Will This Box End Our Bad Box Streak? | Mystery Unboxing | Liquidation Unboxing

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hey everybody welcome back to another family flips unboxing you know lately it's been a stream of what seems to be really bad lots and boxes um and i can't say that it's the liquidator i can only my my theory here is that it's just the way that big box companies liquidate their items and sometimes they liquidate really good items and sometimes they don't and i think right now the climate is that there's just not a lot of really good stuff out there um so i'm i'm hoping that this box will be better but given the the experience that we've been having lately in the climate i i don't have high hopes for this one yes and this is a electronics mystery box that we got from bargain bin supply uh a couple of months ago we did pay 112 dollars and 50 cents for it after a 10 off coupon code uh but i think just to show like we're youtubers we get bad boxes at the same time and just like everybody else and we're showing like this is liquidation but this is the way it is this is the way this is if you're if you're wanting to do something like this you're gonna have to expect a lot of bad boxes yeah and let us know like what you look for in an unboxing like what makes a good unboxing because for us it's like you know we're buying these boxes for like the good stuff because we're making money on it but for you guys that watch it that don't even do this you know why do you watch like what makes a good unboxing video uh let us know down in the comments so that we can use that information to make better videos for y'all i'm gonna open this box now one thing i do love about this box from this liquidator is they always fill it so fully they do and that means that makes me feel like i'm getting the most from my money i'm just saying uh oh look at this the first thing that comes out is an aviator remote control helicopter is our no we're expecting somebody to buy something off the facebook marketplace yeah um i'm gonna have to look this up that's kind of it looks kind of cool do you think you can heat gun that up while he's undoing that i just saw these these are pumpkin lights so those little lights that go in jack-o'-lanterns this will just be like a local sale kind of thing it's not going to be anything more than a couple dollars so that's okay that's all right what is this uh projector with water wave light this is like the christmas projectors that you put on your house um that's like fifteen twenty dollars that one looks very different but this one i don't know it might still be okay because it's just dust like it's been sitting in this box it's slightly opened so test it to make sure that it works okay and there might be some scuffing on the light um and if that's the case then we'll just sell it locally um and use conditioner yeah so which says ugly we'll sell this in our front of our store in our shop here yes uh at the shop i'll check this out if you want to do another one yeah i'm seeing a lot of big items in this box which scares me because when there's big items in these boxes there's not a lot of opportunity to make a lot of money because if one of the items is broken then it's no good this item right here is eighteen dollars okay so it's not a huge item and it's it's kind of big it's not over a pound but it is kind of big so shipping and it's probably gonna eat that yeah these are just k2 pro uh gaming headsets they're not real expensive like twenty dollars this is going to be a really short unboxing because there is not a lot in here then we see a uh a little remote control car okay uh yeezy uh off-road madness uh it doesn't look to be used which is good most of the time when we get stuff like this it's been used yeah so the fact that this hasn't been used is actually kind of a miracle yeah so i think this is probably like a 20 30 remote control card just based off of the ones that we have sold in the past but it's a bigger box it's going to have to ship priority or fedex so like shipping 10 12 13 depending on where it goes so not a lot of money to be made in this box for us unless we can sell it without shipping yes um this looks like a book and i thought it was a book until i realized oh you can it's a watch wow and it's cracked oh that stinks do i want to know how much it's worth do i even want to know yeah i want to know does it have a upc on it or uh i'm at least look at the brands the label on it i i don't believe it's it's a very expensive brand what what uh is there like a this brand has some 300 watches i just don't know if this is a 300 watt let me see that let's do some more inspecting on it because if it's a 300 watch i can definitely uh get this repaired somewhere so here's what we know we know that this is cracked we know that there are some selling for 249 on ebay listed listed um we also know that none have sold and we also know that there are a lot of look-alikes that are like 40 and 50 dollars so yeah is this legitimate i don't know uh we're gonna have to do a little more research on it if it ends up being 250 dollars we may take this somewhere and try to get this glass piece replaced because the watch itself is working right now yeah so if that is but if it's a 30 or 40 watch then the price of fixing it the time it's gonna cost to take it somewhere and all of that is just going to eat up our profit so this is what something we're going to put to the side we're going to tentatively call it zero but this could be a 250 watch which is super exciting um if you're interested in knowing where we go with this watch make sure you subscribe to our other channel life with joe and jess where we chronicle how we sell these items and a lot of these interest items like this get mentioned in that blog so you can keep up with this story there yep this is scary y'all smart led strip lights um i always look to see if they have been used i think there's supposed to be four strips in here there's only three but it can still be sold something like this is probably like a 25 led light set i've got a uh almighty one macro this is a uh headset headphone system headphone speaker system right here um and i don't know much about this brand have you seen this brand before babe no but i want to look up the price on it just in case can you uh heat gun it last time so while she's doing that we've got some butt flockies butt palakkis gh1 uh brand new these are only like a 20 headset so brand new uh we're not going to inspect it now if they're used condition we will probably put them out in the shop there we've got some uh true wireless stereo earbuds these generally in new conditions sell for like 20 to 25 dollars and i see a couple more watches in here jessica yeah yeah i've got one that we do know it's the gala gal gaianella which they look cool uh they are priced a little bit higher so like 40 50 bucks but we haven't sold any yet but we haven't got any of this one yet uh which is nice um i like that silver and blue the other gaianello watches that we have sold are have lists we have sold some usually like 50 60 so i'm excited about that one it doesn't like here does it well there isn't any on ebay no no so i was checking amazon there's an a on am uh amazon won't scan it so i'm gonna try and type it in real quick all right and we have the koichi kawachang uh these are like 15 watches we have got a couple of those before uh but we haven't sold any so uh it may be 15 or maybe zero especially if we can't sell it wow okay let me try and do these upc number and see nope nothing so i have no idea how much these headphones are worth so they're not on amazon they're not on ebay i don't know where they're selling these and where any have sold what should not even be anything in the box after all that works oh yeah it's great it looks great it does i mean it's in great condition but we have so little neck uh earphone earphones earbud things like that before for i don't know 20 30 40 but this watch here bernard uh it looks good but there is lots of scratches that is on the facing which is bad news for retail value uh and on the back of the watch it's got like all kinds of stuff it's like it's got rust or something on there i don't know if y'all can see that in the uh the camera there so that's not good not good at all heavily used yeah yeah and i just googled this brand and i can't find it that's so weird so weird um let's see i've got a a really cute phone case which we can't sell online at all there's no point there's no money in that but we could probably put it out there for 50 cents we could sell it we just choose not to because there's no money what is this customer custom auto part or something what kind of property car buffs out there what is this somebody tell me uh car parts new high piece purl on something there is a model number on there so there is some type of uh way to research it yeah so we can't look it up when we do go to try to sell it but we would have to try and sell this online because trying to find the right buyer for this particular car part locally uh is not very likely it says police self-defense security it is a oh it's a local is that a flashlight yeah that's that's a nice looking flashlight it doesn't work oh i'm so sorry you didn't i i saw what you were doing so i looked away so that i would not get um last item touch screen barbecue thermometer with timer in color display like a 15 item tops super handy it is handy but another bucks bucks box goes down uh that's not going to be very profitable for us uh i mean there are some there are so there is some hope for this box so because of this watch that we really don't know much about now in my experience with stuff like this the chances of this being legitimate is low but i think it's definitely worth looking into but if this watch is 250 then this box would actually be pretty exciting i mean because we'd be profiting this right here we'd be have made our money back and then no man we're going to spend more money in order to make the money that's true so at least it will lessen the sting uh with the box i mean it would make some money it would be profitable but at the same time like spending more money just to recoup money do you do that or you just cut the losses put online with a broken screen the broken glass and then just sell it that way and then move on so you're not having to invest more money i think a lot of times one of the things you have to think about as a as a reseller is that when you get in product you have to determine your time as valuable if not more valuable than the money that you're investing because capital you can always make more capital but you can never make more time so using your time wisely sometimes means turning down the opportunity to make a couple dollars so that you can use that time to make more than a couple dollars yeah so um that being said i don't have high hopes for us to be able to really profit this box i i would not consider this now it's like a huge six no and it's probably only like 18 19 items so most of this we probably will end up putting out in our storefront just selling it for four or five bucks a piece and uh moving on with it and then reinvesting our money into other stuff so we hope you guys have enjoyed this video as much as we've enjoyed filming it for you uh sorry to say that we're just we're just kind of hitting a stream um but also knowing that we are prepared for that and we are doing the best we can and it it's just part of it you guys so and we do have more pallets coming uh but we've been moving uh and we got moved in and we're facing a vacation so we didn't wanna when we have like six pounds of pallets that we have to get that product listed and we don't want to buy a bunch more pallets when we still had other stuff that need to get listed and sold so this is what we have so thank you guys so much and uh until next time friends peace [Music] you
Channel: The Family Flips
Views: 5,929
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: amazon returns unboxing, liquidation pallets, Amazon Returns, returns pallet unboxing, extreme unboxing tv show, liquidation unboxing, pallet unboxing, amazon return pallets, amazon pallet unboxing, amazon liquidation pallets, unboxing pallets, liquidation pallet unboxing, online mystery box, online mystery box unboxing, dumpster diving at ulta, dumpster diving, dumpster diving in america, how to make money, storage wars, selling items, making money, sidehustle, extra money
Id: zfgern_Bi2w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 54sec (834 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 03 2021
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