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[Music] in the northern reaches of the kruger national park life depends on one thing [Music] water [Music] in a land burdened by heat and drought a single ribbon cuts its reliable course through the wilderness [Music] it's a lifeline to all creatures great and small [Music] in the height of the dry season everything must come to the river from dawn to dusk [Music] animals converge on the banks of the level as it winds its way through the many habitats of an area known as perfury [Music] so [Music] uh on a sandy riverbank in the far north of the world famous kruger national park a white crowned lap wing strides through its territory he and his mate control half a mile of riverbank it's the height of the dry season and the water level is at its lowest the best time for nesting on the sandy banks the lap wings river is called the nouveau and it flows through a very special piece of wilderness known as the perfury situated in the northeast of south africa kruger national park covers some seven and a half thousand square miles the pafuri lies in the most northerly reaches of this expanse it's sandwiched between two rivers the limpopo to the north and the levovo to the south when they break their banks they nourish a great floodplain that covers much of pafuri [Music] here lush lowlands feed herds of grazers and iconic forests grow tall and green [Music] where less water gathers hardier plants grow adding to performi's incredible biodiversity although it makes up just one percent of kruger's total area perfori is home to 75 of all the greater park species [Music] among these some creatures stand out from species rarely seen in the rest of the reserve took great herds of its iconic characters [Music] but above all the others it's perfury's birds that set this place apart more than 450 species make their homes here the greatest diversity anywhere in kruger [Music] for many tropical african species this is the most southerly extent of their range [Music] it's mid-winter and the height of the dry season after a protracted drought the great limpopo river stands dry but the levovo still flows making it a busy watering point for birds and animals alike and the lap wings have done well to secure a spot on the banks for almost all wildlife each day includes a trip to the river during this trying time of year as morning dawns and perfury a herd of water buck grazes on the marshy floodplain with the males weighing up to 550 pounds these are among africa's most heavyset antelope they fuel their bulk by feeding on the most protein-rich grasses and herbs they can find and during the dry season it's the floodplain that provides all this protein builds up a thirst and water bucker among the most water dependent of all antelope [Music] as the day heats up they'll move down to the levovo to drink if not for the river they couldn't survive here through the dry season [Music] the river flows from west to east across the park shaping the landscape and attracting its wildlife [Applause] here in the west of papua it's carved a deep canyon through the rock known as lana gorge it's testament to the lavu's steady flow over the millennia [Music] further downstream to the east the rocky sides give way to sandy riverbed here a young bull elephant has arrived early to quench his thirst [Applause] pafuri with its perennial water sources and green growth is famous for its resident elephant herds but this bull has left his herd and for now he leads a more solitary existence social contact is an integral part of elephant life and he will have spent his first 15 years in the company of his mother siblings aunts and cousins as he moves down the river he smells the air for signs of other elephants if he can find a group of other bachelors he may join them for the sake of companionship but for now he's on his own just downstream another group of social creatures makes their home white-fronted bee eaters live in small families consisting of a breeding pair and up to five related birds that'll help them raise their chicks [Music] in a few months when early summer brings the rains they'll dig more nests like these into the riverbank to lay their eggs [Music] the rain will trigger a flush of insect life and there'll be plenty of food to feed their chicks for now the adults can support themselves on the insects around the river [Music] the little water in the levovo is enough to attract a range of water birds and each starts its day by finding food in its own way [Music] a pair of african jakartas treads delicately at the water's edge [Music] their long toes help distribute their weight on floating plant life together the pair controls a territory along the bank and it gives them all the insects they need [Music] a pair of egyptian geese forages on aquatic plants growing in the stream they get stuck in reaching down for the tastiest morsels a hammer cop takes a more measured approach he's after creatures living among the river vegetation [Music] he prefers a breakfast of tadpoles but he snaps up aquatic invertebrates too for a three-banded plover it's all about covering ground he moves quickly along pecking at the water's surface for insects and their larvae [Music] it'll take a lot of this tiny prey to fill his belly [Music] while some are enjoying the river's ample food supply a great egret is finding things trickier it's after fish and amphibians but they're proving elusive perhaps another spot will be more productive it readies itself for the strike but fails again [Music] with one last effort he comes up with a morsel [Music] it's not much but it's a start [Music] while most of the birds feed on small life there are others here looking for bigger prey the banks are lined with the scaly bodies of nile crocodiles sunning themselves since the limpopo river to the north dried up many of the resident crocs have moved into the here the water still flows deep enough to sustain them they're best known for ambushing prey from beneath the surface [Applause] but crocodiles will feed on fish too [Applause] they use their powerful tails to pursue their prey underwater [Music] despite their fearsome appearance many other creatures seem comfortable in the presence of the crocodiles [Music] a flatter of butterflies cuts a sharp contrast with the rugged reptiles [Music] they're gathered to filter nutrients from the bank's muddy puddles [Music] the winged gathering attracts a crowd of its own [Music] bee eaters [Music] the picky birds scrape the wings from their prey before devouring them [Music] [Music] the be eta family will join forces with neighboring families to defend their foraging territory against other bee eaters [Music] the river's water is a magnet to insects in the dry season [Music] and the bee eaters can't risk sharing their private food store [Music] for many animals perforia has lots to offer beyond the level the teenage bull leaves the river to make his way through the bush looking for companions but he doesn't get far before his stomach distracts him a full-grown elephant bull can weigh up to five tons his dinner plate sized feet are specially evolved to support this massive weight with thick cushions of fatty and fibrous tissue to absorb the pressure his trunk is the perfect tool for reaching the best leaves high in the trees the riverside vegetation is his first snack on his day's quest for company pafouria has other food reserves in plenty for an elephant including one type of tree in particular that the park is famous for known as fever trees their smooth yellow green bark is unmistakable [Music] early settlers found that people traveling or living near these trees contracted terrible fevers [Music] they blamed the trees themselves for the illness but the blame was misplaced [Music] fever trees favor moist areas and often grow near swamps the favorite breeding grounds for the real culprits malaria carrying mosquitoes [Laughter] the dense stands of picturesque tall fever trees are icons of the puffuri they thrive in the alluvial soils of the floodplain and are regularly inundated with water when the rivers break their banks these serene shady forests are a favorite feeding place for many at this time of year alone ireland grazes quietly on the undergrowth [Music] [Music] not far away a massive elephant bull disturbs the peace [Music] he strides through the forest in a foul mood and it soon becomes clear why he has a handicap to his most powerful tool [Music] it's an old injury to his trunk possibly caused by a crocodile's jaws but more likely a poacher's snare [Music] he can't fully extend it vertically to reach leaves [Music] but like all elephants he has the strength to bring them down to his level [Music] once he chooses a tree his incredible power takes care of the rest [Music] with the leaves at ground level he's finally able to satisfy his agitating hunger [Music] here [Music] [Music] having eaten his fill he moves slowly off through the forest [Music] beyond the fever trees a herd of african buffalo grazes out in the open the grasses grow tall on the floodplain but they're dry and tough at this time of year this doesn't phase the buffaloes they prioritize quantity over quality and can subsist on coarser fodder than most grazers the herd is a moving restaurant for oxpeckers that pick away at pests and parasites despite the adults impressive horns the herd is wary of predators for the buffaloes have youngsters with them eventually they've had enough time in the open and head for the cover of mapani thicket these dense woodlands thrive on perfury's higher ground and add yet another habitat to the park mopani is well known for its ability to withstand dry conditions in the heat of the day the butterfly-like leaves fold closed to reduce the surface exposed to the sun and minimize water loss from evaporation they're also a fantastic source of protein for perfuri's animals but today it's a brown snake eagle that makes best use of the golden trees it could perch up here for hours searching its surroundings with piercing eyes for its favorite prey of snakes when it spots one it'll swoop down from its perch crush the snake's spine and swallow it head first [Music] for now it stretches its feathers leisurely and surveys the comings and goings below with raptors like these around perfury's smaller inhabitants must keep a careful eye out in the woodlands nearby a deserted termite mound is home to a pack of dwarf mongooses [Music] as the day heats up the adults emerge from their burrow one by one [Music] a communal latrine outside the entrance gives a clear sense sign that this home is taken [Music] at less than eight inches long they have little defense against predators but the family of 14 watches each other's backs [Music] sentries take to higher ground to get the best vantage point possible vigilance is key there are pops to protect [Music] they're the offspring of the dominant male and female and they're around six weeks old the whole pack works together to raise them this includes the crucial tasks of babysitting and standing guard [Music] subordinate females help suckle the young some without ever having been pregnant themselves [Music] so [Music] the rest of the pack heads out to scratch for prey with their long claws [Music] [Music] in the undergrowth of the dry woodland there's plenty of food to be had [Music] a millipede known locally as a chongololo would be a juicy snack [Music] despite its many legs it's a slow mover it must make good its escape before the mongooses sniff it out the little hunters do most of their foraging on the ground and the millipede makes a lucky choice in climbing up a tree to safety [Music] while the mongooses carry out their scuttling hunt others plod slowly and steadily through the morning [Music] an elephant mother is on the move with two youngsters [Music] they've drifted from the herd to search the dry woodland for good fodder [Music] only the younger calf is the cow's offspring it stays close to her for safety at all times [Music] the whereabouts of the other calf's mother is difficult to tell but it's a sad possibility that poachers have killed her for her tusks [Music] the three must rejoin their extended family soon there are lions in perfury and protection within the herd is crucial for young elephants away from the levuvu a few small wetlands persist this pan formed from runoff surface water during the last rains and there's enough here to last the dry season [Music] it's attracted six big bulls [Music] among them is the young bull that was in the river this morning the gathering at the water offers him some company at last the heavyweight with the injured trunk is here too neither can compete with the biggest of these bachelors he wears a tracking collar and researchers have been following him for the last 10 years [Music] he's now in his prime at around 45 and has picked up scars of his own during his long life [Music] if all goes well he could live to around 60. the other bulls give him plenty of space at the thirst quenching water [Music] the ball with the wounded trunk has learned to live with his handicap [Applause] to get maximum suction he dips his trunk into the water at an angle this closes the wound so he's not sucking in air but when he sprays it into his mouth it's a losing battle it's the elephant equivalent of drinking through a punctured straw [Music] with this constant impediment his agitated state from earlier in the day is easy to understand but nothing soothes an elephant like a trip to water and it always involves a good splashing a tree serves as a favorite scratching post and a final layer of dust will protect against the hot afternoon sun when the elephants are done as ever it's perfori's birds that make a splash [Music] fork-tailed drongos bathed themselves by plunging briefly into the water before flying off [Music] it's the epitome of going for a quick dip [Music] so a small herd of impala arrives for a quick drink they're vulnerable with their heads down at the water and moves swiftly on as the midday heat sets in many in perfury seek out water the afternoon is especially busy on the banks of the lavovo [Music] [Music] the river draws all of perfury's diverse life including some that are rarely seen elsewhere on the continent [Music] yala are particularly shy antelope sticking to densely wooded areas usually near water [Music] the riverine forests here are perfect habitat for them [Music] as thirsty as they may be they're cautious around the water this is crocodile territory across the river a female nyala has arrived with her two offspring they're just as cautious as the males and for good reason [Music] the young croc is probably too small to catch the mother but it might stand a chance against the fawn and they're not taking any risks [Music] downstream the shaggy waterbuck have arrived with their young too even in the winter temperatures can top 80 degrees fahrenheit [Music] the soft moist sand offers some cool relief most of the water come with company but an old buffalo bull has arrived alone he's retired from the competition of herd life and no longer has to wait for hundreds of herd mates to quench their thirst before he moves off he's not the only old male on the banks the warthog bores huge facial lumps a testament to his age having quenched his thirst he turns his attention to food green grass is hard to come by this deep into the dry season and the warthogs seize the opportunity for a good meal the riverside growth is a valuable source of food for some the banks provide a special treat the seed pods of an acacia tree are a favorite snack for chakra baboons [Music] with arms as long as their legs baboons have evolved to walk on the ground more than any other monkey but the youngsters are completely comfortable in the tree [Music] even as they pick their way between the thorns [Music] for all the animals the river offers food water and some relief from the afternoon heat for the birds the enduring flow serves another crucial purpose [Music] most birds must bathe to keep their feathers in tip-top condition for flying [Music] the river is one of the few places they can do so at this time of year and they take full advantage of the cleansing flow a white crowned lap wing indulges in an afternoon bath [Music] bathing isn't the only important part of film maintenance [Music] others along the river prem to remove dust and parasites and carefully organize each feather into its proper place [Music] a woolly necked stalk is one of the bigger birds on the river today but it's dwarfed by its cousin the saddle build stalk it towers at five feet tall like all other creatures big birds are drawn to the levuvu by the allure of water an 11-pound white-backed vulture makes daily trips to water to drink and bathe [Music] but among all of pappuri's birds one species rules the roost [Music] as their name suggests african fish eagles specialize in catching fish [Music] unlike the smaller birds the low-flowing river offers them little in the way of food here but the eagles are resourceful they prey on a variety of smaller life including water birds [Music] they're also fearless thieves stealing prey from others as big as the saddle build stalk [Music] all this makes them formidable river mates for the other species [Music] like all here they too must drink the trickle of the river here is enough to satisfy the birds needs but there is one resident of bufuri whose demands are far greater hippos need water deep enough to submerge their great bodies entirely during the dry season there are few places in perfori where this exists where the lavufu meets the dry bed of the limpopo in pafori's easternmost corner it has formed a natural dam deep enough for a pod of hippos [Music] these huge animals have sensitive skins and spend most of their days submerged to escape the heat of the sun this bull is in charge here should he need to assert his control he can open his jaw to 150 degrees bearing 20 inch long tusks for now he relaxes in the cool of the water with his pod at the end of the levuvu the riverbed of the great limpopo shines white under the afternoon sun known as crooks corner this point forms the border between three countries south africa to the southwest zimbabwe to the northeast and mozambique to the east here the levovo river reaches its end after flowing steadily eastward it meets a boundary it cannot cross in the broad sandy bed of the limpopo [Music] for the creatures of puffuri the levuvu has done its job providing water through another hot dry day [Music] as evening sets in the water buck are back grazing on the floodplain [Music] they enjoy the cool calm end of the day the young elephant mother and her calf have found their herd as they emerge to cross the plain for a drink in a river [Music] on the lavuvus banks the baboon troop spends a little time by the water before heading into the treetops to sleep [Music] the river is a picture of peace until the elephants get here [Music] the cruel soft sand is welcome relief after the long hot day [Applause] [Music] the lavus banks are the site of a reunion the older calf from earlier has found its mother and enjoys the river by her side [Music] [Applause] the herd takes its time to refuel with food and water [Music] as long as the lavu continues to flow through this special reserve afore his creatures will thrive despite the rigors of the dry season [Music] sooner or later heavy rains will come [Music] the limpopo will flow once more and flood waters will inundate the planes to spur new growth until then the elephants and others will find all they need along the banks of the perfori's everlasting lifeline [Music] you
Channel: WildLife Tales
Views: 3,510,191
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: krugers pafuri, africa, south africa, africa documentary, afrika animals, elephants, gifraffe, girrafe docummentary, lion docuumentary, lion documentary 2020, lion pride, biodiversity, free documentary, lions 2020, documenary 1080p
Id: 7jUW96CiEKA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 5sec (2885 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 21 2020
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