William Shatner - 'Live Long and...', Falling out with Leonard Nimoy, Stephen Hawking

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welcome William Shatner I will tell you this probably seems more intimate than you expected Jim Norton is on his way he will join us on his way from hell well you know so does he's been so to speak he's a he's defecating it's defecates defecating you know I didn't want to say it in front of you you're something serious come on I didn't yep probably I mean is he in trouble honestly he maybe I don't know has anybody examined the consistency it was defecation no we have interns for that and so they'll go in when he's done just just to make sure we have to check I've got a new puppy I breed Dobermans mm-hmm and and the thing you look for in a new puppy she's 14 weeks old is what's his poop like is that right yeah yeah no it's just poop good yeah so their whole conversations with my wife and it's the poops all it's a little dry driving should be more fluids of poop is that what it is that does it tell you like the quality of the puppy or just the diet diet I mean okay and whether the puppy is so your poop according to dr. oz you know it should be deformed it should be half circular really oh yeah yeah long law well long how as long as long and the other questions yes how do you measure it well that's exactly see so you have a number of problems there about length but color and consistency right what and texture is also tough because that's probably important but the kids right you could lose your touch right you observe the texture and not too closely right right right right but it's loop is very important so I speak Jim Jim's back we were actually just investing we look at your poop all the way while I'm doing it we were talking about health and how I'm doing and yeah I always take down that's a twisted body and flawed it is yeah yeah yeah but you slide back you move the bag land of the living here that's great I always have to around this time it's the double these coffees game a murder me but look at that I think it cleans you out pretty good yeah yeah yeah you're on the air for so long you got only three hours I just don't time it well do a lot with what you ate last night yes so here we are I've got a book out yes this is this is incredible it's it's it's life lessons that you've learned from your life well yes or no right the book is titled live long and dot dot dot ellipse and that dot dot dot is the important part of the title because you can live long sure look at you but what are you gonna do with it right yeah what is prosper mean does that mean riches monetarily or are you a rich human being I view the richness of the human being so that's what the book is about I also state very clearly in the book I can't offer anybody any advice our poop is all different sure it's true yeah so how can I advise you what is good poop and not because it's your poop it's right and it's your body and if it's good for you that's good although there are universal truth with poop blood in it bad news that's true yes yes yes that's a very valid point yeah there are universal truths that don't not kill right okay but and that's part of this book - right and on principle right and when do you compromise all June generic questions that I sort of talk about but no advice other than this is what I did and this is what were looted who knew that bowel movements were such a great metaphor for life everybody but you yeah that's right I was so you've really honest in this book - not that you haven't been in the past but I was really shocked to read when Leonard Nimoy passed away originally it said like I have a charity event I couldn't make it and I guess you would just kind of keep peace there what happened with you and him because I was shocked to read that you had a kind of falling out with him yes I don't know what happened all I know is that I had a charity event for his funeral I couldn't go to the funeral but I I'm not sure that would have been welcome at this funeral anyway but I couldn't go to the funeral and I and what I did do though what I told the audience it so happens at mar-a-lago Red Cross there were we raised millions of dollars for the Red Cross that evening what I did say to the people at the event was that all our names and fame and all that disappear so rapidly that it's unconscionable within weeks days months certainly years the most famous of people are gone and forgotten what is not forgotten our good deeds because they reverberate they don't have your name attached to it but if you help somebody and that person help somebody else that butterfly wing effect takes place and for the rest of time that good deed continues to resonate but he stopped talking to you for some reason yes I don't know why and did you is there it has what point did he yeah about a year before he died do you just out of nowhere then so I mean that's years after you've worked together I mean you had this relationship to your friendship yeah now is there always a friendship or was it casual because no we had so much in common we our lives was strangely born four days apart he was in Boston I was in Montreal very similar cities he got married about the same time divorce children of the event the major events of life happened to him as happened to me and we helped each other was there anybody and his family was I know if his wife is still living moves or anybody you could have asked in his family who might have known huh yes and I never got a satisfactory answer really what would they tell you well because it's not talked to his son and some didn't do really quite know and and he had stopped talking to his son for a while so oh wow it was it was mysterious and maybe there's something on I've ceased to examine that be sure really no answer and I've left I've let go of it does it bug you that there are people like George Takei for example has kind of pushed this narrative that you're a difficult guy right he said negative things about you for a lot of years no for since the beginning of I know this guy 55 years ago I there I worked with this gentleman day here in the day there I I don't know him right and ever since that moment nothing untoward ever happened I didn't kick him in the balls or anything what is problem is he's bespoke but he has spoken badly of me right for 55 satisfactory answer and and and it just keeps you know he defames me and I I keep trying to rise above it but I'll have to kick him in the ball time you actually saw him in person like as close as you and I are a baby ten years ago at an event and did you speak pleasantly or not at all and not in his direction and he trembled a little is it do you just get to a point where you're like in this life that I've led people are just gonna develop opinions about me and I'm gonna have to just accept absolutely I I saw something in the in the some one of the tabloid newspapers of me holding up a sign that I old and I realized they had I'd hold up a sign for for charity saying something charitable I forgotten what it was they've scrubbed the message inside and put another another message that was not too kind and I thought you know why am I even looking at it it's ridiculous yeah they can do that I think you just never hold something up on the internet because they're always going to see Michelle Obama they killed there yeah they had to see it the whole like we'll get to get our girls back and whatever so they just kept erasing the sign and putting different rows or when Trump held up the the the you know the booklet they sign and they did you know the folder or whatever and they turned it into a children's drawing they turned it into like racist so that goes for people saying nasty things about you that you don't even know there's no point in getting into it are you I'm sorry I said are you know and again I've only I'm gonna give you a bunch and you're a very nice guy I've always like are you at times a difficult guy probably but I mean if you don't know somebody I mean why would I be difficult why would you speak ill of me we've known each other over the years that I come in and do it you why would you take that opportunity yeah it's it's McCobb and and and ugly and sick really and I don't I don't bother with it and what I what I am doing is writing books like live long and dot dot we've said it before has made no in music making music I've got to come to music album out there right now that you ought to listen to what society you know it's called why not me that's one of the songs on it and it's with Jeff Cook of Alabama and it's really good so I'm making music I'm writing books I'm on tour go to William Shatner calm find out where I'll be at a city near you like that I'm writing electric bikes Pedigo bikes I'm involved in solar Alliance so the solar power my outer space calm the outer space dot-com go to it and you'll find out what see there's no you have no interest in just slowing down and stopping all this well I have slowed down this is slow down this is crazy slow down I mean I looked at a photo of you on a horse recently I just won a World Championship a couple of weeks ago and I'm like I'm at 35 I'm like I'm gonna ride any horses it's dangerous it's ridiculous taking several bones over the years why would you do this to yourself because I love horses I I love the art of being of riding a horse and being with horses and breeding horses and being with us is the same with dogs I loved my dogs I love to breed them I love to train them Oh dogs a Doberman and and and actually I love people and so cultivate people I love to talk to you and and talk about anything you know if I wasn't pushing a book we'd be talking about defecation which I think we do they're not mutually exclusive you just like being active you love activity well that's why we're alive yeah lack of activities you're dead so the book says say yes say yes to life at what point in your life did you realize you were at a place where you know what I can impart some wisdom I've kind of figured since I don't wanna I don't have any wisdom I don't know what I'm talking about now know the the truth of what I've come to understand is as you get older nothing happens you don't know anymore that you know that that your defecation your poop is important right so you'd take a look at your poop cuz dr. Oz says your poop is important right that's you know you yeah that's about all you really know you know what affects you I die I better not do that because that makes me and and all I can say like in the book this is what I do if it resonates with you great but if it doesn't don't do it because nobody knows anything anyway at least of all know anything about you so you don't have the answers for everybody it's just the answers for anybody if it helps great if not okay okay certain the interesting read yeah yeah and then do you feel do you feel you talk about tank like people ask you about tech all the time tick yeah and I feel like you like you were on a show called Star Trek right and that has left you with this lifelong pressure to be aware of what technology is like you're playing a character on a show and all of a sudden you have to know about all that people are asking you I was like Google googling you last night and they were like you know here's what we've chatted or thinks about virtual reality here's what and I was like my god this guy is forced into having to keep up with technology but but because I've did that show I do shows I did a show last year I think which I got to interview a lot of cosmologists and ended up with Stephen Hawking and I may have done the last interview of Stephen Hawking Wow I talked to Stephen Hawking yeah you know talk is a is communicated when I communicate what's better but he spoke to me through the computer and then invited me for dinner and I went to dinner to his house and I had done a one-man show on Broadway some years ago and I've toured with it and at dinner I was required to speak and did parts of the one mention in conversation with him made him laugh and he would redden a little he was highly intelligent as you know Yanis intelligence was always there his bright blue eyes sparkled but he couldn't talk and he he couldn't feed himself and it was it was an interesting evening it is a little a lot of pressure on you to carry the conversation absolutely so I mean let your mind run over what dinner with Stephen Hawking would have been like now when you would disi respond because I know under computer he's probably faster than anybody else would know with that it was a laborious he had a monitor of a mouse on his cheek on a muscle on his cheek he was able to twitch the muscle on his cheek and move the mouse why an spell laborious Lee so that there was high drama when I had asked him pre questions pre preset and he had it already on this computer so I would say ask him the specific question I had to read from a board so it was exactly what I sent him months earlier and he press a button with his cheek and and and that would come this answer but he has said prior to my engaging him was he had a question for me and so I said and then the Giants right what's your question for me and laborious Lee with me looking on adding to the drama you know I W you and slowly I would like to know what your favorite Star Trek episode was but that's true and and like I say I made him laugh and his laughter was a reddening of the cheek and and sort of a little this amazing guy what did he eat it was more liquids rice more of a super than and he had somebody feeding him could he chew it all or no I don't think so I don't think but he could swallow right like he could actually I believe that he could swallow could he see his mouth did you it was your impression that he would did he live a paned existence or had he figured out how to be as comfortable as a person can be in that I don't know how you do that yeah you know you read about people who were in a coma yeah I can hear everything yeah yeah they can't they can't communicate and Terry Bradshaw with whom I worked for two seasons in this wonderful show that would we did together on with George Foreman and Jeff died yeah that's right Terry told me about the time when he was piledrive Din to the ground by a linebacker and he couldn't move either there's something had happened to his neck and he thought it was paraplegic they took him off and it took a day or two before the bruising around his neck released enough so that he got sensation back into his legs and arms but for those two days he thought it was a paraplegic and he wanted to die but he could hear of course everything that was going on just couldn't move that sock it gives you an insight into what somebody in a coma or is a paraplegic and his unconscious would be feeling like and I'm sure that that's what dr. Stephen quadriplegic - like below the neck below that families what a waste no I mean quadruple arms yeah yeah yeah you're all being locked in they had that like our friend you know patrice who you did the lips with had a stroke and we didn't know if he was or not but when you walked into his hotel his hospital room it said mr. o'neill may be able to hear you even the doctors don't know they don't know so it's such a horrible all but four instances were people in deep coma have responded to stimuli press my hand and they get pressure ends so they know there's somebody in there yeah that's crazy you get that kind of insight on what Terry Bradshaw went through and you'll still get on a horse people get paralyzed on horses really ice cream with whom after he had had that accident after every rider that I know including me for the next six months every time we got up on a horse I thought I wonder if this is my mom sure yeah I went to visit with him and as I'm walking through the glass doors at his hospital he was at a hospital in New Jersey and I'd flown in specifically and I didn't know him I just know say hello but I wanted to see him because of his accident with the horses his love of horses and I went in through the glass doors I could see him waiting for me in this wheelchair and they had a battery wired to his chest that was breathing for him and in that instant I thought oh my god what am I gonna say what am I gonna talk about right and the first question he asked me was tell me about your horses and we spent the whole time talking about horses you know what it's funny he had probably learned to do that because he knew it's awkward because it the first question anyone asks anyone how you doing man oh it's a and it's just it's such an odd question to ask a guy in that condition so what are you open with that's not this common question well I mean how you doing but the Canadian answer to that is not bad it's such my sisters do that they live in Canada they live in Montreal and every time they do I said god sakes is not bad good I mean if it's a bad is it good yeah it's good well why don't you say it's good so you know how to just have conversations in those awkward moments well I know you don't know I mean it's always awkward but in that particularly awkward moment he set me at ease knowing probably that it would be awkward he said tell me about your horses and he did it speaking of awkward so in you talk about a lot in this book yeah was there anything in the book because you talk about really tough stuff with your mom and and how that kind of shaped your relationships going forward in a pretty negative way you talk about your ex-wife passing away you talk about a lot of stuff that you necessarily been super public about before was there anything in this book that you had second thoughts about that you were like I don't know if I want to go thing you know when you expose yourself publicly your thoughts your heart yeah it's it's tricky and you think I wonder whether I should do this or not and the conclusion I came to was I'm writing this book really in essence for my family what will my grandkids who is my grandfather all they have to do is pick up this book or the some of the other books that I've written oh that's who he was that's you know people don't know you really you're not gonna sit down and talk about your mother beyond if you're over 15 you're not gonna it's I would the ballgame did fed her to fade you know here I thought why not why not take a mask down mm-hmm hedge it and let it show for a while had you dealt with it already or was writing about it kind of like oh my god I'm experiencing I don't know how you deal with it is but becomes part whatever Kurtwood your defecation this morning it was a part of your journey in life now yes you will you will never forget your pooping this morning course not I taped it everything we do is part of our history and affects us how where the we're different the next the moment after we've had an experience or or we've made a decision we are different people and later on you say I wonder if I should have made that decision you couldn't help but make whatever that decision was at that moment because those were the forces acting on but but sometimes you go back and look at the decisions you go yeah I made that in the moment for this reason but then there's sometimes there's regret and sometimes there's not the moment you've made the decision you're already different right yeah so you having made the decision now you're a different person you think well I wonder if I should have made that decision having the decision you can't you you you have to take responsibility for the person you are at that moment and take responsibility of the fact that you will change change is the only thing that is the constant at what point in your life did you realize that your relationship with your mom wasn't typical and she had done you a disservice emotional I don't think that she had done me anything deliberately what do you say at that moment would you love me more than you lose somebody else you know you fumble for an answer and and strangely that answer stayed with me all these years why I guess it really affected me but nobody was out to harm it was a standard answer what are you gonna say I love you both the same so the quote was that we're talking about is that you asked your mom who do you love what do you like seven years old yeah and you asked your mom who do you love more me or daddy right and she responded daddy cuz he buys me things right and then saying that's one of those but how how offhand that must have been right you know you're serving breakfast and you got the things she half-kidding do you think or did she very possibly I mean I don't know but I would think so but somehow they stuck her through all those years or did it come back to you twenty years or thirty years later no it comes back you think Wow there was a moment we were at breakfast I remember they were sitting on the chair and she was handing me some cereal or something or other and I asked her what every boy asks their mother at some point in time and she flipped up flipped and answered I mean wow amazing yeah I asked my mother the answer was not nice either oh really what did your mom say she also said daddy but because he was better [Laughter] you know you can bring it out of anybody you bring out anybody
Channel: Jim and Sam Show
Views: 85,198
Rating: 4.780695 out of 5
Keywords: William Shatner, Live Long and..., prosper, Jim Norton, Sam Roberts, Jim and Sam, Faction Talk, Sirius XM, 103, poop, book, writer, author, actor, priceline negotiator, life lessons, Leonard Nimoy, Tabloids, Christopher Reeves, Horses, dogs, Star Trek, Captain Kirk, equestrian, technology, Stephen Hawking, Terry Bradshaw, coma, interview, good deeds, funeral, friendship, red cross
Id: ay07QzaZprk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 52sec (1432 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 06 2018
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