Wildest and Strangest Arrests Caught on Camera I Livestream

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just can't help herself a Serial wedding Thief has been caught in the act again she just happened to come to the wrong wedding Sandra Hansen has just been arrested for stealing from a wedding right after she got out of prison for the same crime that is not an invited guest She's accused of being a Serial wedding Thief we first told you about Hansen in 2021 the bridal Bandit was suspected of hitting at least a dozen weddings across three states surve video from churches and wedding venues captured her posing as a wedding guest helping herself to envelopes of cash from the gift table putting a real damper on what should have been the happiest day of these newlyweds lives I think all of us just want her stopped they got their wish shortly after our report Hensen was caught convicted and sentenced to 5 years in prison but she was released early then last weekend as Lexi and Brady Butler were saying their I do Henson was up to her old tricks sneaking around a back room she was caught red-handed with cash stuffed in her bra by Lexi's sister and they called the sheriff we caught up with the newlyweds on their way back from their honeymoon it's a shock to everybody that this has just happened but then they look up her name that is when he was like oh my goodness she's been on Inside Edition and so I realized like okay this is not her first time get this police found a notebook in Henson's possession with a list of weddings that she presumably planned to Target how did she come by the information could it be from the knot.com every wedding on Henson's Hit List is on the knot with the exact time and location of the ceremony the so-called Bridal bandit has been released pending her trial until then let's hope she doesn't ruin any more weddings you think this might be her her final heist we hope so we hope so [Music] it's a police pursuit you'd likely see on a California highway but this one happened in a small Minnesota town I bet you I seen him six seven different times smiling hooting and hollering he was having a good time neighbors like Troy flatness watched as cops chase the cement truck for an hour and a half inside they say an 11-year-old kid driving certainly not your normal traffic stopped police say the boy saw the truck parked on the street with the keys inside and took off on his Joy Ride he even sideswiped two law enforcement Vehicles as he hit 70 M an hour everybody was out with their cameras it looked like a parade the pretin is expected to be charged as a juvenile no word on why he took the cement truck for a spin or how his feet even reached the pedals all right we have eyes on on him coming down the tower one minute he's on top of the world you made it all the way to the top top yeah the next minute he was in handcuffs the Hillsboro County Sheriff's Office says 19-year-old Trent de julus climbed to the top of a cell tower in Tampa and documented the journey for social media authorities used a helicopter to locate dulus and they say they caught him in the ACT but they didn't have to climb up the Tower to arrest him all he's coming down the stairs to you the video shows once he got his own video he climbed down the tower and surrendered to police who were waiting to arrest him he's charged with trespassing but has not entered a plea he set to be arraigned on the charge later this month she's a mom accused of driving under the influence and charged with felony child neglect because she had her young son in the car but it turns out she wasn't drunk your hand your back what you're under arrest for DUI what it's the moment a nurse is arrested for DUI yet she's completely sober my life was upended because of the police single mom Katie Slayton was also charged with felony child neglect because her son was in the car he was actually placed in foster care for 9 weeks it was the worst pain I think I've ever experienced in my life it was like a part of me was missing Katie slayton's nightmare began when she picked up her son from daycare in Franklin tenness a daycare worker called cops to say her behavior seemed erratic before she drove away police came and gave her a field sobriety test follow my finger with your eyes on which she failed miserably 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 we're going to stop you cuz you're going to fall down okay the police report claims she showed uncoordinated behavior and slurred speech but Katie says she was simply exhausted by grueling 12-hour shifts in her Hospital Co W it turned out she had also taken her regular prescription dose of adderal for attention deficit disorder which may explain some of her reaction it dawned on me like oh my God if I don't pass this sobriety test I may not be taking my son home once I realized that I started shaking it took 6 months for a blood test to come back negative for alcohol the charges were dropped how can a field sobriety tests go so wrong there could be many reasons why someone fails a quote unquote sobriety test meaning you you know the various things that you're asked to do while out in the street one you might be a little tired two you might not be very coordinated regardless of whether you're taking drugs or not I knew I hadn't done well on the field test but I really thought that they would be able to tell the difference between someone who was nervous or somebody who's tired and somebody who's actually impaired rest foror what police tell us they reviewed the footage and determined the officers made the correct call that they also point out a judge determined there was probable cause for the arrest with these cuffs I the wed instead of a honeymoon a bride and groom spent their wedding night getting in trouble with police strangers witnessed a fight at a Canadian bar after the couple's wedding the 36-year-old bride was charged with assault police told insideedition.com and the groom was charged with Mischief their names have not been released it's unclear who started the fight or what it was about this is what happens when you turn to the dark [Music] side a man dressed as Chewbacca was arrested on Sunday in Odessa Ukraine while campaigning for Darth Vader which is the legal name of a mayoral candidate for the internet party of Ukraine [Music] Ukrainian police say the man dressed as a wook was accused of violating a Ukrainian law that forbids campaigning on Election Day and was taken into custody after failing to show police his ID photos of Chewbacca in an arraignment hearing appeared on Twitter the man inside the costume was reportedly fined the equivalent of $750 after his release chewy reportedly said that he could not pay the fine because his money is in an Intergalactic bank that doesn't have a branch on Earth While most people do their best to stay out of jail these women couldn't wait to get in this 99-year-old Dutch woman named Annie was all smiles when police coughed her all so she could cross it off her bucket list her niece arranged the fake arrest and police played along she was handcuffed and put in a Cell for a few minutes so the police reportedly have no idea why she wanted to do it and not too long ago another elderly woman crossed the same item off her bucket list Edy Sims laughed her way to the police station after friends at her senior center arranged for her to take a ride in a police car it was all in good fun and officers even wrote up a mock warrant for her arrest if the cops are looking for a charge we suggest dis elderly conduct wa please show me hands to say this suspect was caught off guard is an understatement police in Lakewood Colorado released this body cam of an arrest of a man wanted for burglary they say a drone was used to track him to the location he may have let his guard down too much unaware that police were hot on his Trail when cops opened the door to the bathroom they found the suspect in a compromising position hands up hands up pants down and sitting on the toilet and police were not about to let him finish what he started demanding he surrender immediately walk towards me the department said on Facebook quote while we see a lot of things in the line of duty we had no clue what awaited us this time please show me your [Music] hands this Dad is on trial after being arrested for of all things taking away his daughter's cell phone the Police Department shouldn't be interfering with my ability to discipline my daughter Ronald Jackson says the drama began when his daughter Skyler sent mean text messages to the daughter of his new wife who is now 7 months pregnant my daughter brought me the phone and said look at this I read them and they were hurtful so Jackson says he did what lots of parents would do he confiscated Skylar's cell phone I don't see that as being a a cruel unusual punishment Jackson thought the matter was settled until his ex Michelle filed criminal charges as a mom I'm I am upset um because number one the property belongs to me that's when police in Texas came knocking on his door this is the actual cell phone this is you still have it yes why not just give the phone back I had to make sure that I stood my ground and showed that you know when she's with me I will be able to parent her as I see fit Jackson was arrested the charge theft of PR property handcuffed you handcuffed me put me back the car and took me to Jail the case ended up in a Dallas court but is there something more here than meets the eye Ronald Jackson believes the real reason he was arrested is that his ex is now dating a police officer from the local Department in other words he claims he's now the victim of police bullying so your ex the mother of your daughter is dating a cop do you think that had anything to do with how this thing ended up going so far I couldn't imagine it would have gone this far without that type of Buddy system going on local authorities said that was never an issue the case went to a jury trial and 15-year-old Skyler testified against her father it's tragic that it's come this far after two days of testimony a remarkable thing happened the judge actually directed The Jury to find Ronald Jackson not guilty it was a huge weight off my shoulders but Victory is Bittersweet he showed me this letter from his daughter I have a letter that she gave me where she wants me now to sign away my rights as her father you know Jackson says his relationship with his daughter is now all but destroyed all because of a cell phone it's not my fault the truck don't turn true but it is allegedly your fault that the truck was in the ocean Florida's Valia County Sheriff's Department was called to New Smyrna Beach because a truck was driving along the C sand and in the water authorities say the driver drove around a closed gate marked do not enter eyewitness video caught the white truck swerving while navigating through the waves not long before high tide it's not my fault the truck don't tur the yeah but you shouldn't be driving on the beach when the gates are all closed pedestrians and bicyclists have free access to New Smyrna Beach 24 hours per day for 6 months of the year drivers who purchase a pass are allowed to drive or Park along the beach during specific hours but according to the driver he didn't know he was in Florida I thought I was in eng thought you're in England you're not in England not here this anymore no one or what can I get in trouble yeah yeah deputies say the driver was charged with failure to pay vehicular access fee and was brought to jail on $200 Bond not a typical day on the job fantastic that'll make the Facebook page today a man suspected of driving Under the Influence thought he could impress the cops with his acrobatic Cape Coral Police in Florida say they were called to a local McDonald's because a customer at the drive-thru was said to be passed out behind the wheel of his vehicle when they arrived on scene cops say they found 30-year-old Christopher B zinski and asked him to perform a sobriety test but he failed to follow their instructions and cops say he started doing part wheeels instead VI zinsky skills faed to impress the officers and he was booked for DUI he's dueing court next week an adorable motherson moment was captured at the Fort Worth Zoo Mama gorilla Gracie was seen tickling her son Bruno who was reving in the [Music] attention a man breaks into a convenience store for a pack of cigarettes but then pays for it police say um Can someone tell him that's not how it works check out these surveillance picks of it all going down at a store in New Mexico the alleged burglar even holds up the smokes and the six bucks for the cameras to capture detectives say the suspect Ellis Batista pounded on the store's front door several times to get a worker to open up for him apparently the store operates 24/7 but no one was working at the time and the door was locked according to police Batista allegedly drunk at the time then kicked part of the door open causing $800 worth of damage investigators explain remember the cigarettes only cost six bucks but thanks to the recorded payment Batista was only charged with with breaking and entering detectives note of Walgreens which sells cigarettes and is open 24/7 was right next to the convenience store but maybe they were $7 there this guy is in trouble with the law for get this not returning a movie he rented 14 years ago and the movie is far from a classic it's the critically panned Freddy Got Fingered starring Tom Green and I was just borrowing one of your soups until I could get enough money to buy one of my own now children gather around remember these in the days before DVDs and Netflix this is how your parents watched movies at home on VHS tapes this store is one of the last remaining that still rents VHS movies James Meyer says he was driving his daughter to school in North Carolina I got pulled over for a bad brake light uh they ran my driver's license he couldn't believe what happened next he did tell me you have a warrant from 201 for a failure to return a VHS cassette tape from a video store a local video store I thought it was a joke you got handcuffed they handcuffed me yes sir they searched me they took my belt went through my wallet patted me down and what about Tom Green remember him he used to be married to Drew Barrymore for about a year now on tour in Australia the actor actually called James when he heard about the bust we had a good laugh about it and I think it's sort of an example of how you know bureaucracy can get out of control lawyer Adam C of the seur fetto law firm represents James but the fact it's made its way you know 14 years down the pike uh is crazy right now James says all he can do is have a good laugh it's an art Heist that could be a scene right out of the [Applause] movies but this one actually happened and in Scottdale Arizona of all places a drone was used to find the suspected thief on the rooftop of the building police say he broke into an art gallery stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars in paintings they were reportedly some very famous ones by Pablo Picasso and Andy Warhol the gallery's owner called 911 after getting an alert about alarms going off when she got there police say she noticed art missing and also heard something going on above her turns out police say the suspect was on the roof hiding several officers and a can9 went up to check it out there he was lying face down on the ground with his arms out a look around the roof police say they noticed artwork hidden scattered throughout valued at $250,000 the suspect was arrested and now faces burglary [Music] charges you can get pulled over for driving a back ho too it happened to this guy as police tailed him Dash cam footage shows the driver swerving onto the shoulder of the road officials pulled the Machinery over and identified the driver as 56-year-old William Campbell they claim he admitted to not having a valid driver's license before arresting him for driving wall intoxicated he's been charged with driving with a suspended license careless driving and having an open alcohol container authorities say Campbell has had seven DWI convictions since 1980 where's my weapon where's my weapon a man drops his shorts bearing all in the middle of a neighborhood and in front of several deputies deputies in Flagler County Florida say they were called to the area after a report of someone acting belligerently and arguing with a woman in the street the suspect deputies say is Shawn Madden what address give me the address cuz he said the same what address who called other than that mother standing right there where all right where now because you four four four cop cars come on how much you had to drink this I don't give so listen let's go let's go I'm swinging on everybody I'm swinging on everybody I give a body cam video shows Madden yelling at the officers who responded to the scene during the exchange he drops his shorts what I do I ain't burish where's my weapon where's my weapon where's my weapon he eventually got on the ground and was taken into custody Madden was charged with several crimes including disorderly intoxication assault on an officer and for indecent exposure state troopers in Vermont say when they tried to arrest a man his Dad tried to attack them with an excavator machine the state police say two Troopers went to arrest 24-year-old Brandon Tolman after he allegedly had altercation with his neighbor but as they attempted to handcuff tman the Troopers say his mother tried to stop them and then his father maneuvered his excavator's bucket near the Troopers and their vehicles causing them to retreat all available units I've got 343 and 254 in a 101 now the whole family faces charges in connection with the incident Brandon tman has pleaded not guilty to aggravated assault burglary unlawful mischief and resisting arrest his father Wayne is charged with aggravated assault on protected officials resisting arrest impeding and reckless endangerment the mother Amy was given a citation for impeding and is ordered to imper in court in August the on 473 most people who get arrested make a request to call a lawyer but this man had another burning question on his mind me get my ring please will you let me get this ring so I can police in Oklahoma showed up to arrest Brandon Thompson who had six felony warrants out for his arrest during his fourth of July barbecue it happened to be his 35th birthday and the same day he planned to pop the question to his girlfriend it's unlock I everything you never police body cam captured the moment before they took him to jail when he got down on one knee to propose and she said yes the cops even moved his handcuffs to the front of his body so he could put the ring on her finger himself Thompson was reportedly charged with possession of a firearm after a felony conviction possession of a controlled substance and failure to appear in court it's unknown when the two will be able to tie the knot but at least now they have a recording of this memorable moment you guys this is bad it's the stunning moment a TV reporter was arrested during a live broadcast lay flat please you guys he's a national correspondent you cannot do this news nation's Evan Lambert was reporting live from a press conference by Ohio Governor Mike dwine about the train crash that threatened to send toxic chemicals into the air you'll learn the latest Nicole police asked him to stop broadcasting while the governor was speaking and he appeared to comply but moments later cops confronted him he was escorted out and suddenly things turned ugly he was forced to the floor and handcuffed can you please listen this because hurts Lambert and other reporters protested as he was taken away in handcuffs it is literally my job toall wall watch wall what do you want to say to people watching this it's tough to do your job in America in 2023 I spoke with news nation's DC Bureau Chief Mike via this was going down in a gymnasium where it can be echoey was Evan's voice booming over the governor's press conference that was after Evan had finished his live reporting that was when the police decided to manhandle Evan in the and bring him out into the front hall the vestibule there of the gymnasium uh put him on the ground on his stomach handcuff him and take him out people can look at the video and judge for themselves they can listen to the audio and judge for themselves Lambert was charged with disorderly conduct and criminal trespassing Governor dwine said the arrest should not have happened that was wrong uh and it was nothing that I authorized uh and certainly would be something that I would not want to see happen Lambert was released on $750 Bond 5 hours later he spoke with Ashley bfield no journalist expects to be arrested when you're doing your job you guys this is bad I don't remember any stories of Santa needing a sledgehammer but this Santa isn't going out on his traditional Christmas gift run he and his elf are actually Law Enforcement Officers with the National Police in Peru headed to bust suspected drug dealers in Lima and they got what they came [Music] for officers say they found drugs and weapons in the home of the suspected Kingpin his arrest was a gift for the community as officials say the location of his alleged operation was very close to a school what's wrong is you try to steal a car but your buddy stole a car police in California had a similar idea to catch shoplifters at a Target in Riverside officials say not only did they catch people taking items from the store they also caught a car theft the suspect was confused as to why an elf was pulling a gun on him while the other suspect wasn't willing to comply with officer commands so Santa came in for the takedown get him Santa a word to anyone looking to ruin the holidays for others Justice may come when you least expect it I rather be doing them push-ups than going to jail especially when it means you get a second chance see while we think the police is so bad they're not all bad he decided he want to be smoking weed on the property so instead of going to jail this what they making him do to avoid a possible arrest struggling too this kid did 200 push-ups at the cop's request so he still got a chance to change his life around and get a job and go to college a woman walking by caught the moment on camera and praised the officer for not taking the boy to jail well thank you officer cuz he could have been like these young black guys that's out here getting gotot at and killed the cop tells the woman that in High School coaches would force football players to do push-ups to make them think twice about doing certain things and use that as his inspiration now she's using what she saw to motivate others I'm going sure show this uh video to my son so if he ever decide to do something as stupid as smoking weed on property he'll think twice she also posted the video to social media saying we need more cops like this he stop the sound of hooves Galloping through a drugstore parking lot is not what people expect to hear but in New Mexico law enforcement may still arrive on Horseback aluu police stop you're being detained police say they were about to start a patrol shift and had just gotten the horses out of a trailer When A call came in about a suspected shoplifter at a Walgreens drugstore stop stop you're being detained the suspect ran into oncoming traffic trying to avoid the officer on Horseback get on the ground come on get on the ground you're being detained get out of thead eventually the suspect was surrounded by three large horses and officers but he continued to walk in circles you are being detained for a suspected shoplifting one of the officers dismounted and and put the suspect in handcuffs according to police he allegedly stole $230 worth of merchandise from the store there were no Sirens or flashing lights but these officers and their horses still got the job done stop you're being your they're okay but this tumble on a motorcycle had to hurt and that's why we wear protective gear here good morning thank you so much for joining us I'm Tori Shaw the talk about high temps a weather anchor who worked at a TV station in Kentucky was busted for growing marijuana at her home state police say they were tipped off about the operation and performed what's called a knock and talk at the home Troopers say they got enough evidence to obtain a search warrant inside they say they found pot plants guns silencers storage boxes with ammunition among other things 32-year-old Victoria Shaw smoyer who goes by Tory Shaw on air and her 35-year-old husband Tyler smoyer were arrested and charged with cultivating marijuana the station smoyer worked for posted a story about her arrest on their website no word on whether she'll stay on the payroll or if she'll team up with the former Alaskan reporter who quit her job live on air for her cannabis company I quit if you think you've gotten away from police maybe you shouldn't post about it on Tik Tok one motorcycle driver may have just learned that lesson according to authorities in early December the Georgia State Patrol pursued a motorcycle through two counties But ultimately lost contact with the vehicle a lieutenant from the Clayton County Police Department heard about the chase and started doing some online digging [Music] police say the officer located videos on both Tik Tok and YouTube that appeared to be recorded during the pursuit but the investigative work didn't stop there the motorcycle featured in these videos was a Triumph triple Street RS the bike was relatively rare for that part of Georgia with only one triple Street RS registered in the area Clayton County Police say their officer reached out to the Georgia State Patrol with the suspect's username and street address it resulted in 12 warrants and according to police the suspect who created those videos is now in custody next time this driver probably won't post their Highway escapades or better yet just slow down Target is about to close you guys we are about to spend the night in Target a YouTube couple is in hot water over this video in which they claim to have spent the night in a Pennsylvania Target you guys do not attempt what we attempt at home we are entertainers they shouldn't have attempted it either because West Whitland police saw the video and arrested Johnson lose and Charlotte fiser known by their 18,000 YouTube subscribers as Saucy and honey for criminal trespassing and conspiracy surveillance video from inside the store shows them wandering around various sections while recording video of themselves while lose and fiser told viewers that they spent the night in Target police say they left through an emergency exit around 3:00 a.m. and tripped the alarm but the couple returned to the store when it open to the public to resume recording their video the couple was released on a $25,000 unsecured Bond and they're due back in court March 24th fiser told a reporter outside of court that she has no regrets that they were living their life and having fun but the couple said they would not be doing another stunt like this again for Inside Edition digital I'm Mara monano it's no secret that an Elf on the Shelf can be mischievous hi there oh hi hello hi so it's a good thing officer Lewis stepped in to help Beth baransky in her Indiana family so last night we had some fairies and Santa helpers drink a little too much eggnog and they were causing some issues so we're trying to get them all home without taking them to jail mhm this guy says he knows you so I just need to know if you guys can identify him or not so would you be willing to take a look real quick yeah yeah while off duty he alerted JX cash Kane and Jet about the trouble their pal dumble door gotten to during a wild night out taking us all day to get them all home and this is my last stop so hopefully you guys recognize I'm going have to to jail that's Dumbledore that's who Dumbledore okay now that Dumbledore is safe and back home all is merry well give me a second I got a container I can put them in and uh hopefully he can be good for you guys because he was not good for us oh no what do you guys say thank you until the next naughty Adventure you guys carry him up there uh try to keep an eye on keep them out of trouble please all right thank you hiy you okay where's all your clothes out a naked woman is recorded on on a police officer's body camera before stealing his truck the video released by police in Arizona at First shows the officer giving the woman identified as Lisa Luna a blanket to cover up with as she sits in his truck but she gets behind the wheel and takes off cop leading them on a 70m chase through the desert I don't remember it's a blur but I remember at one point not having control tell me what you did when your skin is bur I started taking off my clothes I felt like I was going to die like I wanted to let go like I didn't want to be here anymore the 31-year-old spoke from jail claiming she was poisoned from drugs I remember feeling like my skin was burning like I was on fire Luna remains in jail facing several charges just give me some bacon jalapeno mac and cheese they're not going to give me bacon Mac and Che I just denied come here with bottle of blue think about it a 19-year-old College freshman Luke Gaddy got into a confrontation with a cafeteria employee at the University of Connecticut after being denied service because he was apparently drunk you're not welcome here you're out you have on your you're under but you're not welcome here now please leave the manager of the school dining hall says in the video that he wouldn't serve the teen because he walked into the building carrying a prohibited open bottle of alcohol and because they were out of the dish your job what are you the M oh Union Street Market of location yeah oh yeah I got it the student kept going off at the employee getting into his face and cursing and then began getting physical oh my God [Applause] you are down you are down stay down stay down police then came in and arrested the college student put your hands behind your back relax I am absolutely Rel let me get my shoes he has been charged with a breach of peace and Criminal Trespass he's due in court on October 13th a man was caught on surveillance video trying to steal a snake from a pet store police say he walked into the Animal House Pet Center in Florida and was seen trying to place a small python down his pants the store owner Steven silk told local news that the suspect had been in the store twice before but they didn't notice that he allegedly stole an animal until after he left but this time after watching the surveillance video of him and having his photo posted behind the register they jumped into action silk approached the man who in surveillance video can be seen holding the snake a scuffle ensued and a customer who is also a security guard jumped in to help while employees block the front door four people in the store worked together and used a zip tie to restrain the man until police arrived authorities arrested Travis treater and he has been charged with petty theft and resisting a merchant the owner suspects that he was selling the animal on C list hands down at your side doing somersault perhaps this woman shouldn't have been doing cartwheels during a sobriety test I don't know why you're doing somersault or cartwheels whatever they're called yeah me this is police recorded body camera footage of a 23-year-old testing out her gymnastic skills after being pulled over for suspicion of drunk driving turn around and face your whole body face me okay with your hands down I don't know what you're doing albery police say they had gotten reports of B Marshall driving recklessly in a neighborhood when they found her car the officer says he gave her several chances to comply with the DWI test we're not doing yoga I don't know what you're doing put your hands down okay we're done stand up when cops say she failed Marshall the rest and charged with battery DWI and having an expired license PL right now you're under arrest now some body cam footage of what's usually a routine traffic stop a driver pulled over for speeding but this driver happened to be a district attorney and she didn't stop for the cop she kept driving till she got home and now that the video is out she admits she was stupid there is outrage today over the actions of a district attorney who refused to stop when a cop pulled her over for speeding instead she drove home and sounded incredulous that she was even being questioned sorry I'm the da I was going 55 coming home from work 55 and a 35 I don't really care district attorney Sandra dly of Monroe County New York gets the police chief on the phone to try and intervene on her behalf as her nasty tone continues I'm telling you why I stopped you you didn't stop at all did you not hear my lights or siren no I didn't actually I was on the phone why are you so upset at me I'm doing my job the officer sure sounds patience can you stay over here ma'am you're this is a traffic this is this is a legal she passes the phone with the chief on it to the officer ma'am this is legal traffic stop can you please stay over here she's had enough and goes inside her house I understand the law better than you get out of my can you please go to the back of the vehicle I'm not going to she curses at him how am I being in pretty soon reinforcement arrives today da dorly is apologizing what I did was wrong no excuses I take full responsibility for my actions in her recorded statement she blames her behavior on a tough workday and her husband's health issues I've been humbled by my own stupidity and I am fully to blame I will make this right I ask for your forgiveness we showed the video to former LA Police Sergeant Cheryl dors she was over the top with uh the way she treated the officers so poorly so unprofessionally I am the [Music] da powerful stories that change the way you think impactful investigations that change the way you see how many times has your car been stolen five times what do you think that you're a responsible owner of tigers I'm damn sure didn't we love heartwarming moments that change the way you feel [Applause] amazing now available in a place that changes the way you watch TV inside addition
Channel: Inside Edition
Views: 105,203
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: inside edition, inside addition, live stream, news, caught on camera, inside_edition, ring camera, ie newsdesk, best of 2023, offbeat, heart stopping videos, viral videos 2023, viral videos, police chase, police car chase, wild car chase, arrest, wild arrest, strange arrest, wild arrest caught on camera, strange arrest caught on camera, dash cam, wild dash cam, kid arrested
Id: 1iZx94MmKQs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 38sec (2438 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2024
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