Wi-Fi 7 Mesh 誰最強?這次玩 TP-Link Deco BE85 超狂無線 7.7Gbps 高速回程
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Channel: XFastestChannel
Views: 19,352
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: XFastest, XF, PC, Desktop, Computer, Computer DIY, Component, Case, Chassis, 機箱, 機殼, Accessories, Personal Computer, Audio, Speaker, ARGB, RGB, Gaming, Computer Hardware, PC Component, Game, Mod, Modding, watercooling, cooling, PC Modding, graphics card, VGA, hard drive, ssd, motherboard, power supply, psu, fan, Gaming Monitor, Monitor, CPU, AIO, 主機板, 滑鼠, 電腦, laptop, gaming, 電競
Id: _ApOy5m7dFo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 1sec (841 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2024
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