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hey everyone welcome to sassa fr's world today is fan fun I do believe it is okay and it's doto whatever um is it upside down no it wasn't upside down it proper okay just making sure I know how you are sorry not sorry where did I go at any rate here it is this is um now if you guys watch the channel religiously which I know a few of you of you do there is a video on the first kit that was made out this uh a couple years back uh I couldn't afford to keep it up so then I I contacted them again and now they're doing something where really it's a little more expensive per month but it's supposed to have the whole car in one year instead of two and a half I think it was so I'm just going to show you a few of the pieces and stuff and then when I put it together I'm going to put it together on camera fast forward through a lot of the parts because it's going to be boring and show you exactly what each kit puts together and how it goes um this is so black and big I'm going to have to go like this wow there's a lot of stuff in here okay and if you guys haven't already guessed which you probably have if you watch the videos Night Rider it's Kit so we've got one two three four [Applause] [Music] five six seven eight nine and 10 you got the book so we got three four five 6 7 8 9 10 and 11 by or 10 and 12 oh no 10 11 12 so there is 12 kits here um to put together get some tools and everything with the and I got kit one and two in the closet there um I did not pull it out and we have posters some posters yes just empty okay you hang on to those I'm going to put these back in here for now yeah and I'll skip this part for you guys starting now we're back at any rate um not all the boxes have posters and stuff like that but this one right here came with three things there's David Hasselhoff um sitting on the hood of Kit and then here is um Devon Bonnie and Michael in the semi which are the main characters y I never knew kit to be a convertible there's probably a couple of them though that did and then here is um the ending I do believe one of the scenes in the end so those will be really cool I'm going to I'm actually going to frame those and hang them up um you guys are going to hear the TV in the background uh Cheryl is in the background uh or in the other room watching TV so don't mind that any rate um I am going to show you these kits as I get them so the very the very first box we received was the $495 Box okay for $4.95 you got started you got two different kits you got kit number one right here is the hood assembly and then the kit number two which is part of the grill slash bumpers assembly um I am not going to bore you guys by taking and watching you making you guys watch me put them all together so what I'm going to do throughout the time is I'm going to put this one and this one together and I'll show you and then um I'm going to do the other two boxes which both have 10 kits show you the kits quick um and then uh put them together and show you what they look like together is kit number one and kit number two of the Night Rider this is number two might be hard to see I'm not sure all being black like that but any of course you got the hood assembly and there are the first two steps of having a complete model of Kit all right we're going to be getting to Mission or to Mission we're going to be getting into kits number 3 through 12 okay I just wanted to show you here um a couple different things first of all it does come with a nice little uh screwdriver I think every uh box might come with the little screwdriver I'm not sure there's another one in this stuff anyway it's a little magnetic because you have tiny tiny screws one thing you guys need to remember if you if you decide to get a kit like this or whatever and you're like oh that's cool um you don't have to tighten them up like super tight it's not like it's going to be going anywhere and and you know once you displayed it and everything but anyway um they always give you extra screws save those because you never know when you're going to strip one out twice or whatever and then you need some screws so I always save those and I put them all in a base here and I don't know where I did with the bag but anyway so that is like I said kit number one and two um I'll bring you back when I have Kit 3 through 12 um separated to the books or maybe just done we'll see today we will be putting together kits three through 12 of the Night Rider um kit I just want to say something I haven't mentioned before these book books are not just instruction booklets every booklet comes with some information about um the show behind the scenes uh actors all that stuff which is kind of nice um the the instructions to put them together very simple as you can see and that's why it's done in smaller kits so at any rate kit three is going to be a tire assembly kit four is going to be the the dashboard by looks of it that one should be a fun one to put together and then five through 12 basically is going to be just the bottom Carriage I do believe of the vehicle it looks like it is um but before um but be I I'll put them I'm sorry I'll put them together and then I will show you exactly what they look like together again and then if it comes up to where I have to put something together be you know two of the kits together um I will come back on camera before I put them together and show you exactly what each kit looked like at any rate um I don't know we'll see how this plays out this is the first time I've ever did anything like this and I'm trying to keep it as short as possible because you know it's it's kind of boring unless you're putting it together yourself I guess I'll be back okay every short little clip here evidently four and five are going to merge so I'm going to show you three of course here quick just the front tire front left tire okay and then four is part of the dash and then it has um part of the steering column steering wheel and this and this is actually going to be hooked together in this step with some Electronics which is kind of cool in fact it might even be yeah I don't know anyway so we'll see how that looks um when it's all put together okay everyone just want to show you this part before I take it apart again because it's just wanted to make sure it works so here is the front end of Kit and here is let me get my thumb all the way sorry here's what this is going to look like when it gets turned on pretty cool all right I'll be back okay everyone I just finish step seven and basically what's new is we've got these guys here steering box attached to it this guy here all put together all right on to number eight today um you guys are going to hear background noises throughout this whole video but that's okay I'm in here doing my thing the family's out there doing their thing so but anyway uh let me see I just finished nine okay and this is what it was here it was this section here okay which meant we could put these two where they're supposed to be and of course part of the tire or the um axle assembly or whatever so anyway that's what that is and then I'm assuming a tire is coming up within the next few um we have the uh rotor and caliper assemble assembly whatever you want to call it all right on to 10 okay I'm back um 10 is a whole bunch of little part and look they give you a tweezer to go along with it oh boy I love little Parts okay everyone part 10 is done and on it's another one of these that had to uh install on here and basically it was the brake lines and some of the stabilizer bars so now we do have a little bit of steering but right now it's kind of still a little on the Rough Side here but yeah I don't know at anyway see if I can get a hold of this now you guys can see it on to number 11 all right we are on to Kit 11 now it looks like we're going to be working on the floorboard floorboards and stuff so I don't know it's this is a very small kit now remember every month I'm getting 10 different kits in to put together um the reason why there's going to be 12 on this video is because the first first one for $4.99 $4.95 whatever it is was basically two kits they were kind of easy to put together they were fun to put together though and um I didn't want to do a short little video on that so this one is going to have 10 kits I'm sorry this one's going to have 12 kits from now on they will have um 10 in the video okay Step 11 is almost done or build 11 I'm just going to start calling it build anyway basically same thing you just saw except for couple extra pieces here added little pieces but in this build step we get to hook these two together cool okay Step 11 is done there it is starting to look kind of like a car on to step 12 and the last one for this video okay and step Build 12 so we got the front uh left uh bumper or whatever anyway got this Critter together got part of the steering column the dash the hood and of course the front end are part of to the front end got battery pack to go with it so now this is kits 1 through 12 um 13 through whatever the next 10 is going to be um coming up next year probably next month at any rate we love you and remember until next time have fun but be safe a
Channel: SAS-a-fras’s world
Views: 22
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 40sec (940 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 10 2024
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