How To Rig a character with Rigify in Blender 2.9

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hi guys welcome to another episode of auto tutorials this is super sun once again and on this very episode i'm going to show you how you can rig your character using rigify in blender so let's get started [Music] to read your character using regifer in blender you want to make sure your rigidify add-on is active and to confirm that come to file come to edit go to preferences and then click on add-ons and here you can type regify and then you have it here so all you need to do is just check this rubify um add-on here so once this is checked that means frequency is uh active and you can use it that's one then also you need to go to the system you need to go to the save and load and make sure autorun python script is checked so once you have those two informations checked come down to your save and save your preferences and that's all and now you have wikify working in your blender version that's it the next step you want to go through is making sure your character mesh is dead center now to confirm that i can i can see from here that my my character is at the center of the origin where the 3d cursor is and also you want to make sure your character is facing the front to also check this click on one on your number part on the keyboard and that takes you to the autographic view here you can see front autographic so that means this is the front autographic view and this is a proof that my character is facing forward which is a good thing also now in addition to the steps you also want to make sure your character mesh is at zero location for x y and z also at zero um rotation for x y and z and then the scale information is all in one so you have x y z one okay the scale of one very important so you can check your character mesh and make sure everything is well set so if for any reason your character has other funny values in this attributes all you can do is come to apply you click on objects come to apply or you can use the shortcut ctrl a and then you apply your location rotation or skill or to make your work faster you can just apply all transforms okay so once you do that everything zeroes out to um the defaults that you that you need which is x zero y zero z zero for the location rotation and therefore scale everything on once okay that said it's time to create our meta rig so to do this you can use the shortcuts shift a and that brings up this add dialog now this add dialog can also be gotten from the heart here once you click on the ad here you can see the same uh information so i'm going to use the shortcut shift a and then come down to amateur now you can see this white arrow in front of amateur which means there are other attributes hidden inside this amateur tab so i'm going to click on i'm not clicking i'm just hovering my mouse over it and this is going to come up so i'm going to click on the human meta rig because that is what i need since it comes with the meta recall the facial uh features also and you want to take advantage of that so now you have your meta rig and the meta rig is way bigger than our character in this case so if you have this same situation where the meta rig is bigger than your character or way smaller than your character most people tend to scale the meta rig which is not a bad thing but then they scale the meta rig in object mode which that in itself is not also a bad thing but then they fail to apply the current scale rotation and the location of the metallic and that can pose a problem so the best thing to avoid all this the best thing to do is make sure you scale your uh meta rig in the edit mode okay but if you don't want to go through that route you can easily scale from the object mode also just like i'm gonna do now and then make sure you apply once you're done so to do this i want to check out my in front for the viewport display so i can clearly see my metary and then i'm gonna make sure my 3d cursor is in the center so click on your um meta rig and make sure you are scaling from this the bounding box center so it's scaling from the center okay very important so if your cursor is somewhere to the left of the object you want to scale your object will not scale from the center okay so for this i think we are good i can easily go to my front view and then punch on the s key and pull in my mouse okay you can see so the more i pull in the cursor the smaller the the rig gets and when i pull it out it goes big so the professional guys out there you need to paddle me i want to go so basic for the beginners to understand because if most of you already know this process you can probably skip the video but this will help some people out so that's why i'm taking my time to explain this so i want to try and match the shoulder for me and i think this is fine and from here i'm going to tweak the metallic fodder to fit in the character but before i do that i don't want to forget applying the transform for this particular meta rig and so i'm going to go to object apply and then apply all transforms now before i apply all transforms take a look at the information here on the transform you have the location to be at zero which is a good thing you have the rotation to all be at zero which is also a good thing but the problem now is with the scale i have zero point five nine four four uh x scale for the y scale i have zero point five nine four and then for the z scale i have zero point five four but i want them all to be in one so to do this just come here location apply and in this case i can just apply this scale alone okay since my location and rotation are good but then let me apply all transforms and that brings everything back to one which is perfect all right now after this step i can then go to the edit mode to start tweaking my meta rig to fit in more with the character so most times i start with the fit so i'm going to select this this and then using a b to grab everything i'll go to the front view and try and move things in the front view and i also want to make sure i activate my symmetry so whatever i do on one side would apply to the other side because i don't want to do both at the same time and that would be extra work so just do one side and you mirror it to the other side that gives a faster workflow all right so from here i'm going to move this to the side a bit to fit into the character and another thing i noticed here is the visualization of my meta rig is kind of bigger than the character because the character is very very slim and this would pose a bit of difficulty in terms of uh seeing what is going on with my character so i can easily change the the way my meta rig is displayed by coming to um the viewport display and then i'm going to change that to stick so once i do this i have something i can walk with and then i'm going to see my character better also so this is a good thing yeah jumping to the side view you can see right photographic view i like to push this a bit forward just to try and get the center of my character so i think somewhere here it's kind of cool yeah and then i also like to um see what my character looks like in wireframe yeah so this helps me a lot in uh positioning things the way they should be i'm going back to the edit mode and it's time to walk on the character as a angle so i'm going to select everything again and push this backwards okay i'm gonna push it backwards push it backwards then i can select this part alone and make sure the ankle is where it should be so the ankle should be somewhere around here okay yeah looking good then for the tool i can also select all these and pull it backwards to have the toe here and then this part is meant to be very close to the base of the the smallest uh tool and that should be around here for the character so just put it around here yeah now it's time to walk on this bone this bone defines where the heel rotates okay when the character is standing if you're where the he rotates and you make sure this is uh somewhere here where the heel rotates okay i can just pull i wanted to rotate around that about that axis that's one thing to note and then another thing to note is make sure they this bone is about the same width as your character's feet because the bone helps with the the side rotation of the feet okay so uh for me this looks too white for my character i can check it from the the bottom view it looks too wide for my character you can see if i pull it looks too wide so that means i have to bring it down a bit just tiny little bit something like that and now i can check it out okay it's about okay it's about the same which i can decide to bring this house a bit just just a little bit okay so now i have something i can walk with okay back to the side view fine so this is looking good now the next step is to move to the spine i'm going to the spine now i'm going to select this support bones for the heat select this this this and i'm aware that you always have uh two connecting bones from the the spine and the neck and you don't want to make that disjointed so whenever you want to select make sure you select all the bone there so you don't disjoint anything so i'm going to use i'm going to punch on the c to have this circular selection tool and i'm going to click on that yeah so with this i'm sure i'm grabbing every bone that needs to be grabbed today and back to the side view i'm going to push this inward just to try and uh position the spine better okay so this part has gone too forward or it needs to be pushed backwards a bit yeah something like that and you have that for the spine now this this bones here are the breasts bone so i'm going to select that push it in a bit push it upwards so just somewhere there and then from the side i can oh seems i grabbed something here by mistake so let me just ctrl z okay so it's time to grab again c and then back to the side view i'm pushing this in a bit upwards and maybe backwards a bit okay so you have that now to be sure it's not sticking out i can uncheck the in front and now i can see sticking out so i want to push it back in a bit so just push it in okay now back to in front then i can adjust it here maybe somewhere here okay so this looks good now it's time to adjust the the shoulders also i can pick this up from here and then pick this pick this and grab all these at the same time go to the top view and then push this forward a bit okay to the side view to see what we are doing um [Music] okay all right so now i have uh that set now it's time to walk on the the arm of the character now this is a trick i use i want to try as much as possible to keep this relationship and so i don't want to rotate the arms of the character just anyhow so that means i'm gonna click on the bone here and then shift s to bring my cursor to where the selection is so cursor to selected now i have my 3d cursor in this position so that means i can rotate about the axis there but before i do that i have to make sure that the rig here is selected okay so i have them selected now and also i'm going to change the pivot for my rotation to 3d cursor so now i can rotate about the 3d cursor axis and i hardly rotate anyhow in the perspective view because things can easily go wrong when you do so so make sure you are in one of the orthographic views to do your um transform so for this i'm going to the side view first and then i'm going to rotate a bit forward here okay so i'm trying to align that to the center of the arm for the character and i'm going to go to front view to see what i've done so i can see the the rig is taken out right so i'll try and match that to the end of the character so i have this so when you go to the site view you can see centered or roughly centered and then from the front view is roughly centered which is a good thing also but then from the elbow downwards you can see that uh it's not well it's not quite matching the the characters the geometry so we are going to fix that also now to do this i'm going to go through the same step click on the elbow joint and then shift s and cursor to select it and now i can select all these make sure the bones are selected and rotate in the perspective for this also so you have this now you come to the side view and make adjustments okay so we are going somewhere but now i can see that the the arm the the wrist here is not uh quite matching with the wrist of my character so i need to adjust that also but the end looks good already i mean looks it looks good here but i can push this backwards a bit so um it's backwards a bit and then i'm gonna push it into the mesh i'm gonna push it into the mesh push it downwards a bit and uh so from the side view this is what i have for the hand now it's time to walk on the wrists so the risk can take a lot of time okay you can waste a lot of time trying to fix the wrists wasting a sense that you're doing the wrong thing okay and it can be very frustrating so there's this trick that you can use to fix the the fingers and i'm going to show you that so i'm going to do for the thumb and i'm gonna speed up the other part for the um the other four fingers okay because we have a lot of things to cover so just watch how i'm gonna fix this for the wrist now let's start with the wrists you click on the wrist bone here make sure you go to the front view um the the right view rather and then you push this up together i want one joint here two here three here then four here so you have one here yeah somewhere around here then i'm gonna select a second one and then put it somewhere here okay and the third one we're gonna put that here then the fourth one goes at the tip here okay so once you are done setting it up from the uh right view then you can go to the front view to make sure everything is uh well placed so it's looking good from the from the right autographic view but from the front autographic view it's not looking too good so we need to compensate for that also okay and there are different ways you can go about that you can start with uh using the the the method i showed you earlier on shift s and then you bring in your cursor to selected then select everything here okay now before we move further you can see my my thumb is disappearing here there's a quick way to fix this just come to view and then you change your um your clip starts bring it down to 0.1 and now you can see your phone clearly so back to what we're trying to do the front view i'm going to rotate from the 3d cursor r in order to keep that relationship okay so i'm looking at the center line here yeah that looks good and then i can move this a bit and inwards a bit still just eyeball that okay so you have you have this you have this for the thumb and i'm feeling like i need to push this forward okay let me quickly do that let me quickly do that i just want to match it with this line here okay so it fits better okay so now i have my my bone in the character stone and you can see this is just sticking out just a little bit and that's fine all right now you can use the same process to fix all these i'm going to split it up right now okay so now we have the fingers um rightly placed now the next thing i want to tell you is anytime you do your fingers make sure you know what the row looks like okay the bone roll is very important because if you have your bone roll pointing in the wrong direction if you have your bones pointing in the wrong direction the curl of the fingers will not look right now to to check out if your bone roll is good the first thing i do is i turn on the um the axis so i see the orientation of the bones okay and now i would also like to change it from stick to octahedral yeah so i'll walk on the thumb first and you see what i mean now if you look at this you can see that the z is pointing in the same direction where the finger should call in and the x is pointing outwards which means that every finger calls around about the x axis and that is exactly what you want now for the thumb i can see here that my thumb is supposed to call into the space okay but the rule is not quite uh good enough so i have to change the row so that my z will point downwards in this direction kind of now to do this click on the bone and then come down to um items and then you can see the rule here so currently we are on a 12 degrees for the roof so i'm going to click and slightly drag until i get yeah i think i like this yeah so if you look at my thumb the thumb is supposed to point downwards not towards this side so i have a usable rule for this bone and i want every other bone to also every other bone from the thumb to also follow this row so it's going to be a bit of work for me to start manually changing the row for each of these bones but it's a shorter cutting blender and this is how you do it you select this bone first hold down shift select the second bone and then select the bone that you've corrected the row last so this bone has been corrected so i'm selecting it last now it is the active bone and i'm going to use the shortcut shift n and i'm going to click on active bone so it's going to recalculate the role for active bone so once i i want you to see what's going to happen just check out what happens to these bones they're going to snap back to the right orientation once i do that so shift n now shift n because i want you to see it okay now you can clearly see it's just look at the bones the bone selected look at what happens as soon as i click on active bone bone they all have a recalculated rule and then the visual effect of that is the bone snapping into position just as the edited bone is uh aligned okay so i'm gonna do the same thing for every other finger yeah so guys here is it i can go back to the stick so we're moving somewhere now we have the face the almighty face okay from the side view are we looking good we're looking good okay so it's time to fix the neck let me come here and then you usually we have a two uh two bones for the neck okay so this is one and this is two for the neck and so i'm going to i think it looks good it looks good so far the head joint is what i need to push up so i'm going to select this for the head and then push it up all the way up to where the hair is yeah just like that now finally the face so this is how i approach the face i have to select everything for the face so i can scale it up all right in that case let me hide this bones here so we don't get distracted h to hide select all then h to hide and then i think i should hide these ones too h to hide i don't think i want to mess with the neck for now so hide those and this one also really has a no use for me for now so i can hide that also and i'm left to the face so it's time to select the entire face rig go to the front view and then scale it up scaling up and i want to push it upwards also so i have my entire face covered this way so this is the first step okay now that i have the joints uh roughly in the right position it's time to go in deeper and then make adjustments so usually i start with every joints that are on the center line and i make sure that i don't leave the center line and the best way to make that happen is tweaking from the side view so i'm going to go to the side view and but first i need to hide some things here i mean everything looks so confusing right now and since i know i have my x symmetry active i can hide every bone to the uh left hand side of the screen which is the right hand side of the character and then focus on the right-hand side of the screen which is the left-hand side of the character so c to select all this and then h to height then okay it's looking a bit cleaner now looking a bit cleaner i hate to hide this one also and um i can leave this i can leave this okay that's that's one then the second thing i want to do now is uh let me start with this right here now take note i just clicked on something and when i move this around you can see i'm just connecting the joints here you don't want that you don't want to disconnect the joints here so the best way to select this is using your c or your b to make sure you select every one every joint there and when i move you can see they are all moving but then i'm moving as a unit that's because of my settings i have up here so i can easily come here and then change the settings to uh median points so this way when you move everything should move right and then because i'm not in the side view you can see that the points are moving crazy so crazy okay so you need to be in the side view to do that i don't want him to move so crazy this way so i'm going to the side view and from here i can push this forward now you can see they are moving as a unit and i'm going to come here to see where i want it to be i want it to be somewhere around this part here the the top of the nose okay so front view push it back somewhere there yeah i think i'm good i'm good now the second one is this joint here i'm going to use my c select that to make sure i have all the joints in there then back to the side view and then push this inward also now this can also help you turning it on and off to see how far you can go and turn it back on okay so i have that for the nose and then i'm also going to use this for the tip of the nose okay so this is the base of the nose let me push this once here see select this select this back to the side view and select this also push this down push this in because this is meant to be the base push this out i'm pushing the base in okay now the tip of the nose see yeah no i'm supposed to move it from the side view yeah so from the side view okay so now you have that now if you look closely selecting the the joints you you see this is zero and that's what you want okay you want the x attributes for the um head to be zero so you have zero here and if you click on this one also you have zero which is a good thing click on this one so you have zero so that's what you want okay so that's that for the nose and i need to bring this down also i'm going to the front view bringing it down to the base of the nose can push it in a bit and then from the side view i think we are good okay all right so the next thing i want to do now is uh walk on the jaw but first i would like to hide the mount because it's really distracting now and then go back to the side view now click on this and push it down so somewhere somewhere around there somewhere around there is fine you can toggle the visibility to see what is going on there now for this i think this is a coming out too much i need to take it back in yeah that's fine and then i think this is coming out also too much i need to take this back in then take this back in okay so when you unhide that this is what you've got now it's time to fix the jaw so back to the side view i'm going to click on this and push it back a bit in okay just a bit this surface or just beneath the surface of the skin so this is going in also this is meant to be here so i'm pushing it in no this goes down here i think at this point i can turn off the axis because it's also getting in the way yeah so there you have that um i think i want to bring this down a bit just oops choose something else reduce the radius yeah i can bring it down okay all right so i have that now the next thing i want to do is uh i think i can hide the tongue for now and it's it's okay so let's work on the brow okay now you you have that it's time to go round this way so i'm dealing with this uh this part now okay okay yeah then the next thing i want to do is uh fix this jaw i think it's poking out [Music] so just it's going to push it in let's see what is going on from the front view push it in just push it up a bit so okay all right so now we are almost there now for this this defines the the jaw open for the character okay so usually i have this base here around the the base of the ear okay this is where the jaw opens from the base of the hair so i try to target that for this and then this one can be straightened out okay and should be around the temple area so let me check it out from the first view from the front view rather and make sure everything is in is in good shape so i'm gonna push this in a bit turn this off to see what i've got okay i'm going to turn it on now you see that so this is where the the jaw would open from so at the end of the day by the time it generates the rig and the the the jaw open is not good enough we can still come back and tweak and then regenerate that's how beautiful uh blendering is in blender okay then for the ears depending on the story i have in mind i usually don't spend much time trying to post the ears sometimes your story would require your character making use of the ears so in that case you need to pay attention to the ears but for me i'm just gonna roughly uh scale the es all right the ears looks good so we're done with the ears we're done with the the jaw we are doing with the nose we're done with the eyebrows we're done with the cheek so it's time to set a set up this other part of the cheek all right that's that and then the next thing is uh to work on the the lips of the character so to do this i'm going to unhide everything i was eating initially and i'm gonna go straight down to the e to the lips select the select the lips okay this is more important now so select the lips and i'm going to hide every other thing yeah because it's time to fix the lips so now the next thing i want to do is [Music] unhide everything h to unhide everything so we're done with the with the lips we're done with the the nose we've not done the eyes i think we should fix the eyes now okay so this is the the check now i'm i'm feeling i need to bring this cheek downwards a bit based on the scheme of things now okay so i can easily come in here go to the side view and then pull this down and in just a little bit so there is no right or wrong way to do things you try things out and by the time you generate your rig and it's not working fine you can easily go back in and adjust so that is what i want you to pick from this very episode okay and um the next thing is to fix the eyes now to do this i want to turn off i want to hide every other bones like we've been doing in order to limit the distraction here so i'm going to select this once i would have to use the c to quickly select uh these bonds then shift h to hide every other bone except for those bones selected so now i have the eyes so now i have that it's time to bring back all the eating uh bones so as you can see talking about uh alignment i like to align this also with this so let me click on the eye spots there and then push it a bit in so let me just okay cool so i think the next thing is to walk on the inner part of the head that means it's time to turn off the body for that and i'm going to select uh the mouth the opposite the tongue and then the lower teeth and then hide every other bone so okay now it's time to bring back the the hair also and you can see so this is how it is so now we we are done um rigging the character and then putting the rig in the right place so the next step now is the step where you generate your rig and this step is very tricky because uh when you generate the rig so many things can go wrong depending on how you've uh positioned your joints on the character so for for us it's time we click on the generate button now to do this you must make sure you're in the object mode because the generate button is dependent on the current mode you are in this is what i mean if i'm in the edit mode the generate button disappears okay and if i want to generate my rig from the meta rig i have to be in either the post mode you can see it's either post mode or the object mode so i'm going to do it in the objects mode so click on generate but before that let me quickly save ctrl s right and then generate so after a few seconds i have the rig here now it looks like nothing has happened other than um seeing this rig and here you can i want to show you where it is this is the the meta rig right and then this is the rig here so just using dots it brings it out so you can see this is the rig this is a meta rig now this is the rig that helps you control your character but nothing would happen if you don't use what they call automatic uh if you don't parent your your mesh to the rig and in blender this is how you do it so you click on the mesh and then you hold down shift and click on the rig and then you use the shortcut ctrl p for parenting now you can see set parent two so you have different uh options here to parents but for our purpose here i'm gonna use the parent with automatic weights so once you click on parentheses automatic weights three things happen the first thing is number one your mesh has an amateur added to it by default now this amateur most times i put it at the top of the tray here that's the first thing that happens then the second thing that happens is that you have a width groups generated for that particular mesh and these wood groups will help you when you want to do your paint weighting and everything so that's the second thing that happens and then the third thing that uh they happen is you have your rig here that was added to the scene also okay so these are the three things that happens now it's time to control the character and you can control the character in object mode i'm sure you know that by now you come to post mode click on the roots for example and then you move so like magic the character is moving around but this is not enough because i mean our character is moving which is fine but the clues are not uh moving with the character okay we need to fix that also that's one uh to do this you click on let me go back to post mode objects mode in a moment and i'm going to click on the character like i said as soon as i created that release that parent relationship between the the mesh and the rig three things happened we have the um the amateur added to the the mesh now because i want this trouser to follow the rig i need to add an armature to it to for it to follow so i'm going to click on the the mesh for the browser and i'm going to go to the modifier and add the armature modifier now i'm bringing the temperature modifier to the top of the tree and i'm going to select the object for it as the rig that i just been added and now that i have that i can then click on the body that has the correct width paint that i need i'm going to transfer that onto the trouser that i also want to follow the weights and the rig so now i'm going to go to the paint weights mode and click on weights and then choose a transfer weight so once you do this make sure you change the source layer selection to by name okay so that's it that's all you need to do now back to the object mode i can then go back to post mode on the rig and this time around when i move the currently the rig of the character the trouser goes along as you can see okay so now it's getting interesting i want to do the same thing for the top of the character also so click on the top add your armature put it on top of the tree then the rig click on the body that has the the right weight hold down shift click on the body you want to transfer the weights to come to which paint click on weight and then transfer weights and make sure it's by name there you have that so now going back to this post mode i can i can move everything okay with the character so now you can see i can bring the character's leg up so i need to do the same thing for the footwear um how much of top of the list rig select the body select the body hold down shift select the footwear go to paint weight weight transfer weights very simple and that's all you need to do okay so now when you go back to the rig in object mode you can move the shoe okay so there's a problem here now and that's because i'm using the mirror on the shoe you can see everything is not working fine right so to fix this i just go back to object mode then i'll select the shoe and here i'm going to apply the mirror so now i have the shoe as one unit okay so i'm going to go to the edit mode for the shoe but before then i want to isolate the shoe and go to the edit mode for the show and this time around i'm going to select let me select it by the face here so l to select all or i can use my c to make sure everything is selected okay so i have everything selected then i'm going to separate it by selection punch p on your keyboard and then you click on this separate by selection so once you do that go back to your objects mode now you can see the shoe has been separated so you have the first one and then you have the second one so this is shoe right so shoe dots r and then this is a shoe left so show dot l okay so i'm going to exit the locale mode and now i have that so it's time to do the same thing just click on the shoe you already have the amateur there okay which is good so let me go to the post mode now and see so that works fine how about this that works fine okay so that's how you do it now now the next thing is the eyes of the character now when i move this nothing seems to happen to the eyes okay so it's time to fix that and now when i move everything works the way it should okay all right that's for the eyes let's see the brows okay so this is this is the brows moving and with which paint you can limit how the mesh is affected or g so now it's time to add to attach the eyebrows also i'm going to click on the the brows and i'm going to add the armature to it i'm going to put it up and rig and the same thing for this also i'm not sure i'm gonna put it up and rig so i'm gonna select the the mesh hold on shift and select the the eyebrow and go to paint weight weight transfer the weight and that's all you need to do so now when you go back to the rig post mode and you move the control it moves okay so i'm gonna do the same thing for the other brow also paint weight weight and then transfer weight that's all you need to do so now when you click on it post mode you can you can move okay so yeah we're getting there and now for the hair because if you notice when i move the the character's head the air is not going along with it so for the hair what i like to do is parent the the head to this control directly that's what i do click on the head there on the character a hold down shift then ctrl p bone so now when i move the head control the hair goes along with it so now we we have the teeth and the tongue to deal with and to do that i can hide the character's body for a moment and then select the teeth i think i have uh the tweet somewhere here okay let me do it here you select the tweets dots post mode select it shift select the opposite then ctrl p bone and the same thing for the lower tiers also select the the lower teeth hold down shift and then select the bone lower it hold down shift then control p bone and now when you rotate the jaw it should follow along so it's time for the for the tongue also yeah for the tongue i would like to hide i like to hide this hide that then i have my tongue all by itself so i can post mode one two three and uh four i'm selecting the wrong thing okay so hide every other bones i definitely don't need these ones too so hide them hide them or better still i can just turn this layer off because i'm done using the layer okay so i have my controls for the tongue and then i have the tongue all by itself so i can click on the tongue here and uh i want you to take note that i don't have any vertex group here but watch what happens so from the tongue here then i i want this to be in post mode select the tongue select this one put it in front two three and four then ctrl p and with automatic widths okay so once you do this you can then go back to the tongue and now i have uh my vertex uh group but i don't want unnecessary vatis group here i only want those ones that affects the tongue and so i'm gonna isolate the tongue then i'm going to lock everything and run this operation delete all unlock groups so that gives me a cleaner slate so then i can test out my my tongue to see the deformation okay you can see now i have a control for the tongue and also if i rotate the jaw the tongue goes along with it okay so so that's good now i can select the the rig and then move it around now you see everything moves around then for the leg also i can raise the leg up okay yeah i can't do that then i can okay so i can i can move i can move the leg you can see that then i can also rotate the feet now okay you can see like i said the point for the hero is just where the initial bone was positioned and then you can also see the bend here okay so the bend here you know i added the the toe bend somewhere here so that's why the feet is bending around that spot then for the bank also let's see from the front view yeah like i said make sure the the bone of that feet is uh approximately the width of the feet to get a better result what else i think let's check out the the ik for the um so okay everything everything looks looks good it's deforming deforming well the shoulders let's see the shoulders okay so at this point you can think about using corrective blend shapes to tweak some of the body parts that are not giving you the right deformation and you can even go as far as doing a corrective blend shape also for it and most of most of the time parts like the mouth would also give issues you need to do correctives for those ones and also paint weight you can see the amount of the character opening okay but for you can see that yeah so you can see this uh triangular kind of uh shape here this is what you get by default from regify more like a pinch at the corners of the mouth but those can easily be corrected using your corrective blend shapes also okay so the mouth is opening fine and then the the sideways uh motion of of the mount is i think it's cool yeah i see it from the side view and then so with a corrective with the shape with a paint weight i can paint out this part of of the head a bit so it's more solid right so alt r okay that's that's cool then the eyelid is another part where you definitely need the paint waiting for so this is what we have right from the the best okay not too bad but i mean you can see that let me bring this so you see it from here okay you can you can see this all okay so you just have to do a corrective to bring a the penetration to take out the penetration into the eyes so that's that's it for the eyelid okay yeah and then for the for the head i think uh we are looking we are looking good all right guys this is what i'm going to call it a wrap i hope you've learned one or two things from this video on how you can read your character using rigify in blender don't forget to like the video subscribe and share this video until next time stay true to your creativity
Channel: Levonotion Studios
Views: 8,636
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How To, Blender tutorial, Nigeria Animation, Africa, Levonotion, Akinsola samson, Shoretire Lydia, Blender 2.9, Rigging, Rigify
Id: IK7gfW_fQwM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 5sec (3965 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 29 2021
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