Why Yuji & Sukuna Cannot Coexist

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with the second season of jutu kaison currently running and one of the best fights in the series coming soon I thought it would be the perfect time to speak briefly about Yuji mahito and sakuna and how the mindset and Narrative of all these characters allow me to believe that Yuji could become somebody who not only surpasses sakuna in strength but in mentality as a sorcerer becoming something sort of another Divine figure in Jutsu kaisu but allow me to lay out the foundation of my claim starting with mahi when mahito enters his story he's a curse who is fundamentally different from the others this being due to his ability to perceive the soul and couple this with being the embodiment of human resentment he's naturally both a very powerful curse and a curse who's born with a very Twisted out look of humanity and I believe that such a unique Foundation was what allowed mahito to have the scary potential he did when mahito speaks to June he Sally explains him that everything has a soul humans ants and even plants all have souls and the only thing that humans have over anything else is their capacity this capacity has allowed humans to create a reason as to why their lives are valued the most over anything else but from maho's perspective as a curse with the same intelligence as a human it's that humans are no more than another organism with a self-righteous attitude about their existence with that being said we fast forward over 100 chapters all the way to Yuji versus mahito where mahito sets up no bar to be eliminated right in front of Yuji and Yuji temporarily loses to will to fight and maito takes this opportunity to beat him up pretty bad and while doing this he tells yui this you are me eugi tadori I kill without a second thought just like how you save people without a second thought the instincts of a curse against a so-called dignity attained by human reason it's a battle to determine who will be standing in 100 years when mahito says this Yuji is a declaration against his self-righteousness that humans have defined as their laws of Good and Evil what allow allows Humanity to preach themselves as a sacred life form as they go around and exterminate curses without a second thought do they not all bear souls in the end but this is just what mahito believes in the same way that Yuji believes that all human life should be cherished and protected as mahito told Yugi that this is not a battle to fix what's right or wrong but a clash of truths and whoever wins this Clash of truths will be quote unquote correct it's a brief reminder that only the winners write history mahito wants Yugi to understand understand that there is no right or wrong the only thing that humans have over every other organism is that again that they have conscious thought and can conceptualize their existence and the Nuance of it and with this Advantage humans have essentially taken over the entire world and even consume lower life forms such as animals and plants because they're on top so what's wrong when curses want to do the same they have sentients and thoughts so where does this human dignity come into play when faced against an alter alternative form of humanity do not misunderstand though this is only to lay the foundation for mahito foil toward Yuji to help Explain why both mahito and Yuji Clash so much and eventually explain how they're so similar I believe that there is truly no correct answer when it comes to Yuji versus mahito and that the only thing that matters is themselves this is why after mahito lces black flash on Yuji it stated that the Sparks of black do not choose who to bless clarifying to the viewer that the world itself does not believe anyone is right here nor does it hold a bias toward any of them as this battle reaches its climax yui toori Pummel mahito relentlessly and forces him to evolve as a curse manifesting a completely upgraded form with a mask similar to those who have transcended maito here has realized his true form as a curse through both coming close to death and wanting to kill Yuji with his own hand more than anything even forsaking the goal of converting sakuna to his side he asked Yuji here to wish him a happy birthday as he completely Taps into his self-indulgence something to add here is that this was where mahito had entered a growth rate an Ascension that he would go nowhere but up from mahito likely would have gone to grow at an even faster rate than he was throughout the entire series and none would have been able to stop him maybe with the exception of Yuki but mahito operating at 300% of his normal capacity does give him a chance to survive long enough for another Evolution but thankfully Yuji lands the black flash on mahito defeating him for good the Sparks of black that mahito grasps to destroy yuji's will chose Yuji to prevent a horrible future from reaching this world as Yuji finally closes the battle he tells mahito that he was correct I am you I wanted to reject you convince myself that you were wrong but that doesn't matter now I'm going to kill you even if you come back as another curse I will kill you change your name change your form I will kill you again I don't need to find a meaning or Reason maybe 100 years after my death the meaning behind my actions will become apparent in the grand scheme of things I'm nothing more than a cog but I will keep killing curses for as long as I can that's my role in all of this Yuji confirms what mahito said about the Battle being to determine who will stand in 100 years but he also confirms that they are the same he didn't want to admit it but to grow as a human he had to there are self-indulgent geniuses who must simply do what they feel as if they must do and Yuji actualizes this by guessing what his role is in all of this and refusing to think any more of it very similar to how sukuna portrayed the origin of his existence when faced against kosimo as kosimo ask sakuna many questions sukuna gives kosimo the bare minimum the absolute truth and nothing more to it he simply wants to act and teach kosimo by doing so although Yuji doesn't care to teach mahito anything here he does give mahito one final answer and moves to finish him off in a similar manner at the end of it all Yuji and mahito both believed in the rejection of their counterparts mahito hates humans due to his Natural Instincts as a curse taking absolute joy and torturing them relentlessly despite ironically being known as the human curse this humanlike curse whose greatest asset of change and adaptability comes from being created by the malice of humanity in the first place whereas Yuji tadori who contains the greatest curse of them all and is everything curs related but a cursed Spirit at this point in the series this despises curses and absolutely refuses to accept them but the reason why mahito had to be crushed By Yuji here is because this is as far as mahito could take Yuji as a character at the end of the day mahito is a curse and thus cannot reason the same way that kenju and sukuna can although those two are not very reasonable they do not rely on their instincts alone they Ponder certain questions they entertain others philosophies and even engage in a little bit of debate when it came to mahito there was nothing swaying his hatred of humanity nor would he ever recognize any flaws in his own philosophy due to him being a curse whose Foundation relies on the hatred of humanity I also believe that maho's time was up with the introduction of choso as yuji's brother despite yui's complete rejection and hatred of curses he's essentially forced to understand and cherish choso as a sibling who is a special grade curse himself mahito would not be able to grow as a curse in this way as he's either betrayed threatened or attempted to betray every human he's worked with in the series whereas sukuna was able to acknowledge and go out of his way to understand his opponents after defeating them and despite kaku's obsession with the evolution of humanity he admits to takaba that if something were more interesting he'd redirect his attention so in my honest opinion this is why yui had to move on from mahito at this point towards sukuna and eventually Kaku Eugene sukuna share an interesting dynamic in sukuna is rightfully the next step in challenging yuji's ideals where sukuna expresses his interest in every single human saying that they're all so unique that he'd be able to satiate himself until the end of time he finds Yuji endlessly boring and it's almost natural for him to express this toward Yuji whenever they confront one another interestingly enough this boredom is pointed toward yui's self-indulgence in his purpose to exterminate Every curse these core traits allow Yuji to relentlessly trudge through everything sukuna could throw at him at this Point As Natural as it is for sukuna to live as a Calamity doing whatever he wants whenever he feels like it there are many times that this stumbles upon yuji's own territory of self-indulgence his own natural feeling of protecting Humanity people will say that this is due to him being a jiujitsu sorcerer but he jumped in to fight a curse to protect others before becoming a sorcerer and knowing what a curse was so he had these traits at least before he was a sorcerer I want to even go ahead and say that Yugi is extraordinarily selfish and was some sort of a modern day sakuna from what we've seen from all his pre Jutsu sorcerer moments he displays interest in only Yuko because of her handwriting and how she carries himself and expresses it as straightforward as possible when asked about a potential love interest he doesn't really care for what his peers think and only chose Ozawa because out of all the girls she had the most interesting qualities nothing else when faced with amay he crushes all the bullies around him with ease and absolutely No Remorse and naturally questions amay if he wanted to be next and lastly in chapter 1 when the track and field coach was settling the terms and conditions for their Showdown Yugi had only accepted The Showdown the moment he heard the only thing that he was interested in without even letting the coach explain what he gets if he were to be itadori eugi in all of his flashbacks did whatever he wanted and reacted to things that stood in the way of him doing what he wanted Ain to how sukuna carried himself in a ha on ER and with the way that you was built he could have easily amassed wealth fame or whatever he broke Olympic records at 16 years old and this could be a bit of a reach but Yuji could be the modern era sukuna as sukuna was built overwhelmingly Superior to everybody and everything around him in the haon era Yugi seems to be the same in the context of the modern era where of course there is way more peace in a regular functioning Society whereas in the haon era jiu Jutsu and curses ran a m in battle determined who was Superior the modern era has way more factors than just raw strength and Yuji seemed to be perfect for someone who could become somebody who's ridiculously successful with almost no effort I will even use all these flashback moments as a foundation to a mini theory that Yugi itadori was saved by his grandfather cursing him with his final words these final words being you're a strong kid so help people it doesn't have to be everyone just whenever you can you may feel lost don't expect gratitude just help them when it's your time to go make sure you're surrounded by others don't end up like me we see these words come up in chapter 1 later on when yuji's well aware that he's risking his life when attempting to save his friends he's reminded of megamy telling him to stay behind but he says what am I doing what am I so afraid of death I can somehow feel death from the school I'm afraid of dying I wonder if Grandpa was scared of death probably not I cried because I was sad not scared the death I face now and Grandpa's death how is it different you're a strong kid so help people these final words come upon Yuji once more and there will push Yuji to go against every fiber in his body and March toward death for the sake of others so I do believe that his grandfather's final words play a huge role in a lot of his actions from here on out and that these words may have prevented him from becoming someone who entertains her self-indulgence like sukuna and maybe even lead him into the path of a jiutu sorcerer in This Way Eugene suuna are two sides of the same coin where again sukuna does not care much for his own origin when questioned By kosimo Yuji shares the same attitude ignoring his grandfather when he attempted to share details of Yugi's parents with him and instead dismissed them by telling him he doesn't care twice they're both naturally self-indulgent to a point where they've both decided to disregard the logic and potential truth behind their existence and actions they simply move forward doing what they want without bothering to consider the future one bit but they're twoo existences who violate what the other stands for by simply existing and they cannot coexist due to this what sukuna declares to be natural is what Yuji considers to be spreading misery when Yuji resembles the peak of humanity through his indomitable willpower sukuna for The One and Only Time declares him to be boring these two cannot reason with let alone understand one another as when Yugi questions cuna's actions in 214 zakuna states that it's only natural for anything beneath him to be crushed and that anything beneath him should spend their lives stifling their Misery by increasing their strength whereas Yugi on the other hand believes the morals that we all do the modern humans are not brought up and defined by endless battle they are brought up by prioritizing society and bringing values peace and opportunity to all whether they have power or not as Yugi hears what sukuna says he decides to ultimately give sukuna the same judgment he once gave to mahito and forgo all attempts at communication from here on out as Yuji accepts that he can no longer coexist with sakuna he declares this by pushing sukuna to stifle his own misery and sukuna accepts his declaration by telling him to come closer for how similar both Yuji and sukuna are I do believe that Yuji can reach sua's level and with this current purpose this desire to kill sukuna above all else will be able to propel him past sukuna Yuji seems to be the only character in the series who seems to at least have the potential to reach the level of self-indulgence in existence that sakuna and mahito do all the while maintaining a purpose to actually drive him forward he naturally protects people because he wants to and because of his grandfather's curse subconsciously pushing him to alongside an unbearable hatred towards sukuna one that even has him stayed outright that he would do anything to kill him now I'm not sure how Yuji will actually reach zuna's level maybe with the usage of binding vows or just pure raw hatred but it's possible I also believe that mahito a curse with the potential to surpass sukuna and having the same amount of self-indulgence as him being yuji's foil in The Narrative of jiu kaisen also displays as an indicator for the potential of Yuji surpassing sukuna and once mahito had reached his limit as a character he had to be removed from the series to wrap this up the narrative has recently been suggesting that the characters who hold this air of self-indulgence to Simply live as befit their nature and primarily in the present are the ones who will stand above the rest so I'm certain that Yuji himself can't eventually get up there with sukuna however J kaen is very unorthodox and I can see Yuji even matching sukuna and yet still dying at his hand but if I had to bet on anybody here and now it will be ug Dori all right that wraps up the video um hopefully you enjoyed I this is a little different right I'm narrating differently more than just outright storytelling I'm kind of like speaking to you guys let me know if you guys rock with this you know I want feedback on all of my videos so I can constantly make them better and constantly keep you guys engaged with the content with that being said thank you so much for watching all the way through have a great day and I will see you guys all in the next one peace out oh yeah and I hit 20K thank you guys for all the support there I have to have to shout that out in the video I want to shout out my milestones in videos so like you guys do know that I really see all the support I really just want to make sure my audience knows I I I'm really grateful for you guys with that being said peace out [Music]
Channel: Hundred
Views: 525,511
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kenjaku, Top 10 strongest jujutsu kaisen characters, Yuta vs geto, anime balls deep, gojo vs kenjaku, gojo vs sukuna, hakari, itadori, jjk manga, jjk manga spoilers, jujutsu kaisen, jujutsu kaisen explained, jujutsu kaisen manga, jujutsu kaisen season 2, manga dub, megumi sukuna, sukuna, sukuna vs gojo, sukunas binding vow, yuji, LEAKS, kashimo, kashimo vs sukuna, cursed technique, gojo returns, jjk 240, jujutsu kaisen 240, 240, mahito, mahito sukuna, jjk 241, jujutsu kaisen 241
Id: mJq_bAKt530
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 0sec (960 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 05 2023
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