Wi-Fi 7 就是神!我用 TP-Link Archer BE550 實測飆速 2.3Gbps 我該升級嗎? | 連上它就天高認鳥飛
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: XFastestChannel
Views: 16,289
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: XFastest, XF, PC, Desktop, Computer, Computer DIY, Component, Case, Chassis, 機箱, 機殼, Accessories, Personal Computer, Audio, Speaker, ARGB, RGB, Gaming, Computer Hardware, PC Component, Game, Mod, Modding, watercooling, cooling, PC Modding, graphics card, VGA, hard drive, ssd, motherboard, power supply, psu, fan, Gaming Monitor, Monitor, CPU, AIO, 主機板, 滑鼠, 電腦, laptop, gaming, 電競
Id: 1AL6HsMVdaM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 4sec (664 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 11 2024
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