Will Gold Stocks go up in May? Best 5 Gold Stocks to Buy

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thank you [Music] good evening and welcome to the Australian stock market show in tonight's show we share whether it's possible for gold stocks including NCM Evolution and gor to rise another 25 to 40 percent we'll give you our thoughts on inflation and most importantly we'll look at the best gold stocks and reveal how high they could go we're going to look at 13 stocks in total so stay glued to your screen as we share this and much more with you tonight of course we will also get into answering your questions and look at your favorite stocks hello I'm Janine Cox your host for tonight and joining me is Dale Gillum and we're Australia's most trusted stock market educators how are you I'm good that's great cold but good cold yes it is freezing isn't it I know Melbourne went it went cold yeah it's terrible but geelong's winning so that's hot I suppose you're watching at home and not at the well not at the actual game well I did last weekend I did I watched it on KO Sports so subscribe to that so I can watch my Geelong game but anyway I did all that so it was nice but isn't the market interesting isn't it there's just so much going on around the world you know just continues I just wonder when we'll get back to that sweet spot in the market again well look I was only saying on my market report yesterday that went up into talking well um you know that the market if I had to write a script for the market how it's going to unfold the last month it's following it it's definitely following it and I think you know to me it's exciting at the moment so stay tuned for some more exciting news from us all right fantastic now my quote for tonight is from Warren Buffett who needs no introduction he had this to say about gold gold gets dug out of the ground in Africa or someplace then we melt it down dig another hole bury it again and pay people to stand around guarding it it has no utility my wife buys gold she's got a lot of gold actually my wife who's guarding her when I don't bury her in the ground either well I suppose Warren Buffett's not wearing gold thing well he's not but I do understand I think you could talk about gold bars and physical golders and Investments I do understand that but now we've interviewed some really good gold experts and gold actually appreciates on average around about 10 per anime over a 10-year period though roughly so it can be a good investment either physical gold or other forms of gold anymore Gold stock so that's what we're going to talk about do you have gold teeth no no you haven't gone that way no no what do you want me to be looking nice you want me to be in the James Bond movie or something do you Mr Gold tooth so something like that before we move on Janine last week we gave our viewers another opportunity to get a free copy of my book now they did need to comment below the video on YouTube about their favorite part of the show the good news is that we picked another winner and we've got more good news we'd love you and we actually love your enthusiasm so if you want to be the next winner we are going to give you another chance tonight just be ready for that when we announce it that's awesome Dale I'm hanging on the edge of my seat waiting to hear who was the latest winner hanging on the edge of your seat we're not skydiving here anyway but thanks thanks Janine but easy on the drumroll please this week okay we don't want to get over it done with it are you ready and the winner is um somebody called night out um but they or he or she like how we answered the questions about cochlear so we all like to hear about great health care stock so thanks very much for your comments so all you need to do is um contact us pretty much if you're watching tonight just send us an email through the info at wealthwithin.com to do so um and you need to provide us your email address very good I was thinking you're going to miss that point I know I'm on the ball okay good whatever that means I'm on the ball now Dale okay settle are we going to run are we going to run one last chance draw next week or just the one final time will you do it well I thought it was going to be the lake like this was going to be the last one but I'm actually sort of glad you are so um you're twisting my arm I'd be happy to do that okay well if you do want to get a copy have my first book how to beat the managed funds by 20 perhaps you know somebody really does need to read it so watch till the end of the topic tonight and then comment on the YouTube video below the YouTube video about what part of the show you liked and again next week we'll pick the best ants and I remember you will need to comment in the next 24 hours and if you're selected you'll win a free copy of my first book how to beat to manage funds by 20. now we know you're sitting there with lots of questions for us tonight and we know that you want answers so Now's the Time to send your questions to us all you need to do is text 0423-959-846 well you know what the number is it is 0423-959-846 so pick up your phone and text us your questions now now while we wait for your text it's the second Tuesday of the month and that means we're going to take a look at the Australian Market sector so how about we get into the chats right now mouth you got you got gold teeth because you keep stumbling you'd probably have platinum teeth would you like to have a look no okay okay okay uh look on the screen right now you can see we've got the list of the sectors for the Australian Market the top of the leaders board is being occupied by consumer discretionary still 11.95 up for the year information technology is actually a line ball with it now I mean who'da thought consumer discretionary would be lineable with infotech is a huge growth down yeah yeah you think infotech would have bounced back a bit more by now wouldn't you uh 11.8 so I'm sure that the best is yet to come for that area of the market now Industrials up 10.5 percent good to see the Industrials making a solid move up communication Services up 9.82 so we know that that you know Telstra is helping us out Consumer Staples 6.61 Health Care six percent up so the big Health Care stocks have moved up but they seem to be going up off their lows and coming back a bit that's awesome yeah it's interesting at the moment I mean when we're looking at this is you know the bigger sectors are the ones that aren't moving as much at the moment so this the other sectors the smaller sectors or ones are doing the moving doing the heavy lifting okay so utilities up 4.2 percent materials oh I only have 3.44 yeah so we don't need to um you know the people who watch our show all the time know where the opportunities are so materials financials energy they're the three biggest utility well utilities are still in the game as well uh the bottom ones really isn't it yeah that's so interesting to me if you just looked at this you'd think you know what's the you know there's nothing wrong with our Market at the moment everything's looking fine wouldn't you you would but then when you're looking at the fact that you've got financials and materials at the bottom there yeah you know that it's going to be a bit sluggish well it is a bit sluggish but the end of the day it's like we're seeing all of this news every every the job gets beaten every single day on the news on the TV and there's this boom boom boom boom you know always talking about Rising costs everything I you know Rising interest rates inflation blah blah blah and companies like Westpac had a great report huge report today yesterday whenever it was it's like what that that's a what there to me how do the banks keep getting these massive profits and get away with it all the time that reminds me I haven't given you the first part of my bank report yet okay well you need to do that so what else are we going to talk about today I wanted to look at the rrg graph yeah I do want you to actually strut your stuff and get into that rrg graph really really quickly so right now if you're looking at this at the moment the materials is the one we should be looking at and obviously energy sitting through here and and then obviously we've got Consumer Staples still doing all right but it's just flipped around so to me materials and energy the ones and it got financials are still sitting right over here at the moment wherever they are now that's Healthcare let me Zoom that up a little bit more so financials there it's heading down that way it's heading down that way so in the next probably next few weeks I think financials will be a good one to start to look at great we want a 30 second take on that one so what do you reckon Thanks Dale I like it that is it for our thoughts on the Australian Market sectors if you want to participate in this show but can't see it live you can email in your questions ahead of time to info wealthwithin.com if you love what we do and what want to watch the extended version version of this show it will be available on talkingwealth.com shortly after we finish the show tonight all right now if you are all or if you're not already a subscriber you can get a free seven day trial and see all of tonight's show and whilst you're there you can enter the prize draw for one of our courses or even get the chance to win fifty thousand dollars amongst other great prizes so moving on Janine what we need to be able to do now is we're moving into our email I think for the next one isn't it um yes we we are definitely doing that okay so let's get into our first email for tonight now we have an email from Tony who is asking about Acro form work he goes to say hi Dale and Janine I'm just wanting to follow up this as I've seen an update on the show addressing this it seems the stock has gone up by 25 since last I asked and I'm just wondering is it still worth buying into I had purchased a little bit but I'm still still unsure if it deemed to be a good stock the revenue is still quite strong and debt low in addition to its future outlook seeming to be quite positive but I thought it is always best to ask for a second opinion thank you in advance regards well that was a really good question look at the left hand side which is the monthly chart it looks like it's flatlined it does so we need to look at if we look at it's probably a backdoor listing there mother look at that we can see there that just since about 2016-17 it's been trundling along the bottom there not far off zero so it was just around 12 cents at that time and it's bounced off that bottom which is a really nice move and taken off so I think it looks really good now the weekly chart looks good these are still a bit still a bite because he's bought a little bit of it and he's asking is this still a good buy now I think it's high risk I think it's high risk I mean you know to me it's you only ever put a little bit in the stock like this one but it's his high risk but we can't tell you to buy some more of it at the moment because it's still it's not a highway to buy some more of it full stop it's not highly liquid stuff but you know you're looking at you know talking about 1.5 six million shares at 40 cents there and even now when we're looking at these last few weeks here we're seeing now to 1.8 million shares at 80 cents so it's not a highly liquid stock look you can see how Patchy the volume is as well on it which is often the case with these stocks with low liquidity and it makes it hard to get in and out but if he's only trading small amounts that's okay obviously we bought a small amount if he sees this sort of formation occur again in the future then that's the sort of thing that I'd look out for if I was thinking about this one I mean it's it's look at that it's just massive rise and obviously next time move on look for the next one well there's no there's no reason for me to say gone by more right now that's that's that's what I'm trying to say is it's you have to have rules on why you would buy more of it exactly just protect your capital and make sure you've got the stuff looks like it might work really nicely well he's done well to get into it but again I wouldn't be adding just because it's done 25 so if you've got Dale's first book maybe that will be a bit of a helping that's probably the only bit of advice I've got but we do have a text tonight at the moment we this one is from yes Janine so if you want to type in RSG yes says hi darling Janine can I get your thoughts on a really volatile stock RSG I have owned it since March of last year at 30 cents looking at it now it's such a good trading stocks with large Rises compared to the declines thanks yes so he's can I say you know you can say whatever you like just because we're doing this one on the topic you can say I will give you much more of a complete view when we do the topic yes that's right now just hang on to your hat definitely so look I think it looks really good it does is the summary of it just look at the volume that's come up more recent in recent weeks on the stock to push that price up and that's what you really want to see when a stock takes off out of this low a really nice reversal there that week of the 3rd of March 2023 and a strong move up but you know I'd be wanting a good strategy to take some money off the table given the liquidity of the share however I could end up heading back up somewhere between 80 and 80 cents in a dollar well that's bad there you go you've heard it from Julian so what would you be doing now for you a yes because he has owned it for quite a while and make sure you've got a good exit strategy yep yep so make sure we you've got a good extra strategy so what are you talking about there are you talking about him maybe back testing at all look have some analysis it's really important to because he he he's got some knowledge so he needs to bring in his price work and have a look at where it could rise to and then way off whether it's worth leaving some money on the in the stock in the stock to try to take advantage of that run or whether it is well this is where you've got to weigh it up because the risk on this is quite significant given the liquidity of the share okay so it's about balancing out um whether it's a meat going to turn into a medium-term trade whether that's the plan or whether it's short term now for me a stock like this would be short-term the short term cool fantastic well let's move on all right our next question is from is it Jackie Jacques Jacques oh Jacques that's a very nice name hey Dale I was wondering if you could analyze Domino's Pizza I don't own the stock however it seems to have found some resistance after a big fall and even soon potentially presenting an entry on the weekly cheers Jacques didn't we used to get emails a long time ago from the Sharks no that's Francois Francois okay yes Frenchy's Francois I met at the ataa last time I ever spoke for the ataa which was just before kovid like the like literally in the March and then we went into lockdown like that next week and yeah and we're speaking we're speaking for the ataa on Thursday here in Melbourne in Hawthorne so if anybody wants to catch up with Janine and I you've got to get over to Hawthorne to see us presenting I think it's 6 30. we're presenting you just need to book with the ataa so but if you need some details just shoot us an email through to info wealthwithin.com we'll get you the details for that but let's talk about Domino's yeah let's talk about jobs so I really like Domino's I just think that it's got a look it's got a it's at a really important level right now but there's always the risk it could trade lower we saw a 9 rise here this was if I look at the low here I'll just expand this chart up a bit okay at Domino's Pizza the other night at my mate's place in Geelong yeah and he goes I like thin crust and I said all right let's have but I didn't know it was going to be micro micro thin crust it was like almost see-through crust it was that tiny I said I like a little bit more crust than that mate so they're economizing that's for sure not a good pizza right all right 14th of October 2022. um oops and you can see that run up there which looked quite nice it looked like it was recovering and then the sell-off so you're saying I found support recently oh well he says resistance but I'm assuming he means support well look I mean it it has because there's a low over to the left hand side in March 2020 so it's found some support around that level but it's not convincing that the low's in yet is it really no it's not convincing that the low is in yet but I think he'd be right if we don't we do start to see a bit of a move up there could be a nice little buying opportunity on on the weekly chart but I would be a higher risk one if I if if I may say that because sometimes you get some of these moves up um through here which tend to be you know false triggers pretty much you get into it for a bit and all of a sudden it goes the other way so we had that with A and P so I guess you'd just have to be prepared you know you've got to know the Beast don't you and so if for example the stock took off like just so from where it is right now the distance down to this low here it's 14 percent which is a normal stop loss for for any trade you've just got to decide are you willing to hold it do you like it though I do like it say well good good um good pick from sharks is it sharks again it looks like we've got another text coming in it's from Adrian small Gold stock hi Dale and Janine love the show thank you very much it's very easy to understand for a beginner investor could you give some advice on a Gold stock to add to a small portfolio regards Adrian that's what we're going to do that's what we're doing to no it's not necessarily advice on well you're going to pick the one that you prefer but I wouldn't if he's a novice investor that's what he said wasn't or a beginner yeah I wouldn't be going for a small gold slot no that's my price yeah you'd be going for a new Crest or some a bigger one not a small one and that's that's a how do I say it nicely it's one of those fallacies that people think that I've got to buy small stock because it's a lower price because i'm a new investor and I don't have a maybe not have enough a lot of money and he hasn't said that part but because I maybe I've only got a few thousand dollars I'll buy buy a 30 Cent stock rather thirty dollar stock and that's completely the opposite of what you should be doing so actually I wouldn't even buy it for a beginner I wouldn't even buy gold stocks that's the first thing well there you go you've heard it from Janine dunny well we're doing gold tonight and we're not even going to buy we're not suggesting you buy a gold stock for a beginner not for a beginner what would you suggest for a beginner I'd say stick to things like you know you're talking about the banks when they turn up Woolworths worse Farmers probably BHP trans Urban's okay because it's a bit of a plot of it it gives a bit of income it does we like Goodman yes a lot of tops 20 stocks top 50 yes but if you're going to go for them for a gold miner then don't go out side the top 50. yeah later on tonight I'm going to look at the mid cap 50 for our talking wealth subscribers so that mid cap fish I'm going to go through those and look for opportunities there that's even better than the small Gold stock all of those because there's some really rippers there so right I'm sorry we're not going to give you good news on that one but um you might want to get we're still going to be talking about smaller not small gold stocks but ones that are not you know we're going to be talking about a mix of stocks but you may like to if you haven't got my book how to beat the managed funds by 20 yet you can still get it for free just pay the shipping go to our website up the top of the website there's a button there that gets it for free click on that I think it's nine ten dollars for the postage or something nine whatever it is we send that out have a read of it it'll help you hell of a lot but that's it for Domino's Pizza but now it's time to get into our topic for tonight which is all about gold and gold stocks with inflation well above Reserve Bank targets some ASX gold stocks have a shot up shot up off their lows by 25 to 40 this year we'll share with you whether this is there is still more growth to come for gold stocks how high the gold price will rise and which of the big and small ASX gold stocks are likely to perform best most importantly we'll share with you just how high they could go and lots more okay Dale to help everyone to get a clearer picture on gold where gold stocks are headed we'll look at a chart of gold Futures where the price of gold is likely to go and what's happening with inflation okay so we're so much talk about inflation and gold is a is it is really important that you understand how inflation or how high inflation Rose in the past and where inflation could go as this will have a bearing on your favorite gold stocks so true and we'll answer the big question can we rely on central banks to bring inflation under control quickly we did talk a bit about inflation in last week's show so make sure you go and watch that now it's important to see what we need to prepare for isn't it well absolutely so we're now we're looking at this is the inflation graph you're talking about this is the inflation graph so what we're looking at here is the the target of what the Reserve Bank is aiming for so we know the reserve banks aiming for somewhere between two and three percent and we're well above that at the moment and to bring that down their plan is to increase the cash rate as far as they can push it without causing the economy to is going to pump out a whole lot of money into the economy and then the pushes inflation up it's like the government's created the own their own issue by spending more and more and more money so that's right stop spending the money government and and rain has Reign that in and we'll find inflation will start coming down well look I mean I think that there's actually going to be a higher inflation for longer which is what they're talking about but I don't think it's necessarily going to fall back into that two percent target range within next year well I don't think it will but I think we're probably going to get one more rate rise probably maybe another quarter of a percent but then I think we're going to get an evening out over the rest of the year yeah there's a small chance it might start dropping by the end of the year but I don't think so you think that they'll wait for a few months go through the end of the financial year into the second half of 2023 just to see how it's going I mean history says and there's a lot of people saying they need to let it go for at least six months before we know what the effect is well the thing is as I said it's people are already in pain right now they really are there's a lot of people in having issues with obviously obviously expenses Rising the interest rate Rising on their mortgages and stuff like that so but we still need to eat and we still need to do things that's right so what is pushing inflation and we know every time the government spends money it goes into inflation it just goes back in so we've got to curb that and I think the government are going to stop can I say buying votes you can I can because it's it's just that they're buying people's compliance if that makes sense or trying to but what they're doing is making it worse for everybody that's right they're doing it ass about they shouldn't be tightening their belt in a bit for a short period of time and then the inflation rate will start to come down and then we can ease off it's a very complex equation you know it is it is but it's yeah they don't have to be Einstein to figure that one out though now look from an um from a Cycles point of view though in terms of inflation and how it's unfolded over time it looks like that there is still a way to go um on the downside so maybe it'll come back to around that four or five percent but I can't see it going back to two different yeah if we can get it down to four and five I think that's more manageable much more manageable I agree but as long as interest rates don't keep going up I think we'll be okay because to us interest rates are sort of more normal at the moment yeah well they tend to do it like we looked on the show it was it last week or the week before I think it was when we looked at some of the data from history you can see that they actually always overshoot and then have to chase their tail to catch up again correct so yeah how's this happen but I think it's the fear of that what happened in the 70s and 80s with that higher inflation for longer and they just couldn't get it under control so in a way even though even though the Reserve Bank Governor has been doing absolutely hammered for what he's doing I think that he's probably just urring on the side of caution significantly because of what happened back in the 70s and 80s and he doesn't want to repeat of that happening now but if you've only got a hammer everything looks like a nail on the rba's only got inflation the interest rates that's their Hammer so the government's got more things that they can tweak and one of them is their spending but anyway anyway so you're saying it's all on the government's hands I'll get off my soapbox okay cool okay Dale that really added another layer to our thoughts on inflation now let's get into a discussion on how inflation's impacting the gold price last year I predicted gold would fall to around 1600 US dollars an ounce before Rising again well you did didn't you you did so that was pretty good actually and it did go to around those levels it did I know you're pretty accurate on gold aren't you I I'm I have been so far but out it wasn't just me that was accurate we spoke to one of our experts who was actually spot on with the fact that it would rebound and rise again and it has done that although it's still trading around those Highs at the moment they were really good interviews yeah you're talking about with Jonathan oh this is with some Donna um you did one with Jonathan didn't you yeah well I've done that with Jonathan for talkingmart.com so they were great Joshua Joshua Joshua talking about Jonathan Joshua that's right there's a few good ones of him there which are still up on talking well that's great to learn about gold with those not just about what he thinks gold price is even if they might be a bit old now in terms of he just talks about all the drivers and stuff that you don't just hear in mainstream yeah they're all so can I say Insider sort of tips of what to look for from a professional in the industry because he's dealing in gold all the time that's what he does and these are great now and I interviewed a newer guy a new gold expert about a month ago or so called Donna that's her another one I think Donna Sam Nelson I think for me okay but anyway so yeah so check out talkinglock.com and check out those chorus if you want to learn a bit about more gold but um all right I need to move on we do how about we take a good look at gold Futures and see where Gold's likely to trade to next okay so what are we bringing up now we're bringing up optimari is this all right this is the gold Futures chart that's a gold spot price yeah on the left hand side you've actually got the monthly chart so I think it's probably best that we have a really good look at this monthly chart first one of the things that I think is interesting is how inflation was Rising strongly and yeah the 70s and we saw gold move up really strongly as well now in this period here from the 2000s up we saw our stock market move extremely strongly up and that drove the gold price even though in theory gold is supposed to be there it's almost supposed to be an invested yeah but what we're seeing is we actually saw it Peak so it was actually working because it continued to rise into 2011 as you know our stock market correct had a bit of a dip down into 2008 2009 where the market where the GFC was but it just doesn't even look like it was much at all was it yeah I mean it was a significant fall in terms of the run-up we just have a look at it from a percentage point of view we can see that it was a 30 percent fall but the stock market fell 55 so you know it was very defensive turned before the stock market even bothered yeah it was as defensive as say as a like a Woolworths because in in the correction Woolworths didn't fall in CSL they were quite solid in terms of the share price being quite buoyant but look after seeing this it's interesting isn't it because when we see the next significant correction on the stock market money will probably again flow back into gold but we're not at that point right now and yet Gold's moving up because of the inflation situation we're going to be talking about some of that on Thursday night when we speak for the ataa yeah look I think that'll be interesting we've got three tops here at the moment on the gold price and there's some people suggesting well does that mean we're going to see a significant fall from here in Gold we could see a temporary pullback at least until we know whether something's going to be more significant than that but in the long term it looks like gold could go higher I look on with you I think it could go and this is one of those things where you see people you need to look at the bigger picture not just the micro view over the last couple of years and that's really where people looking at that small last couple of years the last couple of these have been different than normal in the last two three years we've covered completely different than normal so you've got to look at their bigger picture and going back decades on gold or in e-stock at the moment and really have a big look at it and go okay where has it been what does it normally do because I think the market is starting to return to normality now what's really interesting is some of the gold stocks actually Rose really strongly and others pulled back so so fiercely into Lowe's and and not look nothing like the gold price which you know there's a whole lot of different mechanisms that creating that variability and what I found interesting when the gold stocks fell was that a lot of them looked very similar almost like you know we talked before about AI controlling the price of things on our stock market and you could really see the influence there because the charts looked very close okay all right Dale that was fun now I'm really looking forward to a chat about some of the best gold stocks big and small not micro but smaller small okay Janine um I believe we're going to talk about ETF soon as well so and I'm going to share my thoughts on whether you're better off in an ETF or a couple of gold stocks you feel the excitement building before Oh revved me up yet to be revved up if we just looked at a chart and it's getting exciting and the gold chart was just about to take off through its high we know it could come back for a couple I'm excited to go to the chat uh um you've sold me go to the charts okay let me look at some gold stocks all right but first of all we're going to look at the beta shares gold miners ETF is that okay you thought I'd do that first okay if you like now look at the difference between what we've just seen on the the gold Futures price and what we're seeing on this Gold Edition yeah so this beta shares Global gold miners ETF is mnrs so this would be a mixture of big gold stocks so that's just one ETF you could get on gold I'm sure there's others there's a lot of shares and other ones yeah yes exactly I could have them yes there are different ones so if you're looking at this we can see there's been this Gap there on the weekly chart so we know that um that looks bullish in the short term it's risen nicely there's a resistance level up here around 657 we it could rise to that level and that would take some of these stocks that we've seen Rising recently some of the big stocks up to important levels as well However the fact that there's that Gap there on the weekly and we know the gold price it could be peaking around that strong resistance level we could see a short term softening of of the gold price and some of these miners that have just had a lot you know really quite a strong rise relative to what we've seen in a lot of this look I mean obviously people saw gold chart a minute ago and so why does this look so different if this is supposed to follow the price of gold in theory it's supposed to isn't it no see this is what I'm saying to you because there's a whole lot of other factors that can affect the the companies the gold companies that are operating so um so it's not physical gold this one this is actually the gold miners the big gold mine Global gold miners okay but the chart where if you keep that picture in your mind so just I'm trying to all right well I'm just going to help you here so if you just imagine this shape because you're very good at recognizing patterns which need to be if you're a technical analyst you recognize that pull back and then the rise out of that when we start to look at some of these gold stocks now newcrest for example has been a lot sharper in terms of its rise than a lot of other gold stocks but then it had a much bigger decline yeah and it tends to be a lot more volatile than some of the old other gold miners so it's taken off quite strongly and I thought what we could do is have a quick look at this overlay so I've overlaid the market so this is index that I've laid over the top of it now just to get an idea for how it moved in relation to that the correction during the GFC now remember the small correction that we saw on the um the gold chart well the newcrest obviously had a much more significant fall I'll just check what the and this is important to have a look when you're comparing gold stocks to decide what Gold stock to buy in relation to that the person who wrote in earlier so this was a sixty percent fall now despite the fact that this is a top 20 share it is extremely volatile and moves much quicker let's look at what happened in the GFC when it fell so we can see it was 84 so it's going to be more volatile than the market it's shown us and more volatile than some of the gold stocks and definitely more volatile than the gold price well as a newbie investor or in the experience inexperience investor you don't launch stocks like this because they're going to take your breath away when they go down exactly and and a lot of people who are new don't know when to get out or don't want to get out because they don't know yeah and so they'll ride that whole roller coaster and this is why Janine are saying you're probably better off not being in a gold stock if you're a new new investor a bit off having something like financials or something else yeah something bigger but this is a real good graphical explanation of why we said that or why you said that exactly so it has these runs and it's it's just about done what we'd expect for the rise look if you look at this rise here from the low here in 2015 and the low here in 2018 it's done about the same almost so you would expect that it's probably done what it was going to um it does so then look let's have a look at Evolution so that's another nice one now remember the shape of the chart I showed you on that ETF yeah it looks very similar doesn't it to Evolution mining so Evolution mining's risen up really strongly it's gone through that high there just went up for one two three four four straight weeks through that Peak there I'll just expand the chart so we can see that and then it's just gone sideways for two weeks threatening to pull back but it didn't which really surprised us because we thought okay it'll take out that high and then we'll get a little bit of a pullback before it takes off again but that didn't occur so at the moment if you're not already in these gold stocks in this particular particular ones you know it may go up for another couple of weeks it could be three or four weeks before it stops yep but it's a short time for a bit of a pullback after that which I think you'd wait until after that because the run is more or less gone at the moment on this one a little bit too late for evolution mining anything else you can see but it's a great stock it looks really nice and the way that it Trends it could go to 440 maybe even 460 as part of this rise and but then it's about how you're going to get out of it and that's what people need to know everything isn't it you need to if you're going to buy you also need to know how to sell because all too often people make the most more mistakes on the sell side than they do in the Bible yeah I mean you just have to look at how many months it rises before it falls each time it does and a lot of these choppy moves up here they were quite sure short-lived we've seen that before we had three months up here we were already two months up and that's why I'm saying it might go up for another month before we then see a bit of a Slowdown so okay all right so now let's have a look at gold Road resources or Gore good it's a Gore sounds interesting doesn't it you can see here this is an actual like a movie doesn't it a movie yep so this is the gold Futures chart that I've put over the top of gorgeous to see how it moves nicely with the gold features and it really does so I actually like this from the point of view that it actually is more like the gold Futures chart so to me that's a bit more predictable in terms of what am I tracking the gold price yeah Theory but it's more volatile so that's it's a smaller stock so we're talking about some smaller stocks here let's just have a look at what the the liquidity looks like on this one you can see it's a little bit patchy across here in terms of the day per week yes 27 million um maybe what what is it 60 million a week I know it's good it's good from the point of view of an individual Trader definitely um it's sort of in that ballpark for individual Traders but it's not microcap it's not too small and it looks like it's actually trying to break out to new highs so I I do like this particular one but you just have to bear in mind that it it can be quite risky like newcrest I would probably put it in the same basket if not a little bit riskier than new Crest just because of the liquidity but from the reliability in terms of the gold price it's something that's a bit more you can match it more with what's going on overall in the gold price now it's almost at its all-time high again because you obviously there's your all-time high over here that we're looking at now which is whoever if we do that so that's our come on that's in July 2020 so it's July 2020 so that's two dollars and two So currently at the moment it's sitting just below that it's at 5.95 or 1.98 sorry 0.98.5 so it's getting you might get a bit of hesitation through you I think yeah look I agree like sometimes when they the stocks go through those highs they'll pull back but let's just have a look at what this nearest so it's about a 12 13 to that loaf it took out that low then you know it's going more likely to go the other way so just be careful at the moment but if it did break through that it might be enough if someone was in this it'd be really a nice little mistake with it at the moment it looks good all right so that's Gore so we've covered off our three stocks plus a minor and that was really fun I really you know I could just keep going talking about this and get lost in it all and we've got more stocks and I'm looking forward to sharing more gold stocks with you our Research indicates something very interesting about some of the most widely traded gold stocks now I need to remind you that you can win a free copy of Dale's book how to beat the managed funds by 20 you do this by commenting below this video on YouTube and tell us your favorite part of tonight's show we'll pick the best answer to win the book so hurry as you need to comment in the next 24 hours is this the last chance and are you feeling generous at the moment I already said I was feeling I'm always generous really I'm always generous when was last time I let you buy lunch oh that's true I'm always it was about two weeks ago I know I'm off and I'm really enjoying this topic on gold and I can't wait to see what's next but we do need to go for a break and before we do for those watching on YouTube we know you have questions and we're here to answer them so email info at wealthwithin.com dot a u and if you've not visited talkingwell.com yet come and join in and and have some fun watching those videos take up your seven day free trial the big bonus is that whilst you're there you can watch or join tonight's show or watch tonight's show in full where we cover lots more stocks and answer a hell of a lot more questions you can also watch recordings of past live shows in full so you can catch up on what you missed out on and even more important for your financial well-being you can check our videos from property experts Financial professionals wealth coaches trusted experts in business person and personal about development from around Australia and around the globe answering all of your questions that's a wealth of knowledge for you so head over to talkingwealth.com right now you never know you might just win one of our courses and even 50k that'd be nice so the latest interview did was absolutely awesome oh every like I was only I had an expert in here yesterday and I said you must love what you're done I go do and I said because I get to talk to awesome people like you every day on these interviews and I learned so much from them and this is why I can't understand why it's no more people don't you pick their brains and just pull out all the information that people would want to know the questions that other people would want to ask as well that's what I do and I'm learning a lot from them and if I'm learning a lot from them I think people are just getting into the market or getting into investing or a business or whatever just put it in the box seat aren't they yeah but we do need to move on and remember don't miss out on Dale's Australian stock market report which is super important right now he puts these informative recordings together for you each and every week and this week covered the best time to invest now for our talkingwealth.com subscribers just relax and stay tuned as we'll be right back after this short break with some more stocks and more questions to answer [Music] in this week's Australian stock market report I'll share with you which month consistently provides the best returns in the share market now when it comes to timing the market the financial industry often makes claims that it is challenging or even impossible to do but as an expert I'm constantly asked to predict where the market is heading any month can be bullish or bearish so it's wise for investors to consider other factors such as the current market conditions the fundamentals of a stock and by getting into my favorite form of analysis and this is to review how the stock is unfolding on a chart before deciding to invest while events like covid and walls are difficult to predict we know that economies move through Cycles from boom to recession that's why we have months that are generally more bullish than others so what are the best months to invest in the stock market you know the Market's just following the script right now because the market pretty much is predictable and so many people say you can't predict the market well that's just BS in my book because it's exactly what you're asking a financial advisor to do it's exactly what you're asking any fund manager do tell you what a stock is going to do and telling you you can't do it is it stops people from getting a good education and to me that's the sad part about it when they say oh you can't find the market you can't do this just buy and hold and that's the biggest load of BS that I see perpetuated week in week out month in month out year in year out that stops people making more money and doing it for themselves
Channel: Wealth Within
Views: 2,290
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gold stocks, gold stocks to buy, best gold stocks, best gold stocks 2023, will gold stocks go up, gold stocks forecast, best asx gold stocks, australian stock market, wealth within, wealth within tv, wealth within live, australian stock market show, dale gillham, janine cox, gold price, stock market, gold mining stocks, gold stocks 2023, gold stocks to invest in, best gold stocks to buy
Id: rAuhHAQDAaw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 9sec (2589 seconds)
Published: Tue May 09 2023
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