USB Ports, Cables, Types, & Connectors

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This guy makes good vids. I used em to study for my A+

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/smash64orbust 📅︎︎ Oct 26 2020 🗫︎ replies

Ports cables connectors oh my!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Electra0319 📅︎︎ Oct 27 2020 🗫︎ replies
Hello everyone, in this video we're going to talk  about the USB port, cables, and connectors. Now USB   stands for universal serial bus. The USB is the  standard that is used to connect peripherals to   a computer and it's by far the most commonly used  port. And the reason why it's so commonly used is   because just like its name says, it's universal. The  USB port is used to connect many different kinds   of devices such as keyboards, mice, cameras, printers,  scanners, external hard drives, flash drives, and   they can even do networking and so much more. And  it's also used to charge devices such as cell   phones. And desktops and laptops will have several  USB ports. Now the goal of the development of the   USB was to make connecting devices to a computer  much easier and this is done by first making one   standard connector, therefore eliminating all the  other different kinds of connectors. And second, by   making connected devices easier to configure. And third, to provide fast transfer rates. The USB port   is also hot swappable so devices can be connected  or disconnected without turning off the computer   or the device. The USB also self-configures  itself which eliminates the need for any   extensive configuration or no configuration at  all and in addition to connecting to a computer   certain smaller devices can be powered by the USB  port without the need for additional power cables.   The first USB version was released in 1996  starting with USB 1.0 with later versions   released throughout the years. Now USB 1.0  had a transfer speed of 1.5 megabits per   second. Then two years later in 1998, USB 1.1 was  released and this had a transfer speed of 12   megabits per second. Then in the year 2000 USB 2.0  which is also known as high speed USB was released   and this had a significant speed upgrade from  USB 1.1 with speeds of 480 megabits per second.   And then in 2008 USB 3.0 was released and this  was known as super speed USB. USB 3.0 boasts   speeds of 5 gigabits per second. The high speed  increase was meant for transferring large amounts   of data, such as backing up to external hard  drives. Now subsequent releases of USB 3.0 was   later released such as USB 3.1 which was released  in 2013 and this is also known as super speed plus   USB 3.1 had a transfer rate of 10 gigabits per  second which is double of USB 3.0. Then soon   after USB 3.2 was released which had a transfer  rate of 20 gigabits per second. And in 2019 USB 4   was announced and this has a transfer rate of  40 gigabits per second. Now in addition to the   different speeds of USB there is also different  types of USB cables, connectors, and ports that it   uses. Now USB cables will typically have two  different connectors on each end of a cable.   They will have either type a type B or  type C, with the type A connector on one end   and B and C type connectors on the other end. Now the type A connector is the host connector. This is   a standard rectangular plug that you would plug  into a computer and computers will have several   type A USB ports. And even though this is the  oldest connector type, it is still being used today   Now on the other end of the USB cable you might  find different types of connectors, such as the   type B connector. The type B connector is a square  design with beveled corners on top. Now this is   also an older connector but it's still being  used today . This type of connector is what you   would plug into most printers today, but it's also  used on other devices, such as external hard drives,   USB microphones, and so on. And another version of  a type B connector is the mini B. And just like its   name says it's smaller than a type B connector. The  mini-B is used on smaller devices, such as older   smartphones and digital cameras. But it's being  phased out in favor of even smaller connectors.   And that brings us to the micro B USB connector. The micro B is approximately the same width as   the mini B but it's about half the thickness, which  enables it to plug into even smaller and thinner   devices. It's made to connect to modern smartphones, modern digital cameras, MP3 players, and so on. The   micro B came out in the year 2007 and its intent  was to replace the mini B. There is also the USB   3.0 type B connector. The type B 3.0 has nine pins,  compared to four pins in the previous versions.   And this allows for higher transfer speeds and  to supply power to a peripheral. Now to make room   for the pins the type B 3.0 is larger and has  a different shape than the 1 and 2.0 versions.  So the type B 3.0 connector will not fit  into devices that are made for USB 1 and 2.0   because of its larger size. There is also the USB  3.0 micro B, and this connector is just as thin   as the 2.0 version but it's wider. It's basically a  USB 2.0 micro B connector but with five additional   pins that are stacked on the side of the connector, which doubles the width of a 2.0 micro B. This   connector is used to carry data and supply power  to devices such as modern external hard drives.   and in 2014 USB C was developed and it was  developed with the USB 3.1 standard. Now this   is a thin connector with rounded edges and it has  24 pins and it easily plugs into a port because it   doesn't have an up and down orientation. Today the  USB C can be found on modern smartphones, external   hard drives, tablets, and modern desktop and laptop  computers. In fact it's even used to charge larger   devices such as modern laptops. Now as i stated  earlier, typically USB cables will have different   connectors on each end, with the type A at one  end and a different type on the other. However   a standard USB type C cable will have the same  connector on each end because the type C can be   connected to a host, meaning a computer at one end  and connected to another device on the other end.  So this makes a type C cable convenient because  you don't have to figure out which end goes where,   because it doesn't matter, both ends are the same. But even though that's the typical USB type C cable, you will still find USB cables with  type A at one end and type C on the other end   Now USB ports are color coded which determines  what version they are. Now as i mentioned earlier   a computer will have several USB ports and will  typically have different versions and that is   determined by the computer's motherboard. So here  is an example of the rear input output panel of   a desktop motherboard and as you can see it has  several USB ports with different colors. Now USB  1.0 and 1.1 ports will have a white color.  Now these ports are old, slow, and outdated   and you won't find them on modern motherboards  anymore. USB 2.0 ports will have a black color   and even though they came out in a year 2000, you  will still find them on motherboards today. USB   3.0 ports will have a blue color. USB 3.1 will  have a teal color. And USB 3.2 ports are red.   Now there are also ports that are called  sleep and charge ports and this means that   they will still supply power even if the  computer goes into sleep mode, which means   you can continually charge a device, such as a  cell phone, even if the computer goes to sleep,   which is convenient. And these ports will either  have a red, orange, or yellow color. So thank   you everyone for watching this video. Please  subscribe and i'll see you on the next video
Channel: PowerCert Animated Videos
Views: 1,147,468
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Keywords: USB, USB C, USB cables, USB connectors, USB types, micro usb vs type c, universal serial bus, usb 2.0, usb 3.1, usb4, usb 3.0, what is usb type c, usb connector, usb port, usb type c
Id: pIZREjck9jg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 16sec (556 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 16 2020
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