Will a CHEAP tow truck still Run, Drive, and TOW After 40 YEARS??

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I mean it was only a matter of time right ladies and gentlemen welcome well hang on who am I kidding gentlemen and Mom welcome to another episode of junkyard digs today you joined myself in this Chevy square body tow truck in the front yard I don't know anything about this I don't know what we're going to do with it all I know is that this right here was 2500 bucks on Facebook Marketplace and we're going to see if we can make it look nice and work good in a weekend this popped up on Marketplace for 2500 bucks and it's kind of hard to say no to what appears to be a pretty solid square body with an operable tow truck attached to the back half of it also as mentioned I don't know a damn thing about this I just bought it from the Kid 2 hours ago I know it does need a little work he said it's down on power uh in third and like only does 50 or something I I'm not quite sure said something about intake gasket leaks but the only thing I do know for sure is that it actually runs and okay well well the tack doesn't work we got a voltage gauge that works and a well pressure gauge that works 60 PSI here indicates 59,000 Mi he said they put a new motor in when it said 15 at one point the horn does not work ooh o wow oh and I suppose I have no idea if the dream catcher Works thing's pretty decent inside really it's like the seats nice the dash really isn't that bad it it needs cleaned up really bad but for 2500 bucks with an supposedly operable tow truck bed yeah I'll take that well I suppose step one let's get this off the trailer and go drive it around and see if we can figure out what that lack of power/ intake leak problem is I mean so far as you saw it runs pretty good I'm a little concerned about what it might be hiding this thing has a uh hydraulic parking brake which I've never seen before it's this whole Contraption here there's creaky noise yeah something tells me they're hanging a little bit right now someone's already put inner and outer fenders on this I bet I wonder his cab is so good it's potentially new metal doors do feel a little thin so we just push the clutch in and hope for the best there we go this is going too easy either there's going to be no episode here or something's going to happen that'll be so bad that'll all make sense in the end feel the pedal wiggling back and forth on its own as if the cab mounts or something are goofy go straight for the road eh I have no idea how much gas is in it but we'll figure that out I'm sure what could go wrong just going to ignore all those noises and we better make sure we got like a headlights or something first okay there's one marker oh running lights and headlights hell yeah one of the odds we also have tails we have LED tails hell yeah all right you know what I have no idea how much oh never mind I do the the fuel gauge started working we supposedly have 3/4 of tank I say we go for a little test drive maybe take it over to Tom see what he thinks of the old girl if we run out of gas you just call a tow truck oh wait oh oh oh come on girl there we go oh yeah oh yeah high gear going for third okay this is the gear he said at third it would start slowing down and losing power it feels fine it just doesn't have a lot of power I grabb the third way too early the alignment is a touch off she's got a pretty good vibration like a hellacious drive shaft vibration oh God the heat works I can smell it we're doing 45 the pedals are still all over the place I don't know what that's about he said I needed cab Mouse despite all that 2500 bucks for a toet truck oh yeah we're going to have ourselves a work unit right here this is going to be good oh I've got a pretty big wheel vibration in the front now I don't know how well you can see it's getting much worse really fast am I losing a tire good God it's coming apart I don't know if I'm going to make it holy I must have broke a band in a tire or something this it's getting worse the whole truck is hopping now I am borderline Airborne this might be a one-way trip to TOS holy [Music] something on this front left is not happy all right let me get us off the road all what's going on who's angry not loose got all the bolts this looks fine this one's also bolted on all the way what in the hell I got a broken band I don't feel one I don't see anything this is single-handedly the worst vibration I've ever experienced and I was completely expecting to see 4 in of a tire sticking out where we broke a band cuz it slowly got worse but there's nothing we still a couple miles from Toms so let's see if I can get it there at least it's seemingly better now that makes no sense what is happening I'm going to go ahead and say we should put brake hoses on the list cuz I bet they're a little swollen and not letting flew it back oh it started doing it it's it's doing the thing where it's losing power I'm at 190 I got good oil pressure not even at 190 I'm at like 160 oh you smell brakes I think I see smoke coming off a tire too I feel like our Brak is locked up up front that would feel like a loss of power I can see where someone could get confused about that oh yeah there's there's a giant cloud of smoke behind us oh come on girl up the hill up the hill that's what the bouncing was it was sticking a pad oh hello yeah definitely putting brake closes on the list no question now oh I did not take the right Road oh son of a all right well no need to put the parking brake on make sure we're not on fire so this explains the uh surging and the loss of poers there's a spot on that ro oh yeah she's smoking there's a spot on that rotor that would catch each time around because of a warp in it most likely as it was going down the highway it started to catch more and more and more get hotter and hotter and the brake fluid started expanding and the metal started expanding and then that of course escalated quickly in an exponential manner where suddenly the more it touches the hotter it gets the hotter it gets the more it touches and away we go off to the races suppose I'll let that cool for a sec I don't have any water with me if I did I could pour it on it to help shock that caliper open again but uh we'll have to put new hoses on before it leaves THS if I can get there I did not take the right Road this is a dead end I just added like a mile to this trip that was completely unnecessary it's still smoking got to get there regardless here we go okay I don't know what just happened but all a sudden we click and we just took off apparently that brake caliper finally got hot enough to just stink and fall back into place so that I blew a line very possible I did smell a lot of brakes still you know what we just we'll drive like we never had them to start with you've seen us talk about this before but what happens is that rubber hose between the Hardline on the frame and the caliper swells internally until it's clogged like an artery and when you apply brake pressure th000 PSI goes towards the caliper through that clogged line just fine but the natural one PSI of the return of that caliper cannot go back it acts as a oneway valve and builds up pressure inside that caliper this thing runs great it was just brakes oh I had to say it didn't I it's acting like I'm running out of gas it was literally right after I said it run screen what the hell is [Music] that oh oh good now the gas gauge did the gas gauge just did a circle it's no longer running great it's not even running good I somehow it's running unlike two this wow remember like 20 minutes ago when I said this is going to be too easy for a video yeah this this is what happens when I say that we get a Content heavy video established pretty much immediately this is definitely the loses power in third mhm well now it's back to [Music] normal and now it works again this is going to be really fun to diagnose repo gu is here trespassing where'd you get this uh over by Iowa City no about the only tow truck experience I have is with a sling I've never run a wheel lift in my life good I was hoping you would know cuz I don't I don't know if I remember it looks like it might be on fire honestly I don't fire that's cool oh it's got a little motor in it I figured it'd be a big block is that that must just be oil on the head have functional air pump crap on it um everything minus the air pump you think we can wreck some with this we can damage things it'll be cool Tom's starting a tow truck company Tom's Towing Tom to Tom's toes oh that's even worse I can see the sign now show you my toes sometime you don't think that's original metal on anything I didn't see a vent or anything no I doubt it I think I can see the seam yeah there's the cab Corner seam right there these things rested out on the dealer lot yeah look at the weld y there's a seam down there too Jesus the things I overlook it really does have a major oh God motor mount yeah maybe it really does need tippy toes this yes well get the stencils out we haven't even tested the Hydraulics might be back timing off just a little bit timing not a distributor issue oh that works hey holy that just break broke your truck a little what they had that just sitting there that's not even a fresh break there's a bearing in this right we can just weld this to that you probably could what the hell you got yeah that'll be fine yeah it's not like it lifts heavy loads or anything exactly he say something about you pull this and then this does that other thing oh that sounded good it works it was that it did that we'll learn I think we've a established where to start everywhere well it's been a beer I'm heading back home from to's now as you can probably hear she's pretty much permanently on four cylinders or whatever this is I don't know what it is now but it's consistently like that so it should make it easier to fix tomorrow we'll see you guys then good morning everyone picking up pretty much right where we left off except for this time the sun is out I'm headed to town in the tow truck hoping to get this to the shop figure out why we're missing half a motor but first I have to make it up this hill I feel like Angus in the Impala right now so as you may be able to hear the brakes in the front left are squeaking really bad uh we're trying to head to the car wash right now before we go to the shop and start working on this and I the brake pedal just went to the floor floor was dying on your list of things to do today uh no but I had room in the evening oh good maybe this will help it run better it definitely won't fix the uh brake being completely out of fluid but yeah oh totally rebuil motor I'm sure this will fire up just fine after this all right what are the odds three three pretty high odds okay all right distributor stayed dry actually it runs better now all aboard I can't stop oh the brakes are fixed the rear started working that car wash was magical cool didn't fix the doors no it did not the Hood's much more wider now at least will look good when we break down slowly and surely back to the shop to start working on everything just by now it's all [Music] broken one might not be too heavy for the lift it's definitely not but way too awkward to try to pick up with the two post looks like we're working on the floor today okay so to make life easy here figure out what cylinders are alive and which ones aren't I'm going to cheat a little bit use our Fleer thermal camera uh that looks to me as if number one is alive the center two on this side are dead and the rear one is alive so there's two cylinders that's just one cylinder so we're running on three cylinders the fact we suddenly went from what felt like 7 8 to three and the flick of a switch and the fact that they keep coming back for a split second here and there makes me really think that this is an ignition issue it does kind of act carburetor too but I'm thinking pull the cap and rotor off and it'll be super dirty inside oh me I didn't buy this piece of junk Fair all right time to start turning wrenches got the cap loose let's see what we're looking at here I see some buildup on the points there and it's got moisture inside which is likely for me washing it let's see if I can get that cleaned up and try that I pulled the rotor off to compare it to a different one I've seen ston had a video or an instance recently where this got worn down really bad and yeah maybe a touch but really not worn enough that I would think it would cause a problem while I was in here though I realized oh yeah I think I know exactly what's wrong I think we have a bad AI module in this thing those go bad they throw the dwell way off and it'll lose cylinders and stuff and it would make sense sense that that being electrical would come on and off as this was cuz as I was driving this around occasionally off idle it all eight for a split second and back to three I think I'm going to throw a new ignition module in this and then of course clean all the cap points everything while I'm there and then we'll see if that fixes it I have a strong feeling that it might give it there we go it worked on the lon's motor when was on there so this should be at least enough to diagnose what we got going on it'll probably work for a while honestly caps all clean new hii modules in let's see if it runs any better at this point I'm going to start looking at firing order I don't even know how you would keep it in check when you're running it below the motor well I didn't love how the plug wires were routed right up against the exhaust and I had no idea what the hell I was doing I couldn't see couldn't follow him all the way back so figured while I'm in there pop this guy back off and uh get a new coil in there or a different coil in there so one less thing to worry about later make sure our carbon stick outs good Yep looks great maybe clean this up a little more while it's out and put it all back together all right not an ignition issue does seem like it's a vacuum leak let's see if we can find it first of all is ask you old to check it make the difference big time Big F small difference there there think we have ourselves a vacuum leak on the carburetor let's see if we can find it all right to make life easier I've hooked up the smoke leak detector you can buy these on Amazon I'll put a link down the description they're pretty awesome cuz they allow you to see all the problems you're having case in point I would have never known that right there was a vacuum leak figure out how to seal that car up more and then I can force that down into the intake and see if it comes out of anywhere honestly it's been a couple minutes I I am seeing nothing we got that one there a little bit out of the throttle shafts but I don't see even a base gasket leak starting to wonder if our carburetor is all dirty or this thing is just tuned really bad been a few minutes I've had a slight Revelation I was thinking about what vacuum leaks could suddenly occur and it suddenly dawned on me that the PCV could suddenly get stuck open and be a huge vacuum Le leak so I capped that off I capped off the other vacuum leak we knew we had and it runs a lot better but it's still not revving up and running on 8 cylinders I decided okay fine I'll do the proverbial compression test and this is what we got we've got 160 PSI or 100 145 which is plenty for this thing to run that cylinder is healthy there's something goofy going on with this motor you know what I should do I should put a vacuum gauge on it and see if the needle jumps all over see if we have valve issues we don't no we have compression what is your thing okay this just keeps getting weirder so to do that compression test I just showed I unplugged the 12vt to the hii once I was done there I plugged it back in and fired it up one more time to just see what the hell it might not do it again right now but for a second there it ran perfect again yep it's perfect starting to wonder if we add a voltage issue to that hii coil that makes sense that's all eight cylinders or as close as we're going to get to it I mean it still definitely needs a tuneup the initial timing needs set go through the carb get all that balanced out but it's running like it was at the beginning of yesterday I'm guessing hii coil the 12vt lead to the coil was maybe goofy that's the only thing I changed hopefully that doesn't ever just pop back up I I literally have no idea what that was I did throw a vacuum gauge on it and it's a perfect 20 Ines of mercury so there's no intake leaks at all it was an issue somewhere that's what we want to here by the way this is probably a good time to mention this pcvs uh PCV valves this guy positive crank case ventilation valve these are a consumable these are supposed to be changed every five oil changes or whatever you want to change them but if you got a car that's not idling down or suddenly it's idling up although everything else seems to be just fine go check this make sure it's not gummed up or throw a new one in there and a lot of guys like to just delete those but no they're good to run what they do is they put vacuum into the crank case and they help burn uh escaping gases they help with like a pollution and emissions and like that but more importantly that vacuum down in the crank case helps the piston rings seal better and helps the engine last longer and run a little better all right I'm going to go hit the key again if it runs fine now I guess it's fixed runs perfect what' you do nothing good I replaced the coil the hii rotor redid the plug wires rerouted them capped off a vacuum leak did a compression test compression test came out perfect put the spark plug back in and then plugged the 12vt back into the hii coil and it ran perfect perfect which I've unplugged and replugged that 12vt like four times so I don't know why that one did it you did the just the correct cheat code of unplugging and moving and replugging stuff in left yeah so that part's fixed I guess I'll go to town and get some parts for brakes any luck finding a house oh yeah there's tons of them there are everywhere they just park them on every block all right let's go find some brake components all right sponsor time if you can't tell I'm really congested today I feel like crap I'm not going to be able to Hype the excitement that I usually do for these sponsor segments so I'm just going to give you guys a no BS ad read right now this is real thoughts from me about this product I absolutely love them you've heard of them before they are raycon and they're everyday earbuds now I could go over this whole pile of talking points that they set along with these raycons but from one car guy to another I know the points you guys want to hear it's the technical features and do itss and whatabouts of these that make them so excellent the earbud case itself self is smaller than a fob for an F-150 on the front we've got a charging indicator as you can see apparently mine are dead I've been using the heck out of them so that makes sense they have these Comfort gel insert tips that fit excellently into your ear and they never ever fall out usually this is the part where I shake my head a whole bunch and show you that but by splitting headache is saying that's not a great idea as mentioned once placed in the case they are charging and as long as that lid is open and they are out of the case they are on and seamlessly connected to my phone on the side of each earbud there is a button that controls functions on your phone such as play pause answer reject calls as well as the ability to switch between sound profiles pure balanced and base and the ability to switch between noise isolation and awareness mode which are just that these little buggers have a hell of a Bluetooth range we're talking up to 33 ft away without any drop in sound quality or connectivity 32 hours of battery life on the case and 8h hour battery life in the earbuds themselves these things are tough durable water resistant throw them through the washer drop them in a puddle they're going to be fine roll around with them in your pocket underneath a car they're going to be fine I still use the same very outdated set that I Got 5 years ago they work just as good today as they did on day one on top of all of this one of the best things is these come at half the price of other brands with zero drop in quality if you guys want to try a pair for yourself click the link in the description below or go to by ron.com jyd for 15% off once again these Rock by ./ jyd for 15% off all right let's get back to the video okay well now that our engine is fixed and it's running on all cylinders again for some reason uh I guess we move on to brakes okay so apparently these haven't been off since Reagan was in office this might be a little harder than I was anticipating Jesus well I suppose they were never falling off that's good so it's not apparent that's why we're going after this one well both fronts need the brakes redone this looks like he's all to just fly right off has it even moved no okay we're going to be here a while yeah I don't think I need to say it I think you can tell that uh things have escalated rather quickly here goes nothing this is like the chicken in the egg but different what breaks first the chain or the links or the Jack I don't know either way my face probably loses oh my God that's like a solid piece of Steel right now [Music] there's I guess I could listen and if that tone goes down I know it's moving right oh hey that actually worked holy okay put that one in the book this is a possible solution or I mean yeah that worked exactly like I thought it would I knew from the start cool I guess if you can't get a rim off head down to Menards and get a little bottle jack and one of those guys in the middle and a couple hooks the guy in the middle helps you safely land that on the Chain without it getting all floppy and jumping off on you we just knock him loose this is actually very similar to the F100 brakes of the era once you get this bolt out you're going to take a hammer and tap this plate that way this is called a wedge style caliper There She Goes get your punch in there help things out there we go as you can see that wedge very Rusty this will also prevent the caliper from moving easily if all of these components in here are rusted as such so we're going to have to clean these up and get them all anti- seized when we go back together once that is out of the way you should be able to easily lift this guy right on out I said should not will should be able to there we go let's see how bad the pads are oh my God how did this ever have brakes look at that what just this little shiny spot right here was touching and a little over here this is a 16th de that is ridiculous this side actually still has pad a lot of pad so this shows that this has been stuck for a very long time uh what was happening actually is that instead of the whole caliper moving on these slides and pushing this one against it like this this was stuck right here and it never ever moved meanwhile this one was being pushed by the piston and it was just using one side you can see there was a lot of heat in there from a dragging it actually like probably exploded off from heat aha yes and as I thought that squeaky noise as you can see this shiny spot right here this is this is the screamer the Squealer the scraper whatever you want to call it this is designed that when that pad wears down below this height this piece of metal comes in contact with the rotor and makes that terrible screechy noise that alerts you hey um you need pads like 5,000 m ago all right let's see what it takes to get this off well as it turns out there's a hole right here through this Hub in which you can get onto that cap hey there we go and the grease looks pretty okay all things considered the nut now the washer the bearing oops this thing must have been serviced a long long time ago and then not used much at all so still have greas this clean but have a wheel that stuck okay that's all it takes folks now it's just normal brake stuff throw the rotor on the lathe replace the caliper and hose we'll be good to go let's get it done little wared Just a Touch I've taken off a lot already and they're still not even touched steel rust this is going to take me an hour a bunch of heat and years of abuse will do that I suppose the funny part is as it rotates around you can watch this band right here get fatter and narrower which means it's it's not the machine it's been warped and worn like that since 1985 all [Music] right if you guys own a shop and want the best brake lth you can buy that one right there is the one to get and the same goes for the lifts and all the other stuff bpack makes I've never interacted with a product from them that wasn't literally the best version I've found of that item check them out Ben pack.com all right let's finish these rotors look at the difference here look at look at the meat on this one and look at holy these things are thick I guess that's what happens when you get up into that heavy duty range of stuff quite the difference between that new one and that old one okay so step one I did this prior but you're going to want to go through and clean up all these surfaces with a wire wheel make sure the downwear the pad sits all all these slides all that doesn't have rust anymore and get your handy dandy anti C's go ahead and smear some of that on all of those surfaces you do however want to be careful not to get it on the rotor obviously before you put your inner pad on you want to take this guy your anti-rattle clip and snap him on I believe let me look let me give this a Google ah yes there we go put him right in the middle facing just like that this is a little clip that keeps this from rattling around keeps it taunt drop him into the casting back here our outer pad will sit in the caliper like so oh classic scenario has happened again they put paint on this and on these and now the tolerances are too tight I've seen this a number of times where I have to grind paint off pads we're lightly tappered in with a piece of wood that looks to be the answer today now with that done I can realize that I had the wrong caliper son of a this needs to be on the top up here like this so that all the air can rise to the top and then get out of the bleeder thank you sir there we go bleeder on top now I can simply start with the top set that there roll the bottom in grab these two pieces of hardware and then take this spring put them just like that and slide this whole thing in there there which can be a bit of a challenge but he's going in pretty easy find your new piece of hold down hardware and screw him in and just like that we have a new caliper front brake pads and turn rotor next big challenge getting this rubber hose off and getting him replaced Corner done all right been a few minutes this side went a lot smoother than the other side now we got to put our pin in here and we're done with this meanwhile Angus is working on removing a body mount bolt if you guys can see it but there's no uh no bottom plate and we can just do this with the body so if we can get some bottom plates or some washers on there that should remove the tippy part of the Tippy Toe no giant washers or pieces of Steel but I did find an old grinding wheel that's all worn out and a little washer that looks about right huh [Applause] yeah it pulled the truck down to the frame oh dude yeah so much better straight to Barrett Jackson the second Angus sat in the seat the grinding disc broke in half it teetered it just went cuz there's no cab M it's all rusted out it just went I knew I shouldn't have had that second cup of coffee today well before we went any further we decided to fire it up make sure it still ran okay oh it just picked up this one that one wasn't on a second ago got three over here now it started doing the the again so I still don't know what's going on it's more than three but it's still not eight huh that's weird it loves fuel on the secondary I you should have had intake leaks right idea if I spray just the intake very precisely it should change no change no change right in here we need a new car rider you can smell burning my eyes she lean my timing light broke so I can't check that but I think we just straight up have issues with the Ed Brock I've seen them sit the Ed Brock specifically sit and then they have issues with like idle fuel for some reason even though they seem to be fine inside what we got on the Shelf okay I scavenged around in the back of the shop and found this quadri jet I think it's from that car I don't think that car ever ran right with or without it so it might still be good it is a quadri jet they seem to always work unfortunately I don't have any brand new carbs to test if what we're experiencing really is a carburator issue what this might do is mislead us into thinking of something else when we're putting another bad carburetor on as you can tell I've got the adapter gone so let's go ahead and bolt this sucker down and should be a lot better off on paper appropriate carb appropriate gasket appropriate everything all right we got it all bolted down new fuel filter in place new piece of fuel line there let's see if this thing's any good go ahead Angus we got to crank it and fill it up first okay oh there's a big dude hell yeah shut it off I got a vacuum leak right there I got to plug quick I missed one leave it to the all original well actually I think it's been remanded once but the carburetor that sat in a barn for like 40 years to fire up and run perfect on this engine I will admit I think I'm coming around a quadri Jets they're perfect for this something that sits for a long time and you walk out and turn the key and they run the same every time not nearly as easily tunable I should say but they're really good happy independable hit it fixed it was definitely that edel Brock all along I've seen this before for some reason when edel Brock sit something in the idle circuit gets goofy they get a bunch of air and leaks and lack of fuel like that one was doing like the mix screws for the idle were turned all the way out on that thing it was still barely running now this butter that's what we're looking for the difficult stuff is finally done we can now move on to Luxurious extra options to make this just that much more useful and better uh first thing that's bothering me this is an old Square bodyy tow truck and it sounds like a tractor I don't really love that I mean every old square body tow truck I feel like in my mind should have some nice crackly loud exhaust coming out each side and uh I think we can make that happen [Applause] all right let's head to O'Reilly get some pipes and mufflers okay I've been to town and back and it is time to get dirty or well dirtier we're going for something really simple here I just want to come off the headers hit a muffler do a 45 and exit somewhere around here with a nice angle cut went down the muffler shop grab some 4ft chunks of uh 2 and a/4 got some hangers got some 45s some tips if I need to do that instead and some Thrush Mufflers vintage sound today's power another excellent episode with Kevin welding I've never been good but I'm not often better than that so I'll call that a win all right passenger side is all welded up see how she fits here hell yeah freak nailed it a hanger right here and we'll be set let's do it all right it has been a little bit if you can't tell I'm very dirty I have finished the exhaust as you can see we've got the classic 45° exit our Thrush Mufflers are in place everything is held up with supports it looks great but looks mean very little when it comes to exhaust let's see how it sounds oh yeah yep that sounds incredible now as you may have been able to hear there is a bit of an exhaust leak up on one of the headers the doughnut is good the flange is good and the actual header piece itself is Rusted off if you look right there you can see a gap where the header has rusted away from the dut and the flange so to fix that for the second time in my life I'm going to use red RTV I mean come on is it even as Chevy if there's no red RTV on it except I'm going to be using it correctly on the exhaust the only place it should ever be found all right that looks good enough to me I'm sure that either will or will not work as far as I'm concerned everything up here in the engine bay and on the front of the truck is done exhaust looks great thing runs right now brakes work let's start working on some other stuff such as these guys and the fact that they don't do anything let's throw some power into this wire here nothing I I guess that bulb's probably either corroded or bad well I would have liked to keep these they looked a lot cooler than LEDs but all the springs in this one fell out into tiny little pieces the bulb ended up breaking that one's bad these ones down here are bad and as you can see they're not just a bulb I can run down the store and get not only because that one's a really weird size but because they have screw terminals on the back ran down to Menard's got ourselves some new LED flood lights going to get those wired up and we'll see how she looks wow someone took the junkard digs lemon's approach of putting this floor in those are just self tappers all the way up there is one advantage to a rusty floor it makes running wires really easy let's see here and you go easy peasy here's a fun tip before you install any butt connectors always look inside to make sure they're good and oh what is this this one's got something in its butt besides that we're going good I got power up under the dash here about to connect that and this one should work then just tie everything else in okay it's been a bit I've got all the lights done minus these uh the high tails so that if you're pulling a car you can see over it and still see tail lights those had some blown bulbs got to go pick some of those up in the morning but besides that everything is good to go I have repaired the dome light with the exception of this wire and two grounds that are hanging down there everything underneath the dash is fixed up all the wiring there is good someone had that panel off so I got to get new screws for that I can hook those grounds back up our tack should work once I get that ground attached our headlights work our dome lights still work our tails and markers all work if we come in here clearly our rotary is still actually the Ries have a bulb out moving over one to flood we got tons T of LED power for the rear I was going to replace these low ones too but as I started thinking about it those are just going to get immediately destroyed with rocks from gravel and these specifically have a big rubber back that's like this thick to keep that from happening so I will have to find bulbs for those somehow and then as an added bonus hooked up a little something to the front here for a little extra Luminosity very nice so with all that done I think I'm going to vacuum out the interior and Dej the dash and door panels and we'll be done for the night waiting on a couple bulbs in the morning weld that rear piece on the winch and this son is ready to go we'll see you in the morning good morning everyone welcome back last night I gave the truck a quick djm bath to get some oxidization off the cab and then this morning I finished up putting some new bulbs in and got our rear upper lights working in entirety we got brakes and blinkers and running lights up here now the last step is to slap a sticker of immortality on this makes any car run Flawless for a minimum of 10,000 Mi before the sticker needs changed out like a nicotine patch if you guys want to get one of those for yourself you can head to junkyard dig.com check out all of our merch get a shirt get a swag pack get a hat get some youth siiz shirts which we now have available for the young ones watching bug your mom and dad enough they might just get you one and on top of all that I'm proud to announce we have a new item we have a new Koozie and it's not like the old koozie it's not a custom or a Scottdale or even an XLT this thing is the larot the king ranch we're talking the brome the Regency this is the premium Deluxe junkyard digs Koozie it has a lot better foam a nice stitching down the side and it's going to last a lot longer than our old ones so if you guys want to check those out head to junkyard dig.com for now I'm going to hop in this we're going to go fill it up with gas and drive it back out to Tom's see if we can weld up that broken cast iron and we should have ourselves a working tow truck right until that one line I haven't replaced blows then we'll have ourselves well a truck as you can see the interior now very nice very clean let's see how she does when cold starts right to it the chok's not even on all right on the road okay right off the bat this thing is much much more well-mannered and way way easier to drive the door still squeaks though that's annoying all right let's get some fuel in it CU our gas gauge just went to infinite I don't trust that at all yeah I'm going to say that gas gauge was way off 13 1 12 gallons oh that was close we can actually start off in first or second now definitely need to get a heavier throttle return spring on I can hear it hanging open a little bit other than that though this is an entirely new truck this actually drives on 8 cylinders it makes power Le sounds way better it's way way cleaner and there's the brake light yep I wondered if there was air in those rear damn it whatever put that on the list to fix another day all right highway speeds for the first time the door is still really annoying still a high frequency vibration from the drive shaft to the clutch or something it's better though it's a lot quieter it's 411s 55 mph and 2200 RPM yeah that's about all the faster wherever going to go couple more miles left to go looking good all right and here we go oh yeah those are are good quadr jet noises right there all righty here we are let's go see if the magic man can fix up our spindle spool thingy and see if we can have ourselves an operable tow truck first things first what's smoking doesn't smell any brakes this time it's coming from the valve cover leak onto the exhaust manifold yeah that makes sense actually look how wet that is down there I think it goes without saying that a tow truck this hold is going going to be a continual constant process of repair as things break and get fixed and then new things break and those get fixed so on and so forth we'll probably always be wrenching on this in the background of a video somewhere High Sight being what it is I probably could have just brought this instead of the whole tow trip oh yeah but you know it's heavy I don't want to carry it does it slide out H I think there's a pin on the inside of it if we stick the boom out it will hold it on with oh nothing I'm glad we went through all that too for no particular reason what do you think doc can we save her no you didn't bring it here to get it saved that's not what we do here this is going to be interesting I've never uh been a part of an attempt at welding cast iron before we may not be able to generate enough heat but we'll try it's big enough that TCH is big enough to get her heat it up I can't wait for all the uh guys that have been welding pipelines for 200 years to come in in the comments certification and [Applause] [Music] stuff well let's do this side see what it looks like it's more stuck together than it was before well it is yeah no just turn terribly ugly real welders will probably laugh hysterically there you go it may or may not hold looks better than anything I could have done not having a torch of my own question is now what do we go drag around we did all that without the gas turned on that looks pretty good for no gas I thought it seemed a little crackly and I thought well I just don't bu on a lot of cast I guess I'm over here like w this sounds better than when I weld it's consistent and smooth the whole time well hit it with a hammer and see if it goes flying across the shop I guess so let's Let It rest let's have a beer about it we'll have a beer about it now we should have had one beforehand this is what happens when we rush Y is just like AR it looks [Music] better that's pretty good oh yeah we needs a little air so paint we like the airol paint around here oh God it's going have a handprint going around well Eat Your Heart Out professional weld there's in the comments we made that hold with no gas I won't worry about that little piece only thing holding that on was the paint every other side's Rusty I got a boat that way once the only thing holding it together was the paint still fits ready oh maybe I can't you know it's a hydraulic thing yeah what are we doing it also has are too small but that's all good point let me bring that quadr DRP back to life oh yeah I don't care what you say a small block Chevy breathing through duels and blast packs the most beautiful sound in the world well okay we can make this go a little quicker say is there a lever can you [Music] [Applause] just it's holding he hey it works now we got to go pull something oo I can't help but agree wow power oh check it out it's it's our first customer we're on our way to an emergency we're going to save some stranded motorists it's going to be wonderful Tom said he suspects our drive shaft vibration a stuff youu joint yeah and makes sense but you can't wiggle them but then you tear them apart and go whoa that's fair that's probably cost us another 10 horse yeah we can't afford that we have drag not this rocket ship R let's I got to slow it speed up it's vibrating worse now I don't know if they can see it but everything's yeah yeah they can see it oh that sounds good though all right I'm a fan of the tow truck yeah I think they're a ball that's why they call them Wreckers cuz you can wreck all right I think we have the perfect candidate it's got stuck front brakes it's there's a tree in the way pull a shevy with a shevy let's so now we got to learn let's get this going there we go there now we're official we're missing this piece right well it's a big chain that goes you hook it under the truck you have the front bumper here then you hook it on here and then I think we hooked the rest of it up there so it didn't didn't flop around and then you could raise it up and the front bumper was pushing on the sling while you raised it I've got a CH but if we don't have those hooks well we if you got any chain oh I've got a chain I think we pretty much need to be able to telescope these things out just getting there there we go there's that one yeah I think this one there now how far we going to go not far when well they probably have a hole where they're supposed to snap back in on their own does it feel like the 80s I feel like I am 80 it's a good thing we're not on the side of the road trying to rescue somebody right now I was just going to say I don't think our tow truck company business would do very well yeah I can't move or they're fully extended we'll find out okay what are we going to do break something if we can weld without gas we can break any we won go forward we aren't L okay stop right there we can do it I don't remember having to do it this way 40 years last time I did something like this too big a chain too big a chain well I don't see us uh outclassing Central Iowa Towing anytime soon no we they better look out we're coming for them say goodbye to your beautiful front bum they call them Wreckers cuz you wreck stuffes all right is this thing even in neutral let me check the other square body four speeed it is indeed tire roll off we have an operable tow truck holy [Music] let's go GP next we're in business oh yeah open now don't call we won't we won't show up what do we call it slippery toe Tom's toes nobody wants to see my toes we have successfully towed a vehicle there you have it I suppose at this point this is just a work vehicle for you and I to use that's right I can't wait to wreck stuff with the record this sounds good give her another one yeah sounds like a bomber well I hope you guys enjoyed this episode Tom and I are going to use this for stuff around my place and his place whenever the hell we need to do it like I said earlier it's probably constantly going to need stuff fixed and you'll probably see it used in a video now and then thank you guys very much for watching this make sure you subscribe leave a like and a comment below thank you to Tom for all of his help and that excellent arc welding with a MIG and that flux core wire we had that's right we'll see you guys right here next week for another episode Peace they might want to watch us unhook this piece of junk yet I don't know if I got enough battery left well that looks about all right except for the I still don't remember how we did all that crap now unfortunately these are still just as seized as they were in the beginning we'll get those going next time yeah next time tune in next time
Channel: Junkyard Digs
Views: 673,008
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned, revival, first, start, first start, run, drive, and, will, it, can, we, junkyard, digs, mook, cold, classic, car, cars, trucks, truck, jyd, junk, yard, diggs
Id: 4lhB1mfn_Lc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 8sec (3548 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2024
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