I did it again...

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what i've got planned at the minute is two things i want to react to the subreddit i haven't reacted to the subreddit in a little minute i'm gonna do that now because i know some people have been posting some good stuff on there oh yeah i want to show yeah i want to show this actually but look at this man it's an evangelion bear break this is the only bear brick i'll ever buy in my life chat don't be bullying it's not cringe first time chatter by the way you're really logged in to say that right anyway i'll get started i'll get started on the uh the sub plug it one thing i wanted to point out is on the para cynical live channel we've got uh memberships now not not on the main channel i'm not gonna add it on the mains i'm not gonna be live streaming from the main channel i'm gonna live stream from paracetamol live so if you click here you click join you've got all the emotes and stuff the loyalty badges there's only four emotes at the minute emojis and then as we get more members we'll be able to basically have uh more me carefully selecting whether to watch pyro or moist critical's reaction to the same sunny v2 video i have seen two okay okay i'm gonna say this now right time is a flat circle originally when i first came onto youtube everyone called me a leafy clone and then after that i got called a pewdiepie clone then called a donkey clone and now it will be a a critical clone you know the worst thing is bro i've been doing youtube for like i don't know like five five years now probably more i have never seen anyone on this platform get called a pyro clone you know the amount of people i see doing like game reviews and stuff and they sound exactly like me and they even do the thing where they they try to make their mic sound like it's coming from in-game by lowering the quality of audacity because i know how you do it i know exactly how you do it that's how i did it and no one gets called a pyro clone lead head is a pyro clone no i mean i i copied lead head a little bit that that's that's we don't talk about that we don't talk about that parasitical after hearing about a horror game where the main character is depressed and the events take place in his head okay i'm proud of this the next main channel video is not about that it did not all happen in le head and it's not a horror game and it's third person it's not first person so we're we're moving on guys okay i like how this is not relevant and one of the mods that prove this by the way ahmad approved this it's got nothing to do with me apart from the fact that i chill breaking bad every video i was watching breaking bad today i i'm doing a re-watch of it before uh the last few episodes of saul comes out i don't know if any of you've watched breaking bad there's a scene in season two that everyone unanimously skips it's the bit where skyler gets with uh the worker uh her boss ted happy birthday that is the part we all skip if it wasn't for that single like two episode bit there should be 10 out of 10. this is actually he's got a [ __ ] beanie on is this actually indian breaking bad it actually looks like brian what the hell is this oh no not the blue crystal why is the quality so low did this come out in like 2003 i feel this yeah this is like an indian show that they've just like deep faked brian cranston and aaron paul on right now indian scada is just an indian woman that they didn't even try and deep faker dramatic cries of the entire truck can't tell okay that's good i like that one i like that one that that was not relevant at all to the subreddit i give i give that one an updo i give that one an update that was a good one breaking bad is great right now i'm watching a depressed losing again ostracized how do we cancel the donors i'm so sick of this guy donating why can't i ban him you know what actually i got so many views making a pyro clip out of you bullying me so who won i won you know how much money i made off that pyro shorts clip how how much did that make me how much did that make me you know i'm gonna i'm gonna show my earnings on stream i don't give a [ __ ] guys the youtube shorts channel has made 46 quid i cannot believe we all did this thank you so much guys i could finally buy that yacht that yacht in cuba i can buy that house on the hills in sweden show my main channel no no no we're not doing that we're not doing that no no no no you don't need to see that you don't need to see that you see you can relate because i'm an empath you can relate to me when i have that kind of income uh the main channel no no we don't we don't talk about that the ailings are coming we've been compromised i i don't even think that my line delivery was that bad i don't think it was that bad [Music] when i when i found the original video of that cat i think i laughed for like a day straight it's so good it's i gotta i gotta do it again i i really gotta do it again i'm sorry guys pyro stop stealing my content shut up bro you just watch stuff and have a monotone voice that's it it's just the breathing the breathing kills me man i really one thing i wish for the mandela catalogue is that there's a scrimbo 3 catalogue i really wish that man there are two wolves inside paris a parasitical fan one is a fairy the other hates fairies yeah i mean half of you guys have a profile have a furry profile picture and then the other half have an anime profile picture pharisee nicole and his cameraman filming security guards outside mork's fest you know what i'm i'm not gonna lie okay quick quick story time about this right i genuinely thought with uh morgz fest it was gonna be shambles and i i've said this before i think on stream but i i was there with a ramska my editor and he was like being cameraman and stuff i genuinely thought it was gonna be shambles because willanie well a bunch of commentary youtubers went to morgz fest right you had will and e and one and e turned up he was with uh nico right nico nico's [ __ ] hilarious but they turned up and they had plans they had like a fake disguise uh they were gonna go they're gonna get like a kid in a pram or something to sneak into the event they had like so many just schemes and that and i was there with matthew and i was just like we got nothing what one funny thing is about will is he hired an extra editor to get the morgue's first video out before me because he was scared that i was gonna yoink all the views we got it out after him and we ended up getting more views anyway even though like our video was just so inferior in comparison the only thing our video had which clutched it was like post narration honestly if any of you want to do like a youtube video or something or like a vlog and you think it's shambles post narration saves everything like every big youtuber does this uh pewdiepie tommy in it jacksepticeye they all do like they'll get gameplay or like a vlog and you know how much nicer to watch content is when you have someone narrating over it compared to just like blind footage but post narration like fixes so much stuff man like that that that video went from like a four to like an eight out of ten hi i'm parasitical did you know that you're depressed cry fits as you are and so do i did anyone actually play cry fear after i shield it i saw the player hang on let's let's have a look let's have a look so many of you are saying no guys the game was free the game was free guys come on was this when the video came out yeah yeah it was it was right it was like sept yeah yeah yeah so that's when i made the video okay that's pretty cute damn that's actually really cool look at that spike my ego has been fed nice you want to live in america contrary to popular belief knife crime is actually worse in the us than it is in the uk if that's true then america's got nothing on us america has america has absolutely not nothing on us anymore pyro you might be a loser a dork a failure loser and nobody i has been did i mention law sir but you certainly aren't a tumor you're more of no male you don't know got cut short long everyone pointed live point of the put it laugh at the guy that spent ten dollars in his donut got cut off i am done w ten dollars to me ten dollars to me thank you very much same energy what one thing i deeply hate is that i just have like no [ __ ] jawline at all pest cup 2 pets cup 2. i do promise far cry 2 is coming it is coming at some point eventually i know this sounds really really stupid i'm kind of worried about far cry 2 the video being a bit underwhelming i do want to go to africa for a segment in far cry 2. even if it's like a short segment because you know how like nakey jakey would film stuff outside in his house i mean in one video that he scrapped he went out and saw the mountains and stuff you really just had to add the kids screaming in the background yeah no the scream's great the screams great depressed people begging not to be forced to fight undescribable monsters it's already too late guys guys guys i i'm just making guys we need to get better quality gifts guys like come on look at the quality of that this looks like the boot up screen to our game boy guys come on my grandpa on his deathbed in the hospital trying to alert the nurses as i pull my dick out i'm just a very big evangelion fan the amount of grenades spam in that game which is actually disgusting man like i i think the thumbnail for that call of duty video is just literally like seven seven grenades all on screen oh [ __ ] off man [Music] why did that sound so good that didn't even sound like it was text-to-speech like some guy just sung that well valve can't count to three you can't even count to two how embarrassing no you should be ashamed of yourself that's someone guys guys guys come on that's not even the original glados guy that's someone else donating now with the glados voice we're not turning the glados bit into a meme guys heisenberg breakfast co is that real that's in the uk as well hang on oh my god boys boys it's real it's actually real the heisenberg breakfast co oh my i have to go there where is that where is that that's so cool i it's so genius how you can get away with this like royalty free stuff though right like it's it's technically not breaking bad licensed but it is like it pretty much is like come on that's literally just like that's the actual heisenberg sketch like a family of heisenberg cups there why does it sound so good [Music] how does that sound that actually sounds like someone has sung that pyro does not want to lose his green heaven revenue so that he can spend it all on an xbox series expel and sugar hardy to go with his playstation 5 1. bro it's like i got one valencia hoodie man that's it come on uh is this is this the uh breaking bad edit the one with tuko this is so good if it is this is actually amazing the guy who did this did such a good job i i think he's worked in like vfx for like 30 years or something it's actually amazing how well that is and the thing is that's really good about this video this this edit is it actually blew up as well which is good because like you know how many people make like a really good og meme and then it just gets joined into oblivion and it never gets any views seeing it get acknowledged is cool i think it's on like a couple mill views now actually hang on ah legit yeah yeah he's on 3.4 mil in 10 days that's so good man that's so good i'm so happy for that guy that that's super deserved because i hate when people make og memes and they just get young instantly just sucks finally mega chippy after pyro's massive donation of six shillings is it even a meme anymore bentley mega chip or is it kinda i mean it's kind of fell off a bit right nah it's like two weeks ago yeah kind of it kind of fell off a little bit now congratulations you've won more billion dollars in the next scene just dead with the note oh come on bro come on bro okay okay i will make my case i will make my case he doesn't mind he said on twitter he doesn't mind as long as you actually react to it he doesn't mind and i give credit look man it's it's it's such easy come on it's such easy money like guys it simply helps fund the bigger projects on the main channel that's what i've been saying all along 4 000 updates me when doctors at utopia forced me to take j anus okay that was a good one that was okay that was a good one just wanted to make my way in here and say sorry for all the hate you've been getting recently thank you wait thank you sorry thank you gladys got you confused with critical since you guys make similar kind of content i might just turn off donors entirely if if it's just going to be complete bullying non-stop i might i might just ban donuts entirely what's up guys it's me critical and today is the biggest poopy big by chungus of all time this is the most dragon dildo but plug quenching pyro a donation message using the glado's voice okay that's literally what just happened right now that is oh my god man come on come on man that just happened right now that just happened right now really is this the new bit for the month this is the new bit for the month isn't it this is actually the new beat for the month yeah no we just saw this i gotta go there man i gotta [ __ ] this enrichment i i gotta go there for a video me watching a video of pyro reacting to a meme about how asap was better than his current stuff despite the fact there's long form content i i do i do want to bring aesop back in some way though i did say that in the in the video i made as well i'm just not sure how yet oh that mode is kind of cool [ __ ] i might i might turn that into a twitch about actually i like that though my man bought a pickaxe but photoshopped a rock in his hand we live in strange times there were no rocks i live in a field man there's no rocks outside there was nothing out there i live on a flat field be more happy that i bought the pickaxe as a prop for that video mega chippy mega chippy bingley chippy he's a 10 but watches commentary youtubers in his spare time he's a 10 but his persona is crossing his arms i tried so hard to find a picture of my character like folding his arms but there actually isn't one and i'm so disappointed in that because this this this character here i commissioned back in like 2017. i think i used him for like five stills and then just never again like a character in the corner folding his arms and that was already being memed on and stiff apparently finds out other countries have knives too he likes to make uk knife jokes [Music] itself away man come on it's self-aware i hate birmingham sorry if i hit your house you're gonna actually [Laughter] i actually thought that was gonna get so much smaller before it hit the planet it just took out the entirety of like europe i i love these comments by the way the morbid time because this was literally when i uploaded my video saying that twitch like took away my sub tears and stuff and like back down to affiliate talk affiliate away as well and then i expected the comments section because it was my first youtube premiere ever where you can comment when the video was like coming out i really expected people to be like pyro i feel so bad for you man i'm so sorry that you know you lost partner if there's any way we can help just just let us know no just everyone spams it's morbid time thank you for that guys thank you all para doses okay i like that one i like that one i like that one i like that one my man is in pain how can he fight don't listen to my spotify history [ __ ] off is that what you guys do like praying on my spotify all this bullying is not fair to you pyro suddenly dies due to spontaneous combustion now he won't be able to be critical anymore i just play the stanley parable today as well man god that game is so goated parasitical fans on their way to post the 74 100 billionth of my response meme i i mean there's not that many memes of it anymore it was pretty big before though numberville roasts part okay this isn't going to be good is it this isn't going to be good sonic inflation of 2020 that's apparently some kind of economic related thing you this is not economic this is not economic this is this is what pyrocynical likes [ __ ] you umperville you make good videos [ __ ] you he's back i'm back just the timing the timing look at the veins on that guy though holy roids tyler leader and your daughter are still alive [Laughter] this will be me in five months this this will be me doing the far cry 2 video going to africa and like one day without sunscreen oh my god the color green but then the color yellow oh my god mobile phone advertisers after pyro backs out of yes literally yes they they wouldn't have lost anything anyway so personal hotline for fans of vo okay no i'm way too comfortable in my wingtips they know me they know my voice they'll know me please you got to do it for me i'm begging you please please call call anonymously no fc get in boys the wife needs a slap [Music] i like how he's got burberry on of course he's got [ __ ] burberry the gas [Music] [Laughter] how does the capcom watermark say suck my balls [Music] [Applause] [Music] the
Channel: PyroLIVE
Views: 757,409
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pyrolive, pyrovods, pyro streams, pyrocynical, reddit react
Id: 07GjgAjuwOY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 41sec (1001 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 27 2022
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