Wild Tricks for Greenscreen in Blender
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: IanHubert
Views: 1,046,811
Rating: 4.9751277 out of 5
Id: RxD6H3ri8RI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 50sec (590 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 27 2020
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Wow, even for a 10 minute tutorial you manage to make it feel so to-the-point and keep a good pace. Love it!
son of a bitch im in.
Can someone explain the tracker joke towards the end? What does parenting the location data to the tracker do?
wow Ian, genius as always. Keep sharing.
Wait. Ian, is that your Reddit account?
This is oddly inspiring. Im going to try something out like this later.
Obsessed with your aesthetic.
Damn you make it look so easy. But seriously, your tutorials are whatโs keeping me motivated to learn blender.
Coming from a technical 3d background, it's really inspiring and encouraging seeing your quick and slapdash approach in your lazy tutorials.
It's been liberating, really. So, thanks!
This is incredible. I didn't come to blender for movie editing, but I'll be damned if I'm not trying to figure out where to get my hands on several.meters of green cloth now!