Discover the 33 Greatest Natural Wonders of the Planet Earth, World Travel Video-Guide in 2023 (4K)

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foreign the secrets of the 33 most incredible natural wonders you won't believe exist in this video we will take you in a voyage around the world to discover some of the most inspiring natural wonders on the planet join us as we uncover the fascinating stories and little-known facts behind these natural wonders and learn more about the geological biological and cultural forces that have shaped them into the Marvels that they are today whether you're an avid traveler an outdoors Enthusiast or simply a curious Soul this video will surely leave you maced and inspired by the power and beauty of our planet's natural wonders so let's embark on a remarkable journey together number 33 lens National Park Lancers Mariana sand dunes these sand dunes in northeastern Brazil are unique because they form in the middle of a tropical forest and are filled with freshwater lagoons during the rainy season the sand dunes Cavern area of over 580 square miles and are one of the main attractions of lensoy's Marianas National Park the sand is scary to the park from the continent's interior by The Parting Youth and produces Rivers where it is then driven back Inland up to 31 miles by winds creating a series of sand dunes Rising as much as 130 feet tall during the rainy season between January and June the rainstorms fill the spaces among the dunes with freshwater lagoons of up to 330 feet in length and 10 feet in depth and together compromising as much as 41 of the area of the park lansoise marignanas National Park receives as many as 60 000 visitors a year everyday activity cities within the park include surfing canoeing and horseback riding [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] number 32 Cappadocia [Music] this region in central turkey is known for its surreal Landscapes of buried chimneys rock formations and underground cities over thousands of years volcanic eruptions erosion and human habitations formed the unique Topography of Cappadocia Cappadocia has a rich history and even appears in the biblical account in the book of Acts second chapter verse 9. today is a popular tourist destination where Travelers can take hot air balloon rides hike or explore the underground cities and churches that were carved into the soft tough Rock Cappadocia is also famous for its wine pottery and Hospitality making it a popular destination for tourists across the globe thank you foreign [Music] [Music] the stunning Bay is in pangna Province Thailand and is known for its Limestone Cliffs turquoise Waters and hidden lagoons tourists can explore the Bay by boat or kayak and discover the numerous caves and beaches the dot the coastline Limestone Cliffs with caves collapse cave systems and archaeological sites are found about pangna Bay around 10 000 years ago when sea levels were lower walking from Phuket and Krabi was possible the bay is also home to James Bond Island a famous tourist spot that was featured in the movie The Man with a golden gun [Music] foreign [Music] waterfall discovered National Park in Iceland swardy Foss waterfall is known for its unique Basalt call informations surrounding the falls the waterfall drops 20 meters into a pool below and the black Basalt columns provide a stunning backdrop for the picturesque scene Travelers can hike to the waterfall and explore the surrounding glaciers in landscape swartifoss cannot be seen from the road and the hike up to it takes some 90 minutes back and forth with photostops [Music] thank you foreign [Music] number 29 grand prismatic spring [Music] this hot spring in Yellowstone National Park in the United States is one of the largest hot springs in the world the first record of the spring are from early European explorers and surveyors in 1839 four Trappers from the American Fur Company crossed the Midway gazer Basin and noted a boiling Lake the hot spring is over 370 feet in diameter and its colors are caused by microbial mats that thrive in the hot and mineral Rich Waters the deep blue color of the water in the center of the pool results from the intrinsic blue color of water the effect is most substantial in the center of the spring because of its sterility and depth [Music] foreign [Music] Lakes National Park [Music] Pizza Lakes National Park is a UNESCO world heritage site located in Croatia it is known for its spectacular Natural Beauty with 16 Terrace Lakes connected by waterfalls and surrounded by Lush Greenery the lakes are a striking turquoise blue color caused by the minerals in the water and the reflection of sunlight the park covers an area of over 295 square kilometers and is home to diverse flora and fauna tourists can explore the park and a network of broad walks and trails that wind around the lakes and waterfalls offering stunning views at every turn [Music] one of the Park's most popular areas is the great waterfall which drops over 78 meters and is the largest waterfall in Croatia visitors can also take a boat ride across the largest lake kosiak or hike to one of the many viewpoints for panoramic vistas of the Park platvisa Lake National Park is open year round and offers a unique experience in every season in the spring and summer the park is Lush and vibrant while in the fall the changing colors of the trees create a stunning display [Music] thank you [Music] number 27 Bonneville Salt Flats imagine a place so flat you appear to see a planet's curvature so infertile not even the simplest life forms can exist the Bonneville Salt Flats is a vast expanse of Salt Flats extending over 30 000 acres in Utah United States the salt flats are remnants of a prehistoric Lake and are known for their Unique Reflections of the sky and surrounding mountains the salt flats are also used as a Speedway for land speed racing where Vehicles can reach speeds of over 400 miles per hour [Music] foreign [Music] number 26 Chocolate Hills [Music] Chocolate Hills and Baja Philippines these unique geological formations are composed of more than one thousand perfectly cone-shaped Hills which are spread out over an area of around 50 square kilometers despite their name the hills are not made of chocolate but they get their name from their brown color during the dry season which makes them look like giant chocolate Mounds the exact formation process of the hills is still unknown although it's believed that they were once coral reefs uplifted during geological movements and then shaped by erosion The Chocolate Hills is a popular tourist destination they are so crucial to the region that they're depicted in the provincial flag and seal but beyond their unique appearance the hills have also been the source of many local Legends in folklore one famous Fable is that the hills were formed from the tears of a giant who fell in love with Immortal woman and cried himself to sleep when she died [Music] [Music] yes [Music] number 25 make a Crater Lake make it Crater Lake is a natural wonder located in the province of Konya in Turkey the stunning lake was formed by a volcanic eruption thousands of years ago as you approached the lake you'll be mesmerized by the Vivid blue-green color of the water in the dramatic landscape surrounding it the lake sits in the middle of a massive crater and the Steep walls of the crater rise up to 150 meters high make a crater lake is truly a natural wonder that must be seen to be believed [Music] thank you [Music] number 24 kawagen foreign is a volcano discovered in East Java Indonesia kawagen is best known for its electric blue flames which are caused by the combustion of sulfuric acids these Flames can reach up to 16 feet in height and are visible at night creating a surreal and mesmerizing sight aside from its blue flames kawagen is also home to the world's largest acidic Crater Lake which is rich in sulfuric acid and has a bright green Hue the lake is considered one of the Earth's most acidic bodies of water and is shrouded by steep Rocky Cliffs guests to kawachen can hike to the Volcano Summit to witness the blue flames an acidic Crater Lake up close however the hike is not for the faint of heart as it can be Steep and treacherous in the air around the crater can be toxic kawagen is a true Wonder of the natural world a place of Stark and Eerie Beauty [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] or the bungle bungle range is a unique sandstone in Western Australia the area is known for its beehive-shaped Dunes comprised of layers of sandstone and conglomators that have been eroded over millions of years the dome's distinctive orange and black stripes are caused by the oxidation of iron in the Rock giving them a stunning and otherworldly appearance prerna Lulu is also home to a range of unique flora and fauna including rare and endangered species like the golden Bandicoot in the Goldeen Finch the area is sacred to the local Aboriginal communities who have lived in the area for over 20 000 years and have a deep spiritual connection to the land travelers to Perna Lulu can hike through the domes and gorgeous take a helicopter ride over the formations for a bird's eye view or even camp overnight in the park [Music] [Music] number 22 underwater waterfall [Music] foreign t with underwater waterfall is a unique natural wonder located in the Indian Ocean on the Southwest coast of Mauritius Le mormbra bond is a UNESCO world heritage site and is known for its iconic Mountain that rises sharply from the ocean making it a popular spot for hikers and nature lovers but what truly sets this place apart is the underwater waterfall illusion that can be seen from above it's not actually a waterfall but a fascinating optical illusion created by sand and slit that flow off the underwater shelf and create the illusion of water cascading down Into the Depths today it is a spectacular natural wonder that will leave you mesmerized [Music] thank you [Music] number 21 salardo uni [Music] salardo uni and Bolivia this natural wonder is the world's most enormous Salt Flat spanning over 10 000 square kilometers the Salt Flat was formed due to prehistoric lakes that evaporated leaving behind a layer of salt and other minerals the Salado uni is officially stunning and serves as a crucial source of salt and lithium for Bolivia it also has a unique feature where it reflects the sky creating a stunning mirror effect [Music] visitors can take guided tours to explore the area and learn about the local culture and history solardo uni is a magical natural wonder that should be on everyone's bucket list [Music] number 20 Antelope Canyon Antelope Canyon in Arizona USA it's a Slot Canyon known for its mesmerizing and intricate rock formations created by erosion of sandstone over centuries the narrow passageways of the canyon are lined with smooth herb walls creating beautiful and colorful patterns that change with Sun's movement Antelope Canyon is diverged into upper Antelope Canyon and lower Antelope Canyon upper Antelope Canyon is the more prevalent and visited section due to its broader and more accessible passages making it easier for travelers to explore lower Antelope Canyon on the other hand offers a more challenging but equally beautiful experience with its narrow and steep staircases Antelope Canyon is a photographer's paradise and many professional photographers and amateurs flocked to the canyon to capture its beauty it's a stunning natural wonder that leaves Travelers with the Marvel of the power of Nature's artistry number 19. Wadi Rum [Music] Wadi Rum desert in Jordan known for its vast red dunes and stunning rock formations wadiram has been a famous filming area for movies like Florence of Arabia and the Martian but the beauty of Wadi room goes beyond its cinematic appeal this desert has been inhabited by various cultures and Civilizations for thousands of years leaving a rich history and Heritage you can still find ancient inscriptions and carvings on the rocks in the ruins of stone buildings and temples Wadi Rum is also a popular destination for adventure tourism tourists can hike climb or take a camel ride through the desert to explore its natural wonders and cultural sites and at night the starry Skies of wadiram offer a breathtaking view of the universe whether you're film buff a history Enthusiast or an adventure Seeker wadiram is the must visit destination that will leave you in amazement at its beauty and wonder foreign [Music] [Music] National Park [Music] discovered on the island of Tenerife in the Canary Islands Teddy National Park is home to mount tabi which stands 12 198 feet tall and is the highest point in Spain a unique landscape of lunar-like terrain surrounds this volcanic Mountain lava flows and twisted rock formations all of which make it one of the most fascinating natural wonders in the world but Mount 80 is more than just a pretty sight it is also a geologist's dream with Rock's information that date back millions of years but what a really sets tady National Park apart is its status as a UNESCO world heritage site recognized for its natural beauty geological importance and cultural significance to the people of the Canary Islands thank you [Music] and for those who are up for a challenge climbing Mount Haiti is an unforgettable experience with dazzling views of the surrounding landscape in the Atlantic Ocean foreign [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] number 17 white desert [Music] foreign the white desert of Egypt is a surreal and otherworldly landscape in the western desert this unique natural wonder is characterized by its white Limestone rock formations that have been sculpted by the wind into assorted shapes resembling mushrooms cones and even animals the white desert is a popular destination for camping and stargazing as the clear night sky offers an unobstructed view of the Stars the stark contrast between the white rock formations in the blue sky creates a stunning and Unforgettable visual experience the white desert is also steeped in history with ancient Egyptian rock art and fossils dating back millions of years it's a genuinely fascinating and mystical place that transports guests to another world and offers a glimpse into the ancient past [Music] [Music] thank you number 16 The Pinnacles [Music] foreign National Park Western Australia the Pinnacles are a unique natural wonder formed by Limestone pillars that arise out of the yellow sand desert creating a mesmerizing and otherworldly landscape the Limestone formations are believed to have been created over millions of years through erosion and calcification of shells in marine life that once inhabited the Sea The Pinnacles come in various shapes and sizes ranging from Short Round pillars to tall Jagged spiers and are scattered across the desert landscape the Pinnacles are accessible to Visitors by car in a drive through the park offers breathtaking views of the unique landscape Travelers can also walk among the formations and designated Trails or take guided tours to learn more about the geology and history of the area The Pinnacles are also home to diverse floor and fauna including kangaroos emus and various Birds species the park offers a unique opportunity to experience the natural beauty of Western Australia and witness a landscape unlike any other in the world foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] number 15 marble caves the marble case also known as the marble Cathedral our unique natural formations in the Patagonian Andes of southern Chile over thousands of years these stunning caves were formed by the clear turquoise Waters of Lake General Carrera flowing against the calcium carbonate walls creating intricate patterns and sculptures in the soft rock the caves can only be reached by boat inside Sears can explore the Beautiful Blue Waters and formations of the caves by taking a tour with a local guide the colors of the caves vary depending on the time of day and the sun's angle creating a surreal and otherworldly experience the marble caves are a popular to assassination in a geological Wonder showcasing the power and beauty of natural erosion they are a true Testament to the beauty of our world [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] moving on to the next natural wonder on our list the kilcenote and Yucatan Mexico this Cenote is a natural sinkhole formed by the collapse of a limestone cave and is one of the most unique and beautiful places to call in the Yucatan Peninsula the kilsenote is surrounded by Lush vegetation in crystal clear waters making it a popular spot for swimming diving and snorkeling guests can also explore the caves and tunnels that extend deep into the Cenote observing the geological formations and the delicate ecosystems that have formed over time one of the mesmerizing features of the kilsenote is its underwater caves home to a diverse array of marine life in rare freshwater fish species the cenotes crystal clear waters also make it an ideal spot for photographers Who can capture stunning images of the underwater landscapes in the beautiful blue hues of the water the kilcenote is an inter part of the cultural and natural heritage of the Yucatan Peninsula and it is deeply connected to the Region's Rich history and mythology tourists can learn about the Mind culture and the Legends surrounding the cenotes which were believed to be portals to the underworld [Music] number 13 pamukale [Music] is which translates to Cotton Castle in Turkish it's a natural site in Southwestern turkey known for its thermal pools and why Terraces of travertine a type of sedimentary rock the hot springs in pamukala have been used as a spa since the Roman times and it's still a popular tourist destination today colors can bathe in the warm mineral-rich Waters while enjoying the stunning views of the surrounding Hills and Valleys but pamukulla's beauty doesn't end there the white travertine Terraces that look like frozen waterfalls are also a sight to Behold The Terraces were formed by the accumulation of calcium carbonate which was brought to the surface by Hot Springs and then solidified to form the white rocks in addition to its natural beauty pamukulla is also home to the ancient city of hierapolis a UNESCO world heritage site the city was founded in the 2nd Century BC and was an influential Center of Greco-Roman culture Travelers can explore the city's ruins including the ancient Roman baths the theater and the Temple of Apollo foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] number 12 Antarctica [Music] Antarctica it's a land of extremes with freezing temperatures howling winds and vast expanses of ice and snow despite its harsh conditions Antarctica is home to a wide variety of wildlife including Penguins seals and whales Antarctica is also a hub for scientific research with scientists worldwide conducting studies on climate change geology and Marine Biology the continent's isolation and extreme conditions provide a unique environment for scientific exploration and Discovery visiting Antarctica is not for the faint of heart as it requires a long and challenging Journey most Travelers arrive by boat or plane and must be prepared for the cold and bearing conditions however those who make the journey are rewarded with breathtaking views of towering ice formations crystal clear waters in the stunning natural beauty of one of the most remote places on Earth [Music] foreign [Music] number 11 Ha Long Bay how long they in the Kuan in province in Vietnam is a dazzling natural wonder of Southeast Asia it is a UNESCO world heritage site and one of the most popular tourist destinations in Vietnam Ha Long Bay is home to over 1600 Limestone islands and islets that rise out of the turquoise Waters of the Gulf of Tonkin the islands with their unique shapes and sizes were formed over millions of years due to the weathering of the Limestone the base Emerald waters are home to a diverse ecosystem including coral reefs Mangrove forests and over 200 species of fish one of the most popular activities for visitors to Ha Long Bay is to take a boat tour allowing them to get up close to the Limestone islands and experience the Tranquil beauty of the Bay Side Sears can also explore the many caves and grottos the Dotty Islands such as the famous Sunset cave Ha Long Bay is a natural wonder in a cultural and historical site humans have inhabited at the bay for thousands of years and the local fishing villages the dot the islands are home [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] Lake Natron [Music] this stunning alkaline lake is famous for its bright red color and unique ecosystem that supports a variety of life forms adapted to extreme conditions the bright red color of the lake is caused by the presence of microorganisms called halor Kia which thrive in the Lake's high salt concentration the alkalinity of the lake also prevents most animals from living in it but it is home to one of the world's most extensive breeding grounds for lesser flamingos who feed on the algae and Plankton found in the lake travelers to Lake Natron can enjoy hiking bird watching and camping in the surrounding Hills however the lake is not suggested for swimming due to its high salt concentration and alkalinity Lake Natron is a true Wonder of nature a dazzling and unique ecosystem that has adapted to the severe conditions of its environment foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] National Forest Park [Music] National Forest Park in China is known for its stunning natural landscapes and unique Sandstone pillars located in the Hunan Province of China the park covers an area of more than 11 000 acres and is part of the larger Woolen unique Scenic area the park has over 3 000 Sandstone pillars some rising over 200 meters above the ground these pillars result from millions of years of weathering and erosion creating an otherworldly landscape that is a sight to behold the park also has dense forests winding rivers and Scenic waterfalls adding to its natural beauty one of the most iconic features of the zhangjajia National Forest Park is the Avatar Hallelujah Mountain which inspired the floating mountains in the movie Avatar visitors can take a cable car ride to the top of the hill for stunning views of the surrounding area [Music] number eight Nepali Coast foreign Coast is discovered on the North Shore of the Hawaiian island of Kauai the stunning coaster region has towering cliffs deep valleys and pristine beaches the Nepali Coast is one of the Hawaii's most beautiful and awe-inspiring natural wonders drawing visitors from around the world to its rugged and remote Shores the Nepali Coast is only accessible by foot boat or helicopter hiking the kellalau trail which stretches for 11 miles along the coast is a popular way to explore the area the trail takes hikers through Lush valleys over rugged terrain and past stunning vistas of the ocean and cliffs for those who prefer to see the coast from the water there are a variety of boat tours available that take tourists along the coastline to see the Towering Cliffs and hidden beaches up close the Nepali Coast is home to diverse floor and fauna including native plants like hibiscus and Hala in animals like the Hawaiian monk seal and the Hawaiian goose [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] Bryce Canyon National Park [Music] Bryce Canyon National Park is discovered in Southwestern Utah USA this National Park is famous for its unique geological formations known as hoodoos tall and thin Rock spiers eroded over time by wind water and ice [Music] the Hooters and Bryce King are made of sedimentary rock and bearing color from white to Orange to Red creating a stunning and otherworldly landscape travelers to Bryce Canyon can enjoy various activities like hiking horseback riding and stargazing oh [Music] the park offers over 50 miles of hiking trails ranging from Easy walks to stenuous hikes to take visitors down into the canyon stargazing is also popular at Bryce Canyon due to its high elevation in clear skies [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] number six Maldives [Music] next on our list is the Maldives a Tropical Paradise in the Indian Ocean the Maldives comprises 26itals and over 1 000 Islands known for the crystal clear waters wide sea and beaches and diverse marine life [Music] foreign is a popular destination for Honeymooners and vacationers seeking a luxurious and relaxing getaway sightseers can stay in overwater Villas enjoying stunning ocean views and marine life beneath their feet [Laughter] [Music] the Maldives is also a popular destination for scuba diving and snorkeling where guests can witness diverse marine life including colorful fish sea turtles and manta rays overall the Maldives is a spectacular natural wonder that offers visitors a unique blend of natural beauty and [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] number five Banff National Park [Music] Banff National Park located in the Canadian Rockies of Alberta Canada the stunning National Park is home to Glaciers mountains forests and turquoise Lakes known for their astonishing Beauty Banff National Park was established in 1885 as Canada's first national park and is now a UNESCO world heritage site it covers an area of 2564 square miles and is home to over 1 000 glaciers including the Columbia icefield the largest ice field in the Canadian Rockies some of the must-see sites in Banff National Park include Lake Louise Moraine Lake and the town of Banff itself Lake Louise is famous for its turquoise Waters and stunning Mountain views while Moraine Lake is known for its vibrant blue-green Waters and surrounding Peaks foreign [Music] foreign [Music] number four Angel Falls [Music] Angel Falls is located in the kanaima national park in Venezuela with a height of 979 meters or 3212 feet Angel Falls is the world's highest uninterrupted waterfall The Falls are named after Jimmy Angel an American aviator who was the first to fly over the hills in 1933. the surrounding area is home to the indigenous pemon people who consider the false sacred and have lived in the region for thousands of years Travelers can take guided tours to see The Falls up close hike Through the Jungle or take a boat tour the Falls are magnificent during the rainy season when the water flow is at its highest and the Mist created by the falls can be seen for miles away [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] number three Big Sur [Music] bixer is one of the world's most gorgeous and awe-inspiring natural wonders Big Sur is in California's Central Coast a 90 Mile Stretch of rugged Coastline surrounded by towering Redwood forests and craggy Cliffs it's no wonder that Big Sur has captured the hearts and imaginations of Travelers photographers and artists alike [Music] here you'll find some of the most beautiful Vistas on the planet with views that stretch for miles in every direction one of the most popular attractions in Big Sur is Pfeiffer Beach which is known for its beautiful rock formations in purple Sands the beach is a popular spot for surfing swimming and sunbathing but it's also a great place to explore the natural wonders of Big Sur another must-see attraction in Big Sur is the Bixby Creek Bridge one of the California's most iconic landmarks the Brits Paints the Deep Canyon of Bixby Creek and offers incredible views of the Pacific Ocean and the surrounding landscape whether you're an avid hiker or just a casual nature lover you'll find plenty of opportunities to explore and discover the natural wonders of Big Sur foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] uncovered in northeastern Ethiopia the danakil depression is one of Earth's hottest and most inhospitable places it is known for its otherworldly Landscapes of Salt Flats Sulfur Springs and colorful mineral deposits despite its harsh conditions the donakil depression is home to a unique ecosystem of salt-loving microbes and other extremophiles visitors can take guide tours of the region and see the natural wonders that have formed over millions of years foreign [Music] thank you [Music] number one way Tomo glow worm caves the wait till my glow worm caves in New Zealand is a natural wonder that looks like something out of a fantasy world as the name suggests the caves are known for the bioluminescent glowworms that call them home these tiny creatures amid a soft blue-green light creating a surreal and magical Ambience throughout the Cave the caves were first explored in 1887 by local Mary Chief tan tinera an English surveyor Fred mace since then the caves have become a popular tourist attraction drawing tourists worldwide to witness their extraordinary beauty sightseers can take a bow tour inside the caves through the dark underground Caverns where thousands of glowworms illuminate the walls and ceiling the tour guides provide a wealth of information about the caves and the fascinating creatures that inhabit them the white Elmo glow worm caves are not only visually stunning but also ecologically important the glowworms play a vital role in the Cave's ecosystem and the preservation of their habitat is critical to their survival thank you for joining us to explore some of the world's most spectacular natural wonders we hope you enjoyed this video and until next time foreign [Music] foreign
Channel: Sonic Punk
Views: 2,954,334
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: UIJcutkljpM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 14sec (3434 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 30 2023
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