Will your next battery be based on salt?

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One of the most common requests I get here  at Just Have a Think is to go back and find   out what happened to all those shiny, optimistic  technologies that I’ve covered in my videos over   the last six years or so. You know… like,  which ones look like they might actually   play an important role in the green energy  transition over the next couple of decades,   and which ones have fallen by the wayside. So, a couple of times a month during   twenty-twenty four I’ll be selecting one  of those previously featured innovations   to bring you the latest news on its progress. And we’re kicking off the series right here,   today, with a battery chemistry that, at  first sight, looks like a simple, cheap,   abundant and safe replacement for lithium-ion, but  which, like most new technologies, has turned out   to be much more complicated in the real world. I  am of course talking about SODIUM-ion technology.  So, has this soft, highly reactive metal  demonstrated enough advantages over its   periodic table neighbour to disrupt  an already rapidly growing market,   or has it all just been one big PR  stunt by our friends over in China? Hello and welcome to Just Have a Think  We first checked out sodium-ion chemistry in  this video way back in March twenty-twenty-two.  Here’s what we established back then : There’s more than a thousand times more   sodium in earth’s crust than there is  lithium. Sodium is apparently the sixth   most abundant element on the planet. It  is of course a constituent part of salt,   which is abundantly available from many sources,  not least of which is the ocean. That makes sodium   an extremely appealing prospect because it  means that, in theory, almost every country   in the world could build its own sodium-ion  battery infrastructure and become far more   energy independent than is currently the case. The basic functionality of a sodium-ion cell   is essentially the same as lithium-ion. During  charging, ions are extracted from the cathode and   move through the electrolyte to the anode, where  they’re stored. The energy to make this happen is   provided by the flow of electrons in the external  circuit. As the battery gets discharged, the ions   flow back to the cathode, releasing stored energy  in the form of electrons that travel back through   the external circuit to do some useful work. Broadly speaking, that structural and functional   similarity means that sodium-ion batteries  can be manufactured using existing lithium-ion   battery production infrastructure. Which is quite  handy from a capital investment point of view.  As a rather fortuitous result of some complicated  science involving electrochemical properties and   operating voltages, BOTH of the charge collectors  in a sodium-ion battery can be made of aluminium.   You can’t do that in a lithium-ion cell because  the lower electrical potential of the GRAPHITE   ANODE tends to react with aluminium, causing it  to corrode and dissolve. Which you don’t want. So,   the ANODE charge collectors in lithium-ion cells  are typically made from copper, which is heavier   and more expensive, and which also comes with  some well publicised supply chain challenges.   Unlike lithium-ion cells, sodium-ion cells can be  discharged right down to zero volts with no damage   or degradation. That means they can be shipped  around the world much more safely and cheaply,   which is a very significant advantage  in today’s globally connected markets.  It's not all upside for sodium-ion though, of  course. The biggest challenge is its relatively   low energy density. Lithium ions and sodium  ions can both move extremely quickly through an   appropriate electrolytic fluid, which means energy  can be delivered more or less instantaneously. But   lithium-ions are small enough to nestle neatly  within the tight lattice-like structure of the   graphite anode, in a process called intercalation. Sodium ions have a significantly larger radius   and are three times heavier than lithium-ions,  which means they’re too big for intercalation   in graphite. That challenge has largely been  addressed using a material called ‘hard-carbon’,   which has a far looser structure that can store  sodium-ions without any significant degradation,   but it does mean that sodium-ion batteries  don’t currently pack the same punch as the   best lithium-ion chemistries, which is something  we’ll have a look at in more detail in a moment.  Those differences in electrochemical properties,  that I mentioned earlier, mean that a different   electrolyte and a different cathode material have  also had to be developed for sodium-ion batteries.   The detail of that painstaking research work  is outside the scope of this presentation, but   I did delve into in my original video, which you  can jump back to by clicking up there somewhere.  When I made that video, back in early  twenty-twenty-two, COVID-19 and the   invasion of Ukraine had caused lithium prices to  spike up to some pretty crazy levels on global   commodity markets, which was making sodium  look like an extremely compelling alternative   at the time. Lithium prices have tumbled  back down to record low levels now though,   according to Bloomberg NEF, so, sodium has  lost a little bit of its cost advantage.  And then there’s something called life cycle  analysis, or LCA. Long term viewers of the   channel may remember an interview I did  a couple of years back with a guy called   Dr Robert Pell who runs a company called Minviro  that specialises in these vital industry studies.   In twenty-twenty-three they published this paper  comparing the LCA numbers for several sodium-ion   chemistries versus the most common lithium-ion  competitors, using lithium iron phosphate   cell chemistry as the default baseline. The  analysis showed that on a full lifecycle basis,   sodium-ion isn’t yet quite the magical panacea  that some make it out to be. Only one form of   sodium chemistry actually performed better than  lithium iron phosphate. That’s this one here,   second from the top. It uses the hard carbon  anode that I mentioned earlier and a so-called   ‘layered transition metal oxide’ cathode. Unlike  other chemistries, these cells contain no cobalt,   which is a big plus. Their biggest impact  actually comes from their liquid electrolyte,   which for the sciency types in the audience, is  ‘Sodium Hexafluorophosphate.‘ or NaPF6. After   that comes the cell production process itself and  then the manufacturing process for the cathode.  This next chart shows how the impact of each  of the cell chemistry options diminishes over   the lifecycle of the cell. The axis on the right  is logarithmic, which means the differences in   impact between each chemistry right at the  very beginning of their lives are actually   much wider than they look on the graph. This  vertical rainbow stripe in the middle here   represents the optimum working life cycle of each  chemistry, colour coded to match the lines. ALL   cell types have a rapidly diminishing impact  line over time though, which let’s not forget   is very different to the environmental  impact of burning fossil fuels, which is   catastrophically terrible from start to finish. The bottom line, say the Minviro researchers,   is that the so-called “sustainability” of modern  batteries is a very complicated assessment that   goes far beyond simple metrics like abundance and  accessibility, and new developers will do well   to factor these kinds of assessments into their  investment strategies on a voluntary, pre-emptive   basis, before their countries’ governments  force them to do it via stricter regulations. Despite those caveats though, a veritable  gold rush is still going at full tilt in the   sodium-ion battery sector. So, who are the movers  and shakers to look out for in twenty-twenty-four?  Well, let’s start in China…obviously. The world’s largest electric car manufacturer,   BYD, recently announced the construction of  a dedicated sodium-ion battery manufacturing   plant in eastern China with a reported investment  of one-point-four billion dollars and an annual   production capacity of thirty gigawatt-hours –  enough to supply well over a million vehicles per   year in the popular microcar sector beloved  by middle class urban Chinese commuters.  Over in Europe, in November last year,  the Swedish company Northvolt launched a   sodium-ion battery developed specifically  for stationary energy storage systems,   which may well be the sector where sodium-ion  proves to be the most useful. After all,   if you can use lower energy density sodium-ion  cells in applications where nothing has to be   physically moved, then that frees up the supply  of lithium for more power-hungry applications like   road vehicles, which seems to make a lot of sense. Northvolt say their cell has been validated for an   energy density of more than a hundred and  sixty watt-hours per kilogram, which puts   it somewhere close to lithium iron phosphate  levels of performance. It’s based on the hard   carbon anodes that we talked about earlier, and  something called Prussian White for the cathode,   which the eagle-eyed among you may have spotted a  moment ago on the performance charts from Minviro.   This stuff is rapidly becoming the favoured  option for sodium-ion cathodes because it ticks   a lot of performance and longevity boxes.  The technical explanation goes like this.  “Prussian White is a fully reduced  and sodiated form of Prussian Blue   with a high working capacity, high  theoretical capacity and low toxicity,   which circumvents the need for a reactive  sodium-loaded anode in cell assembly.”  Which in plain English means it is a very cheap,  easily produced, non-toxic material with good   discharge rates and an ability to maintain a  capacity as high as ninety five percent after   ten thousand cycles, which does make it a  very attractive option for a battery cathode.  Northvolt’s cells, like most new sodium-ion  cells, are free from lithium, nickel,   cobalt and graphite, which is certainly a very  encouraging development from a global resource   management point of view. Northvolt say the low  cost and safety at high temperatures make this   technology especially attractive for stationary  energy storage solutions in developing markets   like India, the Middle East and Africa. Here in the UK, we have Faradion, who last   year announced a partnership with Infraprime  Logistics Technologies to provide sodium-ion   batteries for commercial vehicles in the Indian  electric vehicle market on the back a national   commitment by Narendra Modi’s to invest one point  four trillion US dollars by twenty-twenty-five   with the aim of reaching thirty percent  electric vehicle adoption by twenty-thirty.  Over in the states, a start-up called Unigrid  Battery, founded by two graduates from the   University of California, San Diego, has secured  substantial orders for its Powerwall style product   based on sodium-ion chemistry and a tin-based  anode material, which they reckon can provide   higher energy density and reliability as part of  the herculean global challenge of achieving grid   stability and resilience during the mass roll out  of intermittent renewables like wind and solar.  Hot on their heels is another US firm called  Acculon Energy who are aiming their sodium-ion   technology at both mobile and stationary energy  applications and who are planning a production   facility with two gigawatt hours of capacity  to be up and running by mid twenty-twenty-four.  There will no doubt be others that I haven’t  mentioned here, so apologies if I’ve failed to   plug a company that you’ve just bet the farm on,  and you know…if you have done that then…good luck!  So, is sodium-ion on the cusp of displacing  lithium-ion as the go to chemistry for billions   of battery cells all over the world? No.  According to this recent research paper the  overall size of the global battery market is   projected to be around four hundred and twenty  billion US dollars per year by twenty thirty, by   which time sodium-ion batteries are predicted  to have captured only about four-point-four   billion or so, which is about one percent. But it is another string to sustainable   energy’s metaphorical bow isn’t it? And if it can  be embraced as a complimentary technology to free   up lithium-ion to be used in sectors where it’s  best suited, like road transport, then sodium-ion   could represent a very useful addition indeed. No doubt you’ve got your own news and views on   Sodium-ion technology. Maybe you HAVE invested  in an exciting start up company and you want the   world to know about it, or perhaps you’ve worked  on the development of sodium cell technology and   you can share some insights with us all. Whatever your thoughts, why not jump down   to the comments section below  and share them with us there.  That’s it for this week though. Thanks, as  always, to our Patreon supporters, who enable   me to keep ads and sponsorship messages out of all  my videos. And I must just give an extra special   thank you to the folks who joined recently  with pledges of ten dollars or more a month,  They are Ian Reid, James, Simon Beaton,  Derek R, Mike, Daniel Katz, Dylan Feldman,   Chris Winslow, Eoin Condron, Julius Funaro,  Jonathan, Raymond Potter, Pentti Nikkanen.  If you’d like to get involved with all  of that and find about all, then why   not pop over to patreon.dot.com forward  slash just have a think to have a look   at all the extras you can get hold of there. And you can hugely support the channel right   here on YouTube absolutely for free by subscribing  and hitting the like button, which of course is   just a simple mouse click away, either down  there somewhere, or on that icon there.  As always, thanks very much for  watching! Have a great week,   and remember to just have a think. See you next week.
Channel: Just Have a Think
Views: 188,266
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Id: 43g2RLLWxCw
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Length: 14min 9sec (849 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 21 2024
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