Is the Lithium-ion crown slipping?

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If you have even a passing acquaintance with  this channel, you’ll know that I’m constantly   banging on about the next ‘exciting battery  breakthrough’. They’re coming at us thick   and fast these days, aren’t they? According to this recent article,   having started at virtually zero in 2017,  global battery energy storage capacity   has grown so exponentially that by 2025 it's  projected to surpass the mighty pumped hydro   as the largest energy storage medium in the world. Now, of course, just like all the other so-called   ‘green’ technologies, batteries are not a silver  bullet that’ll solve the climate emergency. I’m   often accused of believing that technology alone  can drag humanity out of its current existential   predicament, which always makes me wonder  whether those critics have watched any of the   dozens and dozens of videos I’ve made explaining  quite specifically why technology alone CANNOT   drag humanity out of its current existential  predicament. There are myriad other problems   and challenges that we’ll need to overcome in the  coming decades. But batteries ARE definitely a   thing. And they‘re a thing that’s not going away.  The tricky challenge with so many new developments   popping out of labs all over the world right  now, is to work out which ones are legitimate   contenders and which ones are no more than  delusional hopium on the part of their inventors. Fortunately, a group of proper grown-ups  with impressive credentials and doctorates,   and all that lovely stuff, recently  conducted a study of what they see   as the most likely challengers  to the lithium-ion overlord. So, I thought I’d spend a bit of  time having a look at their findings. Hello and welcome to Just Have a Think, The study in question comes from the  world-renowned Fraunhofer Institute   for Systems and Innovation Research in Germany. It’s called ‘Alternative Battery  Technologies – Roadmap 2030+” and   it’s been developed as part  of a project called BEMA 2,   funded by the German Federal Ministry  of Education and Research, or BMBF. I won’t attempt to read out what the  acronym BEMA stands for in German   because I have a pathological aversion  to making a complete tit of myself,   but I’ve written it out on screen  here so you can see what I mean. Anyhow… the clever boffins at Fraunhofer  highlighted four distinct technology families   for their study, and then drilled down into  each category to look at the different flavours   available within them. Obviously the grand-daddy  of the metal-ion category is lithium-ion. We’ve looked at it and its close relative  sodium-ion on several occasions, including the   recent video about Natron in the USA, which  you can jump back to by clicking up there. Both those technologies are already on the market,  so if we consider them in terms of the industry   standard Technology Readiness Level ladder,  they both sit right up there on the top rung. But there are a couple of other options in this  family that the Fraunhofer team say are worth   considering. First up is Magnesium-ion. Magnesium is a highly abundant material,   and its chemical composition gives it  a relatively high theoretical energy   capacity. The challenge that developers are  currently grappling with is finding the optimum   combination for the cathode and anode materials. The exciting bit, if you’re a battery chemist,   is that magnesium-ion cells are intrinsically  safe, partly because they don’t tend to promote   the growth of the dreaded dendrites  that can afflict lithium-ion batteries.  And partly because magnesium itself has a  high auto-ignition temperature of four-hundred   and seventy-three degrees Celsius compared to  lithium’s one-hundred and seventy-nine Celsius.  That means ultra-fast charging times  are a very real possibility. Magnesium   is also less reactive to air than lithium  because of its self-passivating behaviour.  Even more encouraging is the fact that  metal oxide configurations are achieving   good operating voltages between two-point-four and  three-point-nine volts, and they look like they’ve   got the potential to reach energy densities  of around six-hundred and fifty Watt-hours per   kilogram, which is almost three times higher  than the best current lithium-ion technology.  The less exciting bit, if you’re a battery  salesman, is that Magnesium-ion batteries   are still at the fundamental research stage,  which means they only reach rung number three   on our Technology Readiness Level ladder Zinc is another interesting option in   the metal-ion family. Zinc is an already  well-established raw material in global   supply chains with an availability  about ten times higher than lithium. There’s also a very good recycling  industry in place for Zinc,   which ticks an important sustainability box. And Zinc is pretty stable in water too,  which means battery chemists can use benign   aqueous electrolytes instead of the slightly  nasty organic solutions used in lithium-ion. The trouble is, they only currently achieve a  potential difference of between one and two volts,   which is significantly lower than lithium-ion.  Energy density is lower as well. Even the   long-term projection is for a gravimetric density  somewhere between fifty and a hundred-and-twenty   Watt-hours per kilogram, so we’re probably not  looking at the future of electric mobility here. Having said that, water-based  electrolytes are non-flammable,   so a zinc-ion battery will be a very safe battery,   and there may be some applications where  that gives it the edge, for example in   utility-scale stationary energy storage or as  a direct replacement for lead acid batteries. Just like magnesium though, Zinc-ion is only  at the very early stages of its development.  There are a lot of challenges to overcome,   including hydrogen generation at the anode  which can cause loss of zinc-ions, and unwanted   side-reactions as the zinc-ions intercalate,  or nestle, into the anode materials. For all   those reasons, Zinc joins magnesium on  rung number three of our TRL ladder. A more recent development has been in  Aluminium-ion batteries. Aluminium is   a metal we’re all very familiar with.  It’s highly abundant and already one   of the most recycled materials on the planet. What’s attracting the battery chemists though   is the potential of aluminium-ion to be used as a  link between lithium-ion batteries and so-called   hybrid-ion-capacitors. That’s because they can  achieve a power density of nine thousand Watts   per kilogram, which is way higher than  lithium-ion, with a potential C-rate,   which means how many times a cell can  be charged or discharged in one hour,   of a hundred and eighty. That equates to three  full charges every minute, which is much more   like a capacitor than a battery. They also keep  going for more than twenty-thousand charge cycles.  The boffins reckon they can potentially double  those figures in the short to medium term   too, so there’s a lot to like here as an  extremely useful complimentary technology   to work alongside lithium-ion for fast  power delivery tasks in electric vehicles,   or for stabilization of smart grids and micro  grids. Challenges include the highly corrosive   nature of the ionic electrolyte fluid and less  corrosive but still problematic materials in   the current collectors and cell casings.  They are expected to be very cheap though   when they come to market – maybe twenty  percent less expensive than lithium-ion.  Nevertheless, we’re still a few years away from a  commercial product so TRL ladder rung three it is.  Metal-sulphur batteries work in a very  different way to metal-ion batteries. Sulphur can react with lithium, sodium, magnesium  and some other metals to form metal-sulphides.   This is another one we’ve looked at in  a couple of previous videos which I’ve   linked in the description section below. Lithium-Sulphur batteries operate at room   temperature with discharge voltages between  two and two-point four volts and very decent   energy densities between three and  four hundred watt-hours per kilogram,   at least at cell level anyway. You do need more individual cells   at that lower voltage though, to reach the same  system level voltage as a lithium-ion battery,   so it’s not yet clear whether that cell energy  density will scale up. The study points out   that lithium sulphur cells might require higher  external pressure and have a cycling stability   that’s not as good as lithium-ion. So, the  development goal here is to design large format   cells that have both high energy density and  can last more than a few hundred charge cycles.  They won’t be fast charges though. The  chemical nature of the interaction between   lithium and sulphur means you’re looking at  one full charge per hour or maybe even less,   so again, we won’t be seeing these things  in electric vehicles. Lithium sulphur cells   also currently use a flammable electrolyte,  and you still have the propensity of lithium   to build up into dendrites at the electrode  face. So, there’s still a lot of work ahead,   part of which will also be in finding the  optimum carbon scaffold structures to minimise   the polysulphide shuttle effect that we looked  at in our previous video on sulphur batteries,   where polysulphides get into a bit of a doom  loop of continuous movement from anode to   cathode and back again, effectively making  the cell useless after the first charge. There are already pretty good  working solutions for that though,   so it is by far an insurmountable goal. All  in all, lithium-sulphur is looking reasonably   promising for stationary storage applications, and  in fact the technology using liquid electrolytes   sits somewhere between rung five and rung  seven on our ladder. Solid electrolytes are   also being developed, although they’re a couple  of rungs behind in terms of technology readiness.  Just as we saw earlier with metal-ion batteries,  sodium represents an interesting alternative to   lithium in metal-sulphur chemistry and most of  the operational parameters are very similar.  Sodium-sulphur probably won’t pack the same  punch as lithium-sulphur but you do win that   important advantage of resource availability,  so in some applications that may be the check   box that seals the deal. But again, there  are plenty of challenges to overcome. Sodium   has an even greater tendency than lithium to  lay down dendrites and its higher reactivity   combined with a flammable organic electrolyte  is far from ideal from a safety perspective.  Ceramic solid electrolytes would mostly get  around that problem, and exotic materials   like hollow carbon tubes and graphene will  help with some performance issues, but those   materials are by no means cheap or commonplace.  So, the study puts sodium-sulphur on rung four.  The third category on the Fraunhofer  list is Metal-air batteries, which,   as the name suggests, comprise a metal  electrode, some sort of electrolyte and   what’s known as a ‘gas diffusion electrode’  or GDE on the opposite side of the cell. That   set up allows oxygen to be drawn from the  surrounding atmosphere or in some cases from   an oxygen tank. You get electrical energy from a  chemical reaction between the metal and oxygen,   so the capacity of the cell is largely  dependent on the type of metal used.  Yet again, Lithium is a promising candidate  in this sector because it offers a very   high theoretical energy density and decent  voltage. On paper you could be getting as   high as three-thousand-five-hundred Watt-hours  per kilogram at three volts, but in real world   prototyping, the higher the energy density, the  lower the number of cycles achieved. Best results   so far have been five hundred watt-hours per  kilogram but with only ten useful charge cycles.  You also still get the dendrite problem, so  these things are a long way off, and although   substantial improvements have been made during the  past decades, the study suggests this chemistry   still needs some more basic research work, so  it’s currently at the bottom of our TRL ladder.  Zinc-air batteries, on the other hand, have  been commercially available for several years.   The trouble is, the zinc oxide produced by the  oxygen reduction reaction can’t be recovered,   so it massively inhibits the capacity  to recharge the battery by effectively   absorbing the anode during discharge. There are ways around even that limitation though,   for example by mechanically replacing the zinc  anode or by replacing the electrolyte within a   flow system. That research work has apparently  been going on for several years, but despite   many announcements and a few prototype systems,  no-one has yet managed to produce a commercially   available rechargeable Zinc-air battery, so for  the purposes of the energy transition, zinc-air   also languishes towards the bottom of the ladder. Last but by no means least, comes the good old   Redox Flow Battery, which we’ve looked at several  times here on the Just Have a Think channel.  These things have two tanks of electrolyte  solution on either side of a cell stack.   As the two solutions are pumped in, the  cell stack converts electrical energy   into chemical energy and vice versa. Vanadium is the most common and most   mature technology in this sector, and Vanadium  redox flow batteries, or V-RFBs are currently   already commercially available, so they  sit right at the top of the TRL ladder.  Redox flow batteries really aren’t trying  to perform the same role as the rest of the   technologies featured in this report. They are  by their very nature relatively heavy and bulky   bits of kit, so they are firmly aimed at the  stationary energy storage market. They don’t   have the same high energy density as lithium-ion  batteries, but they are very well suited to longer   duration discharge between five and ten hours,  and they offer an extremely long operational   lifetime because you’re not getting any electrode  deformation on each charge and discharge cycle.   They’re also easily scalable. If you want a  bigger system, you simply increase the size   of the electrolyte tanks, or add more tanks. Now, you might be asking “what about Solid   State batteries, Dave”. That’s a fair question.  And it’s a big question. So big in fact that the   Fraunhofer institute is currently producing  an entirely separate study dedicated solely to   analysing the various solid-state options that  are in development around the world right now. And, of course, when I get my hands on that  report, I will bring you those findings as well,   so stay tuned, make sure you’re subscribed  to the channel on YouTube and make sure   you’ve hit the notification  bell too so you don’t miss it. That’s it for this week though. I’ve been away for my editing desk for the  last few days, while I’ve been busy hosting   discussion panels at the Everything  Electric LIVE show up in Harrogate,   so there’s no video next week, but  I’ll be back on Sunday the 9th June   with more news and views from the world  of climate change and sustainable energy. A massive thank you, as always, to the  channel’s fantastic Patreon supporters   who keep me on the straight and narrow and keep  ads and sponsorship messages out of your way.   You can now join that group for free so  that you can have a look around the site   before deciding whether you want to support the  channel for the price of a coffee each month.   And you can do that by visiting patreon  dot com forward slash just have a think.  Whichever way you support the channel  though, whether it’s via free subscription   on YouTube or by joining Patreon,  your help is massively appreciated. Most importantly of all though,   thanks very much for watching. Have a great  week and remember to just have a think. See you next week.
Channel: Just Have a Think
Views: 104,719
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Id: cdI5E9jyKoI
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Length: 15min 23sec (923 seconds)
Published: Sun May 26 2024
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