One Stuck Taco

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foreign we are all loaded up good morning we're going to get a Toyota just buried in the muddy river looks like yeah kind of like a river bottom Sandy muddy mess quicksand is what he described as we have both trucks on the trailer we are heading for Goblin Valley State Park over here by Hanksville so we're gonna drive through the desert and through lots of nothingness yeah so yeah it's on my way to a bachelor party and uh I was following some text message directions and took the wrong dirt road and got stuck in some quicksand all right we are on the move haha there's a tow truck hiding in the weeds right there I guess we're going this way right here so apparently 16 miles down this road on this road it's soft oh yeah didn't trade race us a lot of times they try and race you maybe we're not going fast enough yeah that's what it is [Music] like spaghetti strands we were driving along we're like we need to lock the hubs this is pretty soft in here and then we're like wait a second we can just turn on the rear locker and then we'll have four-wheel drive power wheel drive and boom smack an action quick as that we'll name that one Eileen hey Arlene [Music] uh you're okay yeah straight ahead [Music] uh yeah [Music] looking good on this side [Music] all right we see the vehicle it is right there and it looks pretty stuck he must be a fast hiker because that seems like quite quite a distance for a four hour walk yeah I was doing pretty good that's for sure a little over uh just over four hours whoa yep yeah yeah it's a lot wetter than it looks turns out that's muddy river oh the muddier Forever This is Muddy Creek Ah that's why there's mud in it gotcha okay I'm not being a smart ass that's really the name the other side's a little more dense and pushed down I think what we're gonna do is put blue right here okay put the hitch in see if we can pick that up and just swing it yeah up out of here and get it up onto this I was just straight chilling out here yeah I had a half bag of beef jerky and a bag of tater tots that was it that is it do you have enough water and yeah yeah I still have a couple gallons in there oh looks like they're digging out the max tracks it's getting serious Here Comes Sean [Music] [Music] coming good [Music] shovel no we got we got two of them right here we shall build a road and get my hey dad's money yeah they're not rated for this kind of work [Music] all right that's gonna pull it up and over so I think that's all right go ahead and go out all right in you brought the keys right I got the keys yeah okay good all right um just go backwards see if we can get the tires to spin break loose all right perfect is that one moving can you see I cannot I can get over there let me run around all right yeah we got the front one spinning though okay go ahead Sean [Music] hold up okay Sean good there give me one second um yeah go ahead and go down all right Sean go ahead and uh now you turn and pull forward yes [Music] oh [Music] thank you [Music] okay help out a little over there round you back up [Music] there look at those big muddied mess holes it's pretty stuck [Music] good okay come this way a little perfect all right you're free [Applause] see I knew we'd get to go fishing today [Music] it's time [Music] you take up the tail cool all right so the biggest thing out here you've got to kind of watch your surroundings so we're gonna watch which this wash does run water you can see the marks you see recent marks where there's been water raging through here so it's not about whether it's raining here as if it's raining Upstream from you and these it's hard to tell out here because these streams wind all over the place and whether they're going that direction or that direction and especially when you're in the wash listen for the cracking logs and debris flowing down in front of a flash flood all them dark clouds up there and that's like small streams anything like any of the trails like concrete you're running that and then the water starts Rising you want to get out of the creek bottom you know get up out of there because you could start flooding some serious water real quick we've seen what happens with that yeah end up swimming with the fishes yeah that was a relatively recent Rock fall you can see where the road used to go in the wash not no more now it's over here okay [Music] he wants to race there's another one two of them I was going he wants to race people ain't oh yeah he's on it's a good race Antelope oh there we go um we're back on the trailer first uh first big recovery with blue I think he did pretty good I don't know where him with us no it does what to do traction boards helped out we're gonna have to wash those when we get back but topped out a lot with the mud that was that really thick gooey I don't know quicksand maybe but just come on how to do Sean you drove it was pretty good yeah got the rear Locker the transfer case we got to figure out I think I figured it out yeah that's a win we're back good job Mike good job Sean let's go get some food yeah so where he's out today it's Monday morning me and Mike got a job well we got a recovery yeah broken ball Giant on a jail top of the world and so we have a jail that still has some ball joints left in it so we're gonna go get those out of our used parts vehicle and then we're gonna take them up there and put them in and let them drive it home we smoked them a while ago they're gone side by side people nah they got a while not bouncy at all that one was a weird one it's funny Sean was just like I wonder where they're at and then we like come around this corner there they are right there oh here we go we'll check it out yeah so here is one of the earlier this is the challenge this guy is broke all right cool I disconnected the tie rod and loosened up the caliper hammer you guys see a lot of a lot of broken ball joints in a word yes it is a common situation in fact these ball joints are in back order because they're just always a challenge the wife's laughing in there [Applause] father and son and whole family and the 90 year old grandma in the car no way she wanted to get out and you know this is pretty jostly but she was having a good time excellent and they gave us some some water and food okay a bag of potato chips I think the near future somebody's gonna have to offer something in the way of a stronger ball joint all right how's your piece she is broken hammer foreign so we just had three go by we got sounds like a handful more coming there's just a lot of traffic on the trail today so yeah that's the upper ball joint looks like it matches but look at that right there snap and then look at this one yeah it doesn't have that undercut that's a weak spot yeah so this is the lower all right so Sean has upgraded to uh dad shoes as well oh yeah Bingo look at that back together things are really looking up all right as far as uh this Trail repair is coming along foreign I got tired of holding the camera so he took over so we switched jobs yeah there we go you guys are ready to go now you guys won't miss it I don't think well yeah all right good luck have fun drive fast take chances he's all set look at him he's ready to go all right and then uh we're gonna boogie on down the trail after him and Mosey on down out of here I guess yeah all right so update we are still driving down the trail past the Yoda group yeah they're from Nebraska they're angry yeah we waved and they were like no waving and waving and they weren't having it they were like no we don't wave we don't wave we're not the kind of people for you what was that nice I don't know we got some spicy noises going on under here we might have to investigate we're gonna pull over and check it out see what's going on so we almost made it to the road Mikey's pulling the rear drive line because opinion is coming loose on the rear oh Mikey yeah look it's happening see it's happening and hopefully we can tighten up that nut a little bit or we'll be hitchhiking Down River Road yeah well I'm gonna go as far as I can then I'll start hitchhiking yeah Sean's the better looking one he'll probably get a ride first yeah one time I was hitchhiking Down River Road and uh pull up like the Subaru had stopped on the side of the road and I thought they were stopping to let me in but they were just stopping just cuz we would get to see me yeah and I uh run up to the door I'm all excited I'm like oh yeah cool and it was these two older women and they looked horrified that some guy came running up to the car and sped off like peeled out and sped off like they were scared to death at me but my thumb is bigger now so maybe it works better I don't know well at least the nut moves when the pinion moves now so this the big nut right there was definitely loose like you could move the Yoke and the nut wasn't quite moving yeah those put Driveline back on and see what happens see what happens all right we're back on the road oh you got some some dirt on your hat there oh yeah we haven't heard the noise since since you know like 50 feet back when we started moving again I guess yeah I'm Trucking down this road on the road again off to lunchtime lunchtime check it out the movie I don't know what movie movie set another one oh yeah go get some movie food eat some celebrities who am I getting on it there it is you got it right there it looks okay yeah yeah looking good looking good all right so anyway Swedish Fish
Channel: Trail Mater
Views: 171,305
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: kZydjAcVz3c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 20sec (1160 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 29 2023
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