Elevate Your Reselling Game: 2 Winning Tips to Increase Sales & Efficiency

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give you two tips right now that you can start implementing to make you a better reseller by the end of the [Music] year I I haven't done a video like this in a while uh so I'm a little out of practice so bear with me I'm going to do the best that I can but one of the questions that I get all the time and have gotten for the past few years um is is how do Joe and I do it what are the logistics of what we do because it's obviously working for us our business is growing that's something to be proud of especially in this economy but it's not because Joe and I are hyper talented or super gifted or anything like that if we can do it as scatterbrained you know one of the two of us has ADHD uh the other one me is highly creative and has their head in the clouds 99% of the time uh but we've managed to make it work and so given that we've had just a lot of trial and error and a lot of time I want to be able to share that information with you uh at the risk of getting really fluffy and overex explaining I'm just going to jump right into it and I'm going to say the first one is going to be your listing area or your listing space let me show you mine okay here it is and I was really careful not to do any cleanup I wanted you to show I wanted to show you exactly what it looks like from a day-to-day basis so it's it's obviously well taken care of it's something that uh we use every day and we make sure that whoever uses this station they're careful to clean up after themselves so this is a dedicated space that we have for listing which means that it has everything within Arms Reach that you could possibly need including a trash can including pencils and pens and how our inventory system works like if you sell a lot of clothes and you keep them in those little plastic baggies you're going to have a full stack of those ready for you to grab it in any point in time so listing is a tedious process that requires you to do the same thing over and over again with small changes in Minor Details that requires a lot of focus when you move from one area to the next you have to come back and it takes on average when you switch tasks psychologically speaking when you switch tests it takes on average about 20 minutes for you to get back into the groove of things the goal of having a listing station or a dedicated place that you can list is to reduce the amount of distractions so that in the amount of time that you have for listing you are actually listing and you're not looking for supplies you are not chasing things around right another thing that we have in our listing station that has become very convenient for us is these carts right here now I understand that this is kind of large scale because this is this is what uh We've grown into but when we first started in our garage we kind of had this system but on a much smaller scale right so instead instead of these giant carts we may have had a small table or a bucket um we did use to actually we used to use sorry I'm spinning around so much these little green buckets these little green buckets used to be our carts now we have more inventory so we have carts now and what we would do is we would have one one cart that was the stuff that needed to be listed and then we would have like a box or our inventory holding area on the other side that we would essentially put the stuff that we had already listed so we never had to leave our space and we had everything that we need let's take a closer look at this listing station all right so everybody's listing station depending on what you are actually selling is going to look a little bit different um for us because we sell a wide variety of stuff we're going to have a lot of different things um so one of the things that I always recommend is if you sell Electronics or anything that needs to be plugged in and tested we have all of our charging cables here the most common ones such as like right now we're actually testing some headset headphones some earbuds we have them sitting here charging right we've got iPhone lightning Chargers we have uh USBC Chargers we have regular AC adapters now if there's like a unique uh charging cable or something like that we would have to use obviously the one that came with it um but we always have that on hand of course we also have a trash can because reselling takes a lot of trash but on this side we have a lot of things that over time when we started realizing man I have to get up and get this all the time I need to have one for my designated space right one of them being when we put in our measurements for eBay we have a tape measure we have tape for you know whatever you need tape for um we also have uh looks like Whitney this is this is Whitney's creation right so if you don't know uh if you haven't been following for a very long time Whitney is a long longterm family friend of ours who is has been with us since the beginning and one of the main reasons that we are so successful is that we had Whitney with us and she's brilliant at these kinds of things but in here she's got don't do that uh she's got screwdrivers all of all different sizes she's got rubber bands she's got a little scraper to help her get sticky stuff off she's got goo on in here she's got uh plenty of she's got a duster she's got scissors she's got a box cutter she's got multiple pens and highlighters whatever it is that she needs over time oh and she has snacks so she's not g to have to get up or I'm not going to have to get up or Joe's not gonna whoever is listening if it's just you is not going to have to get up for any reason to take care of all of this stuff another thing that is really really useful is we actually have this heat gun if you don't have a heat gun that's fine you can use a hair dryer but it helps loosen adhesive on certain things like sometimes when you get like customer returns you'll have those return sticker and labels on them looks really unsightly um and makes the box look really bad so we actually take those off um sometimes they even have a sticker underneath that will tell you what the item is so you can look it up for Price comps it's always good to have a little bit of heat ready and available to you now let's say that you don't have space you're like Jessica you have a huge area to be able to create this whole space I have a small bedroom in corner of my bedroom and I don't have just a place that I can have a full-on listing station right well neither did we when we first started off this is what we grew into right but let me show you how we started this is what we started with um the only thing that's missing here is one of those little light boxes that you can get on Amazon they're not super duper expensive they're well worth the investment so you can get clear concise pictures but so I would have maybe a light box now if you sell bigger items and you want to get the big white uh backdrops and then you can just put like if you're going to be working on that workspace later you can always just put something over it to kind of protect the whiteness so it doesn't get all dingy and look bad in pictures that's fine it's really just dependent upon what you are selling specifically right but in a in a space that you are sharing with either other people or you're sharing with other tasks something like this is super easy because it gets you exactly the same thing that we have but much much smaller so if I were to be doing other things like paying my bills or whatever I could take all of this and I could slide it down and then I have the open workspace right but essentially everything that I have in here is what you would find in a basic listing station so I've got this is how we do our inventory these are our little stickers that kind of tell us what it is or where to find it that we use to kind of organize our inventory so that's here ready to go we've got cleaning products all the things that I told you that we had we have charging cables and charging blocks we have the screwdrivers to be able to take stuff off inspect it we've got lint brushes in case we're selling clothes or something that's kind of velvety we've got cleaning products we've got goo on actually the only thing that's not in here that probably could be in here is that heat gun that I was telling you about to remove that adhesive of course a lot of people don't even use that and they found other solutions to that that's just the solution that I feel like works best for me so having a designated space doesn't mean that you have to have a lot of space it's just when you are listing you have to have a space that isn't distracting that only has the things in it that you need to list because let's just face it if you are an entrepreneur or if you're like most people you don't just have one thing to worry about right you've got 10,000 other things that you could be doing probably half of those things are things you'd rather be doing so having a designated listing area reduces that temptation to get distracted um now I want to talk about that second that second item all right that second thing that you can be doing and that thing is scheduling your time uh I know people do not like to hear that uh it sounds easier said than done but if you can figure out a way to make it work I am telling you it is a game Cher I want you to think really deeply about your life right now and all the other responsibilities that you have going on um many of you work more one or more jobs right and you still need that supplemental income so it's very very easy for you to go to work and to push push push and then you come home and the last thing you want to do is sit before a computer or a phone and start listing things when really all you want to do is relax right I get it I've been there I understand but your business will not grow if you don't invest the time and there's really no there's really no way around that right so we have to figure out a way to schedule ourselves even if it's just an hour or a certain amount of listings preferably I like time because if you do it by a certain amount of listings and you come to a really complicated item that is difficult to list or requires a little bit more research especially when you're in liquidation because you can't choose what it is that you're getting um it causes it causes some issue because that thing will just grow dust and sit in the corner because you don't want to deal with it and there will never be a good time to deal with it if you're dealing with time uh you get that big thing listed you take the time that is needed and then you move on and you get more listings the next day that's just my personal opinion um everybody feels a little bit differently about it everything you know is caseby casee Basis it is what it is um but on the other hand also right if you are somebody who is used to hustling and um you find this thing and it becomes very very interesting to you um it can easily consume your life so maybe you meant to be listing for an hour or two next thing you know it's the middle of the night and you have 10,000 other things that you should have done that you didn't do having a set schedule in which you are scheduled to list um to get those items listed it's going to be invaluable to you no matter what kind of person you are you know I would say stick with it for a week come up with a schedule come up with something you know I'm going to list from this time to this time for five days this week these specific five days and maybe on the second day you're like this is not going to work stick with it for a week okay see if there's some settling that needs to happen um and if it's still not working then you make that adjustment until you find something and I will also say something may work for you for a season and then maybe something else comes along maybe your kids starts softball um that's happened before you know uh maybe you get an illness in the family and for that season you know that time is being taken by something else you're going to have to make adjustments so you got to be flexible you got to be moldable you got to be malleable but always schedule a specific amount of time in which you are investing in your business specifically in listing because listing is where you get your money uh marketing is great uh watching YouTube videos to gain knowledge is great those things are all great things that you can do to invest your business but I am talking specifically about scheduling that time for listing okay so those are your two main tips that you can work on for the rest of the year to become a better reseller by the end of this year the first one is to create that designated workspace whether that be a space that is shared with other tasks but can be easily cleaned off and turned into a listing station and is only a listing station without distractions for the entire time that you are listing or if you are lucky enough to have a space that can be set up as a listing station and only a listing station get rid of those distractions in your life make it easier for you to streamline that process your brain will thank you because it'll be a lot less anxiety producing and a lot less stressful I don't care who you are everybody gets distracted and the second thing is to make sure that you are scheduling time to list listing is not the most fun part about reselling but it is the money-making part um and I want to see your business profitable so try these two things out keep us updated let us know how it's going let us know how you adjusted let us know how it helped you see the struggles that you're having in your business um and thank you so much for taking the time to listen until next time friends [Music] [Music] peace [Music] oh
Channel: The Family Flips
Views: 843
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: resell, reselling, how to resell, how to make more money reselling, ebay, ebaytips, selling on ebay, ebay seller, how to sell on ebay, reselling business, reselling full time job, efficiency, listing on ebay, how to list on ebay, how to sell on ebay for beginners, reselling ebay, reselling tips and tricks, reseller, efficiency hacks, brain efficiency hacks, productivity tips, productivity, the family flips, liquidation pallets, pallet flipping
Id: yRWUg69aqwg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 5sec (845 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 08 2023
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