WiFi 7 is FINALLY HERE: ROG Rapture GT-BE98!

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I'm getting that 600 in well out in the garden so Aces sent out this just shy of 700 gaming router they reached out to sponsor this video with one request my honest thoughts now the question is is it any good well today we're going to find out and every router starts at the unboxing [Music] experience now if you watched any of my networking videos in the past you'll know I'm not a massive fan of Combi devices like this what's a Combi device well it's a device that's got everything built into it Allin one so a network switch and an access point but this one although it's got a 10 gig switch built into it Wi-Fi 6 and seven I think it's big enough to Warrant the space to do everything really well now whilst we're on the topic of design as well again not usually a massive fan of external antennas when you can pick up an access point nowadays which looks a little something like this you don't see any external antennas on this however with this being Wi-Fi 7 I'm going to reserve my comments because there's that many Wi-Fi bands built into this router I'm sure there's a rhyme or a reason to have eight antennas this big sticking out the side of the device and now the juicy stuff around the back I've got the power brick plugged in here we've got a USB 2 and 3 port for external storage and connecting USB devices and then here this is where this gets really interesting we've got a quad L setup here but that is actually a 10g ethernet port 10 gbits per second and it can be used as onean or Lan and then on this side we've got two more L ports one of them is a standard 1 gig port and then this one is apparently the gaming Port again at 10g so as far as future proofing is concerned and 10g coming into people's homes yeah this should have you [Music] covered now I know setting up a device like this can be quite a daunting task for those of you who aren't educated in networks but ases have made this quite simple you either put the IP address of the router into your web browser or you just go to asis.com whilst you're connected to this and then it brings up this splash page I'm going to go advanced settings here and here we get to choose an operation mode now this is really cool this isn't just your Standalone router you can configure it in numerous different ways if you just want to take advantage of the incredible Wi-Fi performance this has and you've already got a router you're going to use AP mode and it can also be used as a Media Bridge or an AI mess which is actually asus's mesh technology so you can buy basically numerous Asus networking products and actually mesh them together to create one large largest seamless Network around your house for this though I'm going to set it up in the default mode wireless router mode and here we get to choose our connection type so I've actually got this router connected into a 2 and 1/2 gig switch at the moment so I'm going to choose the 2.5g Lan one and I'm going to choose automatic IP for my DHCP and now we get to go ahead and create our wireless networks that this device is going to give off now as you can see we have 2.4 GHz 5 GHz 1 5 GHz 2 and 6 GHz so I would recommend having a separate name for all of these networks so you can make sure as the end user you know what you're connecting to and then love it upgrade to the latest version very good Asis and without out the way the firmware update is complete my first WiFi 7 router has been set up I have an iPhone 15 Pro Max here which isn't capable of Wi-Fi 7 but does boast some pretty impressive impressive Wi-Fi 6 e speeds up on that 6 GHz Spectrum so let's connect and do some speed tests and then I've also bought in an older WiFi 5 router this is a ubiquity amplify and we'll do some tests side by side with this [Music] thing so I pay for 700 megabits per second into this house that is my internet speed so if we can get all of that over Wi-Fi I'm going to be happy test bit R go up that's just absolutely mental 860 70 880 that's almost 900 Meg I'm getting more than what I pay for so now into the conservatory which leads on from the main Studio Let's test my bit rate I'm still connected to the Wi-Fi 60 and it's just absolutely Bonkers 800 in the room next to where the rout is that is insane okay so outside in the garden I do want to make this quick because it's 2° here in the UK I'm still connected to the 6 GHz Network coming off the device in the studio behind me and as you can see I'm getting that 600 in well out in the garden that is insane I've still got full signal as well three bars on my iPhone and I'm stood in the garden yeah that is that is impressive and I feel like it's a combination of those external antennas which not so fond of I am here though and that WiFi 6E in the 6 GHz [Music] Spectrum whilst we were stood in the same room you can see that the speeds on the be 98 were almost double that that the Wi-Fi 5 gave us 463 versus 887 moving further away away into the conservatory the Wi-Fi 5 pushed us a staggering 305 megabits per second where as the b98 managed to maintain the entirety of my internet connection coming into the house 871 and then moving outside for test number three on the wifi 5 we only managed 82 megabits per second whereas on the Wi-Fi 6 we got 694 so all that's to say the new generation of Wi-Fi whether it's at 6 GHz you're talking about all Wi-Fi 7 it's definitely a leap in performance versus the older Lego y stuff to ride this home further I also did some tests with a Wi-Fi 6 AP from alter labs and you can see all of these results on screen now this is the result close to the router this is the result in the conservatory and then as you go outside you can see that the Wi-Fi 6C or at the 6 GHz Spectrum we are pushing some mad speeds versus the older standard so the question is it better the answer is yes [Music] so when you go to asus.com and the rout is all set up this is what you get displayed with a live graph of what's going on on the network you also get your average ping in response time which is absolutely awesome so you can quickly look at this and decipher where the lag is coming from on your network if we were to have any problems whilst gaming we could come on here and say okay it's not a problem with the internet connection because our average ping is 21 milliseconds it's going to be something inside this house that's affecting us so all these tools are going to help you pinpoint where problem areas may occur and let's say it was one specific device on your network hugging up all the bandwidth and making your games lack well you'd be able to come on here and see where that Network traffic is coming from and how much is being used in real time really neat now there is a physical button on the actual device labeled LED but in here you can actually go ahead and choose what that physical button on top of the router does I've got it to turn on and off the LED logo on the top now this AI mesh is something that Aces have had in all of their products for some time and this is one of my favorite features that Asus has at their disposal the reason I really like this AI mesh feature is because let's say you upgrade to this new device but you've got an older ASUS router kicking about and you may think it's now obsolete because you've got a new one well if your older router supports the AI mesh which a lot of them do you can go ahead and use your old router in AI mesh with this new device therefore it can act as a wireless access point to expand your Wi-Fi coverage which I think is awesome and there isn't many other manufacturers doing this anything to stop working Tech products ending up in landfill for me is massive so well done Asus if you wanted to add one of these nodes you can simply go ahead and add a node here you can also do system settings where you can turn on the ethernet back hole so if you had another rout you could AI mesh it to this one so they talk to each other wirelessly or you could wire them together with an ethernet connection which is obviously going to be far superior than using Wi-Fi back call now I'm always going to be clear with you guys gaming features on routers are usually a little bit of a fad however ases have gone about it in a bit of a different way here level one here is you've got that gaming Port prioritization now that is a physical port a 10 gig port on the back of the router what Asus is saying is any device that's plugged into this port will go ahead and get priority over the rest of the network so this is where your gaming computer wants to go now level two game packet prioritization let's go over to the game boost section now you see here it's asking us to enable qos let's go ahead and do that now qos is nothing new it stands for quality of service a lot of people will aim this at Gamers because what it's going to go ahead and do is actually limit the entire Network's bandwidth to make sure not not one device on the network is going to hog everything so let's say we've got two devices on the network one person that's gaming and one person that's downloading something if the one person downloads something and saturates the network the gamer will start to lag however adaptive qos here will make sure the person that is streaming isn't able to suck up the entire network bandwidth leaving just a little bit of bandwidth for the gamer to make sure that they don't lag but this takes it a little bit of a further because you can go in and actually specify what type of web application you want to have prioritized now I mentioned that Hardware Port on the back which has got priority over all of the other ports there's a software version of it too so you can go ahead and add a game device so if I click here I can go ahead and add let's say my MacBook Pro obviously I'm not gaming on this device but if I add this as a priority device that now means that this device my MacBook Pro gets priority over everything else and last but not least they give you an internet speed test which is built directly into the router powered by none other than speed test.net themselves so you can go ahead here and run a speed test directly from the internet to the router to make sure there's no bottlenecks and like I said before troubleshoot your network so as you can see I'm getting just shy of 900 to the router which is really interesting to see that we were basically getting that over the Wi-Fi 6E as well now this game radar is kind of cool although it is a slight bit of a gimmick you can choose certain Game servers here and then it will go ahead and send pings off to those game servers so you can literally see what your ping times are like to these specific Game servers so you can see here that I'm getting a significantly better ping almost 10 milliseconds in fact to This Server by all of the others which are in the 30s and then other than that it's basically just just standard router settings you can go to the wireless here go ahead and change all of your wireless names and passwords words and as you can see we've got them all separated which I love to see you can go ahead and set up a segregated Network for things like guests or iot devices so if you click on the guest Network Pro here it gives you all of these options you can actually create a guest portal which is basically if you ever logged on to one of those Wi-Fi places in like a coffee shop and it brings up a splash page you can do that in this device which is really awesome and if you are using this device for gaming something I would recommend doing is going to the openn here and turning on port forwarding this will make sure that any of your games that are trying to open ports to get out to the servers they will be able to do that you can also open that and port forward with a load of built-in games which you can see down here they've got a massive stack of games so what are my final thoughts of this device now obviously this thing isn't cheap I'll put all the links for you guys down there in the description this thing is really really powerful it's got the latest specs in it as far as Wi-Fi is concerned that being Wi-Fi 6E in the 6 GHz spectrum and the latest standard WiFi 7 as well as that ethernet it's also really future proof you've got 10 gig in on the one side as well as numerous 2 and 1/2 gig land ports and some 10 gig lamp ports as well if you have a device with a 10 gig lamp port on it in other words if you purchase this you shouldn't need to upgrade for a very very long time building upon that as well I really like asus's AI mesh feature I was actually expecting not to like the design of this thing because personally I prefer networking products that are designed slightly more sleekly however I 100% appreciate that this device has been made by Rog I think what I'm trying to say is Asus really get away with it here because the whole thing runs with their Republic of Gamers theme I've unboxed so many Asus products over the years and even this product the unboxing experience was stellar and this device is packed full of features to keep your network up and running for years to come guys I'm going to be doing loads more networking videos throughout this year so if you're into that sort of thing please get subscribed but for now my name's been Alex this has been techflow and we'll see you in the next one [Music] peace [Music] a
Channel: TechFlow
Views: 55,933
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: techflow, techflow review, New tech, new technology, alex brooks, marzbar
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 38sec (878 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2024
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