Wild Horse Immediately Recognizes His Girlfriend After Years Apart | The Dodo Faith = Restored

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I love this so much.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/GirlFromTheVille πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 10 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I hope she’s vegan

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/alexthegrandwolf πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 10 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
we opened the trailer door and he ran out i just remember phoenix looking around seeing the trees and the grass and sniffing the air that was a really emotional moment for me we were giving him back his freedom so they see a horse that rolls all the way open three times and he did it for he's an exceptional horse i think we knew that about phoenix already but he just went and proved it i saw this photograph of phoenix jumping over a barrier and i'd never seen anything like that i decided to find and adopt him a whole year later i was finally able to adopt him but i couldn't find her man who was also in the picture i always looked for his mare and i never saw her the first week we brought a whole bunch of boys in for phoenix he made friends but he was always a little standoffish he never really pushed himself to the front i always felt like there was a little bit of loss with him because when he jumped the fence and could have just run away free he came back to look for his family he didn't want to leave them there but in the end he lost them anyway i was sad that he didn't have any of them i would go up to phoenix and he would be staring off like he was looking for something scanning the horizon he was still searching thinking he might see his family a couple of months ago someone sent me a picture of a horse and i stopped and i looked i had the picture of phoenix is there on one side and her picture on the other side i'm looking here and looking at oh she has brown ears oh she has brown from her knees down it's her a horse i never thought i'd see again it was like seeing a ghost after two years of looking for this horse so that's where she got her name we waited a couple of weeks and then we brought ghost down and we opened the gate phoenix was on the other side of the hill but he heard her and he came trotting over the hill you hear him call to her when he first sees her he looked at her and it was almost like he couldn't believe it [Music] they both bend their necks into each other breathing each other in just to make sure it's really you [Music] oh my gosh oh my gosh phoenix it goes back together again i had tears pouring down my face because these wild horses had been separated for two years and in that moment it was like they had never been apart his phoenix and ghost ghost is sticking close to phoenix it's like they've never been apart to wild horses family is everything the bonds that they form are so precious and so deep there isn't any doubt that they know and love each other they constantly touch their nose to each other just to check they're still there almost like they don't believe this is real i see such confidence in phoenix's walk i see all that sadness has gone i'm happier knowing that phoenix and ghost are together forever they get to grow old together and that's the best thing [Music] you
Channel: The Dodo
Views: 22,750,551
Rating: 4.9239445 out of 5
Keywords: animal video, animals, the dodo, Animal Rescue, dodo, cute animals, pets, wildlife, pet videos, wildlife videos, animals the dodo, the dodo animals, rescuing animals, the dodo faith = restored, the dodo faith restored, faith = restored, faith restored, faith = restored the dodo, faith restored the dodo, horse, wild horse, mustang, the dodo horse
Id: ZERtyMMCx64
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 45sec (225 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 07 2021
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