JAMES DEAN's Family Museum LARGEST Collection of PERSONAL Belongings

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all right my friends we're back now this sign here not only shows the James Dean's from here but it also shows they have a James Dean exhibit at the Fairmount Historical Museum well here we are my friends we've made it to the museum and inside here is where Marcus has donated many many of James Dean's artifacts and personal belongings including I believe two of his motorcycles many of the things from the farm many of the things from his New York apartment I can't wait to see this and I'm sure we'll be back here to vlog some Garfield in the future but today it's all about this man Wow take a look at this place there's the check and here's from one of Jimmy's visits here to town well right here in this first case we have change Dean's check motorcycle that's the one that Marcus told us about yesterday that the family bought Jimmy used to go riding up and down the street laying lengthwise across this that's so cool that's the same one that they took the wheels off of to put in the car to bring back here from California that's she made basketball sweater with two-letter on there for when he graduated in 1949 from Fairmount now check this out and that that motorcycle believe it or not that was built in 1918 Wow and it's even pretty cool I mean you can see that the the seats kind of worn out but then it has tassels at the back like kind of like is a jacket from giant which is also here then here we have his baseball Letterman sweater now this is cool this is one of the cables from the house that Jimmy was born in the house of seven gables that we visited the other day that's actually from the house now I really love this case because check this out here's Jimmy's birth announcement and then his baby clothes are right inside there his shoes look at that and then down here you have a bunch of his award it's from school most of them are all track and field if he notice as well as his childhood train senate and a lot of pictures behind there of him doing different activities in town there's his baseball team and buy a tractor and then a little card that he signed not this case is pretty fascinating hey check this out here we've got all kinds of letters you can see signed programs from different things that Jimmy was a part of some of his basement basketball schedule right there his little miniature Derringer pistol in there says Santa Monica City College Letterman sweater as well as his Congo drum and in this is a clay model that he made about that and these are all of his phone numbers he handed over the phone numbers notice the very very common says Liz Taylor it's pretty interesting I see Jeanne withers on there pretty interesting there so as you move down a little bit some of his school books and he did all the lettering and everything on there so that he made this at the age of twelve years old no that shirt down there in the bottom is his shirt from East of Eden and says it was donated by the Fairmount Historical Museum by Martin Sheen she wore the shirt in one scene of a TV mini-series blind ambition but it says this sure was issued to change Dean made v of 1954 now this case is actually one of my favorites because I love the movie giant and these are his clothes from giant his chaps and that fringe jacket at the belt buckle then all the weight those are the jeans down to the boots and there's a picture of him wearing it there's a picture of him wearing the whole thing all the way down to the belt buckle now that says that's a drawing that Jimmy did when he moved to New York City now in this case this is really cool this is his racing gear that's his racing uniform along with a ton of pictures of him wearing it so check that out let me get me out of there sorry getting a little bit of a glare but wow it's basically like a one-piece suit and you can see in all these photos he's wearing it now this case is most of his stuff from New York his apartment in New York and if you've ever seen that famous photo of him depicting the bullfighter that's the Cape those the horns and it even says bull horns a matador keep that hung and James Dean's apartment in New York City and here's a picture that you can see of inside his apartment you can see his boots kicked up and right behind him on the wall is the horns and everything and then here is a picture from that photo shoot that I was telling you about now this is really cool too because these Congo drums it says he brought these with him to Fairmount when he came for that visit in February of 55 then he took him on to New York and they were in his apartment until he died but check out the picture back there on the farm he's like sitting out there with the cows with that drum playing it and then here is a picture of Jimmy playing his bongos and the bongos are right there now if you move over to here you can see a lot of his stage play photos from New York as well as one of the scripts and then some of his books and the musical recorder from his apartment here's his a the credit to his bank account Chase Bank now if you take a look at those two little like stuffed animal looking things says the bull the toy bull and Tiger can be seen in front of the round window in Jimmy's New York apartment and then if you look right up above look right up there there they are now here is one of his combs and then his Bloomingdale's card with his address on it and then a picture of him with that recorder that we just saw how about that I mean pretty amazing painting of him with a playbill from the immoralist they said he was in the moralist and then had to give a notice that he was resigning to play Cal in East of Eden now here's some of the mementos and I actually mentioned this one a few days ago when I mentioned his favorite teacher here Adeline Knoll that's the orchid that he borrowed that a student gave her and he took it to art class painted at 4:00 and said you know now you'll have it forever back there is a little trophy that he won it says Grant County voice of youth winner Fairmount high then there's a picture of them over here when he played basketball and here's a photo signed to Adeline doll from James it says play your part well for they're all the honor lies Jim and then here's a letter to a fan from grandmother Dean and then there's the announcement of James Dean's mother passing right here this was former resident Marion resident dies and these are pictures of Jimmy when he was a baby with his mother and father his mother's military admits who passed away there's Mildred and Jimmy then here's Jimmy's lease it says it's the original lease from his last place on Sutton that's the one that that burned after he passed away then there's his coffee pot and everything that it says he bought shortly before he died as well as an unfinished sculpture that he was doing and those are his sculpting tools you can see right there there's a picture of him working on it now that's his Bible from the church that we saw the other day the back creek friends church where he first performed and here's his diploma and some of the Letterman's stuff from when he was in high school as well as a picture of him and then behind there you can see a very young Johnny at the farm that we were just at yesterday with Marcus and Marcus is here but he's in he's been moving stuff around he brought some stuff in here to donate and he got a little wind and I said you know what that's okay I said I can walk around and do this myself so there's Jimmy on his bicycle in a very young Jimmy right there with one of his sketchbooks and then right below all of this is art that he created watercolors he was a really talented even as a young kid you can see right here in the corner it's signed Jimmy Dean yeah early inventions of flight very cool and then there's more of his artwork more of his watercolors and then right there is more of the artwork of his original artwork that he created when I lived here and then that's a replica of the hand and footprint that we ended the flock with over there yesterday that's now cracked this thing they got it before it was cracked they made a casting of it now that is an original theater pop-up or prop up from when giant came out that would have been an advertisement right there when you went in to see the movie now let's go into this room I now there's James Dean's class picture from 1949 let's see if we can see young James Dean I see him right here now it looks like that that is a painting by Kenneth Kendall the same man who did the bust that we all know at Griffith Park and here in town and here's our rebel without a cause poster now check out this section you guys are gonna love this this is all stuff that was actually used purchased or owned by James Dean the sink right there says this wash basin was in the apartment at nineteenth West 68th Street in New York City that James resided in so he would have brushed his teeth shaved washed his face you name it in there and then this chair says this rocking chair has been in the Winslow family since at least the 1880s and James Dean could be seen sitting in this chair while using the phone in the Winslow dining room and that photo is right here there's Jimmy sitting there using the phone in the rocking chair now this gate right here this black gate that's actually a section of the wrought iron section that's in the areata home featured in giant the house was actually a two sided facade built by Warner Brothers and they shipped it out there and it says that this piece was salvaged from the set after it was raised in 1957 now this little stand here says James bought and gave to the telephone stand to his aunt and uncle Marcus and her teens Winslow during his last visit to Fairmount and if you want to see exactly where this wrought iron was at on the house it's right here look where the green arrow is it's right up there in the movie now here on this wall are just many many photos from throughout James's life let's go take a look we have some from movie SADS there's he and Marlon Brando and then you have Jimmy on a horse yeah Jimmy on set in those boots right there that he's wearing Marcos actually brought those here with us so I'll show you those in the case in just a little bit those cowboy boots and then there's Jimmy and his father went and there's his mother and her young James and then there he is playing basketball there's that bullfighter pose I was telling you about and we've been there many a times there as well [Music] now there is a record recording a rock rare broadcast it says featuring Natalie Wood and then down here is a life mask as well as some like copper coins or whatever that have his image on there medallions and then here you can actually see him with the the masks behind as they were making them now in this case you have a casting of that's the original cast I believe of how they made the ones that we've seen at Griffith Park and then here's a needlepoint picture of James as well as unbelievable look at that little uniform that uniform was his and it was his basketball uniform when he was a little boy and here's actually a picture of his team and him wearing it and I'm sure you can figure out which one he is almost smirk up there and it says James Dean where this basketball suit is sixth grade team Wow [Music] and then there's a picture of him on the high school senior trip and you can see he's wearing the glasses that Marcus was telling us about yesterday that he always saw Jimmy wear and there's a picture of him inside the newspaper how about that now that big stick looking thing right there you know what that is I told you that Jimmy was uh was quite a track star that's his pole vaulting pole vault or whatever whatever you would call that a pole for pole vaulting and I'll show you they have a little that's relatively new so they haven't even put an official sign on it but now we're going into probably what's my favorite room there's the triumph that he bought before he passed away and they have a ton of pictures of him on it look at that that is his motorcycle I mean there he is sitting on it and that motorcycle is and that jacket and those boots are all here you see there he's laying upon the triumph and then here it is his triumph his the one that he rode I mean and it looks brand-new because it you know it pretty much was he didn't get a write it very long now in this case or from various things that he had in his apartment says that this statue of Napoleon he always had because he loved it he said that his nickname for the Napoleon statue was nappy and then there's a picture you can kind of faintly see it in the picture in the background but it's it's definitely in there right off to the side of him now those are the boots that we saw him wearing in that picture he wore them on the set of giant but they were never worn in the movie but like I said we've already seen a picture so we know now a little look beneath it is a book of Pancho Villa owned and signed by James Dean that he was reading during the filming of giant and then next to it it says locket given to pier Angeli with jbd on the front cover and piers picture inside that was because pier was I mean she was pier she was pretty much a lot of people say the love of his life but her mother didn't like Jimmy so they couldn't date and one of the stories that I was told while I was here was that actually and checked that out there's the watch right here in the case that he's wearing in that photo and that shirt is actually in here as well but one of the stories I was told was that this motorcycle played a pretty important part in Jimmy's life because when pier and when pier got married Jimmy was actually sitting out front the chapel and when she came out he waved and like took off and they say that that was the inspiration for the scene in the graduate go figure now that is a pretty famous painting that Jimmy did that's really great and look at that and then there's a letter down here Wow written by Renee Donaldson looks like Rina Donaldson been down here this is his wire recorder remember when Marcos gave us the interview he was telling us that he Jimmy had like a microphone attached to his sleeve and whatever that was part of it and then here are some letters the peer sent to him while he was at Warner Brothers now there's a signed photo of his basketball team and he's in there as well he's the second from the right on the bottom row and then here is his shaving kit inscribed JBD and then you're seeing this picture over here but there's Jimmy playing around with like a little recording device smoking a cigarette that recording device that tape player is right here and it says that he used to use this to practice his lines for giant the photo shows the tape player in James Dean's California home the tape player hasn't been used since his death and then here's one of his favorite shirts right there and here we have a picture of him wearing it now here's a rare script from rebel without a cause and it says that it was owned by director Nicholas Ray's personal secretary and it says this rare script is possibly the only rebel script in existence signed by the rebel cast and signed by everybody from Dennis Hopper to Jim Backus Sal Mineo I mean everybody signed it Natalie Wood pretty cool and then here's a Warner brother contract facts or something about his contract and then right over here is this framed picture has a promissory note from when Jimmy borrowed $100 from Warner Brothers and and it's stamped paid now right over here is his script from giant look at that a few notes written on the cover some phone numbers his friend Bob Hinkle Wow says it's full of notations and changes to the script and then down here is his original Warner Brothers contract down here as well as a signed picture and then this is a signed picture of Edna Ferber who wrote giant and you can see that she wrote a little note inside that little circle right there to him and then signed underneath it and spend it Edna Ferber [Music] now here's Jimmy's personal copy of East of Eden by Steinbeck which is really cool and says he signed the first page and then there's some of his record collection you can see music of India things like that and then a bunch of Warner Brothers internal memos about Jimmy now this case is all dedicated to his racing these are all trophies and accommodations for his races races that he attended and raced in how cool is that his trophies I'll get that a lot of trophies man that is cool this was this trophy right here was down right there was presented to him for winning performance in East of Eden he was voted by the American people as winner of the Audience Award for Best Performance by a motion picture actor Wow and then there's a German Oscar - James Dean as the greatest actor of all time various other awards you can see here that were given to him after his passing and a lot of these are from the Academy you can see nomination for giant nomination for East of Eden now here's another one of my favorites this is his shot motorcycle jacket with his triumph pins on it you can see right there look at that collar that's pretty bad and then his boots and they actually say that he wore these boots everywhere this was his everyday walking pair and he even warmed to premieres when he wore a tuxedo he would wear these boots and here's a picture of him a couple of pictures of him wearing that jacket right there and right there and then it says he carried his business papers including the giant script in this briefcase and it has a California sports car club decal on the top of the briefcase and that's what that is back there and then either he is carrying the briefcase and then there he is laying on top of his triumph that's right behind us wearing that jacket and those boots Wow now this you're gonna love these are actual knives used in rebel without a cause and it says these knives were used during the making of rebel without a cause after Jimmy's death Warner Brothers Studios had rebel without a cause in 1955 painted on the knives and gave them to Jimmy's father went in a Dean and then it says that this little monkey says Steffie Sidney was an actor's who played one of the gang members in rebel without a cause Steffie took this monkey from this set noting that there were several on the set so nobody can be sure if this is the one scene on camera but it was indeed on location during the filming and here's some here's some checks signed by James Dean chase National Bank now here we have some mementos from giant and the windmill that he sits on in the movie you can actually see there's a model of it right here when they were done filming they took the windmill down and somebody actually used the actual wood from the real windmill and made this small one and donated it and you can see here in a picture from giant of Jimmy sitting on top of that windmill a movie and he we also have a picture of him climbing and I'll show you there he is climbing the windmill now if you look in the background behind the windmill you see that famous picture from giant with him leaning on the pole in that rock in the bottom they actually have that post right here that's laying right here and the rock is right down at the bottom right down here check that out and it actually says that it says two actual posts and rock from the ranch at Marfa Texas where Jana was filmed they can be seen in the photo James Dean so there's that post there's the photo and then that rock fits down here at the base of his Ferrari that rock is right there and then there's the shirt that I was telling you and showing you a little bit ago that they had in here and here's a photo of him wearing it now here's some plaster shingles and bolts and stuff from the set some of the from the the set piece right there they have those right down there and here's some mementos from giant now here they have some oil derrick style cuff links the James Dean bomb in Texas while he was filming giant and then they actually have the lasso that he uses in that picture behind him he says the actual lasso rope using giant these photos showed James Dean with the rock lasso rope in a scene from giant also on the set practicing with the rope and then this was another rope that was used by Jimmy and the other cast members as well as the rifle that he used to hunt Jackrabbits while filming giant and it says the rifle hasn't been used since either now right beside here we have an autograph sheet from a fan and it was all the cast of giant you can see that he signed it right there on the top and then this right here is a little letter from Edna Edna Ferber who wrote giant and she's discussing the character and giant to James Dean and then these porcelain pieces were all hand-painted by Ken Kendall the guy who did the bust he did a pretty great job of him too you can tell he was very moved by knowing Jimmy I just love this case this is just one of my favorites and it's kind of funny to see that Jimmy had painted that yellow because when you see him riding around on hit here right in this picture of him riding in Fairmount with his glasses on and everything it wasn't yellow then look you can see how it was it was dark right there and he's painted over it so take a look at that you can see where he painted it well my friends we're gonna call it a day here at the Museum I hope you guys enjoyed this this place is absolutely incredible now it does closed down for part of the year but they do put a phone number on the door so you can actually call somebody and they'll come open it up and let you see it pretty cool and I was also told that everything that we saw today from the memorabilia to all the cases was Bert well the cases were all purchased by Marcus and he has donated everything that's in here of Jimmy's and he constantly puts new things in takes things out so think about that like he's putting his own money into helping this happen so cool I honestly can't believe I saw the clothes from giant hair that is just too cool that he has the entire outfit head to toe and here's the signed picture of well the pictures of James and Terry Moore who I have actually met at the Valentino memorial but it's signed by Terry Moore and it says with my date James Dean 1954 you know what god bless these people you know they were just everybody I met in this town couldn't have been nicer couldn't have been sweeter you know it's just you kind of understand where James Dean got that from and they've kept that alive so we're gonna make one little stop because I was trying to find something I couldn't find it so I asked about it in here and they told me that it's been torn down but I'm gonna show you where it was and what was there and why it's important so they were telling me that right here just very recently they tore the building down so we just missed it but right here there used to be an old appliance store and when James Dean came into town for his very last visit with that photographer he made the photographer go in here with him and photographer said we walked into this appliance store Jimmy walked all the way in and back to the left and back in the back corner we're a bunch of caskets and that's where those famous photos that you might have seen where James Dean's laying in a casket making all these different faces and different poses that was actually right here and they said that that would become kind of a taboo photo where the photographer said I didn't even let the photo get out for a very long time but that would have happened right here almost a you know a sad foreshadowing no I just wouldn't have felt right if we took off without visiting James's grave one last time before we headed out of here well the friend that accompanied him here on that last visit actually said that he felt this was James closing a chapter on his childhood coming out here making amends to it basically he felt that he had become the star that he always wanted to be while he was here so he was coming back to the town to kind of say goodbye and so it's pretty sad that just a few months later he would be back here for eternity and one of the largest funerals anyone's ever seen with basically this entire area covered in mourners at the time East of Eden would be probably the main thing he was known for because a short couple of months before is when he would film rebel which would come out right before his death and then giant which would come out after so here he is for all the come visit here in Fairmount where he was raised and I just love that Naomi's wreath is still out here if you notice she always comes out here every year like I mentioned in the last video but you can see these are this is all the origami she she strings it all together and that's all those cranes all compiled together on a string
Channel: Daze with Jordan the Lion
Views: 169,536
Rating: 4.9272938 out of 5
Keywords: daily vlogger, travel vlogger, urbex, hollywood, travel advice, abandoned, old hollywood, history, tourism, cinema, filming locations, adventures, forgotten, travel, my trip, daze with jordan the lion, jordan the lion, daily vlog, vlog, vlogger, vlogging, lifestyle, film, los angeles, anthony bourdain, tourist, adam the woo, James dean, Momentos, Wardrobe, Actor, Owned, Memorabilia, Motorcycle, Warner bros, Legend, Rebel, Giant, east of eden, museum, indiana, mystery, family museum
Id: FfQgykqVYL4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 43sec (2203 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 20 2018
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