🔵Swarm Trap success! Collecting, Rebaiting, and Hiving!

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Hyatt's cameraman Reynolds and today we have caught a swarm we used to rent this place several years ago and it belongs to one of our friends so we have been sticking this up here for a couple of years and we've got about just looking underneath about eight frames of bees so that's pretty awesome especially since they're free bees be fun so this is a really simple stand design like I showed in one of our old videos you just have you know your a little stand right here mounted onto a junk tree and we these days put them much lower than this because I'm a short guy for some of you tell people this is it has to be I'm pretty young and strong so I can still handle this if you wait till they get really heavy I mean this box could easily be 60 70 pounds with all the equipment and the honey if it's a really strong prime's form so we're just gonna unscrew these screws here and then we have another box we're going to throw it up on top we've got this filled up front now that looks kind of funny and don't do that in hot weather we're in the 50s right now and I have a vent on the back of this typically I have an insert for this one broke off so I've just got it duct-taped but in hot weather you can kill your bees very fast and we're just going like two miles down the road so we're gonna pull this off put it in the back of our vehicle then we're going to throw up another one and bait it really quick so let's just talk to it that will of freebies though I'm sure the bees love that oh and then this crisis see this is why you need to have it a little lower I'd say that's probably around 65 70 pounds minimum hmm doggies in that box all right so let's get this next one up there's one thing you gotta think about there's a lot of times the primes forms they'll set one out and then a week or two later when some more Virgin Queens hatch out occasionally they'll swarm again and so we might catch the after storm in the same location now I should've just dropped those screws like that but I did you some good screws that really help you back them in and back them out I don't know what I did with that other one I might find it here in a second in my booth we'll put another one in now we're gonna try this product it's a swarm commander I'm pretty sure it won't be any better than the lemongrass we've always had good success with this lemongrass 5 just wear it just one shot right there at the entrance and get the lid off Aaron one good shot under the lid now this stuff will help your bees go to the box to a degree but ultimately the comb and the propolis and the old bee hive is smell is what's gonna get them in there so we're gonna have a continuation coming up here in a second I think we're a little late on this swarm trap they look really plugged we've just been so busy I should have done it a while ago but I knew there's bees in there just just got around to it today it's rainy so I can't do a lot of the other B work there's always stuff to do but let's see what it is what we got to do and this is the frame feeder I pulled out there's not supposed to be frame feeders in it I was in a hurry just threw it up I don't remember what I did it wasn't the right thing to do there's not a swarm cell in here I might not ever do a video you know I bet they're swarm I can't see if there's any cells or so many bees this hive is fix it fix bug definitely gotta use more smoke today cuz all the pores are Zach alright home let me take off that maybe they some of them will go out the front leave me alone Wow breed my arm all right lots more brood just a little bit more brood alright here's a cut down here maybe they aren't prepping this form yet that would be all right with me all kinds of different age the water V going up here yeah oh my goodness flick of that royal jelly down in there look at that larvae that was fixin to become a queen but if we caught this in time to where they haven't started camping any of these yet we may have just saved ourselves loosing this warm and sending them off or creating a lot more work and us having to split them like crazy so what we're gonna do stick these out we're gonna have to make sure there's no swarm cells so these bees aren't too aggressive of course I say that now watch me get drilled this is not the right way to do this but bee swarm trapping deep boxes work very good and I really recommend using deeps if you use those or two mediums or whatever because I mean look how easy this is have we not had frames in here with foundation you can use starter strips but just make sure the hives level this will just be a mess an absolute mess and you would damage so much of the beast valuable time and resources and your valuable time and your sanity cutting all that stuff out I mean that this is as easy as can be all all I have to do is transport that stuff around then to a different box and technically I could just use the swarm trap box right away I mean it's just that easy all right so just fruit everywhere I got a bee in my bonnet look at all that propolis right there don't do that goodness gracious yep there was an egg down in that one my wife's laughing at me that's not nice get out of there he's a bee suit well there's three in there thank you all right now we're good we were supposed to be going to town today I said you know we're kind of going over that way let's just go ahead and take care of it so any day they're probably fixing to swarm on us if we don't get to it and Laurel was like no let's not do that today it's a bad idea oh my goodness all this is hatching out right here we caught him just in time I don't think there's gonna be a an actual capped queen cell but there was a queen cell all right thanks so much rude gotta love it and more brood on this frame right here freebies they're making honey this year I want a clear box and these things shake the fees off so we can see there's a cup two drones down here lots of drones see all these right here these are all drones or kind of facing outwards they're not as big typically Queen cells are facing down sometimes the queen cells will be at an angle those will watch that or another Cup we're just gonna and crush these cups just to make sure there's there was an egg there won't be an issue I can't believe I dropped that frame and there's brood on this last cone that's crazy she's laid a bit of brood on every frame that was in here oh yeah that's heavy oh yeah more cells Queen cups lots of drones hatching out over here man you can just smell the Naza naw or how are you pronounce that alright here's some more Queen cups check this out so you got this one here this one here this one here this one here there there and you've got this one tucked away down here and it is loaded so you can't miss one and that's the trick with all this stopping the swarms and everything is that if you miss one that's all it takes and you know come back a week later in this block should be 70% empty possibly something may be completely empty you just never know that the degree they'll swarm make sure we get all these now I've got a bee in my bonnet these bees are a little freaking out because you know they have an oriented to this location I don't recommend you do this this is lazy beekeeping at its finest it'll get you stung - we were working bees last night till 8:30 pink hammock quite a bit after dark and it was not fun I'll have you know all right now what we're gonna do in order to keep these bees from swarming it's kind of similar to what we did in that swarming video of ours get away from my wife she's mine honey we are going to take some of this drawn comb Oh no more multi combs I'm gonna stick this in here and then we are going to take this other one and stick it right over here we're just gonna start throwing these frames back in move the bees and then we're going to add another box to this because as you can tell they're kind of need more room and I'd rather them stay in our equipment this is a really nice hype when all that brood hatches out plus the beasts they have they are going to draw a second box in no time so I'm very very happy they didn't have any capped Queen cells we barely caught this one in time I mean we're literally talking two or three days from now those cups would have been long capped Queen cells and then it would've been make a split if we'd have caught it in time or they'd already swarm so as soon as they cap them boy that smells good I love it when they do that when they cap those cells they will swarm at any time especially with this rainy weather that we have in the good flow that means as soon as it probably gets sunny after the rain they're out of here by two four six eight we're gonna throw nine in here skip these over this video is turning out to be a lot long and I thought it would be but you can see how easy this using this type of equipment is had we gone and got these things weeks ago this would the hive would've been lighter to get down we should have stuck it about right here and for those of you who have back problems stick it at waist level we catch them really low to the ground so you don't have to stick those form traps way up yeah they say it's ideal but I've never had a problem catching swarms low to the ground bees love old brood comb if you have that available to you you're in good shape the lemongrass really helps you can use swarm commander if you want it's just a little bit more expensive all right I'm going to go ahead and use me long I'm going to throw another wrong comb in here this is where it's really helpful to have drawn combs because they can take nectar that's in the the brood and then they can move that out from with the Queen's Lane and stick them in those drawn combs serious bees alright now let's throw that next box on there I love these Amish made boxes I get down in there bees now typically I would have gone ahead and pulled those frames out stuck them in a different box with a different bottom board and that way I could use this trap again but I am in a hurry today we got somewhere to be and you all are bored and we wanted to see the action and get this over with so let's pull a couple of these suckers out now these bees have plenty of B power to be able to cover these frames up here heat rises and they're going to have to come up here and cover this and while they're doing that they're going to see the hey whoa we have all this unused space up here and we're getting bigger we're going to draw that foundation out and I'm gonna have to remove this drone comb here they're gonna draw the combs the new foundations all kinds of crazy alright that'll be alright now just throw it in like that make sure that your frames are pushed together and we're gonna have to scrape this lid a little bit you know what actually we're going to use one of our old-fashioned lids hang on just once that I knew I didn't put this up for a reason and eventually working away and crawl down towards the entrance get you out of there look at all this rhyme honey right here hmm I'm fixin to take a little bit of a sample yeah they got Queen cell even up here on the lid you never know where they're gonna stick them my kids are gonna love this honey thanks for watching our videos any questions about this leave them below swarm trappings a lot of fun you ought to give it a try but when you do it make it easy on yourself and just use equipment that you already use and that way you want to make it too hard hopefully there's no stinger in here oh my goodness thanks for watching our videos
Channel: Kamon Reynolds - Tennessee's Bees
Views: 74,995
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fatbeeman, 628 dirt rooster, barnyard bees, beekeeping, beekeeper, honeybees, bees, Kamon Reynolds, honey, flow hive, How to install a package of bees, How to install a nuc, package vs nuc challenge, how to make honey, oddly satisfying, beehive, provap 110, Tennessee beekeeping, Tennessee beekeepers, Ian stepplar, Canadian beekeeping, Package of bees, swarming, swarm, swarm control, queen cell, queen cup, swarmtrap, swarm trapping, how to make a swarm trap, swarm trap, bee cast
Id: JnEGFugTzMk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 45sec (1005 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 20 2019
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