Will Arnett's Controversial Miley Cyrus Panties Retweet | CONAN on TBS

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[Music] don't have to be happy about Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles it did I know I was making up these figures it was it kicked ass over the weekend what do you think's the secret behind that movie besides you know yourself yeah thank you for not making me say that I know yeah you know I am I am very very excited I I don't know what the rest first of all look you've got in my mind it's like you've got the four Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles who totally kick ass you've got Megan Fox yes of course everybody loves and you can you've got no Jason Bateman and I feel like not having you know what the void of I think they're gonna start an awards category of no Bateman and the non Bateman goes to as he ever does he ever tire of your salvos at him no that's all you to do when he's on he hung fun of you when you're on do you make fun of it's the only thing we are truly like brothers in that way and and and i truly do dislike him so for me megan fox incredible she was here the other night what incredible very nice but in person i get to see everybody in person she's so stunning it does my breath away yeah she is she's very stunning in fact my my nephew came my nephews came down from canada to see the premiere and my twelve year old I thought like great you know I'm kind of gonna big-time it for him his uncle's in this big movie and the fruit I seen the first thing he says is I'm gonna beat Megan Fox I was like why are you angry that happens Thomas yeah calling about that's the only mom every now and then she'll say like I'll see you gonna watch the show tonight my show is on like me I know say you know it's one of those weird things about showbiz with your parents were like yeah we're not that impressed with you but that guy's great yeah that there guy yeah that other guy you did a lot to promote Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles including you retweeted a picture of Miley Cyrus's underwear wearing her underwear well we have the photo here yeah she she tweeted that out and I figured you know it's if you retweet a person's crotch maybe it'll go viral right so just because look once I know it's terrible yeah you know and it's OCD I know okay I know just because she was wearing out underwear you thought this will help even more if this gets three other people in delicious if this guy I feel like a lot of people were were disgusted by I didn't take the photo you know right retweeted honest she does seem very proud of her vagina yeah yeah in my defense yes in your defense lawyer he immediately became your lawyer miss your honor your honor she seems very proud of her vagina case dismissed let's talk about your Netflix series are Bojack horseman this is not your average plot this story no well I mean it isn't that it's a it's about a guy who's a you got a human body in a horse head and he lives in a world and inhabited by by humans and animals and hybrids therewith and and then also he's a former 90s sitcom star who's now in the process of writing uh his life story so in that sense it's kind of very spot oh the pitch was a no brainer kidding it really is about a former 90s sitcom star who happens to have a horse's head yeah anything human body yeah and he's going through a tough time in it and it's a really fun it's a very subversive different and it's me and in Aaron Paul and Alison Brie and Amy Sedaris very funny Hopkins yeah yeah a lot of really really funny people associated with the show and it's on on Netflix and and I'm really excited about I think that it's it is very different you
Channel: Team Coco
Views: 1,850,958
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Conan (TV Program), Conan O'Brien (Celebrity), Late night show, Miley Cyrus (Celebrity), TBS (Production Company), Team Coco, Will Arnett (Celebrity), best moments of conan, celebrity interviews, coco, comedy, comedy sketches, conan best, conan best moments, conan brien, conan classic, conan funniest moments, conan funny moments, conan obrien interview, conan obrien podcast, conan on tbs, conan remotes, funny moments on conan, talk show, talk show hosts, tbs, top 10 conan
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 33sec (273 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 12 2014
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