Will it start... Again? More tinkering on the 1975 F750 Pipeline truck

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bye dylan you say hi hi you're driving away yeah you driving a big truck what do you think is it cool bud what do you think cool oh okay you say bye-bye bye-bye good job well i don't know the best angle is here but let's go with this um back out here it's been a while since i made a video it's been real busy but it's nice out today so i figured we work on this thing um the old 1975 f-750 this is gonna be kind of a look we can we make it start again um so i got to start that once and then it idled for a minute or two and then it died and then i was just having trouble getting it started again and i'm kind of suspicious heard that if these has got a governor system on it which behind the air the distributor's got an extra part on it which goes to that side of the carburetor with a hard line that's plumbed in hard or whatever so it's got fittings on both ends supposedly it's just a vacuum line and that supplies vacuum to the governor and if the governors apparently get goofy they can make them so they won't even they don't start very well and they sometimes won't even idle now i'm seeing there's a vacuum line on this side too so there's the vacuum line here vacuum line right here which this goes to the vacuum advance on the distributor and then there's this hard line that you can probably maybe see there down by my finger that's got a fitting on the end and i think from what i was reading if you disconnect that one down there and leave it leaves the port on the carburetor disconnected supposedly that's supposed to make it so the governor doesn't do anything at idle i don't know we're going to try it otherwise the other thing i was finding apparently these four barrel hollies the bolt pattern is the same as most edelbrocks apparently um so i have a four barrel edelbrock in that truck so if we can't get this to work we might try that in which case we won't have to worry about the vacuum because i think that the way it kind of looks because this carburetor is different it's got well here let's move this move that out of the way so this is got a whole bunch of extra stuff so this is a choke here um but it's got some extra stuff on it involved with that choke assembly and this goes in through here and these two things namely so that's where i'm wondering if the so i think why the way this works no i'm thinking about it this is a vacuum bead from a distributor this is the vacuum 2 distributor for the governor and so what happens is when the governor hits it uses vac engine vacuum to take and change the throttle plates or whatever in the car we're saying something in the carburetor that's my guess that's where i think open this up will work um so we got the magic fit fits most wrench out here with me in the crescent wrench we're gonna pop that off hook the battery up and see if we can get some fuel pumped into this thing and yeah give her a shot i guess well we kind of got you guys precariously set up on top of the battery battery for now so we'll try to get this popped off it looks like it's probably about a 5 8 fitting but oh come on oh i might maybe i do need another wrench all right we're back got a wrench for the other one so now we can do this yep there we go disconnect that shove this over here another thing i need to check is my plug wires these look like decent plug wires but there's always a chance that there's a spot where a mouse is chewed on them or something but i don't see no the accelerator pump still works but there's no gas center all right well let's hook up the battery and oh there's feeling in the filter on the filter see if we get any fuelage up here oh we got squirters all right oh let's give this a shot quick i got squirters so that's a good sign [Music] well she's trying this thing kind of sit where i want it right there [Music] so so oh it's better than it's been i don't see nothing that spit out of that that's good that thing's awfully wet i feel still kind of nasty looking but i know that i do have some uh uh fluid i put in there to help clean some stuff out and i think i put some stable in it all right if you get this throttle lock we're gonna be a lot easier to play with things a little bit ah let's see i'm gonna go grab a screwdriver i'm back all right so grab the screwdriver and i will change these these are the idle screws back here one on either side um so initial setting usually is around one and a half turns so it's what i did is i did one full turn so you go on bottom mount don't crank them down just touch touch to the seat and then bring it out so half turn you know that's a slot is true so 180 on the screw is half turn 360 would be a full turn and then a half turn after that so um yeah actually i think i might have one in the eighth turns out which should be fine um just trying to get this thing so it'll maybe idle which would be nice yeah so i'm gonna let's even get her to start again with the choke set where it's at and just see if it'll fire up and try to idle right so now we go out just a little bit more and a quarter turn or whatever so i try that [Music] all right let's see kind of thinking where oh where is the idle adjustment screw supposed to be that's that should be an idle screw on here somewhere thanks for adjusting the trap power valve or the square valve um oh there we go so there's one we'll do it two turns in see what that does i actually think that's getting better another half turned in eventually we gotta get somewhere here this is open as a choke want to go right now so i'll leave that [Music] foreign slowly but surely you're not even looking the right place anymore this thing's been shaking around so much i'm sorry all right that's all wired in coil's not getting hot that's good that's a little ways away make sure we're on our plugs all though i don't feel any bad spots in these wires well i don't like that laser cross here no that's good that's good oh i'm trying to think if i wanna and pull off this wire for the vacuum advance actually better i didn't get it let's take and see if we can get back in there with that a swivel and i think it was a 9 16 so i can take and loosen the distributor just to pitch maybe back this thing off and i tweaked the timing the other day based on static timing and maybe it was right maybe it should be i think i gotta go back just like it's like only a degree not much but it might be enough to make a difference um but before we go that far we'll take them real quick see what the changes i just made did with those idle screws bringing the idle speed back a little bit it's even good starting just at least idle [Music] backfire something fierce yeah i'm gonna go to wrench all right let me just move the distributor just to touch so we're gonna try that that was actually better oh i'm going to try kicking this up just a [Music] touch well maybe we're getting somewhere maybe i ain't getting my hopes up too high but maybe uh c all right definitely better with the distributor slightly more kick this way we'll go a little excessive this time just see that was the best this thing's ever run all right now it's acting like it's running out of fuel i need to change that fuel filter because that fuel filters yeah doesn't look good but it actually fired up and idled pretty good there at least for the time being lock this bad boy down where it's at that way we don't accidentally inadvertently move it more because that's where she seemed like she was fairly happy there we go well for the record it's actually a half inch not a 9 16. it's like that i think my 78 on the 400 is a 9 16 bolt for the distributor but i don't remember it's been so long since i messed with that on there so that could be wrong too but yeah oh all right let's see next i don't think i have a fuel filter i'm going to see if i have a fuel filter i don't think i do but i'm going to go look so yeah and then the thing that's sweet is this thing builds up air pressure pretty fast so air horn i mean it built a little bit of running it's got 80 psi in it or whatever that it be trying to think here oh if i set you up here the air cylinders for the winch all work see if i can get you in a good spot where you can see kind of there you can kind of see everything down there there that i believe i don't remember which one that moved oh that's the i think that's the engagement for the drive [Music] there's the winch brake that's the winching brake yeah that's released the other way's on oh there's actually bending that drum yeah see that which is i think traction drive for the transmission in it yeah oh for saving oh that works that's good [Music] owner for the parking brake on does anything puke i know i thought i saw oh yeah oh no the master cylinder for the parking brake or whatever is right there down there if you can see it that one air chamber so yeah so yeah now i'm gonna go uh remember what i was gonna do all right so we did in fact actually have a new fuel filter this one passes the blow test you can you know obviously don't ingest a bunch of gas but you can blow through in the direction of flow so let's get like this one i don't know if you can see that it's got a little arrow it says two carb um you should be able to blow through them i mean it's not gonna be super easy but you should be able to blow through them relatively easy if you can't blow through well fuel can't flow through but we put the new one in there anyways because that one's pretty nasty um so yeah got that in there we'll see if that makes any difference if not what might have to happen is i may have to actually adjust the floats because what it's doing there it seems like it's running out of gas um this as my first inclination after you know run the pump for a second it'll start and idle and then ends up kind of dying off like that it's usually indicative of losing your not having enough fuel flow so we're gonna see if a new filter improves that at all and go from there i guess get you guys set back up and here we go i like to see gas show up in the filter there it is this thing is not putting out very good pressure that's for sure everything see the gas traveling up through the filter so dude that's better not a lot better but it's better hey we built off pressure the real question is if this thing will take and stop building pressurized certain point it should still climbing on air pressure apparently according to the oil pressure gauge which who knows if it's accurate we got oil pressure um we do in fact apparently is charging maybe i don't know that's an alternator gauge she's idling i'll be i'm gonna find a spot to set you know i'll see if this thing will move well here screw that let's just see i can't go far anyways i got some stuff set underneath it oh we'll see clutch in first gear so yeah she'll move oh yeah transmission's working power steering's even technically working i wonder if the parking brake works so i on put our first gear there it is yeah that parking brake might not work that doesn't bother me too much though well i'll be the old girl runs and not too bad for sitting for quite a while i wonder what else works i know i don't have a radio i know headlights work and a bunch of lights work [Music] i wonder let's see oh i don't know how this pto works there's the pto engaged brakes off i don't know what i'm doing here oh all right there's neutral in the pto oh the winch moves what if that all right so that's how you disengage that that's all right so the pto is engaged so the wrench works there's a neutral oh we might be running out of gas yep i think we're running out of gas it works am a happy camper i think thing actually starts in idles now i put a lot more gas in it because i'm pretty sure she's getting low um and play with the carburetor settings more and probably adjust timing now i can get it running idle i actually put a timing light on it if i can see that's one thing oh the timing mark is darn oh there it is i can see the timing pointer you won't be able to see it very well but it's straight down under so yeah it does run and the gears work and the pto works i'm happy um yeah so get a chance to pick up an old project and you're not really sure what the heck you're doing do it it's fun oh and i got visitors kiddo and mama are coming out i guess we'll have to let the kiddo honk the horn if he wants to all right go ahead kiddo honk the harn pull on the chain pull pull back towards you what do you think no no he's not sure what to think all right let's go finish up this one so yeah go out and find yourself project learn some new stuff thanks for watching
Channel: Minnesota Gearhead
Views: 710
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: yrT8sRee_Tc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 8sec (1748 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 11 2021
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