Wiggle Bones Tutorial - Blender 2.82

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okay so today I want to show how to use the wiggle bones add-on blender 2.8 - basically I was having a lot of trouble with it and some weird things were happening so I thought that I would just share how I managed to kind of figure it out so basically here's my little chicken model here and he's got his tail and he's got the red flap things on his head and so basically I wanted them to jiggle around and you could obviously you could animate each one of them separately each little part of that but that would be super time-consuming so with the wiggle bones on it sort of will do that automatically you can see them kind of bouncing around the flaps are a little boxy because that turned off subdivisions just so it's a little smoother in the animation but you can see how that kind of works also if you physically kind of move them around on the scene you get the same kind of effect as well so super handy and I think we'll obviously would save a lot of time time to get like a nice effect so for starters here's where you can get that from so on blender artists and that's the link I'll probably try put that in the description I'm using the 1.5 version the latest and it seems to be fairly stable sir but yeah I was having some problems so I'm gonna try and show how to troubleshoot that let me jump over to a different project that I have set up all right so here's my chicken again and this one has no barns so basically once you've downloaded the the add-on and obviously you just install it in preferences install and then find that file for people who've never done that before okay so I'm gonna need some amateur for my chicken so let's go ahead and start with that shift a to add some armature let me scale that right down and I like to use the in front display so let me go to viewport in front okay that's easier to see now and obviously this all depends better be in edit mode for this this all depends on the kind of character that you've got but I think that three bones like this seems to work okay for me and yeah that's the way that I decided to do it now I'm the Carm the flaps here that's not connected it just the way that I've done it I'm not sure if it would work if you kind of extrude it from the original bone but I didn't I've made them separate and then I'll show you in a moment I'm just gonna parent them and keep the offset I just got a check from the front um they're all lined up that's fine sorry I'm just gonna shift shooty to make some copies yeah and I mean you can see that the shape of my comb is a bit weird I sort of did the model with the bend on that before I kind of decided I was doing this wiggly bones so I mean this might actually have been better idea to do them straight and then puts several segments in there but this works fine ok so once you've got your bones there I'm going to go ahead and select them all and then and I select the bones and then select the top head bone parent make and choose keep offset and okay so here's where my problems started so basically I had the armature and then you you might think that you can just from edit now go over to bone and then switch on wiggle burn okay that don't do that that caused all kinds of problems for me and I couldn't toggle it on and off and it would say that it was on even though it wasn't all kinds of weird things were happening so you've got to be a little bit patient do all your armature get everything where it needs to be okay then go over to the poor's mode and now select the bones and turn on wiggle bones in pose mode okay I don't understand the reason why it wouldn't it would need to be that way but in all my trial and error this seemed to be the only way to do it once I had turned it on in edit mode then all weird kind of things happened okay so I just went along and turned all of those on and if I hit play on the animation now you can see that they kind of bounce at the start like that there are settings obviously here that you could adjust to get it to bounce more or less or whatever but actually it just happens to turn out that the settings that starts with a quite nice and you can also see I'm still in pose mode so I'm just gonna hit play and I can do this and you can see in in pretty much real-time how those are bouncing around there of course it's not parented to our mesh yet so let's go back into object mode and select the chicken it's like the armature second parent automatic weights and now we should have a flippin current which we do I'm going to pop back into pose mode again and let's just see how that the flaps that's a weird button to sort of adjust there we go so some weird stuff there the top of his head is kind of carrying on where the head itself probably shouldn't wobble as much as that but one way that you could probably go about that is I think you could either either have made the bones shorter so that they don't come in down close to the head as much or I think what would work is if you go into object mode you could do the the weight painting because I just set automatic weights and imagining that the paint is kind of spilling over so if I select the mesh here go to white paint I've got some weird leftover paint from before where's the vertex group so if I now select these bones and yet you can see that it's mostly affecting the the flap but there is a little bit affecting the head so I could just paint that out so that it doesn't deform the head when it bounces around okay so hopefully that was useful for some people and you can get that to work without having to go through trial and error that I had to thanks
Channel: JackMakes
Views: 19,152
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Id: hpQW9RQdwNA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 45sec (405 seconds)
Published: Fri May 01 2020
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