Widening a Right-of-Way to Expand a Road

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thank you all right guys I'm back over here where I was Saturday cleaning up all this uh underbrush and the full crew is here so uh got Alpha Tree Service here helping me out and they got pretty much two Crews with them they got a chip truck down here or a big chipper that they're loading brush into and they're dropping trees on the right side of the road and then me and two of his guys went through on this side and we got all the ones down um we got to clean up that tree right here so they hopped in the bucket truck going to clean up this canopy here and then clean up that canopy right here and then we're gonna start dropping some of these smaller ones over here and then we'll just pick them up and push them over here on this side so gonna try not to do a lot of talking just let the camera run but um this is uh his big old chipper and they'll just move that right down along the road and then ship everything up and then what they're loading it with is I uh it's kind of it's a log loader but he's like got standards on it so he can set the pulp aside and put it on the truck really slick setup really nice setup for him but they're going to drop these branches here and then I'll grab them with the mini and then um yeah just kind of letting them do their thing and I'm just helping wherever I can and try not to be in the way honestly [Music] [Music] all right [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] right here yeah yeah [Music] oh [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign thank you foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] oh [Music] [Music] by the mailbox huh oh the door in the mailbox oh stupid thing out of the way yeah [Music] [Music] mm-hmm [Music] foreign [Music] nice one [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] guys so yesterday uh when I left off I think we're actually dropping these trees right here but um as you can see it looks totally different so uh honestly it's hard for me to film in something like this guys it's just there's a lot going on and a lot of people and I don't want to be cramming a camera in anybody's place so it just been kind of laying low with the camera and doing my thing but so this side is completely done all the trees are out they're down there loading up the logs right now uh from the ones from this side they brought a wall trailer in log trailer rod truck so um and then got a guy out here grinding the stumps so he's grinding all the stumps down and then what I'm kind of doing is taking the the leaves and sticks and all that kind of stuff we're gonna push it up down there and um make a big pile of it and then load it he's got a big uh walking floor trailer so we're going to stick all that just trashy just this kind of junk like this stuff here you know just trash really and all that is gonna go on to the um hold on all that is gonna go on to the walking four trailer so that's the plan we'll get all that loaded up today so um some guys are down working on dot fence I was planning on doing that but like Hey we're here we can go help you out with that so awesome awesome appreciate their help so much everything is going really smooth so hopefully it just keeps on going that way and no drama so I'm just kind of scraping this mulch up like this where he ground these stumps down let's forget how fine that grinding is up there kind of pushing it all down this way [Music] [Music] foreign foreign foreign thank you foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] foreign foreign foreign [Music] foreign guys so uh this was the D.O.T fence there's interstate 85. you see the sun right there this is uh North Charlotte 85 Loop freeway Loop Spartanburg but anyways um I did all the way up there kind of right in that area all the way down here today that was oh there's a lot of work I actually started probably 10 or 11 o'clock and uh knots guys Alpha Tree Service they went through and did a lot of the trimming along the fence for me so I came in and just kind of pulled stuff back when wrote it up and then mulched it so I got a little bit more to do with the weed eater got to hop on hit some of around these pedestals right here there's a little sketchy down here I couldn't get so just touched some of that up with a weed eater and then there's some signs right over there I got a weed eat around I got everything strapped down and loaded uh job I'm planning on going on tomorrow I need to put new knives on these are pretty dull there's probably a sharpener two left in them um but the material I'm going in I just want to get it done and it's fast as possible it's a lot of hardwood and stuff like that so we'll still save those knives but anyways so let me hop on the weed ear let me hit that spot um I got to go around the stakes just cleaning up a little bit and then hopefully I'll be out of here and I'll show you guys up there at the road I just finished oh I am whooped a long day so I got that trimmed out over there um I just kind of beat it all down I wasn't gonna get into pulling all that out and everything I mean the signs all got to be moved to be able to do the work but there is a lot of trash through here that is not my deal so yep that is it hope you guys enjoyed this sorry I wasn't the best video I know it's kind of back and forth different areas just use your imagination I I kind of was over in one area that I'd film a little bit and then they need me or you know biggest thing is I didn't want to film I don't I don't know Matt's guy is enough Alpha Tree Service uh it's guys enough to run up and stick a camera in their face man I know them but not like that you know it's just kind of um and you know they're busy working and they're not used to that so I wish I wish I could have got more but maybe next time all right so we'll drive out here you guys can kind of see let's saw aside so they want it they're actually gonna be widening this road two feet on either side and then resurfacing it and all kinds of stuff um so this is the section I did today or I just show you where I trimmed out around the signs and uh since I had the road closure guys here they went ahead and closed this Lane off for me that way um because I had to drop a couple branches and Limbs and stuff like that but so yeah this is uh just coming up along the edge here and looking good you couldn't hardly see that before it was just a jungle in there oh please okay it's open good deal so uh we started right here at this end of this guard rail that's kind of where we picked up um the company we're working for Reeves construction they they had some time with their guys and they did in between the guard rail and the fence right there so they did that stuff um about me they had some down time I guess or something but so they're doing all this work back over there for these tilt buildings there's two humongous um big old concrete tilt buildings being put up so the company is paying for widening the road and repaving and all that kind of stuff so truckers can come in and out and it's not going to tear up the road um all the trees that suffered me out of the way but this up here um we're gonna show you they're actually by the time it gets to the end of the road we cleared about 500 linear feet up the road this way and um so by the time he gets down there it's almost gonna have like three lanes at the end you know it's gonna flare out and uh it's it's gonna widen and they're moving their ditches and all that kind of stuff but this is uh this is right where we started that came this morning got the water line fixed everything we were going to do some grubbing as far as pulling stumps out but um most of the stumps were out of the road bed it would just been in ditch area or um or that they're just gonna substantially like there was a few in the new Road area but we just ground them out enough and then but they're just gonna hog that side out you know that whole ditch is getting shifted 21 feet over from Center so that ditch is getting shifted about six eight feet that way in areas like the farther it goes that way I think the less it is actually uh because the whole road is kind of Shifting this way a little bit but this side majority of the stumps were outside of the 21 feet so we just ground all those out um Alpha Tree Service they had a company they used so he he just he scheduled it and everything for me but any of the the stuff that got snagged up in any trees they took the bucket truck and cleaned anything up made it look really nice um there was a lot of Wisteria I don't know if you guys remember all that Wisteria that was up here uh the beginning of the video where um I came in and forcedure molds but we ended up raking all a lot of that out and then hauling all that material off um you know contract was to get it get it fairly clean you know I mean no big stuff obviously but that is pretty much it and like this whole all that's getting excavated down and out and so there's on the edge of the right away but I hope you guys enjoyed that um hopefully we'll do better on the next video if we get if we get up with uh Alpha tree service again so leave a comment for those guys and um hope you guys enjoyed the video and stay tuned for some more I think we got another mulching job coming up uh what is on the agenda and then after that I think we got some uh house demo some Lane clearing stuff like that so it should be a fun project another contractor I'm partnering up with on that one as well so uh stay tuned to the channel and be sure to subscribe if you haven't ring that Bell and leave a comment below and thanks for watching have a good one y'all one last thing um there was a grading contractor up there doing the grading around the building and stuff and uh I brought some cans of fuel I forgot to fill up the excavator out of the the 5500 out of the transfer tank I forgot to do that yesterday so I brought a couple cans went through that pretty quick and uh was getting low on fuel and they had I don't know a couple thousand gallon tanks sitting right there I'll say hey guys can I can I buy some fuel off you and they're like man no problem just help you know get a couple gallons we understand we've been there you know you got to get the job done just go for it so I was like are you guys sure like yeah sure no problem go for it so I want to pump some fuel put up my truck got 50 had a 50 bill in my wallet I went to give it to him and they're like no man like we uh you know contractors look out for each other and uh maybe one day down the road you're gonna you are gonna need some fuel or or we're gonna need some fuel and you're gonna have some something like that or um he said something to that effect he uh man he just gave me that POI I put you know maybe maybe 10 gallons five ten gallons and I'm not sure what it was but uh one of the guys that was there you watch this video so if you guys if you guys see it or if you if you watch this video he watches the channel I should say uh he recognized it and um thank you so much I do not remember the name of the grainy contractor but thank you guys so much and uh you know that's that's really awesome to see um you know another contractor just you know like hey yo buddy you know we've been there we know exactly where you're at and uh yeah just awesome huge blessing so thanks guys [Music]
Channel: Upstate Brush Control
Views: 22,755
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asv rt 120, asv, forestry mulching, clearing, land clearing, forestry machine, mulching, mulched, mulch, upstate brush control, travelers rest, south carolina, tree work, excavator, skidsteer, fence line cleaning, land clearing mulcher, fence line landscaping, forestry mulcher, mulching trees, road expansion, road expansion work, road expansion project, vegetation management, right of way, right of way easement
Id: AS_3bC7mCOI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 33sec (2793 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 24 2023
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