thing I want to do in Nashville today is I want to go to the Willie Nelson Museum I love Willie I love everything about him got to see his museum oh man we are here I am so excited one of the greatest people in all of music history in every way great songwriter great performer helped everyone did it all ground grassroots from the ground up let's go all right we got our admission we're gonna go on into the museum and talk all things Willie the old miner looks suspiciously like Willie doesn't it Willie's peach butter dude just take my money now you can just have it all you make sure it's like that it's over two doors the first one is the Willie door over here and then after we get to check out the Waylon Jennings room which I love Waylon Jennings so this should be great they were they were like brothers and they called themselves the outlaws now Willie has a really interesting history because his parents got a divorce when when he was just a kid and he went and lived with his grandparents and his grandparents became music teachers through the mail like through correspondence so every day he would watch them study music and learn to write music and they would always be playing music and his grandpa would always perform so Willie got to learn firsthand look at dad Waylon Whalen's guitar so of course he has a lot of as you'll see here exhibits on his friends and people that influenced him no Willie story was really fascinating because he his grandmother said you know you can play music but you don't want to go on the road that's you know that's when all the bad stuff happens and he was here from Abbott and so he said when she said that she meant even when he played his first gig 8 miles down the road she thought everything was taken a turn for the worse so he ended up getting a job as a tree trimmer here and Abbott and would go perform in the evenings and they said that he was like so poor at that time that he would pawn his guitar on Monday and then get it out of the pawn shop every Friday and this went on for years so he finally took that tree trimming job and that's great he took the tree trimming job and he said one day he was climbing up a tree and they were roping it up and he said instead of coming back down the tree the way I went up I decided to come down the rope which was a big mistake and he said I got tangled up to where I couldn't go up and go down so he asked the guy he was working with he said just cut me down and he said he cut the rope and Willie fell in between two powerlines went down hit the ground and said I hate the ground got up started walking and never stopped I never went back to that job and I just kept looking for opportunities to play music so he then became a radio DJ and he went to a gig and watched the woman who had wrote Heartbreak Hotel play and he told her he said I play all of your music I love everything you do and I want to write songs I recorded some way you listened to him and let me know if they're any good and she said well I listened to him just because he said he played all my music I figured you know he's got to be pretty good she listened to music and she said son you got to get yourself to Tennessee or Austin or somewhere where they'll buy your music because you're really good and he went around nobody would buy his music in Texas so he came here to Nashville and that isn't even quite what he looked like when he came to Nashville they said he had a crew-cut and he came around went up to Tootsie's where everybody that performed the Grand Old Opry would go and hang out and he he found Hank Cochran there and said anybody around here buying songs I said well I'll see your some of your music and he heard it and said Willy was so good they were gonna give the songwriting company that Hank Cochran wrote for was about to give him a $50 raise and he said don't give me the raise give that 50 to Willy so we can help him get by and they built like a little shack and everything for him to stay in because he was so new to the area and he said he would get bored in that Shack and that's what inspired him to write hello walls now this was Martha this was his first wife and he met her back in the days when he was playing around Abbott and had just finished up that tree trimming job he met her she was a carhop and he liked it right away and moving in with her and she had some kids so he would watch the kids during the day while she worked and then he'd go perform at night you could see he had a couple of wives too one of them when they divorced him he said it was like the worst year of his life because he had a divorce his music wasn't selling his his performances like if he played live he would he would do okay but nobody was buying his records so he said he he said one day I said I lost everything so far and I wrote the song what else can what was the song and he said next day I woke up got a phone call my house was on fire they said Willie you need to get here your house is on fire and he said I just pull the car into the garage and call it a day because everything was going so bad so look at all Weiland stuff now this museum is called Willy and Friends so that's why you see so many things of other people that's signed out to Waylon and Jesse Jesse Colter from Little Jimmy Dickens and there's a little Jimmy Dickens and if you want a good laugh go look up Willie Nelson and the Boar's nest and you'll see this this like sit-down of all these old country guys talking about hanging out at sue Brewers Boar's nest and it's just hilarious Waylon zamp Whalen's luggage and then it says Whelan's actual passport while touring with the highwayman that was his supergroup with Johnny Cash Willie and Kris Kristofferson now here we've got Jeannie Seely I don't know much about her not sure for those of you who who are fans and this billiard table was made for Willie by the Brunswick billiard company said many other famous musicians and celebrity friends of Willie played pool on this table it was located at his recording studio and pradana Lee's Texas so yeah he was living in Nashville and almost everybody tried to record him like Chet Atkins all the people that were making hits and stuff because the Chet Atkins was running RCA but nobody could get a hit out of Willie his songs that you wrote were and in fact he wrote crazy and they recorded that and they just said something's not right what can we do to make this look that's Audie Murphy stuff the actor like what can we do to make this song you know pop the way it should well let's have a woman sing it Patsy Cline came in sing it in two takes and the rest was history and even Willie said that's my favorite version of of anyone doing my song as Patsy I didn't know that he was friends with the hottie Murphy but that's interesting Arie Murphy was like a war hero as well not just a an actor and this is a Barbarossa with Gary Busey what's interesting is so like Willy wasn't selling and doing much here in Nashville and the house burned down so he just said to his band why don't we just get out of here let's just go to Texas and play beer joints and and they build a grassroots movement there and when he was there he got so popular that like old people young people hippies Soul people everybody were we're coming to see him and they gave him a radio show where he would play at noon and he would sing the kids to sleep he would do like a 15 minute show at noon on the radio when the kids were taking nap time and he would do the redheaded stranger and and he wanted to get into movies and they said when he when he saw like Robert Redford acting and stuff he's like I think I'd like to do that and I like Willie yeah it's easier said than done and you can't just like go be in a movie well sure enough they put him in the movie and he improvised all of his lines and was cracking everybody up and they said he's a natural so it's no surprise he was in a bunch of movies this is all his stuff from the movie he's wearing that in the next photo I'll show you so you can see him wearing that right there in the scene as well as the Hat check that out Lily's mailbox and then a totem pole with Willie on it and you'll notice it says Willie Nelson and family that's literally the deal now when Willie performs his sister that he grew up with with his grandparents she runs she's on tour with him she runs like the business his brother I believe is in charge of trigger his guitar his both of his sons performing his band I mean it's he said it's it's always been a family affair and it always will be I hear some interesting costuming Jan Howard there she is with Willie at the Grand Ole Opry and then then is a Loyd Lindroth Liberace of the harp with Willie and that's his costume right there now one of the great things I love about Willie is that he writes songs about his friends he writes songs for his friends to record but he also writes songs about him and this is him with Merle and when Merle passed away he wrote a really great song about Merle just saying how he thinks about him every day and we were friends right from the start brothers written songs for Waylon they've wrote songs together and recorded many albums together I mean he's he's a great guy there you can see there's another picture of Merle at the Ryman which was the original Grand Old Opry and his other buddy Kris Kristofferson from the highwayman and then one of the funny things that I heard one of his friends say his friend said Willy didn't get popular till ugly became fashionable because he used to be real clean cut and then when he just let it all go and let the hair go and the beard and everything people really related to him then of course going Campbell soin really came to Nashville and he wrote hello walls he tried to sell that to Faron young for like five hundred bucks in fairness I'll tell you what you're that hard up for money I'm gonna record the song but I'm not gonna buy it off y'all loan you money and he said he said a couple of weeks later Willy got a check for $20,000 and and found Ferren at a bar walks up behind and puts his arm around him opens his mouth or French kisses him said said that fair and Young says best fresh kiss I had to this day yeah but Willy was amazing in that regard because people like Ferran and Webb Pierce would record Willy songs when he was struggling early on and then later on when country hit a lull none of those guys could get record deals Willie would record their songs like do tribute albums to them and remind people how good they were he really gave back a lot to everyone then of course some of the greatest songs are like blue-eyes crying in the rain on the road again I mean he and then he did he really had a hit with Stardust when he did it an album of what were just classics like traditional standards that he liked he did it with his twist because one of the things that made him not successful in Nashville was the fact that he he kind of liked jazz enough to where he would sing after the beat and some people saw that as being untrained but it was just his style so when he finally got to make music on his own he really got to do it his way and he was really successful there you can see David Frisell Shelley West Dottie West and Kenny Rogers we'll check out their stuff and then heading to check out Willy stuff there's Dottie West and Kenny Rogers performing together wearing those outfits that we see in the the foreground to us they're wearing them in that picture and doing some filming of some sort here in the museum there's Conway Twitty in his car with a sign Jack that's Webb Pierce's nudie suit check that out he's wearing it on that record jacket that I'm gonna show ya that's incredible good job nudie we're gonna get a check out some nudie stuff while we're here in town you can see the back of the stools here it came with the pool table so this is all barber man trowel it's her outfit and her shoes Ronnie Milsap there's a booth from tutsies the famous place that he really came that was like the first place he came to when he came to Nashville check this out original booth and table from tuti's orchid lounge and it's all signed by people look at the booth seeds this was a really famous place I mean even like Hank used to slip out of a tree and go drink here says that was Tootsie best smock that she used to wear around the orchid lounge and she said that she would always blow the whistle real loud little to let everyone know when closing time had arrived that's neat they even put the floor in there that was a stool from Tutsi now this is great this is Willie's guitar from when he performed at the Grand Old Opry and the original mic stand and everything as Martin it's not trigger for trigger there look at the picture will he perform in there clean that guitar how clean-cut he was then so take a look at the pickguard you can see that tortoise type of shell on it right there here you can see the same tortoiseshell there on the pickguard and that that microphone stand is the exact one that's right there in front of him says the big night occurred on November 23rd 1963 who could have predicted his meteoric rise to legendary superstar status of the original outlaw country music photo captures Willy on stage behind the Grand Old Opry microphone while strumming his Martin d-18 and now priceless guitar was acquired by storekeepers genie and frank oakley from Lily's I can't lie surely and this says this is his pace time showing his nightly earnings total pay a $15.00 and take home of 1171 at the time Willy was commuting back and forth from California at a cost of over $200 per trip look at all the little beat-up marks all over the guitar I love that and on the microphone stand at the base of it here's Willy checking his mailbox in ridgetop Tennessee when he lived there now let's check out this Willie and Friends we'll see what all is in here this is that belonged to Ernest Tubb another guy that Willy helped out says notice the custom engraved belt buckle it was given to Willie Nelson my Ernest Tubbs Ernest Tubb in 1965 with Willie Nelson became a member of the Ernest Tubb feel there's the album cover from Waylon and Willie and then here's Willie's album with Webb Pierce and it's signed out to the the museum here the owners of the museum and it says that this black hat which is awesome kind of furry is as uh was given to us by our friend Webb Pierce the same hat that he's wearing on the cover he cut with Willie Nelson titled in the jailhouse now so take a look at that and then take a look up there now that's Willy's traditional guitar strap that we always see strapped to trigger and in fact you can see a painting right here like a black velvet type thing so this was one that he actually used in 1992 when he played in Branson and then that bandana was the same bandana that he wore that same show and he signed it there's the highwayman you can see Willy's got that guitar strap that's the whole crew Willy wailing Chris and Johnny and then that is hilarious that's Willie out at the Golf Links who knew who knew Willie what Willie was a golfer huh and apparently a dedicated jogger says he's been a runner throughout the years early on he decided his favorite running shoes were made by a little company known as New Balance this is one of the first pairs of New Balance shoes that he wore while jogging and performing now this was from the Willie Nelson jeans line Willie jeans they said in the height of his career in the 1980s they released these and all the way down to the metal the buttons and the little tag over here and everything it all says Willie on it let's check it out you guys are here in this guy record whatever he's recording yeah now there's a Willie Award case there's quite a few awards some Grammys some CMA Awards and Billboard Awards one of the funny things is he said his first song that he sold to anyone in Nashville he sold it for 50 bucks and it became a number-one hit and he said but I wasn't too mad because he said back then I had a lot to say and I knew if I had one number one I could do it again probably and I sure had enough to talk about to do it which I thought was great that's that's one heck of a way of looking at it that's the Academy of Country Music Award for Farm Aid and as American Music Award the artist of the decade and the Ernest Tubb Humanitarian Award and that's the song they say really changed things for him blue eyes crying in the rain and I really think it's his performance of it he just sings it so beautifully his Golden Boot Awards for the album the outlaws and for Willie Nelson live there's his 1980 best country song of the Year award Grammy Award for on the road again and when he wrote that they actually wanted it to be for a movie and so he said I want to write a song you know about what I like in life being on the road so when he sang it to his friend he said what do you think of these lyrics on the road again on the road again can't wait to get back on the road again and he's reading it to him on an airplane with no music and his friend said I mean just imagine what I'm thinking and I go well do you have any music for that Willie and will he goes oh don't worry about the music I'll come up with that take a look at that met me there's a wood carving check this out here's some of Porter right here and Dolly Parton's stuff I've actually seen Porter wear that and video look at the dolly there he is where in that jacket that is need look at that and look at the heel alright hey guys welcome to country classics I'm Sammy Sadler and I like the will adenosine French Museum in Nashville Tennessee be sure to stop by when you're in town I'll get today's show started with a classic video for my country music all free this stuff is David Allan Coe thank you for joining me on country classics I want to remind you that all about music is available anywhere in your stream with download music you can find my book about the grim murder on music row called a hit with a bullet on amazon.com videos who use it at least about socials are on the line at 77 ah I'm going to leave you this week with a video from the country star just me it says this ring is a gift from Patsy Cline to Hank Cochran the songwriter in 1962 for writing I father pieces became number one in Cochran the man who gave up his $50 bill yes I will he could have a job and this is a hat that Hank Cochran were when he went out on tour with Willie Nelson and a family band but always a backstage passes on it now check this out JD Sumner you know that name if you're an Elvis fan check this out oh yeah yeah he was a big part of the later Elvis ears look at that guitar fender Coronado that's interesting kind of looks like a gibson down here it can set CEO says a fifteen dollar ticket to Elvis Presley's concert scheduled for August 17th he died on August 16th here's a copy of the 7-inch Alice has left the building by his friend JD Sumner look at that jacket look there's some pictures of them that's like really really at the end it's all kind of hell I'll have you yell this is there and then up here above says that all this analyzed sumner when he was a singer when he was a kid he's just sing with the sunshine boys he ended up singing at Elvis's mother's funeral as well as all this his funeral he was one of Elvis's favorite gospel singers check that out that bust of Willie there you can see some willie boots and his hat back there and he gifted that that cape DePaul English so check this out this was all in Willie's recording studio in Texas and then the carpet with the heat Texas flag was what he used to put on the floor of his stage for his stage shows for years now I'm looking it says notice there to warn spots my carpet from where Willie used to stand and sing I'm thinking this must be because that's probably where the microphone stand was he probably stood right there there's Hank is Luke the drifter now check this out they even have a patsy cline case aren't very fitting considering crazy her jacket now one of the interesting things about her she used to make and design a lot of her own clothes because originally if she wasn't a huge hit and didn't have the money to to buy a lot of stuff so her and her mom would just make it the jewelry there's your pay stuff there's little stat last name is hot there that's a photo from our wedding day that's actually her very last pay stub from the Grand Old Opry it's a pretty good museum but I wish they were more willing and less of their friends that's just me I mean I do enjoy a lot of the stuff that's in here don't get me wrong I just I really would have liked to have seen if they could have a little bit more Willy I think I was expecting maybe more clothes maybe more personal belongings things things like that there's some but not at I'm may accident that's who I mentioned earlier she's who wrote Heartbreak Hotel and she's the one that told him to go to a place where people buy songs because he was talented and there's a picture of her right here with of course Elvis and there's a tribute bust of the honeysuckle rose an Ohio Entertainer of the decade award the Ohio State Fair a living legend Willie Nelson good job Ohio he got it right this is another great one that you wouldn't expect you know Willie recorded songs with various people from various different styles of music including Ray Charles but this one is Julio Iglesias they're doing to all the girls I've loved before which is an amazingly beautiful song and then this was a platinum record for Merle and Willie's hit Pancho and Lefty this one's really cool you see what it says here to mr. Willie Nelson a pickin poet that mirrors our soul and that's Willie with the owners of this place so Willie must be must be good friends with them and have loaned or donated many of these things that's kind of cool it's a guitar signed by celebrities and various musicians that have come to visit the museum over the years I see Bill Monroe signed on there let's see Dallas Frazier see well Faron young Pete Wade Hank Cochran JD Sumner Bobby bear Floyd Tillman Scotty Turner Webb Pierce Wow Newberry James Newberry that's the one that Willie and Waylon sing about Newberry's train songs and blue has cried in the rain Luke came back to X's look at that there's Farren's Award for hello walls think about that he heard this song knew it was gonna be a hit Willie wanted 500 bucks and he said now I'm not gonna give you that money I'll loan you whatever you want this is gonna be a hit boy and it was there was enough of a hit to get a French kiss out of Willie and there's Willie and Ferrand together and in this suit right here is a his singing sheriff fair and young own suit hello walls a good song if you've never heard it I mean you can tell like Willie said he wrote it in that little cottage all he's bored that I mean it's the whole song is about being bored asking the windows what they've been doing with the walls I've been doing what the ceilings been doing one of the funny things Ferran Young says he goes I remember when you wrote that song and I performed it the first time everybody around I started laughing and they were making fun of it saying hello commode hello rain gutters he goes but we laughed all the way to the bank didn't we and really cool for me just to see this part of Tootsie's knowing that it was so such a big part so influential and changing his life when he came here it's really cool thanks for everything Willie you're one of the greatest ever that is a great painting check that out I love that Willie it on the train literally on top of the Train and it says Willie that is amazing Mary is the redheaded stranger like I said he would sing that to the kids over the radio and it wasn't his song but he loved it so much he always sang it and he said he sang it to his kids their whole life and he's always loved it and then became the redheaded stranger himself all right let's head out of here and go check out the gift shop they've got some cool mementos there even with someone they love good one I may have to get one of those don't blame me I voted for Willie Nelson well I happen to have one dollar let's see what my fortune is from the old Willie miner [Music] read that crystal ball to my benefit please I need some I need some good words but Willie Nelson's here to tell you that you better believe it I take it not only one day at a time but one moment at a time and keep it that base if you can be happy right now then you'll always be happy because it's always in the now but first give me some more silver coins and I'll give you fortune wow he really nailed it on my fortunate says you are a strong believer in fate you feel that you have no control over your destiny fortunately you are destined to be very happy indeed well we'll see about that Willie we shall see Willie's gummy munchies Wow look at all the awesome Weiland stuff they're selling to I actually already have that I'm gonna wear that tomorrow in fact I did get a couple of Willy guitar pick I did get a couple of these check that out a Willie harmonica well there we go we have done it we have checked out the Willie Nelson and Friends general store and Museum hope you guys enjoyed this let's call it a day and we will see you all tomorrow go listen to some Willy he deserves it have a great night everyone and goodbye [Music] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Daze with Jordan the Lion
Views: 67,887
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: daily vlogger, travel vlogger, urbex, golden age, hollywood, travel advice, abandoned, old hollywood, history, tourism, cinema, filming locations, adventures, forgotten, travel, my trip, daze with jordan the lion, jordan the lion, daily vlog, vlog, vlogger, vlogging, lifestyle, film, comedy, los angeles, wolters world, anthony bourdain, tourist, adam the woo, Willie Nelson, Museum, Patsy cline, Waylon Jennings, Jd Sumner, Dolly Parton, Porter Wagner, Country, Nashville
Id: OMt2_2lTXfU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 12sec (2232 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 20 2019
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