30 Home Hacks that will Save You SO MUCH Time!

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hey guys and welcome back let's talk about adulting it can be hard cooking and cleaning taking care of kids not to mention working a full-time job trying to support ourselves just trying to get through the day we can take shortcuts we should take shortcuts i'm going to show you 30 ways that you can save time every day this is going to add up to seven hours a week that you can save which is 439 hours a year which is 15 full days that you can just relax and see the exact same results if you were doing it the hard way are you ready to start working smarter not harder let's jump in this is the first thing i want to talk about i love this hairy beast so much it's basically combining a straightener a hair dryer and a brush into one so if you've gone to bed and you have a kink in your ponytail or if you're waking up and your hair is just looking like a hot mess sandwich or you have to get out the door and your hair is wet this does it all i would say this saves me at least three minutes every day which is 15 minutes a week since two of those days a week i probably wear a ponytail yeah dry shampoo dry shampoo i shower every night but i don't always wash my hair laziness and it's not good for your hair to wash it every day but some days it's looking like a little bit i could make fried chicken on my head this is amazeballs this saves me 10 minutes a week because i can skip washing my hair a day or even two everything i use to get ready in the morning i put in this little caddy this caddy separates everything so when i'm done with something i just toss it back but i know where everything is i save at least one minute every day not having to root around for my favorite lipstick which is seven whole minutes a week i save so much time getting ready by only buying clothing that don't require dry cleaning everything i buy i look at the tag first because if it's cashmere that's a nope if it's linen absolutely not i love something that has is this polyester i don't know i don't care but i don't have to take it to the dry cleaners this saves me 15 minutes a week even joe's dress shirts i always make sure it's the no iron but if we're going somewhere fancy pants i do use a steamer a steamer is going to save me minimum five minutes a week because i don't have to pull out that clunky iron and do it old school so i definitely recommend that i think the biggest time saver though when it comes to getting ready and clothing is not sorting my laundry not only do i not sort by lights and darks and colors i put everything in the washer together and i wash on cold but i also don't sort by family member so every room has a laundry hamper and i wash per family member i take it out put it right in the basket and we put it away in that room no making piles i'm saving at least 20 minutes a week never sorting clothes this one is a little bit weird but something new i've been doing elastic laces so instead of tying shoes which i know it seems like no big deal but it does add up you can slip on your shoes and it still looks fabulous this not only saves you time putting on your shoes but it saves time for your kids too and i mean are we just going to have an entire generation of children that don't know how to tie their shoes maybe i'm okay with that i save a ton of time brain dumping brain dumping is when you take everything that's inside your head and you just you blot out through your pen on paper so all your to-do's all the things you're thinking all the things you want to do brain dumping it helps you focus and then i go through and i circle all the things that are really important and just like that i'm prioritizing this saves me at least five minutes a week just not getting distracted by things that don't matter okay i know i talk about my echo all the time but this saves me so much time i treat my echoes as a personal assistant so i'll say alexa remind me to call the chiropractor or alexa add the meeting at two o'clock to my calendar or alexa add dog food to my shopping cart i don't have to open my phone i don't have to bring out a calendar she takes care of everything just by using my voice technology i think this saves me at least 10 minutes every single week alexa set a reminder today at 3 p.m to clean the garage okay i'll remind you at 3 p.m my echo came from amazon and honestly i buy everything from amazon i know jeff bezos is a bond villain probably not a great human being but amazon especially the subscribe and save saves me so much time online shopping i buy everything online and if you don't want to buy it from amazon local grocery stores now deliver costco now has same day delivery shopping online will save you at least one hour every single week speaking of groceries i love this all out of pad i keep this on the side of the fridge so anytime we're out of something everyone in the family can just add something to the list i also don't forget anything that we need and it's organized by aisle at the grocery store so i save time at the grocery store or online shopping i'm saying this saves me at least 10 minutes a week i have the one for things to do around the house and the one for meal planning the great thing is you just tear it off take it with you and then start a new one from scratch i feel like my entire goal is to have a george jetson style house where i don't have to do really anything and everything's automated which is why i have smart plugs and smart light bulbs even a smart thermostat all throughout my house so everything i can control through my alexa with just my voice i can turn all the lights on and off i never have to turn on a lamp or go outside and plug in the outdoor lights or christmas lights everything is controlled through outer space somehow aka the internet i'm sure a lot of you do this but if you do not auto pay your bills this is something you need to start doing especially those bills that are the exact same every month you can still get the statement to come so you can keep track of where your money's going but you don't have to log into your bank or go to a bank everything is automated saving you at least 15 minutes every week if you're like me and my family we spend too much time on our screens so i really recommend doing the screen blockers this shuts off all my screens at 10 pm every night so it's forcing me to go to bed and it doesn't come back on until the morning and i regulate my kids scream time too so i select when it's on and when it doesn't so it shuts off when they have to do their homework it shuts off at bedtime there's no more nagging we're spending less time on our screens we're way more productive and not having to nag that alone saves me at least 15 minutes every week speaking of family members delegating delegating chores writing them down making it concrete it means i don't have to nag and my kids are doing things like emptying the dishwasher and dusting and cleaning their bathrooms not only is this teaching them life skills but it means i don't have to do these things this is saving me at least 30 minutes every single week now let's talk about cleaning shortcuts i know i know their investment but they're an investment in you a robot vacuum vacuuming sucks plus the more you vacuum the less you have to dust the less you have to mop it's just win-wins all around i run my roomba every single day at 9 00 a.m it cleans my entire house this will save you at least one hour every single week this spray mop um you can tell how loved it is i've had it for years it's amazing it saves me so much time the pad's always on the bottom i always keep the solution in i don't have to fill a bucket i don't have to wring anything out i really really recommend a spray mop this dusting wand it traps the dust and you don't have to get a chair or a stool you can do ceilings you can do light fixtures you can do all the things this is amazing this will save you at least 10 minutes a week when you're dusting because honestly you don't even have to move anything when dusting with this if you don't have one of these you need one what can i say about one product wonder you need one multi-purpose cleaner that is good for every surface in your house so you don't have to run back and forth this does my windows it does mirrors it does the wood table i like either this method glass cleaner or a mrs myers glass cleaner because it doesn't have ammonia you can use it on every single surface in your home and it's still streak free i don't like schedules i don't like routines i don't like structure but i need a daily cleaning schedule a daily cleaning schedule keeps me focused it keeps me on track and it saves me so much time especially doing a 10 to 15 minute tidy up every single night this will save you at least 20 minutes every single week i can't make a shortcut video without talking about decluttering just letting go of the excess things you don't use and love this is going to save you so much time i i'm going to say hours but i'm going to be realistic and say 30 minutes because you will never have to look for anything ever again imagine not having to dig or pull or like go through drawers everything has breathing room so it's easy to find and easy to put away and that only happens with letting things go the pink stuff the holy grail if you do have to scrub something maybe you've spilled on your stovetop or there's some like soap scum or your kids have written on something with permanent marker the pink stuff is magic in a little a little tub i'm telling you i was skeptical i saw it on tic tac i tried it this is gonna save you at least five minutes every single week my last little shortcut for cleaning is the one minute rule if something takes a minute or less do it right now it's gonna save you at least 15 minutes every week so now let's talk about some of my meal planning shortcuts one of my favorite things that i have is a meal planning binder instead of a bunch of different cookbooks i have all our favorite recipes in one binder sorted by baking and side dishes and meals and soups and i have a lot of categories in here but my favorite thing about this meal planner is that the front page i have all the meals that i know my family loves so when i'm planning for the week i just look at a glance this saves me i use this meal planning binder every day and it saves me a ton of time i'm going to say at least 15 minutes every week another way to save a lot of time when you're preparing meals is to always cook twice as much meat as you need so if you're frying ground beef cook twice or even three times as much so you can have spaghetti one night and then tacos and then maybe chili and then chili cheese quesadillas with the leftovers my point is you're gonna save so much time because the big thing that takes the most time is cooking meat roast two chickens instead of one and use the second chicken the next day or the day after for stir-fry or soup you're going to save at least a half an hour every single week i'd like to thank hellofresh for sponsoring today's video i love hellofresh it saves me so much time i have delicious pre-packaged food delivered right to my door i don't have to grocery shop and i know i'm eating really healthy hello fresh has more five star reviews than any other meal kit so you know you're getting really delicious dinners they offer so many different recipes that you can choose from a lot of them under 20 minutes and just one pan i mean this is all about less prep and way less cleanup this valentine's day instead of going to overcrowded restaurants joe and i are treating ourselves to a delicious three-course meal with a shared starter and a decadent dessert why not stay in and have fun cooking together nothing says i love you like a home-cooked meal especially one that comes with vanilla cheesecake right now you can get 16 free meals and three surprise gifts go to hellofresh.com and use promo code clutterbug16 that's hellofresh.com promo code clutterbug16 there is no bottom to the depth of laziness i will go to save time and one of those things that i do is slow cook liners and parchment paper so if we're using a slow cooker i use a liner watch this okay you don't have to you just and throw that away and you don't have to scrub the burnt on stuff in the bottom of the slow cooker or if i'm using a cookie sheet a baking pan i always line it with parchment paper so that way i never have to scrub the pans i just toss it in the garbage while we're at it why not have a paper plate night one day a week so you don't have to wash dishes i know it's lazy but this will save you minimum 10 minutes every week my last tip is to designate a spot in your kitchen for a lunch making station this is basically like a kids snack cabinet where you take things out of the packages you have quick grab snacks so making a daily lunch is a breeze it stays organized it stays tidy and it saves you at least five minutes every single week so these are real things that i do like i thought of what do i really do that's a time saving hack and i picked the 30 things i legit do these aren't like weird things i haven't tried yet these are tried and true time saving hacks i know you've heard a lot of them before but they add up to seven hours a week that's almost an entire work day that you're wasting doing things that you don't need to do things that are not important you can take these hacks these shortcuts and get the same exact results as if you were doing it the hard way this year 2022 we are gonna work smarter not harder we are not going to be lazy but we are going to be efficiency experts because time is something you can't get more of so save yourself some time and now try some of these hacks thank you guys so much for watching and i'll see you next time hi guys thanks so much for those of you who have stayed to the end i have exciting clutter bug news we hired a new person emily starts with us on valentine's day so now we have joe working from home i'm working from home alicia who's behind the counter she's waving at you but you can't see it's working from here and emily so four of us working out if we have no space we have lights and we have cameras and we have no room for living so i'm on the hunt for a new house this is proving hard i don't know if it's the time of year or the fact that i have i want a house with like a separate office space but i also don't want to spend a lot of money but i want it to be beautiful and move-in ready but i also wanted to be in our budget and i also wanted to have four bedrooms and three baths but i also don't want to spend a lot of money you see the problem here i'm cheap and i want everything so i am looking every single day but i'm telling you i'm putting it out in the universe just like clutter pug needs a new clutter bug headquarters for our growing team and i can't wait to introduce you to emily soon and alicia we should just have like a end story team meeting and joe i guess i guess joe anyways it's a full house up in here i'll see you guys next time
Channel: Clutterbug
Views: 423,914
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: clutterbug, home hacks, time savers, time saving tips, life hacks, save time, make life easier, shortcuts, cleaning shortcuts, cooking shortcuts, life shortcuts, 5-minute crafts, useful things, cleaning tips, simple life hacks, easy life hacks, mom hacks, cleaning hacks, organizing hacks, decluttering hacks, how to make life easier, adulting
Id: Ji7wozd_zBw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 6sec (906 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 07 2022
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