Top 10 Mining Stocks to Buy: BHP, RIO, and FMG Down 15%

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[Music] no no no no no no no good evening and welcome to the Australian stock market show in tonight's show we share with you the mining stocks that will make you more money in the next decade we give you five stock trading tips to guide you in how to select the best mining stocks that suit your objectives and we share the top 10 ASX miners for 2023. hello I'm Janine Cox your host for tonight and joining me is Dale Gillum and we're Australia's most trusted stock market educators how are you this evening I'm actually really excited I've taken a sneak peek at the what the workbook that you're going to show people and they'll be excited when they start to see them so I'm excited about what we're going to do tonight so I'm going to shut up and and let you get going how may you do it now my quote for tonight comes from Jason Statham do you want to say that Jason Statham Statham actor in Fast and the Furies who said high risk is high adrenaline now I picked this quote for a number of reasons the main one was because we see so many investors who have chosen the wrong stocks and as a result are highly likely to be taking high risk and experiencing high levels of adrenaline or stress at times because of their stock choices oh you're looking at me yeah I'm waiting for you I've never done that that was pretty common I mean you know when we used to be allow the chat the text check on YouTube and things like that and when we first started doing this live show how many of those crappy stocks that we used to see people stocks that we called the picket fences weren't they they're really well a lot of them so it's really really common but I'm so looking forward to tonight's show I'll tell you with so many great stocks on offer but before we do move on Janine last week we gave our viewers another opportunity to get a free copy of my first book they all they needed to do is comment below the video on YouTube about their favorite part of the show now the good news is that we picked another winner and we've got even more good news you'll have another chance tonight to win a free copy of my book so listen out and be ready when we tell you how to do so this week's winner said I love your advice to beginners that ask about stocks that aren't suitable for beginners I've been watching for a couple of years and the consistency of messaging for to beginners reminds me so much of parenting I just love that I'm looking forward to the diploma course that I plan to do next year keep up the great work and that was lovely wasn't it that was that was excellent because it is you've got to get the basics right I think that's really important but we need to say that a Winner's name say the Winner's name is Adrian so congratulate Adrian s so congratulations and thanks very much from uh from our team for about your great response now we know you're sitting there with lots of questions for us tonight and you know we have answers to them so Now's the Time to either text or call us that's right so exciting to finally to be able to speak with you on the show again for texts please send your question to 0423-959-846 that's 0423-959-846 so pick up your phone if you want to text do so now in addition to your text tonight we're actually going to be taking live calls on the show again so we're excited about that so if you do want to chat to Janine and I and ask us your question that's really been on your mind then this is your opportunity to pick up your phone and call us and speak to us directly the number you need to call is zero three for Melbourne 9290 double nine double eight that's zero three nine two nine zero double nine double eight now to get things started the first person to call into the show right now will get a free copy of my latest book which is called accelerate your wealth now we're able to we're excited to be able to chat to you so pick up your phone and get filing now so while we wait for you to call in it is the third Tuesday of the month and this means we take a look at World Market so let's get into the charts now on your screen right now is the list of World Markets janinto what have you got first all right now interesting isn't it that the NASDAQ 100 is actually at the top 22.6 which is interesting it's been there all year well look I mean I just think I can't believe it stayed there well it's technology true the technology in the video rebound well technology has been the best sector in our market and it followed the NASDAQ with the technology stocks and that so so you're not surprised by the movie no no no so what do you think that signals about the market overall I'm not going to tell you you think it's all bull don't you I think it's all poor all right then we've got the you know do you want to save that one the CAC um up 14.6 the Dax is actually up 14.32 and looks amazing then we've got the Asian markets look at them stacked up the Nico Tokyo up 11 13.5 and 11.8 respectively the European Market's actually up 9.8 is a good run for the year S P 500 Index 7.73 now Shanghai composite seven percent up now the UK Market's a bit surprising I thought that would have kicked on faster but I think they're still they're still struggling after brexit they still really am at it it really excites me all the news this year has been really sort of Doom and Gloom around the U.S markets we've just it's just been piled on and parted yeah and yeah that's up seven percent so obviously the bigger Town Market you mean no I'm talking about the U.S market the S P 500 but the UK Market is just it's just got can I say it's as I said I can only think it's like a bit of a bowdanger boat anchor from the sort of the that whole brexit thing still hasn't cleaned up because I still think I think a lot of the British public I think and they probably shouldn't have done it yeah but you know time will tell but yeah we're lagging the New Zealand index Australian index the ASX um 200 is actually up three percent so we expect to see a bit of a move up in the second half on our Market the Indian market looks amazing and yes it's only up 2.5 let's have a look at the chart of that later but it was the one of the best ones last year Hang Seng Index up almost one percent um Dow Jones what do you make of that well that's what the interesting thing is even the Dow Jones is up but Dow Jones is Not stacked with lots of tech so there's a couple of them the tech side of it shook the market correct and yet it's already recovered and gotten over it's it's hangovers gone yep but the hangout is still there on the Dell that's why I think the market in the US is still all right I think it's still going to go up because the Dow's been holding back it's not in negative territory it's not full of tech stocks so I think the Dow is poised to go and when it goes obviously our Market will go as well but I do think our Market is bull-ish all right um now did you want to have a look at the last one no you can or do you want me to talk about it I know you're going to talk about a couple of charts so we've got what are we charts we're going so I'm going to put my glasses on so this is the Indian market now have a look at that that is super Sensational and when you're looking at this sort of run up here because remember last year the Indian market was really bullish right through here was one of the best performing markets so that high there at 63 583 which was its all-time home it came right back and I found some support through here and moving up again so all the people that watch IO channel from India and I know we do have a lot of Indians watching our Channel listening to our podcast um I think there's really good news about your market so that if you are investing in it keep doing that for the moment but let's look at another one and so we're going to look at the next Market we're going to look at is the NASDAQ composite index so having like this do you want to comment on that at all or you want me to keep going it looks lovely doesn't it it looks like it's actually just come off the bottom it's rounding up nicely and should follow the tech section there's still miles off that all-time high back then so people thinking okay I was doing really really well had a huge fall through down into this October but it's now just starting to make up whereas a lot of the other markets are either at new all-time highs or pretty close to it so even our Market is back off about three percent um because we were up about six percent in the last six months so we pulled back a little bit but I do think our Market is going to be more bullish all right how's that well that's fantastic thank you for that run down it's nice to hear from you for a change well you know they hear from me on Monday so I think I should keep my mouth shut a bit more with when you're around well you heard it they say A wise man keeps his mouth shut and his ears open that is it for our thoughts on the world markets if you want to participate in this show but can't see it live you can email in your questions ahead of time into info if you love what we do and want to watch the extended version of this show it will be available on shortly after we finish the show tonight now if you're not already a subscriber you can get a free seven day trial and see all of tonight's show and have all of your questions answered by a group of experts in their fields including the stock market property and other Investments wealth building strategies estate planning super precious metals career job hunting and tips for a healthy mind and body you cannot afford to miss what is shared over on so head over to now Janine let's get into your first email question well now we have an email from chath and chef says hi darling Janine firstly thank you for the great show I just want to know your views on ADH note it's been on a downtrend since covert impact financials look improving but with all rate Rises and purchasing ability decreasing any thoughts if ADH will rise around 3.50 thank you cheers Chad so let's have a look at that ADH yeah ADH is actually a d is limited yeah so adairs is actually a a retail a retailer yeah and really interesting that you can actually walk into adairs and purchase their products and support the Australian company well they should I go into adairs every now and again so I he said you know will it go up 350 and I'll when I first read it I thought does he mean go up 3.50 from its current position I'll back up to 3.50 which would put it up into this so I think it's the latto is what he means I think the latter is what he's actually remaining but you know to me volume's way down on this if we bring that up and have a look at it you have a look at the volumes back through 21 22. volume's a lot lower this year so I think there's not a lot of how do I say interest a lot of interest and I think there's still a the market is still out because obviously all the financial pressures across families Etc like that so I think what's going on at the moment is retail is whilst it's not on the nose it's also you know yeah not something that's really across the board in any way is what you're saying but it could save up to 3.50 but we don't know when look I think it could very well do that but we just need to be patient wait I'd like to see it get strongly through around 240. once it does that then we know it's on its way if it goes through this low here I'd be really concerned about it coming back to test these prior lows yeah so also might have some you know reasonable financials and things like that I think we do need to see the chart move up and do a little bit better so the moment I'd just be sitting back and waiting chath though but thank you for sending an email in and if you do want to talk to Janine and I live then call 929-09988 that's nine two nine zero double nine double A but we're now going to get into our first text for tonight and this one is from yes and he's asking about apx he says hi Dale and Janine could you please look at apx it's not looking a lot better and could be interesting if it takes 3.35 five out things yes so let's have a look at apx yeah now this was actually one happens one that you've followed in the past that you know he'd done well on in the past but I mean it's really struggled to recover and after this month's um you know move down so far it's really concerning that it's closing at the bottom of that bar now so it's closing at 2.30 do you want to open it up a little bit like that so the weekly just have a look at the weekly now because because it had so many quite a few over the last six months or so there's been quite a few times we thought ah is it time to take off the bottom and I know people were trying to were jumping into a thinking it was going to go again because it did had such a spectacular and this is where that combination of strategies is really important it's not just having one set of rules especially for a stock like this where you've got lower liquidity it's higher risk it can easily be manipulated by movers in the market that of the money so this is where it's not just you know people using moving averages to try to trade these things which is crazy because you'd be all the way through here be whipsawed in and out and I know I know when we did a presentation last week to the Traders we were saying you know do you get whip sorted out and they go yeah yeah so to me this is where having good solid rules you wouldn't be in this because all through here all through here and through this bit I've had so many different people saying oh what about happened what about happened I'm buying app and needs going up because some of these moves are quite large well I'm just used I had this tool on there so if you're looking at some of this move from that low to there you're talking about that's 44 40 50 in that move there and you can see why people that's what we're so much about it because they write about that they don't tell people what's actually going on in the big picture and the risk that's involved they just say oh this Stock's risen you know 50 or whatever it's done and then people think oh I've got to go and buy that thing but if you bought it on this run this run this run you'd be losing right now I wonder what actually caused that big sell-off interesting look I don't know but end of the day we could go and have a look at the announcements for last week to happen and you'll probably find it out but right now I've been watching it really closely the last sort of six to 12 months for that opportunity to get into it because I do like it as a bit of a Specky buy you know what me I'm like not right a little bit of a risk taking a new one so that looked good I wouldn't touch it now it's history I wouldn't touch it no now that it's taken out that low anyway Dale it looks like we've got a text from Chris who's asking about PMT hi dial and Janine PMT that's not like PMS is it could you please have a look at PMT I know there's not a lot of data on this stock but I am interested in hearing your thoughts on a short-term position with a target of two dollars regards Chris interesting Chris I can't wait to see oh look at the um why he's interested in it if there isn't marriage data on it actually yeah but it looks not look that pattern that's for me on the chart is one that we've seen so many times on stocks before they take off correct I don't yeah this one is it's a pattern but would you trust the pattern on the data that you don't you've only got really you know you're the one who likes the dark horses and so you know but you wouldn't trade this because there's no not enough data but if we take last you wouldn't trade it because there's not enough data okay take last week's close Okay and there's 16.8 risk to that downside so you'd have to be prepared to accept that because you're not going to know if it's going to go south until it takes out that low I mean it's just it look currently this is the last two days obviously so there's a bit of a gap there so it you might find it comes back a little bit over the next week or two but if it starts to move up again I like this stock yep but I would do a little bit more work on it because trying to find probably the challenges that people have with something like this how do you find these rules on it yeah it's about how do you strategize it and to me that it's if you can't find a pattern on it and there's no rule at all then you can't trade it anyway it doesn't matter what it is was it puts you in higher risk bucket because you need to know what rules work consistently on something yeah and with this one you could just pick an entry Rule and take it and then hope you know sometimes we can say that you need to know what rules work consistently we do yeah I know but that's look there are some times where you could see lots of Trades where you could just make a judgment call without knowing that well you can but it's a bit more interesting we do that no I'm not suggesting we're going to go backwards and back pedal but in the case of this I'm trying to be on your side here because you're talking about trading the Dark Horse here right and not having the history so normally if you're a disciplined Trader who has criteria that says they need to have a minimum of five years back history or something like that yeah then this wouldn't be a stop for those people no but then I can trade in the moment looking at what's there and looking at everything that I know with all my experience and trade in that moment where blood Traders can't do that because they haven't had that experience and knowledge to weigh up where they need to do it because I can change things on on and moving average just looking at it now isn't useless because there's no history there yeah it's pretty useless anyway but thank you very much for that one anyway I appreciate your insights too my pleasure thank you very much but you can be like these people and obviously give us a call if you do want to do that in the second half of the show also send us a text message they keep putting the number up on the screen but now it's time we get into our topic for tonight which is all about a subject that Janine always gets excited about and that is mining stocks why mining stocks well in our opinion there is so much money to to be made in the coming years from this area so tonight we're going to share with you the best mining stocks to suit short-term trading and for those who like medium-term investing we'll share some stocks for you too more importantly we'll share with you some something that will assist you to be more profitable than just showing you some good stocks and that is I'm going to give you some tips on how to select the right ones for you now I've had a sneak peek at the stocks that Janine will share tonight and it is a big list of some of the best mining stocks that will suit beginners through to the experience the thought of mining stocks makes everyone hungry so Dale let's not keep anyone waiting you always get people away what's the difference now so true you got me there how about we take a look at some important information before we get into the stocks so what's this one okay this is ones from the minerals Council of Australia now it says here this is an overview on their website mining is by far Australia's largest export industry oh we know that over the past decade the industry contributed 2.4 trillion in resources export Revenue while the vast majority of minerals extracted in Australia are exported the benefits are retained in Australia I'm big on that the industry has paid 20 252 billion 252 billion in mining wages 143 billion in company taxes 112 billion in royalties and generated 21 of the economy's growth why do you think I get on my bandwagon when these big companies get taken over and the government's doing nothing about it it's important for our national you know for our bottom line because the government still gets the taxes what are they doing Additionally the mining and minerals processing industry relies on and supports a wide range of other Industries and service providers in Australia the investment in and development of Australia's world-leaning mining industry has allowed Australia to translate its natural resources into better living standards for its people do I need to say anymore probably and I'm sure we've got a lot out there but we don't have all night all right now that's all very interesting isn't it the minerals Council of Australia also reported Global mining investment is expected to increase by 100 billion dollars annually from current levels to produce the mineral Commodities required for the world to achieve net zero emissions by 2050. well good on them God well the thing is I'm in all with you I mean to me you know I to me they need government support you know because obviously what we want is higher stock prices we want the money to stay here because natural resources are a finite thing we're going to run out of them eventually that's right and what is Australia going to do then and obviously we've got plenty of time to work that one out but I think we need to be keeping well Victoria would be up up the creek wouldn't it what are we going to sell restaurants cafes I guess that's what we do tourism Korea 20 25 years to Net Zero and I look there's no way known they're going to make it not a hope in hell all the data and research that I'm seeing it's unless we get a lot of new technologies coming out that are really cool we're not going to do that anyway but but that well there will be the Technologies but we need to build a lot more but we sell everything offshore anyway but that's what I'm saying I'm waiting for them to sell our children and stuff like that because they're just exporting everything so to me I think the government needs to have a do more big chat with itself okay maybe the foreign investment review board too yeah okay Dale so we can see that there is money to be made is is your excitement building yet I was excited at the start of the show Jane let alone now I'm really excited Jane well done now we want to help people make better choices when it comes to selecting stocks to suit their objectives so we've got five tips for those looking to trade short-term and some more tips for those looking to trade medium to long term so we have everybody covered all right so let's take a look so how about we cover the medium to long-term investors first you mean all right let's do that then shall we okay all right be patient is one of the first ones be prepared to wait up to six to 12 months for a trade trigger I wasn't do people rush in use fundamentals to assist with stock selection but timing of Entry is based on appropriate technical rules and long-term knowledge of get this price pattern and time we just did a presentation on that didn't we we did and why that's important too test best medium to long-term strategies not indicators which are inappropriate so true set appropriate stops and always refer back to purpose if concerned about the short-term volatility now you see so many people just at a whim changing their strategy when they've got a medium to long-term approach oh they do all the time that's the thing is they they see a stock going up or as soon as it goes down they change their strategy or their strategy is not working so they change it and the original strategy would have worked but the new strategy doesn't work then so because they really are using they're not doing price pattern time yes they're chasing the time and and we even asked that question of the group of traders who uses price pattern and time and how many people in the input they end up I think there was only two only two out of like 40 odd people use all three of them and it's no wonder there's so much opportunity in the market when you learn properly you know because it's it's like the reason why we say it is a lot of people show up to build their dream home and all they've got is a hammer true and it ain't going to work exactly so we need a little bit more of it but I love those tips they're all perfect unless you're Bob the Builder unless you're Bob the Builder but he's got more than the Hamilton in your case Gary the Builder Gary the Builder I'm calling him Bob from now on okay um okay thanks Dale now let's take a look at the tips for short-term Traders because we know there are some of you out there so choose stocks you know well that's really important know them like the back of your hand you have to for short term more emphasis on technical analysis but remember events that will impact price such as ex-div dates and Company reporting so important for short-term movements document your plan based on the best trading strategy for your trading time frame which is so interesting because a lot of people just pick one strategy doesn't fit all set appropriate stops much tighter than medium to long-term approaches that's key short-term Trader gets stuck there all the time and there's another one keep the strategy mechanical and remember the plan and only adjust it based on the results yeah out of 10 people well probably 100 people that tell me they're Traders and they trade short term I reckon 98 of them guess really they're like hit and miss they guess get trees they guess exits they change change their strategy they don't have the document to trade I'm gonna do all what you're talking about because they think they're going to make far more money by trading short term okay because they just talked about so much in chat forums and all the ads you see you know you start typing in stock marketing it always adds it's always about short-term trading over hours or a couple of days and it's seriously the wrong way to go about it but anyway that's another show that is another show now remember that information is so important to your success in the long run if you need help bringing your trading approach together or you want to start the right way have a chat to one of our education Consultants they've done our courses themselves they've been where you are and will help you get answers to any questions you may have about how we can assist you now I think everyone watching has been very patient to name so can we get into the stock now do you want me to put up or shut up is that what you're saying put up not shut up we need you to talk all right all right then so look we've got our first stock now this is one we haven't spoken about for a while we haven't spoken about it because the focus has been on BHP and Rio because they will always be in any discussion when we're talking about mining stocks so the thing to talk about here tonight is what sort of Trader does this suit so when people say that they're long-term investors yes people might say that but they still need to know how to trade because they need to know how to sell so they just need a rule on a pencil pretty much but yeah they do need some rules well look you know you can find some great strategies if you know how for the long term I was talking to someone recently about it we're looking at one of our short-term strategies from the diploma and I said by the way have you tried using that on your long-term chart don't worry just do it for long-term invest investing it's an aggressive entry but it's less aggressive than using a weekly chart yeah so he's going to have a good look at that but it's better than actually just sitting there and like licking your finger and testing the wind isn't it I don't do that okay the wind changes too much the wind changes too much all right Florida ski Metals okay back to that one 62.75 billion dollar company and yet this is a stock that can be for the medium to long term it's not a Buy and Hold and look we can go back in history and show why it's not buy and hold the stock fell significantly in the GFC far more than the market it spent how long when the mining slump occurred it turned earlier than some of the other mining stocks and fell from January 2011 all the way into January 16. so it's five years of decline but it's not uncommon for it to be down for a while 2017 in February it peaked out and fell away again for at least a year so you know that's something and it's done it again so we haven't seen much action out of it for at least 12 months now so I'm expecting to see some happen but we've got this big gap here on the weekly chart it looks like it's trying to push down there to just fill that up um but it's a question mark at the moment where the fmg is going to be ready you know this side of the end of the financial year I don't think so I don't think I'm getting ready by this side of the financial year I think second half of the year I think it'll be doing well yeah so we have to have a look at it back then but we still don't know what the big look at the moment long-term picture looks like it should turn bull again yeah and that's what we've got to wait for I think it's the buy hold sell stock yeah there's nothing going to happen until it gets back above these highs up here anyway no no but I do like the stock and I think you know we haven't been chatting about it for good reasons and you don't have to look at the chart to see that one right now it's a little bit early so would you say that this is a good stock for short-term trading absolutely positively okay now why simply because it can do really good uh over a short period of time but it also telegraphs what it's doing so it gives you a lot of people trade short term they're looking at low-cap mining stocks or very low liquid mining stocks and they're going oh they're 1 cent 10 it's five cents and they're going well you know I've only got to go up 10 cents and it doubles or triples in price so they're thinking at it that way but this thing will do better than most of the 99.99 so those stocks will give you 10 times the risk yeah and this will still have the volatility being a big stock it'll have the volatility it'll help you make money but it won't kill you or take your money all the time because the end of the day if you look at statistical looking at those sort of Penny Dreadful pen send and undertake they could plummet through your stop loss well but the chances of you getting it right is less than one percent so to me is I'd rather get a an fmg one my chances are getting that right at like seven or eighty percent yep you know getting right with some solid rules on it and you make money really really quickly out of it I love it now what about medium to long-term trading not long term media mama and I'm talking about six to eighteen months medium-term trading anything along with if your outlook is more than 18 months then forget forget this stop always go for something else but but if somebody picked it right down in this low here it's just luck really isn't it well pretty much yeah but that's why this is a buy hold sell stock so if you buy this stock you'll hold it till it runs out and then sell it it's not a buy hold sock yeah um like some like some of the banks where Telstra is more of a buy hold stock even I wouldn't hold that for life okay yeah okay great so that's fmg that's our first one so BHP of course is the next one now this is a stock that is for trading and for medium term but it's a question about whether we've always said top 20 stocks could be for long term right that somebody who had a long-term strategy the Buy and Hold could just pick any of the top 20 shares you know and come back with more later but they can they do better returns if they're more active so if they're active investors like we talk about in my first book and in my second one they're going to make full money much more money than just buy and hold so my books are very much by wholesale by wholesale not by hold so but you can you bought if you bought PHP 30 years ago I'm sure you're pretty happy with what it is now absolutely but I mean this is a stock that could be for a long-term investor because it's lower if you wanted a stock in the mining area it's less volatile than fmg it's probably more reliable than any of the other big mining stocks but you just have to understand what the Cycles are there is a mining cycle there isn't correct commodity cycle this is one of the stocks that leads our Market it's it shows you about the fortunes of our Market because it's either number one or two all the time isn't it but it's not just our Market it leads the Commodities correct wow because of the exposure yeah that's what I was sort of implying there but I do love this stock at the moment I think it's really good I think it's definitely should be on people's watch list yeah look just look at something this is not a buy today but I think it's really good for the rest of this year I mean some of these moves are just great aren't they for short term it's just measure these lows here you've got you've got 50 we're looking at that small stock 50 moves well BHP does it as well but it's you know you're more likely to be able to get a return out of that you have a lot of Traders or cannot use inverted Commons Traders and people that are trading these small mining stocks that are high risk they're hoping to make 50 or 60 in a couple of weeks and you know as you said in the quote high risk equals adrenaline adrenaline you know but it also leads to a hit and miss very um in the stock market good advice so look there are some really good strategies that can be used be you know you can trade BHP for short medium and longer term um new Chris mining now this one's might have been much harder to trade for investors because of the volatility yeah top 20 stock but always one of those ones on the risk that we high risk strategy that what we suggest is high risk but now it's actually just been approved for as for takeover which I'm really upset about because there goes another big stock on our Market bites the Dustin's taken over by over we're just being it's almost like the sharks are coming in for The Feeding Frenzy at the moment it's been happening for decades isn't it that some of our great mining stocks have just been taken off the board I reckon they should pay higher taxes than you know I just don't think they should be allowed to do it in the first place but yeah you know to me it's like because the money the profits are going off sure that's right I know whereas BHP going into our super funds yeah I do I agree with you but this is done since okay so look it's going off the market but just so that and investors understand the difference between this stock and some of the other shares it's more like an fmg I'd put it in the same sort of category as an fmg they listed on the Australian stock exchange newmont's actually U.S stock but I have read somewhere there's some discussion about some sort of listing here but I I don't take that as verbatim I've got to do more research on that gotcha because I'm just wondering why we're talking about this thing if it's being taken over well that's the point because and I wanted to raise this as an interesting point okay so what you can get on your soapbox sure no okay well that was part of it part of it I have to admit I know you too well yeah short-term Traders what they try to do is actually get a bit of Arbitrage in a takeover okay yeah so the attempt is to see if they can make a little bit more money out of the stock when this whole process is happening because the volatility of it but it's just that why would you do that I would just move on I just bigger and better cool all right now SLR Silver Lake resources this is a really interesting stock to us um would this be a short medium or long term short short term why is that well because a it's no nowhere near as big as the last parts of the 100 company yeah I know but it's not as big as your bhps in your Rio and your Ford excuse but it has shorter term bursts it's not really one that I would be keeping a long term I wouldn't be keeping this with the plan of an 18 month trade I'd be looking at three to six month trades oh it's just simply the way it unfolds if you're looking at this it just has so many short bursts you know in price you have to be so clever with a stock like this in terms of your tactics and getting in and getting out yep you do and to me you know whether it's monthly or monthly is probably a better way to trade this stock probably but you look at all these some of these moves are pretty good in price will surprise a lot of people because I was thinking I've got to go daily chart and Dale's saying I could potentially go monthly well that's the thing is you know people when we're looking at in weeks it's making 50 to 60 so it's very short term and this is one of those things that people go they spend a lot of time trying to work out a really short-term trading strategy and when you go well just go and do it on same thing on a monthly chart like you said earlier you make far more money because it's taking out a lot of the noise and I think a lot of Traders get sucked into the noise and what I mean by noise is those daily movements and those weekly movements they have to know more to be able to do it it's the price pattern Time theme that comes in yeah and it's about having that patience and it's having that not following the crowd because we know the crowds are crowd's generally wrong so I think that's what it is but well I like this one as well from a short-term perspective because there are different patterns and different strategies that can be applied to it to get a I can see one pattern we're teaching our diploma that'll just slam dunk this all the time okay great yep it'll slam dunk it all the time so you're not going to tell us what it is are you um our students and graduates would shoot me oh really excited yeah they would they'd be they'd find because they've paid for that too probably find me and try and feed me KFC till I exploded that's a funny thought all right now is that all you wanted to say by the way I'm fine with it I do like the stock and I think you're right 100 okay for regular viewers you will know that I am just getting started so I'm looking forward to sharing more mining stocks including a dark horse which you'll find interesting Dark Horses I like that now Janine you know I like dark houses dark horses and I'm sure everyone is excited to see what's next but we do need to go to a short break now before we do for those watching on YouTube thank you for joining us tonight we really appreciate it and if you do want to participate in the show you can email your questions to info also remember to head over to where you can sign up for a free seven-day trial so you can see all of tonight's show in full where we cover lots more stocks answer lots more questions and so much more you can also watch recordings of past live shows in full and catch up on what you miss and even more important for your financial well-being you'll you'll have access to exclusive content from property experts Financial professionals wealth coaches trusted experts in business and personal development from Australia and from around the globe and these experts will answer the most important questions that will help you build your wealth health and mindset so head over to talking right now and remember you can get Dale's predictions for the Australian Market along with hints tips and things such as what stocks and sectors to look at each and every week in his Australian stock market report this is all on for our subscribers just to relax and stay tuned we will be right back after this short break with more stocks and more of your questions to answer foreign [Music] stock market report I'm going to share with you why Economist is saying that there's an 80 chance that Australia could fall into recession when you hear that economists are predicting a high chance of a recession in Australia how does that make you feel this kind of statement usually makes investors uncertain about the economy or in other words investors become fearful so how does this affect the stock market in recessionary times companies may experience a decline in revenue and profitability and as such investors become hesitant to buy stocks however in my experience investors are reluctant to sell their shares especially if they're in a loss investors also want to buy shares in companies that will grow which is why it's wise to purchase during times when the economy is slow in preparation for a growing economy and increase profits so how does the stock market Fall during recession to predict the market you really do need three areas price pattern and time if you put all three of them together you predict it with high degree of accuracy phase one the degree of accuracy drops away now the financial industry keeps saying to people you can't time the market get in yet that's exactly what the industry wants me to do so it's interesting how they keep telling other people that you cannot do it and anybody can just with a little bit of knowledge so my advice to investors is regardless of whether recession occurs look at the next year as one of opportunity
Channel: Wealth Within
Views: 3,742
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asx, australian stock market show, bhp, dale gillham, fmg, janine cox, mining stocks, rio tinto, top mining stocks, top mining stocks to buy, wealth within, wealth within live, wealth within tv
Id: nlef3kar6qw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 7sec (2407 seconds)
Published: Tue May 16 2023
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