Why Your Mc Command Center Is Not Working On Sims 4 | How To Install MCCC 2022

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hey guys welcome to another video um i wanted to basically spend time on this video going over um mc command center because i noticed that i was getting a lot of feedback on the first video that i had did on mc command center on how to download it i really wanted to use this video to cover deep and within it like you know exactly what you should do to make sure this is downloaded properly i'm only speaking on experience i tell you guys all the time i'm not like a pro pro when it comes to this stuff i am a gamer to a certain extent i do know a lot about mods uh but like i said i'm not a pro so if i don't have all the answers to you guys particular um situations please be understanding and just know that like i'm not a tech guru you know i can only show you what i know and help you from there okay so what i do know is that um i noticed that a lot of people were saying that they're downloading the mod it's telling them the mod is on there and all of that um but they're not able to see the commands or see the mc command center pop up and ha and be able to play it in game play so i'm going to show you guys exactly step by step what i did this video is for those people who are like first time trying to install a mod um first time trying to work with mc comment or you literally have been going through issues with mz command center and you want to see if maybe this is the issue that um is yours and you want to solve it okay um so i'm going to show you exactly how i did it i literally just downloaded it again just to like make sure that you know there wasn't any non-updated content that they had that wasn't working or anything like that and it worked perfectly fine for me so i'm going to show you guys what i did i'm going to make sure that i get the nitty gritty of everything that you want to make sure you do so you don't have problems and if you've done all of this and none of it is working and especially if you guys are watching any of my other videos and you feel like you're still lost or you don't know what you're doing i highly highly suggest going to you know the mod creators discord the mod creators website on there they have forums and things that you can add yourself on and ask specific questions designate it to your specific situation because we all have to keep in mind we all have different computers we all have different games like uh some people have sims 4 legacy edition some people have the older version of sims 4 so it's not it's outdated it's not even updated some people have the sims 4 updated version some people didn't even update their sims 4 because they took their updates off there's like so many different situations and scenarios some people have hp some have mac some have pcs you know so it's like um we all kind of go through different things and that's why i want you guys to know you're not stupid you're not any of those things some people are like calling themselves stupid and stuff guys it's literally just one of those situations where you're doing something that's new you're trying to make it work and you just have to solve the the problem of what what's the issue okay so um i will provide a time stamp as well for those people who are like you know hey i need to just get to the point i want to know how to fix this um so you don't have to hear me rambling but i just wanted to share this with you guys so that way we could get to the nitty-gritty and everything like that um so let's go ahead and get to it now um what we're gonna do is we're gonna go straight to my videos i wanted to break this down for you guys right okay so this is the first how to install mc command center that i've ever had okay um you know this is the first one that i made pretty much um and i did it on september 20th 2021 um i highly recommend with any youtuber or anybody you're watching to learn something about mods try the best you can to find something that's updated or that just came out a while not too long ago because nine times out of ten mod creators and all types of things happen and they change things in their mods and stuff like that and you just kind of don't want to waste your own time okay so knowing that this video came out on september 20th and um i made a whole new version so if you were watching this first version if you're having issues that's nine times out of ten why because you probably went straight to the mc command center website to download it and still we're having issues so all you have to do is just open the description go into the description below and then you can select the second video of the updated version which is right here okay you select it and i'll open a new tab alright so once you get to the updated version okay there are still people who said that they went to the patreon they downloaded it and they're still having issues okay um so i want to go i want to go in and cover that for you guys immediately um so here's the website that i automatically go to to download any mc command center updates i don't go to their website anymore i come straight here so if you go you guys don't have their patreon their patreon is listed right here in the highlighted section that i have up here um i'll also provide the link in the description as well please from now on don't go to their website unless you're trying to find their forums and discords and stuff like that so you can contact them then i understand but i would highly recommend going to their patreon another thing i highly recommend if you're one of those people who've been just trying things trying things you're watching multiple video after multiple videos on how to install mc command center you just don't you can't catch a break you don't know what the problem is you've tried everything i highly recommend spending that three dollars just to become a member with them and possibly contact the mod creator or get some of their discord links or whatever it takes because if you really enjoy playing sims you're really getting frustrated i want you to be able to um have an option to to you know be a winner in when it comes to sims you know and having mods so it's highly recommended to make sure that you find some type of uh contact information for them okay i also wanted to show you guys this is my twitch channel so my twitch channel is simplicitysim just like my actual youtube channel so if you guys want to follow me on there that's another way for us to engage with each other you can ask me any questions i'm i'm going to be on the computer playing sims so you know if you guys can catch me on on there or follow me so you can catch me on there if you have any questions about mods or anything like that that you would really love to ask me and just you know get help i can help you right then and there like i don't mind pausing i know i'm i will be streaming and stuff but i don't mind pausing to show you how to do something real quick okay so you guys can feel free to go to twitch and follow me on there um so you guys can get that help and access to me even better you know and upfront and personal because a lot of times you guys are asking me questions and you know i try to cover them in the best ability that i can through text you know through typing um but i'm like one of those people it's better for me to like be able to show you you know or like you can hear my voice so i can talk as much as i want to without having to like type this big paragraph that you may or may not understand so um just keep that in mind so simplicity sim is the twitch channel um for me so you guys can feel free to follow on there um so i can go ahead and help you guys you know firsthand you can let me know you came from my youtube channel um and we can go from there okay so with all that being said sorry guys i had to do all this ram i normally am straight to the point with my videos but this is like stuff i really have been wanting to say and things i've really been wanting to cover with you guys especially concerning mc command center because i hate seeing that so many people are having such a problem downloading it okay or you know having it show up in their game okay so here's exactly what i did today to let me know that it's it's it's working properly okay so here are some things you guys want to keep in mind make sure you know what type of sims you have it is so so essential for you to make sure you know what type what i mean by that is some people have legacy edition they don't even know they have legacy edition that will be a whole different download for certain mod creators so for example if you guys watch my wicked whims mod you know that there's a section for legacy edition if you want to download that and then there's a section for um you know the regular sims those users have to go to different places because if you have legacy edition it's not gonna work properly if you download the regular version okay that's why mcu right here has a legacy post and a public post okay so keep that in mind so if i ever say that in the comments i'm just basically trying to check with you to see if you know what type of sims you have okay now if you think okay i don't have a legacy edition i think i have the regular kind okay cool well you want to make sure two things are being done when you download mods so what you're going to do is you go straight to their patreon account not their website and then you're going to click mc command center all modules and guys before you even do that read through this read through this i feel like it's so important and this is just some um one mod person to another mod person trying to tell you guys is listen read through stuff you know even if you have to skim through it skim through it because typically creators they give you some some how-to's they let you know the compatibility with certain games they let you know if something's wrong if something's right it's important to read because i will save you a lot of time and confusion okay so i would definitely recommend that first but once you're done with that download the zip file okay so that's all modules and then download mc wuhu script and package you need both do not just grab one you're gonna need both okay and then once you do that zip files i have had that question too zip files are literally just compressed documents that are put into a file that you have to open okay now everybody has different computers not everyone has macs some people have to like render it open or it's different terms guys you just right click on it and there should be some way to open that file so you can drag in the folder in the mods okay so once you download them okay let's go ahead and minimize this you're gonna open your finder window if you have a mac if you don't you'll just order your open your folders um to get to your documents okay so what you're gonna do is you're going to first open your download so you can see the downloads okay so here's mccommand center and here's mc wuhu script package okay just downloaded today we're going to double click on the script package it opens into a folder and we're going to double click on the mc command center all modules now i always do this when i download any mod okay i check the folder because i want to make sure that there there's not too many folders in there all that i want everything to work exactly as it should all right so that looks exactly right it's just documents in there okay so i looked in both folders and now you're going to open another finder window okay and you're going to go to documents electronic arts sims 4 okay now as soon as you get in here you see this local thumb cache it was created today at 5 34 p.m because like i told you guys i'm not lying i literally just downloaded this mod to make sure it was working properly because that's how many people were telling me they were having issues with this so i deleted this local thumb cache but you guys are gonna have to keep deleting it when you're moving you're putting mods in or you're removing mods you're going to have to complete you're going to have to keep deleting i'm sorry there's local thumb catch is going to keep coming in there okay it's not going to stop okay so don't think oh i did it one time it should be gone no you're gonna have to keep doing it if you're removing or updating mods always keep that in mind so you're going to drag this into the trash okay there's people who went through issues and they couldn't even select the games they wanted just because that was in there so that's very important okay then you want to go into your mods folder okay i already have mc command center woohoo in script package but for you guys at sake i'm going to show you guys what to do so i'm going to take this out so i can show you guys exactly how you're going to do this all right so that downloads folder that you had open you just grab that woohoo script package drag it in here and grab that mc command center all modules okay and drag it in here as well okay now they're both in the mods folder all right we already removed the local thumb cache that's so so important do not forget that okay when you're in your sims right which i should have never done any of this don't ever do what i just did with the game still open i still had it open sorry guys so that is not something i wanted to uh i don't want to show you guys the bad way to do things i want to show you guys a good way to do things so you're not messing anything up for your game but once you do go into your sims game and you load it up you go to your game options and then you click on other and you always always want to make sure that the enable custom content and mods is showing and the script mods are showing as well very very very important you click those there should be a green check by them and you click apply changes okay if you do not do that then it's not gonna work okay it's not gonna work so now that we've done that okay and i've showed you guys that you have to remove the local thumb cache that you have to enable you if you've done all that you remove the local thumb cache you've put the folder inside your mods folder you've both folders and you have also enabled your game mods you want to go ahead and test it out so i'm going to click on her there's m c command center i know some people said it wasn't showing it's showing up right now for me and then these are the options that you have so you have modified household and cash so you can go to cast and like dress them up and stuff like that sim commands that's mostly what i use in mc dresser to change their outfit mc cheats i use that as well mc pregnancy i use that as well so it has all of the options you just click on them they'll take you to the next one so let's go ahead and do sim commands and then we're going to do teleport commands because i always love to use their teleport and then we're going to teleport a world sim to this sim so i'm going to click a random sim let's try kaylin and there she is so it seems to be working just fine for me i can push play it's always gonna for some reason i don't know why it does that when the sim commands come in they like come in on top of each other it's so weird but it didn't stop me from still being able to use the mc command center okay so she's meeting her they're having a good conversation cool all right so the mod works the mod works okay now if you're still having issues and you don't know what's going on i highly highly recommend going to their discord so i am going to provide this link inside of the description guys so i'm going to provide the discord link for deader pool is what they're called um so if you still are going through issues and you just can't pin the know on the dragon of what's going on i highly highly recommend going to their discord and they should have a channel for you know support to help you out where you can ask questions okay guys but make sure it's on a channel where you know they say hey you know you can ask for support on this channel okay so guys that's it that literally is the nitty-gritty to like downloading this mod you know i don't really think i missed any basis with this one just make sure always with any mod not even just this mod you remove the local thumb cache and that your game options are in it are enabled um because that can cause some issues okay um so yeah i hope that this is helpful i hope that this helps like like i said guys you pin the nail on the dragon i hope that you guys are able to enjoy the luxury of this mod and you know if all else fails you can always you know talk to someone in the support team to try to try to help you with this okay um so if you're still going through issues you want like first-hand help you want me to be able to show you maybe what i did or something like that you guys can feel free to visit my twitch channel simplicitysim um and i'll try to help you guys out from there as well okay so you guys have a good one thank you again and i'm wishing you all the best oh and subscribe if this video was helpful like this video if it was helpful comment what your experience was and i again i really hope that this helps you guys because i really really want you guys to be able to enjoy this mod it's it's freaking awesome alright thank you again for watching guys
Channel: Simplicitysimlife
Views: 31,751
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to install mc command center sims 4, mc command center, how to install mc command center, mc command center sims 4, how to install mc command center sims 4 2021, how to install mc command center sims 4 2022
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 54sec (1014 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 30 2021
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