William Shatner & Sir Patrick Stewart - Montreal ComicCon - Full Panel

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I love Patrick Stewart I love that Mister we do they we would tell long stuff together over the years and we did a workshop some time ago and we hug hi somehow I hand them down and I teach them on the ass thank you very much then I reported you for elder abuse get my burning too quickly and say that I love Bill Shatner this guy has been such an extraordinary friend to me to the next generation and supporter of things that I have supported and done and I count him among the most precious and valuable things in my life on that Melvin's goodwill we could on that note but personally I would like to stay and as a visitor to your fair country by the way I learned something yesterday about William Shatner that I did not learn for and he has kept under covers in all the years I've known him that he speaks very passable French I have seven words and I use them constantly there's football pop 7up are scary more sound like I said something really intelligible but it's not you are in this instance and very rarely but in this instance too modest all of you anyway shall we answer some questions yeah I think we have to have ourselves over from over to our moderator thank you I understand the two of you were actually getting this in in a horse-drawn carriage in the streets of Montreal this is true Yuri Myrna foolish Akhilesh Patrick Stewart as me I'll say that my wife Elizabeth and I'm in Akhilesh going around Montreal now this Montreal is my home city I was here long before any of you serious is nobody over than I am in this room I was born on unsure Oh God I thought I thought you were born in September brought up the Marcil and monkey I came to flourish at Mulund and and and and shower I went to school and McGill not far from I grew up in this city I left when I was 21 I played for years three years of the mountain play outs other I couldn't get around this city in my life to pay their we came my wife and I came in on a resident car last night okay you need to fill up the gasoline tank and a rental we were down down in downtown Montreal there are no gas stations now I have a circle around the track vicodin I went into circle an ever increasing the certified by the gastric I ended up with MRSA and then sure I started that we were there where I was putting into my life though I was born there where the hell's against it on the common in the undercarriage yeah there's much about that anecdote that I find fascinating but for me the most interesting tidbit of information and I wonder if you feel the same way is that you were one of those people who fill up the tank of your car your rental car before you return well you know they charge you vast amounts of money but bill you can afford that's Canadian dollars and you want to support the local economy yes I do but you know as we passed by in the caleche we saw in downtown in the old town of Montreal we saw some of the great art galleries museums great fashions with women and men's fashion Greek restaurant this city has become a mecca for international travel this is a destined a destination city this one of the great cities of the world brought to you by the Montreal tourists one do you have a deal I don't but I hope that space bridge around seeing right now is true it's written this is your first time if I'm not mistaken as well this is my first time in Montreal I have always wanted to visit because everyone said to me everything that you thought you knew about Canada you must arrays when you go to Montreal you're not getting for the job Oh chicken backwards really how yeah and what I have seen and it has been precious little indeed it builded not tensioners on this Tony entrap tried yesterday I never heard work before I would have seen nothing of Montreal thank you very much and accept the inside of your hotel room inside of my hotel room and the inside of car yes made of to be a spokesman for Quebec or Ontario where Elesha why is that mas was where they assemble the car you you you drove it we or did I think the closing everything down but I'm so sorry I think you are you know I just started to be up here with the two years so I'm just happy to be up here watch out I would take a rain check on that remark if I would see how you feel an hour from now this is my first visit and everything that I have seen in experience I have enjoyed it is a beautiful city and I am so happy to be here I wish I did not have to get on a plane and return to London tomorrow night but I do I agree it's a part but this happens where it is going and it has my ending I grew up not racing motorcycles in Montreal but having motorcycles and going very fast almost and when I got a little four hundred dollar car a Morris Minor I pushed that thing as fast as it would go and I read with great fervor as sick you asleep all the car magazines I could find and I learned about Stirling Moss and what was thank yous NGO first name one one unbelievable something got broken no one I maybe said one while times you and sterling moss were heroes in my in my my eyes there were some Americans too stinky quite remember who are the competitors but not quite as good hill-hill Graham Graham Hill yeah so I grew up on gas cars and motorcycles and fast with to Patrick to where this going at least that's not what he told me he's going to make a small film of a document document with sterling Moss there's three people on sterling Moss is a legendary driver and as I and when Patrick told me I said easily I used to break all the cars and then you told me well yeah he had a reputation and I've seen him in research that I've been doing and letting this on television he had a reputation is car broker I mean if nothing had crashes although I work he did have several spectacular ones but your gearboxes would break down engines would blow up wheels would fly off his cars but but I understand that it wasn't he was not a car breaker and in fact the problem with Sir Stirling was that he tried to save the engines of the cars that he was driving and in attempting to save them ie keeping the revs in each gear ratio down he was actually doing after the engines and he didn't know it because nobody had told kind of Charlie its charming and and what was as so wonderful for me the adoration of you was to hear your enthusiasm about motor racing and fast cars as well and so I we had then something else okay yes who knew except you have preceded me in the long beach Pro celebrity Grand Prix by one year that's right I proceeded you to drive in many ground race long beach being one and we got this instruction unbeknownst until this afternoon from the same good I was in the Long Beach Grand Prix in a car that was jacked up to be fast and we this instruction from Danny something around so Danny would say to me now this heart to the class now listen everybody here the flags as a red flag be stopped there's a there's a yellow flag yellow flying is caution everyone listen to be very careful this isn't someone telling you the yellow flag is caution that means you slow down and you do not pass it it I read it are you listening yes Dan ma'am listen yellow flag do not get out of your car do not get out your car let the other guys are alive is static are very dangerous choice check of the waves I was recently I was going along and I did it extreme loss crash the motor I'm staying in my car there's smoke I'm staying in my car I can see people out there what all year when I was a driver they showed us footage on mr. Schad this fell into the catcher and category of here are things you do not want to do okay I'm going to test to tell what is the flag for oil or debris on the racer black black black black black black black black no I said it was nothing Suzy as you said yourself and and they were convinced but I know you to one person but chilly yeah these guys have a go or yeah we are maybe we'll just gonna talk fortune favors mrs. Holmes I'm not going off this first question yeah what we can do is are there microphones that we have in the audience a people yeah there we go there's a question right there in the darkness there I thought we were gonna have a light on the questions here comes put your yes look at that they said there would be light and there is like if you don't see what I saw the pike husband David episode well first of all I say it's an honor to be the same who was both of you I haven't been to be honest a Star Trek fan for so long I'm pretty much a recent uh fan but having gone through every episode my Veda one has to be original series this will be the last battlefield no no you're supposed to ask us my question to both of you is out of all five series including your own which one was in favorite episode of your series of mind what's your favorite subversive my favorite episode of my series was an episode called inner light a little story attached to it because it was the only spent script you know what spec script ascenders a spec script is a script that is sent in by somebody in the hopes that something might want to produce me it's not a writer who is invited to write with just somebody having a shot of getting ahead of speculation speculation yeah that's right and it was one of the best screenplays that we had ever been sent and it was the only episode to win any kind of creative award it got a blue ribbon from the DGA I think and let the meat packing yeah in the case of myself my fellow actors very appropriate to and also because my son who is here with me all day today and will be here tomorrow signing and doing photo ops he was in that episode and he was wonderful he was one what should I say he loved I hate that question remember there were several episodes that were long we never loved one a blue ribbon from a big backyard there was a show called city of across the river and the premise was the eternal concept of going back in time which is if you go back in time and alter something then you've altered everything about the future of the butterfly's wings so if you push some dirt over you've altered the future we did that episode two several times because I'm going to say it in exactly the same moment you said several times our command timing was exactly the same but you may that first I don't know how that happens it just shows that our instincts are very simply oh yeah so city crossed the the river was going back in heaven and not altering the future by saying somebody I'd fallen in love with this actually poignant poignant idea fine yeah but over words I love you snake but overworked now listen I want to know from this gentleman here if that really was your question you were just buttering up to give him what he wanted do you have a real question they give me the opportunity I have another question can you be open to fixing send such an old power say you don't run with a Bible wedges I was if you have the chance to rewrite any any episode that you played in or any of the movies that you started which one would it be and why differently using if if you have a chance to write any of the episodes that you play in or the movies that you played in rewrite which one would it be and full of bees did you understand the question of any episode how would you rewrite the nd then we said very much pretty I I think I would like to answer the question how did you feel when you first cast a genre the car you want I really want that question necklace how did you feel when you were first cast it's a strange packet because right now as you know from my dimming new dunning you I'm making a documentary on the next generation and one of the questions that is being talked about by all the from the producers and directors is the casting of Patrick Stewart as the captain and I want you on camera as you know from any baby crying request many tearful requests on my part of what you felt like when you were four socialism in in the reality of the moment let me as as your people say to you you were in UCLA either acting or teaching something Shakespearean and Bob justman one of the producers of Star Trek who was one of the producers on Star Trek I did he came under the producers on the Star Trek he didn't heard heard his voice popped it and went back to the studio and said I think I found the guy we're looking for Patrick Stewart because of the voice and the enunciation and eventually everybody came around to thinking what did you think when you were told in dakar the starving what you talk about I play big milk you have phrased that question so fabulously so beautifully interestingly and humorously but it is still the same in essence that if your story is right that is how it happened there are details I could tweak but I think they should not be tweaked here they should be tweaked in front of your camera when you're filming the document a guy these are this is not a tweaking crowd but they want the straightforward message out of bringing hell did you when you were told captain what okay I will make this very brief I was my agent was called within in fact I was still on the Paramount lot and my agent was called at home and told it's Patrick we want him and this was before the days of cell phones of course and I had driven myself to a favorite coffee shop on you in Los Angeles which was near a newspaper stand that sold all the English newspapers I've been in LA for a few days and I'm a newspaper three frantic so I bought all of his papers I were a big California breakfast and bought a coffee and I sat there for about twelve hours while my agents tried to find and I won't go into all the knees there this is a long and lovely story I want to hear it gluten yeah not not right now I think it is too long cameras down but I was eventually going to go to the hotel where a colleague of mine an English professor from UCSB was staying and they said yeah go got cheese Rob gave me the number on his robe I went up knocked on the door he opened the door as he opened it his phone rang in the room when he said hold on let me just get and he picked it up and said yes and that he actually said the classic line it's for you and that's when I was told you got drunk algebra I was very shocked because throughout the whole process which lasted nearly six months of auditioning and interviewing I had never for one moment believe then it would come about so I was shocked I think my knees shook a little and that's been a long time since that happened to me and and I didn't know what to say I was just yes or no well my agent said I think we should have lunch tomorrow and talk about this we did thank you as I know you I know that you went through some heart felt emotions which involve London theatres friends I mean you were coming to the strange land alone and with a part that you didn't know whether you did it or in the kind of job I had never done before I never didn't series television in my life and as I hoped anyone if this is kind of it's public knowledge I I didn't know a few people in I knew and a couple of writers I knew a director and English very successful director and do and I was given until lunchtime Friday to give them a decision I've given four days and I went round and I saw each one of these people and I said to them what shall I do you know my career my life I've been offered this what should I do every one of them said take the job because you won't make it through the first season everybody knows there is going to be a revival of Star Trek that everybody knows it's doomed to fail so take the job make a little money for the first time in your life get a suntan meet some girls go now obviously through that process as well over the years I'm finding it hard to come to grips with a guy who flies from because you didn't fly from London to do the audition alright so you fly from London to do the audition you audition ten times you're there for six months convert and then they say we want you and then you go I don't know what was that you know I like the trips to Los Angeles Paramount Pictures paid for Coach classes I recalled I think coach plan I think some dental us and maybe it was business now so maybe it was premium coach but did you lie down there wasn't an inline down in those days there was life you're just a starving actor you never knew that well yeah what was it all about um I had a year or two of work mapped out for me in the theater in London that was the main problem and I just went along with this because I thought it was fun and it gave my kids the opportunity to make lots of jokes about 20 years and in Liam Scottie and all of that you know they thought it was funny and they weren't even more shocked when I was when I was off of a job well but but there will be more of this and on and on and on with whatever you make for do yeah and I know there are witnesses briefly kidding around it is because I've got this wonderful documentary on the fermentation of what happened on the next generation I mean horrible things happened in the first two years that I've documented already because I've got a little money to see if there was a story and discovering his incredible story of of volatile things that happen in the concept and the execution of the next generation including all the casting and it's an incredible story and I've had to do it with the management because none of the actors will and they're always a mind and especially and I go go we've clocked on the DVD and that's enough when I'm sick and tired of just now he's beginning to changes too I've got impeccable studio say I had lunch room in the earlier domain read lunch for them see blood thickens listen with the truth is the rest of the cast of next generation are waiting for me to make a decision and then they were let me say once again I love that trickster now I hear you say it's text question you know how friend is gone he got lost the question in her favorite episode is actually got beamed up okay what's the next question get out we what hi bill we talked before I recognize that here yeah chillin thank you very much for coming up but I am here for selfish reasons right now you see a friend of mine just moved here All Ireland she's been cat at two weeks heard you guys were here she's a student doesn't have much money but she pulled her friends together to take a picture of you guys today and unfortunately some of you were the wrong signal and out of everyone in the grouping tuning you handsome bleeding end and her friends she has the most unfavorable expression on her face unfortunately was one of my happiness it was kind of like smell the fart face would you do my Irish would I try to make an expression for you to us in Montreal D unbelievably amazing favor of autographing my homegirls horrible picture to make her day well did you know what we will do if she can have a comeback tomorrow we're doing photo no I'm quitting airplane very early in the morning I'm signal done I got to get a rental card finally I come in you are you are my two sisters who live here some of my family we've got we've got an extended family of shekar's of all of other relations my father had nine brothers and sisters I'm it was instead and all of them had largeman it metastasized we actually we actually actually live in all each month all these much relative survive and some Glen over to West Montreal and we just most of the city is named check I got to tell you we had dinner together last night and throughout dinner there was pretty much a stream of people who get coming up to the table they about to say to me or the brent Spiner but let's say hi Bill good to see you I knew your auntie Lois here when you were young and he was up he smiled and nodded of course I remember and then I'd say it was John it was really charming okay what can we do for your friend well you can either sign the picture saying you're beautiful no matter what face you're naked or so you can have a nice photograph with the beautiful out of Patrick's intra training since you're on to the chocolate and area alright and do it a good infinite we I came from Colombia and for me it's a it's like a dream come true to be here in comic-con and meet you guys because I have ceded all the sorta to the structuring in espanol and with our language but uh but my question is it for with all your spirits in the Star Trek do you want to be in another TV show let's sci-fi or perhaps another Star Trek is be enough do we will be in a spinoff of Star Trek don't I would my being a JJ Abrams JJ is making his on a second one now I think they've been making two back-to-back and a second real I guess what I said is making a fortune somebody down front said is worth it two of us are up here and you tell us that an actor filming right now and the JJ Abrams Star Trek is worth it soon it's so it's so lustful actually what she keeps repeating is gorgeous justly guys for wonderful actor yeah here here I love them and you know what he is gorgeous okay the the way yes we would like to be in a spinoff of sort of mysterious like maybe the Captain Kirk and jean-luc Picard could go back in time but we can't change your face and I can't change my body we're going to do presses a series of precious moment one I think maybe you you're thinking of a different something less compared knows you and I did Star Trek six together do you mind it's not that drink six alone okay what you remember most about Star Trek seven in our work together I remember most vividly the day that we shot your first scene in the movie at least scene that I was in when you were we were up on the high up on the flanks of Mount Whitney and you were chopping wood I had to make an entrance and why did you were unaware was the the sense of an event that was being experienced by all the crew and all the technicians and everybody on that sense because well yes they were going to see the two captains in a movie season but they were aware that seeing you on camera in that situation was an extraordinary moment in movie history and people were so excited about it really will use what I Meyer in a long time and we get to know each other and actors doing scenes together if we like if the actors like each other it's really intimate and the comedian experience to be a bonding that takes place which did with us so they came a moment when horses were introduced the writer knew my passion for horses and my longtime training at competing with horses and and they brought in my own horse for the sea and and they got a movie version for Patrick and Patrick had been and have had we hadn't been essentially ever done on horseback is that correct oh no I had actually written quite a lot but I had a really bad horse so he said he wasn't my own oh come on Satan fabric fabric I've done 25 mile endurance races and I know that being a horse all day let alone days to come we're going to change and what people do when I've done is wear women's golf through on the inside so that you don't change after hours and hours of riding on it he said with his Marjorie and we were given women's lingerie and he comes out of this trailer beautiful my favorite memory you guys that should you ever find yourself watching Star Trek generations again to just do keep in mind that those two heroic individuals Captain Kirk captain time when they are on horseback are indeed wearing women's lingerie but no bro I'm doing another mr. gopher I'm just wandering out of all the roles that you've played what was the toughest scene for either one of you to play well looking at them with lingerie are we talking movies television theater anything or narrow the field a little Hobbit okay for Youth Theatre and for bill TV advert TV dust yeah in my first season with the Royal Shakespeare Company in 1966 a season that was shared by a dead utterly unknown actor Rosa spear carrier called Malcom McDowel international movie so I had to make an entrance following a a magnificent scene magnificently written the great scene between King Henry the fourth and his son Prince now played by the wonderful Tony Church and the equally magnificent Ian Holm and at the end of his great sea full of emotions of power of fantastic verse I had to come on as the cactus or Walter blunt and respond to the question from the game and after Walter thy looks are for speed if I prefer I wallow that my own speed what is thy news and then I made this speech about the other poster and Suffolk and Salisbury and Gloucester off this long long sweet and and it was a silly speech and it was not well written I'm sorry well Burt and then there was a pause and Tony churches Henry the fourth had to say to me this news is why days Oh how do you react to align my how do you it's wonderful in how when the TV head is Romani's all go but I that was a tongue well I'll take it as a stage is the thing that comes to mind and meaning is I didn't want my show came through the Romani Greek mythology and but I had started that one-man children now Broadway in New York and and I had done it in Australia and in Canada but I rewrote it and devised it almost completely for Broadway and then I opened the Broadway with one preview but really not and so essentially I opened in New York in a one-man show two sold-out awnings New York critics and I'm up there for the first time okay and I get the stomach flu the night before so that day I'm three feet from the bathroom and when I go to the theater that afternoon for sound check I'm two feet from the bathroom which is one of a half feet too far for the running back well I don't know if any of you ever had this thing but there's no control button okay so I accept them as a challenge and I go on and I do I get through the performance and I get nice praise and people stand up and it was all one second I flew it's just as bad I'm losing a lot of fluids and my kidneys are serviced shutting down yeah but I'm accepting it as a challenge I'm in the middle of this anecdote in the one-man show and I realize I need to go to the toilet in fact it's too no one that you let's see that's very good shows everybody else again I wonder if you know what the procedure is in seconds answers like that I don't know what emergency CTU has set up but I have been several times in productions where somebody has had our problems and also nausea problems vomiting and it's very very simple there's a sign and I thought that was for Claire to get back unfortunate work I mean I have seen actors and on one occasion an actress squatting over but maybe that's just in England toilets don't flush pull the chain order my question is for mr. Stewart actually okay let's get away from that so mr. Stoker to set some ground rules yeah I know we don't have much longer to go but if anyone asks a question of one of us fast the other economist has a right to respond as empty by the wives the feedback we're getting here I'm not sure my question is for business to word actually I was hoping to tell me who is your greatest nemesis in Star Trek captain time is the fire in which we burn right to Baxter is was facing yeah and you know I thought it was very nice to use a good English word of Rick Berman to give you such a miserable death glorious access I know the proper to dippity know they had you should be in the behind back somewhere I think you you're supposed to shoot me in the ass and you got me in the back whatever whatever it was I do remember that one of the false endings we had to do a fisticuff and you went this way instead of that way and ended up that I do apologize as I go as we are in our simplest way he is so saying it's my fault the matter is when they saw the first ending they said it is not larger so we haven't in fact if you recall I do the valley of death on fire the Valley of Fire in Nevada that's what we shot that say that's right and it was newly made by the liver so uh only partly the a patek waste is a green so fun wasn't what are we really jealous since 1965 one year my city is counting 150 years 46 years Wow Wow okay we are nobody will ever forget clockwork our thank God for words yeah thank gosh your Samba Cubans as you know Patrick was a genius it was yeah anyway listen I don't want a communal no no you sit down such a good time you Jesus what is this out it's very becoming I will take it thank you hey listen guys it's how you give here tomorrow well I've just learned I am but this gentleman you know he never stays well listen if you're going tomorrow I'm off to see a play so you know he'll be gone and why are we being sent there we were asked to go yes be one big why who's not interested that the study buddy in your part I'm gonna leave and yours not but but anyway I was thrilled I got the first half last night it was fantastic - you should go you should go see him go buy a ticket and go see these guys what are they called Thank You others the twins the twins were twins Liberty yeah yeah they're amazing they're amazing so I'm going to catch the second half a guy lit up back on their shoulders I'll see you tomorrow and I'll see you in short run on unless you might try the other we have time for one more to go shout it out so we've had a quarter half almost half a century of Star Trek and my question for the two of you is up with the five series there's never been an openly gay character I'm just here so was ever talked about was ever no it's never been contemplated I'm sorry sir but you are wrong there was an episode next generation I know she's not a larva dumpling never even sketch me different times I just wanted to mention if you have a gift for us in that carrier bag I just didn't want you to forget and feel bad about it later on so you have to give it to us it's a Wonder Woman body you want it you get out it's a Wonder Woman it must be let's aim for the game end I come from the and alluvium times did your ex ask your question I came in in oh well I did I cannot recall the name of the Emperor but I bet there's someone here who can what about Dana I don't care fully functional he has three speeds actually Bret's joke I have used it here as we're seeing how badly you feel obviously shortly and you'll feel a lot worse yeah yes look they're a lovely person my question is for mr. Stewart Patrick I love you but mr. Stewart my question for no no my favorite Shakespearean character is like that and I would like to know what your favorite line from effect is and if you could recite it for me I could go for mrs. I would go for tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow creeps in this petty pace from day to day to the last syllable of recorded time and all our yesterday's have lighted fools the way to dusty death out out brief candle life's but a walking shadow a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage and then is heard no more it is a tale told by an idiot full of sound and fury signifying nothing unload boria's note it is time anon has come that's right that's true and we shall say goodbye shall we say of all I am looking at your let me say Mac the University wristwatch I still looking at my bank it wasn't fun that to the wristwatch was great on the game show on the road sinuan but I see by your response we have two more minutes ago I'm just saying this could be a question just for mr. Shatner I have a website I haven't really seen the next generation no offense oh did you ever count did all the episodes how many girls you supposedly kiss dirt I'm so young so many girl and it was a different time period hundred thousand years that man I'll just change it of me in 50 years there were a lot of girls and beautiful women who many of them in aged gracefully and remained friends my wife is right here a lot of girls but it was all play okay it's all make-believe we live in a make-believe world we spin our tails and it's signifies nothing by the tree we should get off while we're on top our friend over here would be very happy to well we've done this on rarely but you and I have done this evening we should do it more you
Channel: Convention Junkies
Views: 90,271
Rating: 4.9133263 out of 5
Keywords: William Shatner, Patrick Stewart, Star Trek, Star Trek (film), Malcom McDowell, Star Trek Generations, The Captains, The Next Generation, Captain Kirk, Captain Picard, Montreal, Comic-Con, Q&A, Sir Patrick Stewart, Star Trek: Picard
Id: fFpvDgeKRBM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 43sec (3883 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 20 2012
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