A full Autumn / Summer Lawn Renovation

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hey guys so today i want to talk to you about scarifying scarification of your lawn what do we mean by scarifying we essentially mean raking so raking is the purpose of removing stuff [Music] hey guys so today we are renovating this particular lawn it is a huge great big fat chunky lawn all the way around the back there's two circles at the back let's crack on hi guys so today i want to talk to you about scarification scarifying of your lawn so i'm going to show you this lawn i'm going to discuss scarifying and how you can scarify your own lawn so we've got a fairly large lawn to deal with today and it's a lawn which sweeps all the way around down the side of the garden and it is very thick and it's very full of moss and there's going to be quite a lot of thatch that comes out of this we'll just show you going round so it sweeps down into this corner and we've got a circle here and beyond that trellis there's another circle over there a little bit smaller what a fantastic location in the countryside that's your soil level and you've got underneath the ground and you've got above the ground scarifying is everything to do that's on the top so like i say every time you mow some of the piece of the grass will fall down and lay there and decompose but some won't decompose very quickly and they'll stay there and eventually that builds up like a thatched roof on a house and the fax roof is designed to stop rain from getting into the house so it's exactly the same here if you don't scarify your lawn that layer of thatch builds up over time and then rain struggles to get down there's several ways of raking your lawn you can use a little metal spring rake with the piece of metal there that keeps it firm you don't want them ones that you can adjust because they're too flimsy and um these are pretty good if you've only got a small lawn these are made by wolfgarten 10-year guarantee and they've got actual scarifying blades on which pivots and you just rock this backwards and forwards to scarify your law as you can see there literally all that thatch and moss there is just nestled in and amongst the blades of grass [Music] [Music] it's quite scary it can you look at that all that was there in the ground and there's still more to come out so i'm more than likely going to go over this again um yeah what difference this is going to make we've got to get this cleared up now [Music] so that's a two hour time frame we've done the first pass and we've taken four four ton bags of moss and thatch out [Music] [Music] so that's it it's been scarified three times now feels a lot firmer underfoot and we have pulled out six bags of waste [Music] all right guys so we are carrying on with this overall lawn renovation we did all the scarifying which as you can see filled 11 ton bags and numerous black bags as well so i'm gonna get rid of that later on today and i brought with me 60 bags of compost and they're going to be used for the top dressing it's just a normal multi-purpose compost grow more works quite well it's as good as any multi-purpose compost so today we're talking about holotarn aeration so when i've got these out we'll get the machine out and you can have a look but uh holotown aeration is the process of punching holes in the ground and removing the soil that comes out of the hole so it allows aerating nutrients to get down a lot quicker simpler and easier and that will enable the grass to thrive because it's getting all the nutrients and everything it needs easier when ground and grass gets walked on often it becomes compacted over time so relieving that compaction makes a massive difference definitely one of the things you want to do on a regular basis [Music] so what did your parents and grandparents used to do years ago used to seeing with the garden fork and pushing it into the grass that's aeration well that's more of a solid tying aeration ish um which is good it does help everything get down but you are pushing soil further down and eventually compacting that ground so hola tine is more beneficial in that aspect and most of the time you can leave the holes open and they will naturally close over time which loosens the surrounding soil around each hole which makes the whole of the soil a little bit more pockets of air in there and it's far better years ago um when i was about 13 i used to do my mom and dad's garden and my dad turned the garden border into seed and he seeded it and that grass grew two or three times faster than the main lawn and it's because the soil had been turned over and air had been worked in and it was looser same same principle so the first thing i've got to do i've got to get this bad boy mode we did the scarifying yesterday so we've got to clear off the any excess rubbish um bits of grass that's just there so we've got a nice clean bed for when we're doing the aeration and more importantly when we are blowing the cores up we don't want loads of bits of grass all flying around so we're trying to minimize that with a good map [Music] right so uh the parts of the garden we're not really filming are this semicircle and one behind there we've already aerated these and we've just finished aerating all of this back lawn here so what you can see you can see the holes roughly every three inches on a staggered basis and now rain can get down air can get down around the roots and any nutrients you put on can get in easily so the grass can make use of it the grass can recover faster from drought stress the grass will thrive the roots will grow into those spaces and become a happier healthier thicker lusher greener lawn so aeration of your lawn is something you really want to do on a regular basis once a year we'll just keep it happy [Music] so there you go all cleared up nice and clean and all the cores are there in a line i'm going to rate those into piles put them into bags and get rid of the race so once this is done we'll be carrying out over seeding and top dressing [Music] so in this video we're talking about over seeding and top dressing of the lawn uh we've scarified with holotar narrated and we've over seeded and you see there all the grass seeds in the ground okay and uh top dressing multi-purpose compost so we've done that semicircle with the top dressing in seed and we've done this one with the top dressing and seed all the customers to do now is keep it damp for the next two to four weeks and then they can taper back the water in it doesn't have to be watered quite as much after the first two to four weeks once it's germinated and once it's started to come through still needs water because it's a very young plant but it won't need as much you've got to try and keep them as damp as you can for the first few weeks just to help with germination rates and stop it drying out if it dries out there's a chance the seeds are going to be a goner right so uh top dressing i'm just using a little push push spreader it's a scott spreader and it's not the fastest but it works well um it's dead easy just put it in adjust this dial by turning this and i'm on the maximum and i'm going over it twice and literally you just open the handle up put your seed into the hopper first open your handle up pull and just walk forwards and you can see the seeds coming out and it's as easy as that so uh time wise ten o'clock okay and i got here eight o'clock so in two hours we've overseeded all of this we've overseeded those two semi-circles there and top dressed those two and we put our wetting agent on before we watered it all in so now we're gonna get the top dressing on this and uh i'm gonna get some footage for you when we do this one so watch this space i often get asked what seed i use and for most lawns it's a general mixed immunity seed that you can buy on the shelves of being q tesco etc because it's just all round if someone's got a specific need like a fan fescue lawn uh dwarf ryegrass we can do all that but in general most of the time this is absolutely fine for what people want as long as it comes out green and it's lush that's what people want this particular one [Applause] sheriff amenity i'll show you sure for me and it's a clean cut okay the seed mixture is long so if you want the same you can get the same what now i'm just going to go down the lawn twice to get enough good seed coverage and then we'll start the top dressing [Music] [Music] so that's that's the seeding done now we're gonna get the top dressing on so we have this uh there's lots of top dressers this is a bannerman this is a bannerman mini topper they're not cheap but they do the job you can get the lansi spreaders or you can spread by hand and uh basically there's a hopper inside and as the wheel spins round it comes out the front and breaks up all the clumps usually [Applause] [Applause] so so [Music] so that's it all top dressed i'm just going to work it in now with the loot just dragging the loop backwards and forwards then i'm going to run the roller over just to firm it all in [Music] so that's all the top dressing done looted in and roll it in so what i'm going to do now is just go around with the blower and just tidy up the edges and blow them back onto the lawn and i'm going to get my knapsack sprayer over there and spray the lawn with wetting agent and i'm going to give it a really good watering in so we've got to keep the seeds wet and damp for the first two to four weeks to allow for good germination and health so in the summer we're looking at between sort of three and four times a day possibly five times a day if it's very hot um in spring and autumn you can get away with watering twice a day after four weeks you can start tapering back the amount of water in and just keep it going to some degree over the next few months until it's become established which can take up to six months [Music] all right guys so we are finished now to talk to you about watering your lawn so you can see it's a fine mist this is great you can go a bit heavier than this what you don't want is a firm jet of water let me show you this is good [Music] that's not good when you point it down to the ground because it'll move some of the seeds to one side it's okay when you're firing it up in the air and it falls down as a mist but don't point that down to the ground [Music] so we're gonna do now two to four weeks you go to water every day if it's spring or autumn you can probably get away with watering twice a day if there's due in the morning you can get away with just watering in the evening if it rains in the day that can replace one of the waterings as it gets hotter and if you're doing it more in higher temperatures you know 15 plus for example you need to water more between three and five times a day now we are here in um wherever we are september at the back end of summer and we've got another little heat wave so it's gonna have a good soap and i'm gonna go over the other lawns as well give it all a good watering the customer's aware of what to do but you do this you'll have a nice lawn in about three or four weeks and then it'll start to thicken up after those four weeks you can start to reduce your watering to once a day for a few weeks and then you can reduce it to sodas three times a week and eventually two times a week is plenty which is what you should be doing with your lawn anyway twice a week deeply when it's hot right guys if you've got any questions or comments please please pop them below and i'll do my best to answer if you enjoyed this video please give it the thumbs up if you like my videos please consider pressing the subscribe button and i'll get more out to you just like this thanks [Music] you
Channel: LawnRight
Views: 67,319
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Facd2d7T0_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 1sec (1441 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 11 2021
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