Will it run after 59 years 1953 Plymouth cranbrook 

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the 1953 Plymouth this old girl's been sitting for about 59 years so since about 1964 and well she's been sitting sideways upside down in every which way she does have a motor down in here well we're gonna get her running as you can see we're missing a car water down in there you can see so that's never a good sign we're gonna pull that head off of there and hopefully it's not too bad open floor plan you can just walk right in and check the mileage sitting at 70 000 26 miles not too bad she is missing the rear end back there and also this whole side at one point she was a two-door car floor pans are fairly solid so is the trunk pan it's just missing this whole side and the roof well I guess we're gonna pull this radiator out of the way somehow and wash her off hopefully she's not too bad down in there I'll put the garden hose uh it don't really matter if we get water down in it because well it's already had water down in it and we're pulling the head off anyway [Music] foreign the dirt probably wouldn't hurt it either but our impact only had enough to get one out the rest of these it won't even budge as you can see here well maybe huh that's weird try another well then I don't know what that's about it all of a sudden works the head the rest the way off and I gotta say so far so good hooked up I mean a little bit of rust there's oil because it was upside down which is great there's some dirt here from this valve being open over them years it's not real rusted no that's all there and water there's a little rust here a little rust there but this is in better shape than that Chevy truck was last week I'm gonna go ahead and I guess we're gonna shop back her out and let her set with some acetone and PB Blaster and some diesel fuel mix and I say we'll have this old girl running here please amazes me how good a shape this motor is and yes this one has quite a bit of rust in it this has a little bit but this one there's a little bit of pitting and stuff on that side of it but all in all these are in really good shape for how it was sudden this is a bunch of rust that builds up at the top of the head gasket for moisture and stuff but we're gonna pull this head gasket off of here and maybe we're not gonna pull it off of here there we go we'll reuse this and it's time to do what we did on the other one back there we're gonna pour some acetone in these and light it on fire let it burn all the oil and stuff out of these cylinders and this one is going to get some muriatic acid and this might get a little bit too just to clean it up because the Rings ain't gonna slide past it's been sitting for about 30 minutes now we're gonna do the right thing and try not to make as much of a mess because this stuff is rather flammable we're on fire here and burning and we're gonna let her burn like that for well until all that Burns Out think about this engine may have aluminum pistons in it I figured it had steel but well we might have to shop back this out before it eats a hole in the piston get that muriatic acid sitting there for about 35 minutes did start trying to eat them Pistons but that should have been long enough to get the rust out of there okay nope nuts just tightening down see what we get here just Sparks [Music] nope we'll try one more time but we're probably gonna have to pull the old starter out of there we go so this is the main reason our starter wouldn't work it was just clicking all this rust that's in here is kind of got it where this bad boy won't move and also we're gonna go ahead and clean this part up the brushes and stuff but first of all we gotta get right there foreign wasn't working you can see it's been filled with water over the years and it wasn't pop this inspection cover off of there you see all the rust in it all the way around this side of there would be why the starter well another reason why the starter is not working oh that's dirt that's rust this is all rust that's all rust so I'm gonna clean this up with the garden hose and some acetone and sanded a bunch and we're gonna throw it together and she should work okay she ain't moving I thought she was look for a minute and that should uh loosen her up it worked on that old 37 so oh it ought to work on this one foreign with everything from acetone to muriatic acid in it for about a week now and I finally figured out why she won't turn over if you look down here in this hole there's a hole in the cylinder wall now it wasn't there but below it was cracked at one point this block has froze because there's been water in this side and it busted or had a Crackdown that this ring got caught in on this piston and that has been holding the motor that's why all these Pistons will jump and this one won't this one's holding us up we're gonna make a run we're gonna do the right thing and bust that piston out of there with a good old Harbor Freight two pound hammer and a chisel and get her whirling around and get her running she may not run that good but she's gonna run I guarantee you went ahead and done the cylinder one delete and got rid of that piston it looks like we have to do the cylinder six delete because this one is stuck the same way as this one but I do not believe there's any cracks in the cylinder wall on this one she bounces a lot better up and down look at that see now it's trying to move but this that number six Pistons still holding us up I'm gonna put the Paw Prints back on the drive shaft mess with a little bit and if she still don't come undone we're going to do the same thing we did to this piston here to that one back there and we'll have one-third as much horsepower and we use one-third as much fuel and she should still run drill bit but we chiseled that out and the motor started turning over so we're gonna give the starter a try and hopefully she whirls over pretty good all right well she's gonna run she whirls pretty good that piece of piston up front is holding us up go ahead and clean the points up they are a little sticky as you can see they're stuck open right now Way open foreign points where they're sparking now there we go so we're good there I'm gonna throw that cap on there and get the firing order all sorted out and we'll put some oil in there and roll her over and she should fire on just them four [Music] [Applause] I mean it's trying it's getting too much air come on there we go [Music] okay [Applause] [Applause] I'd love to Smoke Clear for a second [Music] thank you [Music] she runs got the old girl run and she didn't run that good well she ran pretty good for missing two pistons and sudden upside down and everything full of water for 59 Years thank you guys for watching and please consider leaving a like or subscribing we got a lot more cool will it runs coming to the channel and see in the next video
Channel: Jennings Motor sports
Views: 1,681,971
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Id: E0dzUHm4Bhg
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Length: 12min 3sec (723 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 18 2023
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