William and Kate: A Royal Love Story | Free Documentary

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[Music] Prince William Heir in line to the British throne is set to marry Ordinary Girl Next Door Kate Middleton she from a conventional family he a royal prince in the spotlight from birth the unlikely couple have been together for 8 years there have been Rivals for William's affection but Kate's long wait has paid off and she is now the future queen of Great Britain throughout their romance Kate has been hounded by the British press Williams late mother Princess Diana was also a press Target and comparisons between them are inevitable Diana's wedding to Prince Charles was a very traditional Affair and watched by millions worldwide Kate has her own style and we take a look at what Kaden Williams wedding could be like Kate had been nicknamed weighty Katie while she waited for William to pop the question theirs is a love story full of twists and turns and now the world eagerly awaits the next Royal [Music] Wedding William is Heir in line to the throne and one day he'll be King of Great Britain the woman he marries will be his Queen so it's important he chooses the right [Applause] one life is fun fast and glamorous for the new generation of young British Royals and their girlfriends born into a life of privilege and wealth this blue blooded Circle would be intimidating and difficult for any Outsider William is known Kate Middleton since 2002 although beautiful and from an upper middle class background Kate has no Royal breeding making her and the prince an unlikely pair it's got to be daunting to marry into the Windsor I mean they're a they're a pretty stiff formal Bunch quite intimidating for a young woman especially someone who comes from such an ordinary background as Kate Middleton William's brother is Prince Harry an officer in the British army he has a reputation as a Playboy prince and a bit of a loose cannon on and off he's been dating a beautiful girl Chelsea Davey but there are no plans for marriage at the moment Harry likes his freedom too much Harry is much more happy gol lucky uh perhaps it's the privilege of being Second Son knowing he's got no expectation of of rising to the top job not what his mother said his mother always said to me you watch out Harry is much more suited to be king he'd make a much better King William will never want to be king and there may be some truth in that though Kate has long been a fixture at William's High Society events it took william8 years to pop the question he is a man who will procrastinate and he has procrastinated about his Royal duties and he's proc procrastinated about his other duty to find a wife and a lot of it I think is down to himself and what he said all those years ago about when will be an ideal time to marry and he famously said I think 28 will be a good time well he's over 28 now he's in his 29th year but inevitably the pressure has ratcheted up now pressure to propose had been enormous but William has proved that he can hold his own whatever William wants William gets is because he has that one wonderfully stubborn streak of his mother and if he puts his foot down and says no he means it I really do want to be in control of my own life and you know if if I don't agree with what someone's saying or or someone's pushing on me then I I W DT um if I'm wrong and they're right and people tell me that then obviously I change my mind this Story begins when Prince William enrolled in St Andrew's University in Scotland in September 2001 so did Catherine Elizabeth Middleton also known as Kate chance and fate brought her into William's life as a future King William grew up in palaces and made the Royal art collection so there was little surprise when he chose to study history of art William was placed in a student residence called St salvator Kate Middleton also studying history of art lived in the same building their paths crossed every day and they soon became good friends the son of Prince Charles and Princess Diana William grew up enjoying a life of Royal privilege but earning a spot at St Andrews was a rebuff of Royal tradition William also avoided using his official title and was called simply will Wales William had rebuffed tradition before by being the first Royal to take a gap year before starting College this is a year-long break between high school and college that enables young people to travel and gain a variety of new experiences William traveled with the organization Raleigh International and taught English in local schools living in a primitive camp with other volunteers he wrote to his brother Harry telling him all about his experiences you be aware what time it is got up at [Music] 6:15 it's far too early now I'm going to feed it to my father till he's sick so you can see what we went through I'm so embarrassed about it I don't know what I'm going to do I'm going shoot myself to afternoon try it first then come back some more I thought you [Applause] [Music] will no that's the worst porridge I've ever tasted in my life that is absolutely hideous oh that is foul [Music] oh we're living in a an old Nursery it has got a vague carpet it's got a roof for our heads which is more than what we've had um sleeping on the floor a sleeping bag with about 16 other people all cramped together underneath a slide or a climbing frame or something um with one bathroom it's like it's it's all you need really you don't have any secrets in rally but um you share everything with everyone um and that's why I find it very difficult myself to start with cuz I'm a very private person and I still am private person but I learned to deal with it more um there's no problem is you can't go anywhere here to get space for privacy there's always someone around you you have to be with people just it's very difficult to get away from your own time yeah Marie she's so canny as anything she knows what she knows where her Bread's but doesn't she that's all right well you going to do this I really don't worry about it I'll do it [Music] then Mar Golds are now officially a fashion item I think I get along with these guys so well as well um they will come out here to join rallies um to gain their experience and to gain um a bit of uh knowledge by other parts of the world taking a gap here was yet another ordinary thing that William was so Keen to EXP experience William was no ordinary college student and finding friends he could trust was important Kate was studying the same subject history of art they also lived in the same Halls of residents St Sally where they mixed with the same people and they had a lot of friends in common meanwhile the Press linked William with Society Beauties from aristocratic families some were part of a social set based in gloucestershire 100 m west of London there was Jaa Craig daughter of wealthy conservationists with whom he had a teenage friendship during a stay at her family's Kenyon estate prior to his college studies and Isabella answered her golf calthorp a stunning blond ays who went on to date Richard Branson's son Sam but after Williams saw Kate string her stuff in a sexy and revealing outfit at a college fashion show their friendship took a turn for the romantic and when Kate modeled in a student fashion show William got a really hot seat right in the front and I think he thought my goodness this is this is a bit of all right Prince William was attracted to her because he fancied her the truth is when he um he saw her at that uh cat on that catwalk where she was wearing very very little I think there was a clear proper boy girl relationship started on the fact that he he fancied her William disliked his major in history of Art and wanted to leave College Kate already becoming a positive influence on his life encouraged him to stay and he listened to her situated in a small town on the east coast of Scotland St Andrews had become the setting for a royal romance in their second year of studies William and Kate moved into a student Department with two friends on Hope Street in St Andrew's town and it was here that they fell in love as their relationship blossomed William wanted to protect Kate from media glare they maintained pretense that she was just his roommate this was not an ordinary romance and Kate had to be very discreet their relationship very isolated I think it made her very wary of who she felt she could be friends with even who she felt she could talk to but that's what she wanted I think that she is the perfect girl for William though perfect in many ways they are very different people coming from very different worlds St Andrew's University in Scotland was where Prince William had met Ordinary Girl Next Door Kate Middleton and where their relationship began despite their burgeoning romance many people thought it wouldn't survive because they came from such different backgrounds Prince William was born on June 21st 1982 his parents introduced him to the World quickly taking him to Australia before his first birthday making him the first British royal baby to travel outside of Great Britain four-year-old Prince William started at a West London kindergarten in nodding Hill Diana was from an aristocratic background and quickly taught her sons the Royal ways of life and proper behavior but at home things were anything but proper as her marriage to Prince Charles started to crumble meanwhile Kate was growing up quietly in an ordinary family with loving and United parents Carol and Michael Kate's maternal grandmother came from very humble bluecollar beginnings Kate's grandmother Dorothy known as lady Dorothy and the family because she had a lot of Aires and Graces and was rather a snob um married a builder called Ronald Goldsmith and and together they took advantage of the property boom and moved up the social ladder when Carol was working as an Hostess she met a very nice flight dispatcher called Michael Middleton and moved well cemented the family's social status the Middleton's home is 50 mi from London in the upmarket village of bucklebury it was here that Kate's mother set up her party supplies business which she ran from home the Middleton's family business literally began on the kitchen table Carol used to take party bags around the village and and sell them there was obviously a gap in the Market which she discovered it wasn't until 1987 that she she set up her company party pieces and gradually it flourished by the time Kate was 13 they had moved into the wonderful home they live in now which is on a private Drive in the village of bucklebury which has a Village Green and is leafy and and beautiful situated near to the family home malur is a picturesque English town 80 mi from London quiet and respectable the high school here is of an exceptional standard Kaden en rolled at marbor girls school in 1995 well Kate was quite good at sport she was uh in the she was a captain for the hockey team and she was in the first pair for tennis and actually being in a for the first pair for tennis at MRA is a big deal you have to be very very good I think mbra was the making of Kate she arrived as a very shy gawky school girl and she left as a very demure young woman she she was poised enough to mix with the upper echelons of society she was educated enough to get to St Andrew's University and and she was confident enough to land a prince in 1995 at age 13 William was surrounded by flashing cameras as he started at Eaton an elite private boys school close to his family home famous for its formal dress code Eaton School provided an escape from William's troubled home life William's parents were now estranged but on official occasions put on a United front and in 1996 Charles and Diana divorced as the Elder son William shouldered most of the burden protecting his younger brother Harry just a year later their mother died in a tragic car crash which was blamed on the paparazzi the loss of Diana was the most significant event in William's life with her death his childhood came to an abrupt end I think the impact of Di's death is that he hasn't really played the field he's found the girl he loves he trusts her and I think that's essentially the whole point with Diana he was very very close to her they had conversations about her relationship with his father far too many adult conversations I think that what he needed was someone he could trust implicitly and that's who he has a Kate Diana's death left William wey of the press but on his request they respected his privacy while he finished high school I was a bit um anxious about how everything was going to turn out but thanks to everyone it's been it really has been brilliant they've all left me alone beginning the whole of eaten made a real big difference with everyone not trying to sort of snap a picture every time I was walking around the streets and I hope it just continues for Harry as well while he's there William has continued to mature into a thoughtful young man aware that his future King of Great Britain there are more expectations on him than on his brother Harry I think he seems a nice enough guy I think Prince Harry seems a lot more fun a lot more like my kind of person but I think with William he's always had to be this very sensible person and I think good for him he's never really slipped up Williams life was rocked again when Princess Diana's loyal Butler Paul Burl was accused of stealing hundreds of her personal possessions though he was cleared of all charges William felt an even deeper betrayal when Burl went on to sell his Memoirs revealing personal details about D to a British tabloid newspaper for nearly a million dollar it must have been extremely painful for for Prince William because at that particular time Burl was somebody they thought they could trust um and the the the details of the of the prosecution and what was happening suggested that he'd abused his position subsequently of course he was completely exonerated um from all the charges um but it was still difficult for princes William and Harry to cope with the actual head lines and the news stories that were coming out and the fact that they felt they had been and their mother had been betrayed watching his life play out in the Press could only make Kate Middleton's secluded family home in bucklebury that much more appealing 2 years later he would ride out to visit unrecognized on his motorcycle for seclusion from prying eyes well William spent a lot of time with Kate's family and I met uh Kate's mom and she's really gorgeous very good-looking much better than she looks in in pictures and she's the bright one she's the one that made all the money and she's the all embracing mother she likes to do everything perfectly so she's the perfect mother she bakes cakes she cooks for the family she is a great arms round and I think William really likes that because of course he doesn't have that within his own family William had formed a close bond with Kate's family and by the time they graduated in 2005 they were an item and the center of attention TV and press cameras were there when Kad and and William gained their master's degrees William credited Kate for encouraging him to finish his studies Kate then began a career in PR working for her parents party business which resulted in one of the first recordings of Kate speaking on camera while attending a trade show yeah it's been very interesting um lots of interesting um lectures going on and things so yeah it's we right in the sun after graduation William joined the army and had to undergo stiff military training at Sandhurst Military Academy because as Heir in line to the throne he will one day command all of the British Armed Forces here William was trained in various military Pursuits including piloting a helicopter and combat training he passed his training in December 2006 and the Middleton family was honored with an invitation for them all to attend Williams graduation from military school William had obvious affection for the Middleton family they were ordinary and conventional and nothing like his own [Music] I don't know if anyone could really understand what William's gone through unless perhaps they gone through it themselves and I think that Kate's mother is very all embracing and tactile and loving which probably William hasn't really had very much of within the roal family because they're not like that but I don't think she can possibly really understand what's going on in his head because probably Kate is the only person that does while their differences brought them together William's more likely mates were never far from reach while attending college Royal Prince William found a loyal and trustworthy partner in commoner Kate Middleton but their relationship was not made public until 3 years later in 2004 when the pair took a ski trip to the Swiss Alps though their relationship was no longer a secret they would have mountains to climb before announcing their own wedding in July 1981 after their wedding at St Paul's Cathedral Diana and Charles returned in an open Carriage to Buckingham Palace the Queen's home in [Music] [Applause] London waving from the balcony the newlyweds acknowledged the huge crowd below standing by Diana's side was a young page boy 8-year-old Edward Van kutum 23 years later in 2004 it was William's turn to attend Edward's own wedding in Chester Northwest England his bride was Lady Tamara groer the daughter of the Duke of Westminster one of Britain's richest Aristocrats it was a grand Society wedding this was the sort of girl many thought William would marry a bride with a title from an old established family to avoid taking attention away from the bride William's girlfriend Kate Middleton did not attend but Williams close friend Jaa Craig was there she had been viewed as Kate's main rival for Williams har he became quite boted with Jacka uh she's absolutely beautiful sun-kissed long gorgeous blond hair um he was absolutely infatuated with her and um the relationship never really gathered momentum because he was over here in the UK she was over in Africa but I do remember when he turned 21 and he had that wonderful Out of Africa themed party it was Jacka who was seated right next to him on the table not Kate even though he was with Kate at the time and um he has always had a real soft spot for her she's someone that um he can keep quietly away from everyone else and that's very very important for him Jaa Craig was much more the sort of girl that people expected Prince William to have a relationship with and she wasn't the only one he was involved in a in an affair with a young lady called Karly Massie Burch she was a drama student she's incredibly beautiful had Daria was voted the best and she she'd caught William's eye Prince William has historically always had um girlfriends from the what I call the glossy posy the glosser sheer set of girlfriends he's never actually pursued arses um it it doesn't seem to be something he feels the need to to cross off um I think what's more important to him is someone who is loyal actually someone that can be his friend someone that can be a companion in fact fact there is only one ARS that he was absolutely determined to have her name was Isabella anua goth calor and this was a girl that he was never able to have because she rebutted any approaches from him William inherited his mother's charm and easy manner with the public and from an early age he began to win their love and as he Grew Older he gained more fans and the ability to attract attention from the opposite sex or as it's described in Williams circles to pull well I think being a prince is definitely a great way to pull and when William was younger something I mentioned in my book his favorite chat outline was hi I'm a prince w a pull well thank goodness he's abandoned that for something more sophisticated let's hope for Kate Middleton's sake but um you know William is handsome he is athletic he's charismatic and he's going to be the Future King so I think he ticks all those boxes William's Charisma meant he was never short of female attention in fact interest in all of the Royal M's love lives was high then at a press conference in the snow Prince Charles was asked about his forthcoming marriage to his long-term mistress Mrs Camila Parker Bulls journalist seized the opportunity to ask his 22-year-old son if another wedding was imminent uh no I don't think [Music] so this didn't BD well for William and Kate's relationship and the couple broke up in 2007 the Press was unsparing in their coverage of the royal breakup all the fun is gone out of it claimed one newspaper while another reported that William had met Kate 5 years too early at first the unattached Prince William now in the Blues and Royals regiment was seen out and about with his brother Harry seemingly happy with his new sense of freedom but his new role with this regiment was also blamed for the breakup I think the relationship began to go arai when William joined the blues and Royals which is part of the household Cavalry and and began to enjoy the life of an army officer he he seemed to want to spend time partying with his Pals rather than driving 130 miles down the motorway to see Kate at weekends and I think she got fed up of that William hadn't realized the impact the split would have on Kate's family in particular Carol Kate's mother whom he was very fond of then rumors began to emerge that it was because of Kate's mother and there were a lot of vitriolic comments leveled at her doors to manual about how she was common and chewed gum in public and I think William was was devastated by the way Kate was treated and and was very soon back in touch with the family and and realized perhaps that he would never have the chance to have a relationship on that level with anyone else again they actually split before when they were at University and just after so they've had a couple of of moments when they were apart when they read the big split happened mainly because I think they were like a lot of University relationships just a little bit uh tired of each other she was basically gave him the freedom uh and he took it but within a very short time when he saw her stepping out with other guys in slightly shorter dresses and looking that bit more sassy uh and whilst he was stuck on a an army base I think he soon realized then that this was a mistake and he tried to woo her back but it took some wooing encouraged by those closest to her Kate did not hide away she joined a female rowing team called The Sisterhood she showed herself independent and confident William realized what a mistake he had made but maybe it was too late Prince William had given up a great relationship with Kate whom he had met six years earlier at college but in three short months it became clear that it was time to win her back the Diana Memorial morial concert was held in July 2007 William and Harry greeted recording artists backstage that they had personally invited to perform at this high-profile charity event it was the perfect excuse to see Kate again the brothers played a big part in the arrangements night and it's about you know getting it the feel right and remembering her Prince William's favorite artist was Jos Stone and they were seen laughing and joking backstage yes it's a normal color is it you can't remember how many times you died it can you no I don't I was like really angry at me for a minute the concert was a huge success a great day for the brothers made even greater for William as Kate had accepted his invitation and was there with her brother watching from the sidelines as William and Kate had gone through the split she was sitting a couple of rows behind him it still wasn't clear whether or not their reconciliation was on um it was quite funny I remember that take that uh would were playing and they played uh I want you back for good which uh Kate happily was singing along to Williams plan had worked and the couple reconciled but it wasn't long before their relationship was tested again when Diana's Love Letters to her last lover Dodie fed were released to the British press darling Dodie heaven knows where on Earth I begin to thank you for the most magical Six Days on the ocean waves it is a bit of my God sensation I adored it all and William's life was once again thrown into very public emotional turmoil some of the revelations and then put more personal Revelations about Dina's relationship with do and hnet Khan I think some of the more intrusive Revelations were rather sad and difficult for them to cope with but in a way I think they were happy that that inquest came back with the result it did with partial blame not only for the drunk driver on report but on the paparazzi that it sort of ended that whole sorry Saga and then they could move on with their lives and I think that was important that the inquest achieved that William handled the incident well Kate's love and support could only provide strength during this difficult time and now their relationship appeared solid on his weekends off from military training the couple headed for London's West End to relax at fashionable bars and nightclubs their relationship was firmly back on track William and Kate celebrated this fact by hitting the town and partying with their friends but it wasn't long before the Press wanted a piece of the action and began staking out their regular Hangouts hoping to snap a picture of the pair a night out in the town for Kaden William is guaranteed to be Front Page [Music] News you can go to enormous lengths to keep out of the Spotlight by um not going out to any the kind of things where you're bound to be photographed and seen premieres first nights she is conscious of the attention that Kate when she's on her own is getting she doesn't have royalty protection officers like he does when she's on he her own he is worried that something you know could happen I suppose like it did to his mother so he's done everything he can through lawyers to ensure that she is as safe as possible and protected as possible Privacy Law is a regulation in Great Britain that protects a person's right to be left alone she has Privacy Law on her side and the Royals now use uh the courts uh to protect their privacy it's pretty clear that the Prince of Wales is picking up her legal bills too when she does have a complaint and issues about her privacy she gets straight on the phone to her privacy lawyer and he issues a threat about what you can and cannot do Prince Williams mother Princess Diana was a magnet for press attention and some say this played a part in her tragic death since then the law has changed but it's no surprise that as a target for the paparazzi and soon to be a royal bride inevitable comparisons will be drawn between Kate and Princess Diana Diana held from a a very old traditional English background very privileged whereas Kate obviously comes from a much more Modern Family when when Diana and Charles got married um she was just 20 years old and and very fragile and insecure and and not as well educated whereas Kate obviously has had a lot more grounding and is a lot more groomed she's eight years older already than Diana was on that day her family is very stable Diana came from a divorced background Diana was 12 years younger than Prince Charles which is a huge age Gap almost a generation whereas William and CER months apart and share the same interests went to the same schools same University so I think there's a world of differences between the two relationship Diana's Legacy lives on situated in London's hide Park is the Princess Diana Memorial Fountain thousands visit the peaceful Fountain every year and pay tribute to her memory the shadow of Dana lurks constantly around U the wales's household in 2004 the spenc ERS Diana's aristocratic blood family joined Queen Elizabeth and other members of the royal family for the official opening of Diana's Memorial Fountain Diana married Charles in 1981 and quickly won over the hearts of the British people earning herself the title the queen of hearts even as a more mature woman Kate will find Diana a hard act to follow she's going to be compared constantly to Princess Diana not just in what she wears but in what she says and in what she does I think she is going to find it tough and she's going to have to try and do it her own way while his own parents marriage ended in divorce William will not allow the stiffness and the upper class attitudes of the royal family to interfere in his relationship with Kate I think one thing William will have instilled in Kate is look we've got to learn the the lessons of what happened to my mother um I'm not going to be prepared to let you be treated um by the court by the by the stiff people at the court who treated my mother in such a way um you're going to come in on on the terms that I I dictate and I think that that would have helped her enormously in April 2008 Prince Charles arrived at Royal Air Force Cranwell to present William and his fellow graduates with their RAF Insignia known as Wings inside the hall Kate waited patiently sitting with Diana's Aunt Sarah Prince Charles had earned his wings almost 40 years earlier also at Cranwell he was delighted to be presenting his son with the same award it was a proud moment for them all Kate's Presence at such an important occasion was taken as a sign that the couple were not only back together but stronger than ever speculation began on the next and biggest potential step in their relationship marriage after eight years of speculation Prince William and Kate Middleton finally announced their engagement to a press frenzy they had actually gotten engaged a month earlier while on vacation I just decided that it was the right time really um we've been talking about about um marriage for a while so it wasn't a massively big surprise but uh I took her up somewhere nice in uh in Kenya and uh and proposed it's very romantic there's a true romantic in that there is and you said yes obviously of course yes yeah thankfully and you knew you were going to do this from day one of the holiday or you you waited till the end I've been planning it for a while but uh as every guy out there will know it's h it takes a certain amount of motivation to get yourself going so I was planning it and then it just felt really right out in in Africa it was beautiful at the time and I just I had done a little bit of planning to obviously share my romantic side at last the British public will have the royal wedding they've been waiting for on the day Prince Charles proposed to Diana he presented her with a royal blue sapphire and diamond [Music] ring but when Diana got that ring um the queen ordered a a tray of rings to be sent around from gads the the crown Jewelers and Diana just looked at them and she said I'm going to have the biggest one and she picked the sapphire and diamond which was the biggest one in turn when proposed he gave that very same ring to Kate is a family ring yes it's my mother's engagement ring so I thought it was quite nice cuz um obviously she's not be around to share any of the um the fun and excitement of it all that this was my way of keeping her sort of close to it all and I guess we better we better have a look at it what what kind of ring is it are you an expert on what's I'm not an expert on on at all I've been reliably informed it's a sapphire with some diamonds but I'm sure everyone recognizes it from uh from previous times so and K you're probably you're going to be an Envy of many I would well I just hope I look off it she very it's very very special Beyond her engagement ring Kate may be presented with any number of Diana's Jewels during a visit to the Middle East Diana was given a magnificent Suite of jewels from the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia as a wedding present she mixed and matched these Priceless diamonds and sapphires into various modern designs at today's prices these fabulous Jewels are worth around $5 [Music] million there is a huge collection of antique jewelry Art Deco jewelry I mean the Rings within the royal family are are multiple and beautiful the most precious of all of her Jewels were her Omani Suite consisting of a diamond and sapphire necklace a bracelet and crescent-shaped earrings ES estimated to be worth $7 [Music] million even surpassing interest in the jewels Kate May wear on her big day is speculation on the wedding dress itself and how Kate style will affect her choice of attire Kate has I think established herself as something of a style icon over the last decade in the way that Diana did um she only needs to step out in a monochrome Top Shot dress and suddenly it's it is flying off the rails which is exactly what happened in 1981 Diana's wedding dress designed by David and Elizabeth Emanuel had an enormous skirt adorned by a 25t train it was an iconic dress for the Bride of the air to the British throne Kate's wedding dress will be very different from from Princess Diana's um Diana was much younger and and had the whole royal merang looked wonderful but it was a fairy tale princess dress I think Kate's dress will be much sleeker and more elegant and more body defined as as the clothes she wears nowadays Kate has an apartment in the upper class fashionable London neighborhood of Chelsea and her fashion style is based on the boutiques of Sloan Square which is in the center of the neighborhood those following this fashion trend are known locally as the Sloan Rangers kti has become a Sloan representative appearing regularly in British fashion magazines her style will surely influence her choices for the big day I would describe Kate as being the typical Sloan in the jeans and the ug boots she's always got pearl earrings on always Bangles her signant ring I think she's very she's the typical SLO and and I'm not criticizing that at all but I just don't think she's very she's not very different I don't think she's very experimental I think she sticks with sticks with what she knows is sayfe there is no street that screams Chelsea louder than Diana's favorite shopping Street beach and place it is here that Kate's sister Pippa and mother Carol have been spotted at the Bruce oldvi Bridal Boutique a favorite with Royals all over the world Kate has refused to admit to anything she is keeping her dress a secret from William until the big day for now there were only speculations surrounding Kate's choice of dress using a Kate lookalike model this photo hints at a style which is very different from Diana's merang dress this dress is designed by Joanna air this dress is part of the white gy collection that will be released in May 2011 The Collection was designed for the fashion show which takes place in the white Gallery London annually the name of the dress is Rosen it features a satin shoulder strap sweetheart cornelli lace fishtail puddle hem dress with Empire line and gathered satin brooch detail and is stocked by only the top end Bridal boutiques nothing too traditional but she won't be able to get away with a very modern design either I think it'll be a fairly contemporary style of cup but I think uh and probably something like a fishtail dress would probably suit her and her style as well next to Bruce Oldfield Salon Isabelle Christensen has an exclusive Boutique from where she creates glamorous wedding gowns for the Rich and Famous and royalty all over the world all wedding dresses are special but a royal one is one that is really being watched from all over the the world so you have to make sure that the bride feels very very comfortable this one that I have today is a lace fabric it's a handmade lace uh which is a very special fabric because it takes from 4 to 6 weeks to make a small piece of 4 M and for a gown with a big train you you sometimes need four or five pieces uh especially if you want a beautiful scallop which is the all around the edges of the train um it all has to be done by hand if I was choosing for U Miss Middleton then I would never put her in a strapless dress for her wedding I would cover her shoulders and arms Kate Middleton has been dating Prince William for 8 years since winning his heart while at St Andrew's University there were many ups and downs in their relationship but now the date for the next Royal Wedding is set for the 29th of April it is going to be the big national celebration since Prince Charles married Diana in 1981 though many expected William and Kate to have a smaller more private event the daughter of Prince Charles's wife Camila Laura Parker BS married Harry Lopez in 2006 in a quaint Country Church surrounded by an intimate Congregation of family and friends it was the sort of removed setting that William and Kate too may have wanted but as air to the throne moris demanded despite Williams desire for privacy he has shunn the media he wants to be a private citizen he doesn't want to do Royal duties and all these things are just I'm afraid building a sense of indifference in the British population and indifference will be the death of the monarchy because once we don't care about them then what's the point of having them Prince Charles married his long-term mistress Mrs Camila Parker BS in 2005 due to the controversy surrounding their wedding it was a low-key Affair held at St George's Chapel in Windsor Castle guests and cameras were limited but Prince Williams wedding is an untarnished celebration that will have all eyes upon it there has to be a public Dimension to it the cameras will have to be there but it's interesting isn't it because he we we hear that he doesn't want to have a wedding at St Paul's Cathedral which is where his mother and father married the couple will marry on the 29th of April at Westminster Abbey in front of 2,000 guests 38 kings and queens have been crowned here it is a truly Royal setting even the root of the procession is designed for show Kate will travel through the most scenic parts of London setting off from Buckingham Palace around toala Square down whiteall past Downing Street the home of the British prime minister and finally arriving at 11:00 a.m. at Westminster Abby William and Kate opted against the traditional wedding transport an open toop carriage in favor of a vintage car from the Queen's collection though she is not happy about the choice this is one of the rare occasions in which William has upset the queen in 2008 William commandeered a chinuk helicopter and landed it near Kate's family home in bucklebury I think that the whole chinuk helicopter incident where he landed a chopper in a field next to Kate Middleton's parents' home effectively showing off to his girlfriend um at taxpayers expense was a completely stupid episode in his his time in the services and it showed that really maybe since the death of the princess there had been so much um pandering to William and Harry that they didn't really think that they would be criticizing the media it was the first time really that he'd been lambasted in a in a way that he felt uncomfortable with with that laps in Judgment at the expense of the taxpayer behind them the queen and the middletons have announced that they will bear the brunt of the expense for the day which has an estimated cost of $10 million which has gone somewhere to winning the public over William's Public Image has never been more important and his long-standing career in the military means that on his wedding day he is said to appear like his father in full military attire inspiring loyalty and respect public acceptance is built on a an image of them a vision we have to see them if we don't see them we become indifferent to them we lose interest in Kate has proved to be a popular public figure but whether she makes a capable Queen remains to be seen I worry that her ordinariness might mean that she won't be uh equipped to deal with what is expected of her although popular Kate has been criticized for having little ambition of her own she had put her career on hold while waiting for William to propose she had begun a promising career in PR but it only lasted a few months Kate's friends insist that she is not a career woman and I think from everything we've seen of this young lady over the last 10 years we can assume that that's correct she hasn't really been working at all uh in recent years so the party paraphernalia business which is run by her parents was if you like a a way to cocoon her from the uh media and to give an excuse really that she wasn't just just waiting uh for Prince William to propose and acting out this weighty Katy thing that she's been dubbed but she is weighty Katy no more and there is much hope that the couple may rescue the waning reputation of the British royal family now that Kate has won Williams heart the couple will have to learn to balance their private relationship and Royal duties as the future king and queen of Great Britain Catherine as she will be known as as in when it gets to the point that she marries Prince William Will Will one day be a formidable Queen actually I think uh I think we have great things ahead of [Music] us Prince William and Kate Middleton's romance has been eight years in the making they've suffered the trials of his public life speculation and interference from the press and the natural Growing Pains of young [Music] love the public awaits a Royal Wedding fantasizing about the day the dress and The Jewels the Press is poised to capture what is sure to be one of the biggest events of the decade but only Kaden William truly know the Splendor that lies [Music] ahead [Music]
Channel: Royalworld - Nobility & Dynasties
Views: 89,789
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Keywords: William and Kate - A Royal Love Story 2011, William, Princess of Wales, Prince of Wales, free documentary, full documentary, free docs, royal family, royalty tv, documentary movies, british royal family, free movies, free movie, movies, british royal family documentary, movie, free full movie, free movie on youtube full movie, full movie, free youtube movies, free full movies, royalty, full length documentary, full documetary, fame, royal and fame, royal and fame tv
Id: ykr2S8h3Cj0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 44sec (2804 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 02 2023
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