Will Smith Apology

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today will smith posted a youtube apology video for slapping chris rock at the oscars and when i saw it i had to scratch my head and wonder why it happened so long ago i was confused why is he apologizing now i felt like robin williams coming out of jumanji asking what year it was and then i remembered that that happened this year it was four months ago that will smith slapped chris rock's head clean off his shoulders at the oscars he turned an awards ceremony into a public execution when he blasted chris rock to valhalla just banishing him to the shadow realm with a slap oh baby that's right he starts this with the most generic youtuber apology intro imaginable a slow walk into a big sigh right before getting into the actual apology textbook he's clearly been trained by some of the youtuber apology greats like logan paul laura lee tati i mean this is perfection here every box of youtuber apology cliche gets ticked immediately except for one he didn't bring his dog into it a lot of youtubers like to bring in an animal in order to you know deflect some of the criticism with cuteness with the animal will smith unfortunately must have forgot that prop this time around but everything else he nails why didn't you apologize to chris in your acceptance speech um i was fogged out by that point it's it's it's it's all fuzzy so the main thing he's doing in the apology video here is answering questions that people have asked over the last four months and again i have to wonder why even bother it's been four months on internet time that's basically ancient history like that's back there with like y2k now most people have moved on and forgotten about it so it's a little weird to be this tardy to the party with addressing these things now of course i understand this is like a career ruining moment for him so he wants to do his best to be perceived positively again both by movie execs as well as the general public so if you really did feel strongly enough that he wants to apologize then all power to him but anyway the first question that he addresses here is one that i don't think anyone with half a brain ever asked in the first place why didn't you apologize to chris during your acceptance speech the answer should be pretty obvious if you have eyes it's because he was still mad he was still fuming of course he wasn't going to apologize for it literally 15 minutes before he accepted that award he had just charged the stage like the undertaker during wrestlemania going into the ring and clobbered chris so of course he's not going to immediately like fold and be like man sorry chris that was out i was out of line he was still upset that's why i didn't apologize i don't really understand his excuse of i was still you know in a fog it was all still fuzzy like in the moment that makes sense but over the last four months what you've just been in a perpetual fog you've been in like the upside down or something like what do you mean you've had four months if you wanted to publicly apologize to chris and you didn't and even to be fair here you still don't he says i'm sorry to a lot of people but the one person he doesn't say the words i'm sorry to is chris i've reached out to chris um and the mesh the message that came back is that uh he's not ready to talk and when he is he will reach out um so i will i will say to you um chris i apologize to you uh my behavior was unacceptable and i'm here whenever you're ready to talk that almost sounds like a trap like hey i'm here whenever you're ready to talk and it turns out will's been training for the last four months with slap boxing so he's been like slapping brick walls until they collapse so he's ready to really get him like a double whammy get him with that encore performance there's a big difference between between saying i apologize to you and i'm sorry i don't think people really understand the value of just saying i'm sorry i think it's the most important thing to say during an apology which he does say later on to other people but never chris to chris he just says i apologize and the action was unacceptable which is you know that's good that's definitely a start but i really think you needed that cherry on top here of an i'm sorry this is also just one of those things that should have been handled privately i'm sure there were plenty of ways in the pipeline to let chris know that you were genuinely remorseful for what happened but i understand why he thought this was a good idea i'm going to make a video coming forward publicly apologizing and owning up to my mistakes letting people see how horrible i feel and what i'm doing to change and be better the thought process makes sense you know let people see a vulnerable side of you and let them know that you made a mistake and you know that and that it again does make sense to anyone who's never been on the internet i think one thing most people online are starting to understand and wake up to is that when you make an apology video you lose it's like what war games taught us the only winning move is not to play when you make an apology video it is a lose-lose situation for you you're either gonna have people that don't believe that you're actually sorry or they're going to have people that think that you didn't need to apologize in the first place so now you look stupid you look like a [ __ ] which i'm already seeing with will smith's apology like why is he apologizing he stood up for his wife does he not support his wife anymore oh my god i've lost all respect for will with this apology now and then on the other side of that coin is man will really needed to apologize but this apology video was so dog [ __ ] he missed the mark entirely this is the worst apology video i've ever seen in my life you just don't win with an apology so again this should have just been private three months replaying and understanding the nuances and and the complexities of what happened in in that moment you slap the [ __ ] out of a man it's not that deep talking about it like it's the most complex situation of all time like this slap was somehow you know like the like a cold war or something here it was a simple act that affected a decent chunk of people chris most notably i would say was physically affected by this lap but will's career was also hurt by it chris's family was probably pretty upset by it like yes of course people were affected by it but it's not like it there needs to be like four months spent of just digesting this giant web that all spawned from a slap because again at the end of the day it's really not that deep after jada rolled her eyes did she tell you to do something no um it's like you know i'm i made a choice on my own from my own experiences from my history with chris jada had nothing to do with it jada was behind the camera with a teleprompter and a gun making sure this question was addressed properly of course i'm kidding uh you know jada just has a very uh odd moments publicly with will that i think are very tasteless in the things she says to and about will and it's the reason why a lot of people felt like she may have contributed to this overreaction from will you know her rolling her eyes and then just having all of that context with the things she has said publicly about and to will just made people uh wonder whether or not she was somehow involved in that decision from will but he's clearing the air here saying that it was just him doing it and you know what i'll take his word for it i think this was just an impulsive decision here i i don't think jada has some kind of device that she can control will's brain like something out of dexter's lab i i really think he just completely overreacted and went [ __ ] berserk here for some reason and i don't think jada is necessarily guilty of that but i do think she is guilty of being a very toxic partner i know that sounds parasocial to say but the amount of clips and videos of jada just [ __ ] on will to his face is baffling like the time where she was just talking about cheating right to him and how much she like enjoyed it or whatever during their red table talk oh my god it's so hard to sit through as will's like in tears about it and she's just joking oh man it's [ __ ] brutal and so now will looks like a [ __ ] i mean i'm just not a big jada fan i'll say it i don't think she's that nice what would you say to the people who looked up to you before the slap or people who expressed that you let them down um let me just stop you right there you don't have to apologize to me i found this whole thing to be highly entertaining i thought this was extremely goofy and no one seriously got injured or anything like that this was just an absolute [ __ ] wild moment and honestly for this section he should have just said you're welcome you know to the the journalists that wouldn't stop [ __ ] writing about it like a million articles all going deep into it for no [ __ ] reason talking about how this is setting a bad president and how in the next oscars all of a sudden people might be showing up there with battle axes to attack their critics how journalists are no longer safe you know this and that like he honestly just said you're welcome for the two weeks of just articles and videos about it now of course there were super fans of will that were disappointed to see this and i think it's cute that he said that he was sorry for it and letting them down he apologized to chris chris's family his family for the negative backlash they faced he apologized to pretty much everyone that was directly impacted by it and now in this section he's talking about how horrible he feels when he doesn't live up the people's image of him and i will say he does seem pretty sincere for the most part but again it's been four months most people have moved on this was pretty unnecessary though i'm sure a lot of people that did feel like really disappointed appreciate the gesture disappointing people is my central trauma i hate when i let people down uh it hurts me psychologically and emotionally to know i didn't live up to uh people's image and impression of me deeply remorseful and i'm trying to be remorseful without being ashamed of myself right i'm human and i made a mistake yeah he finishes it off by saying that he is remorseful and he's you know working on being better and if you stick with him can all be friends again and that's basically where it concludes overall i don't think it's like the worst apology ever especially in the tier list of youtuber apologies i think this one was one of the more sincere ones at least from everything i've seen from it unless i've been deceived by his great acting i couldn't tell you but this is just one of those situations that is so wild to me why do this four months later if he had done this like a day two days even a week after this happened i think the reception to it would have been much better than it currently is yes it still has i think a pretty positive reception overall from like his actual like dedicated fans but the general consensus i'm seeing here is why is he doing this this seems very fake to do it now it's way too late we've all moved on this and that so again you don't really win with an apology video but if he at least made like a statement like this a big statement like this right after it happened i think he would have been in a much better position now than he is currently if that makes sense but anyway i just wanted to talk about this since the slap is the gift that just keeps on giving somehow there is still developments with that that whole story that keep happening and anyway that's about it see ya
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 5,076,936
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: SLWzJjR33es
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 21sec (741 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 30 2022
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