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good Saturday morning everybody it is cold dreary now it's cooler it's like 55 but uh it was like seven it was almost 80 yesterday so but it's kind of cooler out today Jerry Rainey and we are out on a project funny story about this this is this property is just a couple miles like maybe one or two miles down the road from the farm project that I've been working on for the last couple years the guy that owns it actually works for the guy that owns the farm the farm project over there owns that property and small world the guy that I'm working for today that owns this little five acre lot we're going to be working on his wife is John from upstate brush control's cousin so when I came over here to meet this guy and look at the property um we started talking and I told him about the YouTube thing and he's like do you know John Burns I was like yeah I know John and he's like uh yeah he's my wife's cousin so I was like God to be kidding me in such a small world you know so I was like I just bought one of his skid steers from him so a little nugget about uh small world in the project we're working on today but anyway let me show you guys what we got we're gonna be running a little munchy today on the Kubota grinding some trees so let's take a look okay so this is about a five acre property the whole thing pretty much looks just like this it's a mix of uh these sort of uh Pines and gums through here with the occasional you know Maple or oak or Poplar in here but it's mostly ponds and gums all about this size it's kind of like mid not quite juveniles but um not quite full grown like Timber trees and not quite big enough for pulp either but anyway um the only the owners already come through here cut down a lot of trees through here he basically wants me to come through here and this part and just grind all these stumps down so they can actually take their like dirt bikes and four wheelers and stuff through here so through here all the way back so this just runs straight back that way we're just going to come through here and grind all these stumps down and clear this out and try to make this passable these dirt Hills through here like how this goes like this this is going to get a little challenging through here but I think we can make it work it's a little bit I have to take the blade on the front of the Mini knock some of this down but this is a project where the mini is really good where you've got I mean this is just a mess through here without with the ground and stuff I really it's hard to to grind this stuff down with a skid steer trying to go back and forth over when the ground's just a mess like this and working on these Hills and stuff when it's uneven if you've got really nice flat ground you know the skid steer is really good for mulching that but this is mostly kind of surgical work in here so and it's wet and the ground is very uneven so I brought the little guy and uh we're gonna do what we do so let's go ahead and get started hey everybody if you're interested in getting one of these mulchers please contact my friends over at CCE equipment they're a full-on dealer of prenoth Dennis seamoth Vicon loftness as well as ASV and Wacker Newson equipment they carry a full line of stuff they do sales rentals they ship Nationwide if you need anything please look them up and use the promo code I dig it and they will hook you up thanks guys [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] why I'm using the mini through here for these stumps other than big munchie and that's a good question and this is a good example of why as you can see how uneven this ground is through here I mean there's just these massive oh about to fall because I'm slipping only like these just massive humps and hills and stuff like that through here it's so uneven it's almost impossible for me to get that Mulcher head because it's so wide and it doesn't oscillate to get to those stumps and get them down you know below grade or two grade or below grade I would have to basically grind up all of this dirt to try to get it somewhat flat and evenable you know if that's a word or get it even so where I could go over it and get all this stuff down and with that with the head on the mini I can just stick your head right here boom and just pancake these things down like this is kind of like whack-a-mole you know come through here just boom boom boom boom boom and knock them down they it does a really good job on the little ones some of the bigger ones it takes a minute to get them down but if I were to come through here with the skid steer you know that might be as low as I could get that stump maybe a little lower and then it would still be sticking up and you know that's not what they want so you know right tool for the right job you know and and I I don't think this skid steer would have given me a good result in here you know with you know there were some areas down through here where it was pretty flat but you know that whole right side and then this whole front side you know are basically just Hills and humps and just total unevenness and I think all this is from when they dug this ditch right here same thing over there because there was a ditch along that edge so this ditch was probably dug and everything was piled up over here you know and that was that so and all this has grown up since then so that's kind of where we're at why I'm using the the mini over big munchie now would big munchie go through these stumps quicker yes but it would not get them down the way they want them to so little munch it is so if you come across damn it I'm slipping again I was about to kill me get that thing right there look how slick that is hit that gum tree but anyway um you know this is a good tool for this kind of job coming through here through the woods like this it does a really good job where you can just you don't have to track over all this as you mulch you know with the skid steer you're gonna have to go through all that and it's just going to beat you up bad you know trying to mulch over all those Hills and stuff so anyway my two cents we'll get back to mulching let's get to it [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] everybody we are pretty much done I'm just going uh making my way back around trying to clean up any little sticks or stobs I might have missed or stumps I might have missed but I got this whole area in here ground down and cleaned up and uh yeah this is looking good it's got the whole Trail all the way around this is about five acres here got all that done and we're just cleaning it up as I work my way out so yeah a little Munch did a good job in here some of the flatter areas like through here and in there the skid steer I think would have been fine but again going around this front area where those and that side over there where the ditches were just would not have worked so you just wouldn't have been able to get those stones down I would have loved to have both machines in here today and just really wasn't feasible um to do it that way and so the mini was really the best option to get the desired results even though it did definitely took a little longer on those stumps but I wasn't able to you know I was able to get all of them you know with the skid steer over there and in the next to those ditches I just wouldn't that wouldn't have been possible so we would have done these areas really well but those other areas would have looked like crap so that way it's a little slower but we were able to get everything so yeah looks good I guess he's gonna burn that stuff I'm gonna say they're gonna burn all this but the stumps was the the main thing that they wanted done so came in here and played whack-a-mole today or whack a stump and we got it done so all right this is my favorite kind of days to be out working nice cold or cool or cold and cloudy and overcast I love it favorite favorite days to be out I'm trying to enjoy every one of them that I got when it's 55 60 degrees out before summer comes and it's 90 and the bugs are swarming and humidities 80 percent and it's just miserable out so I'm enjoying enjoying this weather while it lasts so hope you guys are having a great weekend and more stuff to come and I will catch you guys later bye everybody
Channel: IDigIt4
Views: 140,605
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IDigIt4, Munchie, mulcher, mulching, forestry, forestry mulching, Al Bladez, Dirt Perfect, letsdig18, Prinoth, M450e-900, outdoors, landscaper, landscaping, heavy equipment, operator, Kubota, U55-4, excavator, mini excavator, satisfying, relaxing, ASMR, time lapse, transformation, disbelief, land clearing, trail making, trail building, homestead, stumps
Id: hU5Zva0xyzI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 56sec (1856 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 14 2023
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