Why your new roof leaks (Roofers on Reddit hate this guy!)

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boy you guys aren't going to believe this one where do you see this flashing job all right so Sun's getting warm already we get a nice week ahead of us finally without all the rain but we're going to be up here fixing this flashing disaster uh so yeah brand new roof uh young kid in town came put this roof on guy really liked him he hired a team of uh you know they all sub nobody does their own roofs anymore around here um they just subcontract the um this guy said there was a group of Guatemalans uh that did the roof uh super hard workers um but they don't understand lead work I don't think just looking at this um you know when you start to understand how water runs downhill you know like this is the top water wants to run downhill and when you lap the lead backwards like look this piece of lead is higher and and water can run behind this lowest piece of lead it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to most people so then you start to think well maybe they just have no idea what the heck they're doing um so all this lad's coming off shingles are all going to come off uh I think yeah so I've got to take all these shingles off down to the valley here these Peak shingles those Peak shingles and then on that side so I'm going to have to buy a couple bundles of shingles some hip and rid shingles look looks like this one is just an architectural shingle they put on there it's not even a red shingle um yeah and so you know as you can see it's a brand new roof they upsold them on the lead and the guy said well sure you know why not you know if I'm doing the roof I'll do the lead so it all lasts you know a long time but then you know little do they know it's going to it's going to just start leaking yeah look at the silicone on here okay let's take a look so I got to get a scaffold set up on here too the roof is uh a little steep it's not too bad um the problem is I'm right in the middle of the valley uh you get a chimney in the middle of a valley it's going to be hard to flash it's going to be a problem for most people um setting up scaffolding here I have to figure out how I'm going to set some scaffolding up here I need a I need a platform to work off of so I'm going to have to spend some time and and figure out how I'm going to get some staging on here uh or maybe maybe a couple pitch Hoppers one on that roof one on this roof plank across I can use that area there as my platform probably okay um all right so let's take a look uh there's one type of silicone here oh look on top of right on top of the other type of they put cheap silicone that turns like this nasty white color on top of like you know better silicone that stays clear um and then we have this other stuff that's not even silicone at all it's some kind of I don't know poly earthing something or other feels like it's actually pretty good stuff um obviously it doesn't look good like I don't know why people would ever think that like oh let's put this stupid white color on a brick chimney or black or whatever like you know and so we have this stuff which is just like tar some tar from before I wonder if it leaked a little bit before they did the job too um so yeah this is a cheap silicone you can see how cheap silicone just kind of like rips apart uh the better silicone is very it doesn't just rip apart it wants to stay together and keep pulling and keep pulling um so on this side look at this so we have this stuff which is like um this is a polyurethane sealant I think I think Loctite makes this somebody makes that it's kind of like a silicone I suppose it's black some tar old tar new kind of tar yeah I mean it's just gross and now so I've got to try to I can't make this look I mean maybe I can make it look good I don't know like there's tar all over this thing so now when somebody tries to come and do a good job we have to I got to try to peel all this stuff off here look they've even sealed up all these joints so like if any condensation Gets behind here which it will because chimneys will just uh you know behind the lead it's going to it's going to condensate like water gets in there and needs to get out now it's all trapped it's trapped here and it's trapped here so how does the water get out this you know this gets moisture behind it it does like chimneys condense on the inside moisture tries to push to the outside and now we can't get any air to keep it dry so yep well they made their money on the upsell they got the lead job um these cap shingles that that looks pretty squash I want there's something up with the ridge here on this side cuz you look it's all kind of flatten down it's like the wood comes up to here and here like I don't know I don't know uh this is really that is ponding water right there for sure like there's water holding on here and it doesn't look like the way it's set up water can just run out so I'm going to raise that up and make it so water can run out um yeah and the chimney doesn't look I mean it's this doesn't look like it's just it doesn't look the best but it's got the old look to it ah these flu are way too high it's got this stupid custom cap that does both flu so the flu are just mashed right together here like they that's not sealed up 100% so uh what I'm going to do is cut those flues down we'll get a custom cap on here that covers the entire chimney these flues are just gross like uh that one has a lot of glazed on Kaa so this one not as much uh the flu aren't in the best shape so they're both going to get liners that fit their wood stove sizes uh one of these goes to a fireplace this one goes to the fireplace um but except for they have a wood stove in the fireplace on the back side of the smoke chamber they piped in a thimble for a wood cook store in the kitchen okay so the fireplace isn't usable but that's goes to a wood cook stove that they love to use uh uh for heat in for cooking throughout throughout the whole you know cold season this one goes to a wood stove in the basement does most of the heating um that wood stove down in the basement is an old Ashley and it's a pig it is literally um you know you can see when you have an inefficient wood stove this is what it look I mean it just it's nasty so you get like all this stuff hanging on here this is why efficiency is important in wood stoves you know we don't have all that unburnt fuel going up the chimney just sticking you know so but that's you know the liners are on on order the cap is on order uh not doing any of that stuff today we're doing this uh flashing uh and we got a late start typical I feel like I've always always got a late start going you know it's after 10:00 now I just got here just got a couple ladders going so this is the best I could come up with on the Fly trying to just make a quick setup to be able to work this uh I do need a platform though so I did bring my scaffolding up just so I could plank out a platform so I could put all my debris and all my shingles and everything on it I hate just having stuff stacked everywhere on a roof that's um plus I need somewhere to cut my ice and water Shields in my lead and uh it's nice having a platform to work off even though it's not a steep roof it's just it's still nice to have a platform where I'm not going to damage the roof um so I just cut a couple of these of my older plank at some 45s and got my pitch Hoppers here and this how I'm going to run it going throw uh some of the moving blankets on each one of the roofs and that way I don't wear them out I don't like to track on the roof too much so I try to be like super careful cuz if you walk up and down this uh you will start to see some wear and tear on it uh okay here every roof I'm on I find knife marks from the roofers they knifed that shingle and they didn't do anything about it they don't care um usually around chimneys or wherever they're doing a lot of cutting you'll find uh you'll find some kind of knife marks look at here there that one's right through look at the shingle the shingle actually moves do you see that the Bott it actually they slice right through the layer the bottom layer moves and the top one doesn't that one's right through and through and then look at this they knifed it there as well what a bunch of beauties um yeah you know they're always in a rush which is the shame uh these guys that come here they're like the so these ones were the Guatemalans and uh you run into them here and there uh not trying to get into races or anything but these dudes that come here are such hard workers um and the shame of it is you know there's always a white guy that comes and runs the job doesn't do a darn bit of work and he runs these guys into the ground and the only time they ever get Praises when they do when they get the roof done in one day and the homeowners are always amazed how they get the roof done in one day you know it it'd be nice to and they so in my area what's going on is the roofers always the white guys you know the roofing company is the white guy they're the guys that stay on the ground in the truck and watch the watch everybody work um they don't do anything they're just a middleman sometimes they're a translator um and and these poor guys they get up here and they just bust ass and they get these roofs done the only time they get praise is when they get the roof done in one day um I'd love to just they get $150 a square to strip and re-roof strip all this and re-roof 150 bucks a square uh that's typical in my area and the roofers are charging $1,000 a square to strip and re-roof which is just awful like I'd love to see these guys like make more money like you know I'd love to start a roofing company that was like okay guys I'll give you $500 a square to strip and re- roof it better not take you one day to do it you make this job take two days and make it the best thing you've ever done in your life you know and then maybe just give them a little bit more training on how to do flashing and stuff like that um you know it's too bad the world we live in everybody has to be so greedy um and God they just they just take advantage of these guys and I hate the business model because they're the ones doing all the work they're the hard workers you know and they're the ones going home empty-handed at the end it's just it's just not fair um we shouldn't be rewarding the guy on the ground doing the least amount of work you know this is this is this is why I have such a big problem with roofers right now they're just they're taking advantage of people in a hard situation and I just I don't care for the business model so anyhow yeah this is the setup so uh I've got some moving blankets a step ladder down to the other moving blanket down on my ladder um we got that plank there holding me off the edge of the roof so I'm not damaging the of the roof uh now I'm going to start stripping lead that lead's all got to come off the shingles all got to come off and uh then we're going to make a run get some Edge metal and hopefully find some of these shingles these are Owen's Corning shingles um I'm hoping I can find them easily cuz they're just they're they're like this brownish color uh sometimes these off colors are hard to find so and this roof is new so I have to match it okay well I've just started ripping into it barely started ripping into this I got a couple of these cap shingles off and look at what we've got here we've got this plywood that is so far away from this wood over here and that's why we're looking like we got a big flat spot here um and some insulation out of that but look at the lead okay they put this lead on here right I don't know if you can tell what that lead's doing but we're relying on this cheapest silicone here this stuff that turns white is so cheap um and once that starts to lose any kind of bond with the cap shingle here which it will because you know we're moving and you know we're expanding and Contracting at different rates it will separate um yeah what's to stop water from just from just working right into this hole you know it doesn't take much to think about this stuff ahead of time it really doesn't and then and then we got nails like right there okay if that water's ponding you know it's going to get through those nail holes why wouldn't it uh just you know some really simple stuff easily avoidable but these guys are moving so fast that they just can't I suppose they can't stop to think about it and then you look at these bends that are like you know what is that bend that's cut all the way back to the corner anyway like it doesn't have coverage why would you cut it all the way to the corner like that so yep that's the first that's the first major problem we'll see if uh see if I run into anything else I just wanted to mention that these Owens Corning shingles um they have this sure nail strip on here it's like a strip of fabric reinforcement that with a nail it's super hard to drive the nail through um you can see this one in here actually went in pretty hot uh when I say hot I mean the sometimes the uh compressor kicks on and it starts shooting at a lot of PS I um like the regulator doesn't doesn't hold the gun in the right at the right PSI uh and some guns shoot deeper than others like I know the Hitachi guns work really well um as far as setting the nail and it'd be super hard to drive through through a shingle with a Hatachi nailer um but these sh nail strips actually work really well to hold those nails and make sure the shingles hold down and you can tell like when I'm trying to pull this off you know I've already pulled on it it will come off but you know the the resistance that it has like I'm pulling on it the you can hear it the resistance it has compared to other shingles uh is much better uh and the other thing that I wanted to show you was look like look at this like what look what I've just found in here so this shingle here like what in the world has happened here I like you can't see this stuff from you know there's a shingle laying on top of here you can't see this so when I pulled this shingle I'm like what in the world is going on here like this shingle was just like knifed over at an angle here which you know I didn't even notice it before which I don't know how I didn't notice that curved cut in there but um they just kind of like hook bladed it over at an angle to try to match the angles on here maybe uh and they've got this slice in the shingle here I have no idea why why but look they've tried to silicone it all up like I mean this is comical like what in the world was this guy thinking like here we'll pull this one off if we can yeah this is this is definitely one of the pluses if you go with the Owens Corning shingles is is they hold really well high winds uh this is a perfect shingle for high winds as far as the outside of it um I think it probably wears the same as other shingles uh I don't know but yeah so what in the world I've never I've never seen anything like that I don't know why I don't know why we're like that can see that that seam landed on that nail but we were covered here huh why like why in the world it doesn't make a darn bit of sense to me I swear this is how when I open up roofs sometimes and when I go look at jobs I tell the homeowners I know it'sing brand new but I have no idea what is under here I have to pull it apart to find out what's under there like you just don't know even if it looks good you just don't know once you get into this stuff you're like okay now it's starting to make sense like you know this coverage to here from here to here we only have an inch of coverage on the lead you know one inch of coverage overlap isn't enough on lead it's just not you can't make it 1 in um I always shoot for 4 in you know sometimes it's a little bit less sometimes it's a little bit more depends on how every step works out but 1 in is definitely not going to be okay um and then so look they've got this piece that came all the way to the end here uh but but now look this lead doesn't even go up over the the peak and it's not covered so we really don't have any coverage here uh you'd need you'd need to put another piece of lead in uh beyond that to cover this area a little better we've already got some Nails rusting out here so this roof is brand new but the nails are already starting to rust on it here um so obviously water was get definitely getting in on this side here look at that that's the slice where they slice that shingle with the hook blade they slice right through this underlayment they didn't get this ice and water shield underneath if you can call it ice and water Shield they use the cheapest garbage you can put on there um yeah so I'm getting into this Valley and there's some funky stuff coming through here so to figure out what's going on with this Valley too yeah so and then look at the coverage that we have here so if you look at coverage in a way that you're looking at from the distance from the chimney out this way okay we have a lot of coverage that way not so much this way we have one inch that way you know I can eyeball that's about an inch um this one has a little bit more coverage this way but now if you look at it off the chimney um you know we're getting less here with that one and then even this one is even less so if you look at that off the chimney you're only two Ines from here to from there there to from this point to the chimney even though it's got more overlap this way uh it has to be you have to be covered this piece of lead would have to continue down more to get you need that coverage off the chimney you can't just put 2 Ines there and think that water is not going to get behind there it will so just something to think about when you're putting flashing in um you know doesn't when you when you look at it after it's done doesn't make much sense like we we need to be out here with with with our coverage you know you'd like to get at least 4 in out here as well as you know 4 in overlap oh my God I just had a wasp land on my face man I'm finding all these little uh little tiny flies nesting all underneath the shingles here I don't know why there's so many here but it's kind of strange okay I've started ripping this side apart and just like I said do you see all that water that's holding up behind here okay when you do every shingle underneath and you start tarring your Silicone in those shingles this water gets trapped in there it can't drain out if it wants to the water wants to come out and you've just plugged it so uh not a good idea to seal stuff out to where water can't get out um or air can't get in uh sometimes like you know behind the flashing like the air it'd be nice to get a little air in there so it didn't hold the moisture uh and then if it did want to leak out you you got to give it room to leak out so this is interesting here look at all these rusted Nails here um this is the spot where there was the two shingles that had oh it had like there was a couple tar spots on that that's right that's what was here I'm wondering what that was they must have damaged them and then put the tar on top of it after I think that was I think that was here cuz theyve got all these rusted Nails right here which is strange um everything seems to have stuck down really well uh so I don't know also you know this roof is not vented so I wonder I wonder why somebody wouldn't overlap their underlayment over over the top you know same as over there why wouldn't you just overlap the underlayment there's no vent this you know the it's a log cabin with wood ceilings and styrofoam and there's no way to vent it so uh strange why why stop why stop here you could have a nice overlap look what I just spotted here too I'm looking at the step flashing going up that wall and they stopped it right there I can see wood up against the side it looks like huh they stopped the step Flash and they didn't get more pieces in there I don't know why so they do have some uh decent ice and water Shield under here it looks like um I've never used this type but it seems to be rubbery and stick pretty good I don't think you could tear it by hand like this other like this other stuff here um it seems like it would have been a great opportunity to put it up over the ridge here maybe you don't need to but seems like it'd be a good spot to do it uh so they had this Valley and they put a piece of lead in for the valley I suppose I could get behind that but why stop the liad there why not run it up over that that area right there I don't know uh so plenty of coverage under the roof here this one has about 2 and 3/4 inch of coverage here maybe somewhere around there so not so bad uh let's look at these ones oh this one this one doesn't have much inch of coverage on that one H maybe it's a little more in here um let's just pull this right off here well you can see the moisture in there already see how that's just trapping water in there this is why you can't seal stuff up 100% you're just trap in water water will get in you you aren't going to stop water from getting in it needs to get out what do we got here okay all right well they have a piece under and then they put a piece over that's the strangest thing why would they come back and put a piece over like that oh my God that's disgusting in there you got to be kidding I got to deal with this stuff gross Ah that's why they have this piece over cuz they got this huge area that they were like let's just roll a bunch of tar in there stay up there dude couple inches of overlap on that one and then this area they were like they came back probably after it was leaking tarred it all in added a piece of flashing maybe I don't know tar is not a good way to fix motor joints that are bad though that's terrible now I got to I got to try to do something with that that's so gross ah I hope you can look at this side and understand that uh this piece is way short just like the other side that you would have had to put another piece of leg in here that comes all the way back up into here we can't just have the lead stop here I mean how would water not want to just get right behind that piece doesn't make sense you need another piece like just because this piece of lead touches the end doesn't mean you're done the lead has to go beyond the end all right so I just pulled this piece of lead out I might have mangled it a bit but you can see the bend on it okay that's where the silicone or whatever this stuff is off the front and you can see the bend so I'm going to go in here and I'm going to show you how much that goes into the chimney okay I can't get I'm having a hard time with one hand but but really it goes into the chimney what seems to be like if I go all the way against we could call it 3/4 of an inch even though it feels like it's a little shy 3/4 of an inch into the chimney uh that's not not enough it's just not 3/4 of an inch uh these people probably came up here with a 4 in grinder and just used that to try to get it in water will absorb into the brick work 3/4 of an inch in no time whatsoever and be behind that lead flashing so uh I don't know in my opinion it's just not enough 3/4 of an inch is is like is kind of pointless something else interesting I just noticed is so you've got this Valley piece of lead coming down and so the idea is that water is it's just exra protection in case water gets here and it shoots the water down the lead right uh but but look at this this piece of lead actually dumps under under the shingle here and under the lead here so that lap is actually reversed as well which I don't I don't know like cuz I I suppose it might help for some of these people to like a water bottle on a roof and just like dump water you know just dump some out of a water bottle and just so it could just understand where water wants to go when water's running down the roof and I think if you just dumped water here you you'd see water wants to get under the shingle and go under the roof like I don't know how you could look at that and just be like that's a great idea let me just put that under like what I don't know I just scratched my head so much at this stuff okay same thing with this corner here this is on the lower corner this is the one in the valley and then when you get to this higher corner here you can't just stop the flashing here at the turn you got to you got to get it higher you got to get a little higher here um because this isn't high enough like this water can get in there and get under all that so you need to up here um you know I don't mind the weak spot in the corner if you if you do it right but you need that piece up there boy look at this one this one is only 716 of an inch on that bend it's just so minimal water will absorb right behind that through the brick in no time whatsoever you get a couple heavy rains it's going through it it's going to be right behind not sometimes when you get in these jobs it's just it's so gross that you don't even know where to start like I got all the shingles off all the flashing off and then you look at it and it's just like it looks like it's been saw cut for lead before and then they saw cut it again this last time this is the original lead here uh obviously this thing's been a problem probably since day one anytime you get a chimney in a valley uh it's trouble uh these ones are the hard ones so uh you know you just got to take care and make sure you get everything right it's not that of course you know when we leave here this chimney is going to be watertight but you got to slow down around them and do it methodically you have to think um so you know we're going to get it right but we just got to God I don't I don't have enough stuff in the truck to do this like look I got to fix I got to fix all this stuff because it's problem you know and we're not going to leave it and just hide it under the lead like everybody else wants to do because we're not like these guys cut into the brick and they're real high like that's so high like what do I even do to make this look okay you know like I can't I I just can't make it look okay I I just don't freaking lost here so many people have come and done it wrong over and over that they've done all this stuff now like what do I do I try to chip this tar off of here and the silicone and you know I got to spend time to do all this stuff it's just discouraging you know you think you can get into a job and get it done and now this job turns into a nightmare I always I already knew it was going to be difficult because it's in the valley and uh now it's a nightmare and I got to deal with it and I'm just going to have to take my time and make sure it gets done right you know it's going to take longer than I was hoping I'll be here tomorrow too which is business sometimes so you know you just got to you got to be okay with that and uh sometimes it takes more than a day to do something just just a lot of grossness ah and uh you know you got to charge enough money for the job like you don't have to price gouge but you have to charge enough money to cover you if you get into this stuff so um you know I make decent money doing this stuff and if it takes me a little bit longer it doesn't hurt as much as somebody with employees uh where you get you got to pay the employees to be here for an extra day um so I make enough money for me but you got to think about that stuff when you're in business for yourself you know if you run long on jobs you don't want to lose money on them and you want to be able to you want to charge enough money to where when you run into this stuff you can still do it the right way you can take your time and do it right you don't have to rush through it and try to hide stuff with silicone or tar or whatever you know um one of the things I notice here is when I pull these caps off that this piece of wood here is much higher than this piece of wood here on this side uh so you can tell it drops pretty much a whole entire brick so or more it might be um 2 and 1 half to 3 in drop from here to there so instead of build this up in the middle what I think I'm going to do is try to just uh get this piece to pitch that way and Pitch everything towards this Valley um not typical but you know it I'll I'll just I'll fill this in a way where where it can pitch water like that um but before I do any of that I've got to I got to fix all this mortar and garbage that's going to be underneath all right I'm back from picking up material I was able to find some shingles and uh got a some Edge metal and stuff I ended up picking up one of these chisels uh it's just a wood chisel uh to help me chisel out as much of this tar as I could you know the problem is this tar like I can't just use my grinder up against it cuz my grinder it won't touch it especially when it's thick uh you just can't you can't grind into it you can't cut into it and I want to flatten this all out and I still haven't figured out what I'm going to do to make this look good cuz it's just the thing looks awful so I'm going to to do something but uh just getting ready to clean this stuff up going to grind it all uh and then I've got some quick setting mortar that I'm going to I'm going to patch some of this stuff up with get my Edge metal on get my ice and water shield on um it's going to be it's going to be late day here I'm probably going to work probably till dark um but yeah I'll show you it looks like it's not so bad just some big some big old motar joints and stuff I got to fill um so yeah I'm going to try to get my grinder clean this stuff up uh parge it up with the rapid set stuff and then and then I get ready for some ice and water Shield all right well I chiseled the tar off I ground the faces of the brick to get the tar and the silicone off uh just just Ed my G my diamond uh cup wheel right there the cup wheel on the grinder uh I did take the faces off um so and I decided to grind out some of the joints I just I can't deal with how bad it's going to look on top of my lid so uh you know the chimney it's built really rough anyway so uh but the guitar and just the disgustingness I had to get it off I couldn't deal with it I didn't plan on grinding and joining it but uh it's just something I had to do for me maybe the homeowner didn't care so much but I just I I got to make it look a little better than what it was going to look um that's on me uh I'm not going to charge I don't charge anymore for stuff like that you know it's nobody's fault but my own that I'm grinding it and repointing it you know had I thought I was going to do that originally I might have charge for it but uh no big deal I don't charge more than what my estimates are um if I run into trouble it's on me uh okay so I just got to Chisel these head joints out a little deeper um I got I miss that one I got to get that one uh but you see these these Cuts in the brick I'm not going to cut back into the brick like that I just well you can see how crooked and a of level their Cuts were um pretty rough stuff uh so what I'm going to do is I'm going to fake these brick in um I am going to cover them and just to get a shell back on the outside since I took the fire skin off um I'm going to cover them and then I'm going to put some dye on them to make them uh kind of match and look I mean they look you know they're I guess they they match fine now but they're just a little bit they're little bit kind of pitted if you can see the the pores you know when you take the skin off you open the pores up like that um so it'll be a little bit more likely to absorb some water um so we'll try to just finish it off so it's a little smoother a little bit more resilient on the outside than leaving it like that and then we'll point it in uh I'm just I don't have any motar on me because I wasn't plan on pointing it but uh the tar is miserable to get off it's disgusting I hate when people put tar on chimneys like you know it just you can't do anything about it this liquefied it reifies and just like sprays all over you um I can't even you know ah it's just gross but anyhow now I've got it to a point where I'm like okay now I can start to work with this it starting to look a little bit better it's hard to believe that it actually looks better now after I just ground the faces of the brick but uh yeah I'm just going to fake these brick in and this way I don't have to go real look at my glove it's just covered in freaking tar disgusting um yeah this way I won't have to go as high with my flashing like like look how high they went with that piece of flashing that's ridiculous you know I'm not going up that high uh there's no way it just kind of takes away from the look of it all but you know part of the reason why they went that high is cuz they used the wrong size flashing you know when you use 12in flashing you got to go that high so I'm just not I'm not coming back through here with 12in flashing it's a steep roof it's probably going to be 8 in FL flashing I might use some 10 on the on the corners like here and there but the rest will probably be eights well I've gone around and coated this whole thing um it's just starting to harden up a little bit right now uh so as it hardens up I can kind of flatten this stuff out a bit um and now I've just gone to mix a little bit more of this uh rapid setup there stff is of stuff you can buy at Lowe's it's made by quick crate it's a quick setting motor it's like 17 bucks a bag uh all in all it's pretty easy to work with I actually like working with this stuff it doesn't set up uh as fast as some of the other quick sets do um so you know if if you want something to set up real quick uh you might go get the Home Depo brand because that stuff sets up pretty quick this stuff has like more working time and it doesn't it just sets a little bit slower so um I suppose if you're a homeowner you'd rather have the bag from Lowe's than than the bag from Home Depot um okay so what I'm going to do now is I'm going to start faking in some of these brick uh so I've got this rapid set and it's mixed kind of kind of loose and I'm going to start uh filling some of these joint joints some of the some of the saw cuts right and and really what I'm going to use the most is this is this sponge this is just like a grout um like a stucco sponge this one's old and beat up uh but basically um going to just smear the face of the brick and and I probably will wet this stuff down a little bit more and I'm just going to work it to like so this will Coast this will Co the face of the brick and I'm going to try to just push this stuff in not with my finger I'm going to grab a tool in a second but it's hard to film everything while I'm holding it uh I'm going to make sure these joints are nice and packed so they don't try to recess on me cuz if I don't pack it then it will like leave a little line in there um so just keep keep filling it until you're until you're full and then this will flash like a white color you know when this dries real fast uh you can see it already starting to lighten up already where you go thin and I'm okay with that that's actually what I want it to do um I want it to flash over and then when I come back tomorrow um I'll be able to stain that brick and get it to be like a brick color uh and we're just you know we're just faking these in because these brick kind of suck you know they're all chipped up and you know have broken pieces broken Corners so I got to chip some wiara out of that one before I fix it um yeah so I'm just going to focus on the brick and then I'm not doing anything with the repointing right now I'll do that tomorrow all right I have forgot to add that uh with the sponge I'm not just sponging it on but like I have a bucket of water here with the sponge um so then I can I can actually like sponge this stuff uh like so um and then also right before I hit the brick with with this I can always sponge it down and get a little moisture on there I don't need a ton but um yeah so a little bit of water in a bucket and you're that's what that's what these sponges are for these stco sponges you you use them with water you keep them clean and then you come back and you and you sponge stuff you know and it helps to flatten all that stuff out I'm just finishing up the sponging on this uh you can see that this St is getting pretty hard I've got the bricks pretty much all face I just got to finish cleaning them up cleaning the edges up uh they're going to get pretty ugly as they start to flash this gray white kind of color uh but I'm okay with that I've got the pores pretty well sealed up this stuff gets really hard so uh it's okay for the face of the brick but under no circumstance should you try to Joint any of the motor work that's going to show with this type of stuff uh it's way too hard so we need the we need to make some softer motor to go in between that way when the moisture gets in there the moisture can get out uh because the moisture is not it's not going to be coming through the brick this brick is going to definitely be holding the moisture in now um because it's kind of you know it's a high PSI mix so uh fine for the face of the brick but just not for the joints uh if we did the joints with that then we'd have these brick blowing up we'd have the motor joints blowing up it's just too hard when the moisture gets in there we need drainage uh that motor is going to provide us with drainage you know provide provided we we use decent motor good type end motor that's going to drain not typ ass motor typ ass motor doesn't drain it just leads to problems uh okay let's take a look around it's still dirty I'm going to wait a little bit this stuff still still a little damp so I'll wait a little bit and clean clean up the the roof deck here and then probably in about 15 minutes this stuff is just going to all be white um it's it really starts to heat up when it starts to go uh so this is what this side looks like you see I've got it ramped here and this is like this is really hot I just put this on I have a piece of scrap lid that I put under here um because I just didn't want this stuff going into the house uh so it's on top of a piece of lead here uh and this is going to be our little ramp uh to pitch the water that way so you see how these are just a bit aggressive with the Brush Mark or with the uh with the sponge marks uh I'll be able to like sand that down so it's a little bit of a finer texture like that brick you know even if I just use my hands it gets finer um but obviously I'm not going to use my hands because I don't want to wear out my fingertips uh so yeah I'll I'll come and uh I got to open that joint up a little bit too so it doesn't look like one continuous Breck I got to clean that up cuz that was a Jo a good joint this is a good joint so I'm not repointing that uh I just got to get some of this gray off there and expose that joint again uh it's easier to do it like this rather than uh try to point it in and then do it you know it's a lot easier to uh stain the brck and stuff when I'm not having to worry about motar uh in between so I've got all the edge metal on and now I've got a I just cut four pieces of ice and water Shield I don't have much time the camera shows it as brighter but man it's getting dark out here the sun's gone down I probably got another 20 minutes a daylight and I got to try to get this uh watertight before I leave okay I got it all on um I can barely see with my my phone so I had to zoom in a little bit so it brightened it up but I just got to go along the top and silicone the top cuz uh it's kind of chilly out here now it was hot earlier but uh this stuff does not like to stick right now so it's actually really nice to put on except for the corners won't stick so I got to go seal it up with silicone and uh I'll be out of here I just left this on the roll I got a couple are around the other side of the peak uh it's overlapping this piece here but I leave the wax on it um we're not supposed to get any rain tonight just trying to be uh sure that if we get a little bit no water's going to get in uh use the back side of this wax paper or the back side of the grace this this wax paper to kind of help button things up a bit so yeah all right well it's a long day and uh be here in the morning trying to trying to get this flashing on get this roof done
Channel: Chad Vaillancourt
Views: 4,274
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 48min 0sec (2880 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 13 2023
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