How to Build a Zero Traffic Tourist Trap in Cities Skylines!

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I don't know why people are driving over the parking spaces please don't do that oh man I'm really messing this up aren't I whoa Mama hello everybody and welcome back to City skylines with me biffern we are in New Zealand and this piece of land that lays before us here is the project for today I asked you all to vote and to give me your suggestions on Twitter on my YouTube Community post on my Discord are you on my Discord you really want to be on my Discord there's like so many people on there talking all about City skylines we're at the moment up to almost 41 000 members on the Discord which is fantastic but getting back to the subject at hand I asked you what we're going to do with this piece of land and there were so many votes business districts golf courses theme parks the biggest one was tourist and entertainment area because we are near to the airport well I put that in this is the cargo airport but we're near to this Hub the airport's not too far away so I'm thinking we can pick out some of the best buildings that have been added to the game recently and really make this something special over here now just before we dive in and do that we're going to be you know attracting loads of and loads of tourists into this area and we want to make that as easy as possible for everybody here now we've got this down here which was sort of placed here many many episodes ago and we've never actually used it and if we checked underground it does connect to this Metro uh that goes through here so what I'm going to do is actually remove those stops that are on there because we're going to Monkey this a little bit and let's have a look yeah we're on that oh I've got this turned off up here haven't I yeah there we go so we're going to remove those and then we're going to delete this whole thing yep and the mode as well and everything there we go we don't want to mess anything up and then we will put a Metro back in there at some point but for now let's just I don't keep things going is it underground yes it is excellent no one's panicking so we're gonna need access off of this road the train lines come in and cargo goes there this one splits off and comes into our super mega Hub that we made before well thank you very much for all of your comments on this build that we've had and also this build over here forgot to attach a road we've now got that in so it's good and there was also someone said about a one-way road that I've left in over here now that I'm here I've just remembered it so we're gonna switch if I that one out I think that was the only other one these are one way to go all the way around anyway which works out okay oh yeah this one here doesn't need to be oh yeah that's one way yep we're fine we're fine we're fine so people come into the train and then of course they've got the Metro options and their heart all sorts of options that are going all over the place or they can hook up yeah this yellow line here which comes into our ah this one over here the tarantula harp they can come from so can they get from here that is what I want to look at we do have other Metro lines here so we could run another one underneath the airport oh we've got this one here we could use that one and we can have the other one so that one can be for this area and then we could have a double one in here excellent so first of all let's get an interchange off of this highway sorted because the highway comes in and out in all sorts of directions just a small one that will help us get people in and out of this area foreign [Music] got the most of it set up we're just going to do some Lane mathematics here so we've got three lanes one lane goes off so it goes down to two that gives us a little bit more space to work with as well there we go excellent so now we get a dedicated Lane going off and you can do that on vanilla which is absolutely fantastic then we're going to use node controller and we're just going to square all of these up there we go excellent looking a lot better and then when where these come on down here we want to help them out with a bit of Hugo there so we'll get our lane connectors control s you go there get a lane each which is great and we come out over here you go there you get a lane each as well and then the only thing we want to change up the top here is where it comes up we want to change this into two lanes so we're happy to have one lane coming off but it can go up into two lanes that'll be good so probably this two-lane Highway one again that's gonna end up going a bit weird if we do that there we go excellent and then we'll do the same over here and then we're going to monkey with this a tiny bit once we straightened that out and I do the same over there we'll straighten that out excellent and then we don't want anybody going straight over so I've got traffic lights in here at the moment what I'm going to do is remove those so no traffic lights we're going to do give way as you come up there and hopefully that's okay and then we're going to say nobody can go straight over because you know they're going to go straight over they might as well take the highway so we're going to do that do that and that should be good and I think with this as well we'll make that dedicated and we'll make that dedicated to go straight on and and off and then hopefully everybody can use that with no problem at all and it looks like we're getting also save quite simple tea moment as well are you after a strong a sturdy mug for your cups of tea or coffee it works for both if you really have to well how about our new cool beans mug now available on and of course that one there we can have a dedicated and that one that we can have a dedicated excellent I just want to check the speeds on all of these so what have we got 60 60 50 yeah so nobody should be taking a shortcut through that'll work so now we've got a local intersection here for bringing people into this area we've got this train line that is way up in the air I am wondering whether just to bridge this whole piece along here or we could just have a tunnel going through let's just see how that looks yeah the tunnel didn't look good so what I'm going to do is I'm going to grab these and I'm going to upgrade them so they are raised pieces like so all the way down here as these erase pieces anyway so it shouldn't be a problem there we go excellent is that advice piece it is so now maybe we can just smoothify this piece of land out just a little bit here and give us something to work with there we go excellent we will remove those and we got some locks to say there's been a lot of lock movement in this episode but we are going to grab these three here and we are going to take those I'm gonna have to move these over there we go that one as well we are going to grab them Aha and take them all the way over to alien Rock Park can you see in the distance we're coming upon we're in what park whoa there we go a little bit of Dosey dough as we get there excellent where shall we pop these I think these ones could go right in I'm gonna put that one there and then I'm going to move these ones in a bit there we go alien Rock Park looking at Fan flippantastic so now the question is can we get a road underneath here let's get rid of our tree brush I know we've got some things in the way there but we'll sort those in a moment if we bring that straight across there excellent and then we can use these to go either side like so and that is plenty of space under there brilliant so now we've got our road access down here and where is our Metro our Metro was running yeah the Metro can sort of be adjusted as we go along so we'll see what happens with that but let's take a look at some of the items that I would like to pop in so the first one I'd like to use is this conference center this is from the Africa in miniature content creator pack and this is just an amazing building so if I pop that there we're going to grab that and we're going to do a bit of maneuvering around but let's just take a look at this thing it just looks fantastic very low but got some great detail on it I really like this we can add some parking in here as well but I just think that looks fantastic so we're gonna have that in here we also have along here the grand Pier which looks absolutely brilliant this is the grand Pier from Western Superman a place in the UK and I just think I want this pointing out on that little tip there and then we're going to work some magic around that some pedestrian stuff what I would like to do is continue this key wall around here for that to sit on up to this point and then we've got some beach over there there we go I think that looks okay now I would use this new one here but I think there's a bug with it a lot of people have used this and it seems to be maxing out their path some of the other path units in the game so I'm just thinking at the moment I'm not going to touch it we're just going to go with what we've got we may switch this all out for something else but we'll see seems a lot lower than everything else that's just the way the land is going we'll see what happens with that let's grab our grand pier and see if we can pop that right on that corner like that and just take a look at this for a moment oh this just looks fantastic what's it got in here it's got some shops and things and whether people are going to be walking up and down here but I guess we'll soon find out nice little covered area I'm assuming there's all sorts of games and things you can do in there and then it brings you right up to over here which is brilliant let's just maybe lower this down I think I'd like that to rest on here if possible yeah like that that's okay we can work with the bit underneath excellent and then we're gonna go for a pedestrian area here so again we're going to remove some of these trees and rocks what I'm going to do I think is remove all the trees because I'm sort of doing it a few at a time and then keep going back to do more we'll leave that up there let me collect all the Rocks together there we go all the rocks are over there now and yep that's looking good so we what the heck was that oh my goodness me a very loud air of a plane Coming Down Over the Top very good so obviously this was a little bit too low we seem to be flooding a bit but we'll we'll work with that we'll see what happens right so I would like a road that comes straight out the back of this and runs along the side and like I said we're going to make this a pedestrian road if at all possible or pedestrian yeah walking Road uh street is the word I'm looking for I'm thinking of maybe going for let's have a look so we've got that sort of darker color we've got the lighter color let's have a look at that one which does sort of nicely blend in with the key wall and we've got the that's the blue stone isn't it yeah and then we've got the cobblestone which you haven't used too much of and I quite like that Cobblestone one so what I'm gonna do I'm gonna grab let's have a look this one here and we're going to use one of our tools so we're going to grab the parallel one here we go this one here let's see if we go from let's go from right in the corner [Music] oink and have a look the locks arrived yeah we can do a bit of work on that so that brings us around to this part and then if we can get a street so I'm going to delete that final part I want to see if I can get a streak coming out that's straight with this one here I think that is a pretty darn not quite straight road I thought it was straighter than it was I don't know from this angle it looks okay from this angle it looks like it's going off a bit I think what I'm going to do is I'm going to start drawing it from down here right in the middle and I'm just going to go straight out and if that lets me line it up like that that should be okay I should have paused and then if I delete from here and hold it down I should be able to go all the way along and that now should be straight and then we're just going to use the movement mode to get that to the same height as everything else and I think I set that to the same height as everything else and it didn't change that it control h the same height as that thank you very much kindly and then we can grab this and we can draw this all the way in if it lets me game not quite sure how we're going to end this piece but there we go so now people can get in and out which is good and if I set this also to the same height as that it actually goes up which is a bit confusing because to me that would need to go down to be the same height but yeah we can we can fertile with that and we can get it so it works excellent so let's just connect to this little road up here right so with that road coming down here or that street I keep calling it a road it's a street isn't it then what I want to do is add this onto the middle of here [Music] foreign this out as we go along which I quite like and I love the fact that you could be sat in here looking down the pier as well yeah we'll definitely be changing these trees out at some point I'm sure let me just put this path in again but I'm gonna put it a bit nearer this time and I'm probably going to just cut that corner across there so then it's going to end up looking like this there we go excellent much nearer and looks a lot better cool right okay so we've got those two in there let's keep the game running so we can make some money while we're building um I've also picked out so we've got Grand Central Station which I really like I love this building and I think this could be something really cool that people could come and visit as well so what I'm going to do is I'm going to plop that down and we're going to see if we can just sort of maneuver that into a position that makes sense we've put all this in here and everybody's freaking out please stop flooding everywhere that would be great and I think if that could take in this little corner piece here and then we could do a little bit of work on getting this all lined up and flattened out but at the minute we're just sort of going through the ideas I really like this pedestrian street Market Hall another unique building which has got is that just a built-in pedestrian street yeah it is yeah excellent okay and if we could have that coming off the end here and then working with the land that would be good let's just pop that in there and take a look at how that connects up yeah I like this sort of going into the beach area just a little bit a little bit built up here so we might put something along the side and then that just extends into the beach so we'll yeah we'll work on that I'm liking that I'm liking that is that messing with the view that is messing with the view okay we're not gonna put that there let's find it somewhere else for that instead let's pop that in here yeah all the problems I know I know yeah that's much better that's much better so if you're going to walk up on the beach you might walk up and use some of the items here I'd like to maybe change this so it's the same color as everything else is there variations on here there isn't so if we use this tool here and unlock this segment through the middle there we go and then we'll grab this one without the trees so that version there upgrade that fantastic and then we'll go back in and lock it again very good and that matches in with this area nicely and then we also have a whole load of condos some of these were used before you might remember when we built this area over here we popped a couple of condos in and that fits in really well we've got some different ones that we could use down here maybe sort of fill in some of this space I mean over here we're getting into the foggy area but certainly some of this space over here could be built up with some condos I think that would look good and we've also got some City skylines two items that have been put together we've got this unique ploppable building which if we could put that right behind here I think that would look very nice let's just see if we can line that up there so we've got the city skylines 2 Logo right behind here looking very cool very cool and then we've also got let's go back in to find it so we've got like a little monument and we've got a little monument in a park and then we've got this water fountain I don't really like the water fountain to be honest about this little ploppable Park Plaza is Tiny it is a lot smaller than I thought uh let's just pop that there and take a look oh that is so teeny and so tiny this Monument here let's just drop all of these down so we don't place a million of them there we go that is what they look like so maybe we'll do a little something with that as well so let's try and work out actually before we do that let's just try and put a little Road in here I think all these rocks and things are going to end up staying in here we could sort of make that look nice with a few Choice trees in here what have we got that's going to look nice over here not quite sure we're gonna have a couple of those in there just to build up the height a little bit oh these red ones I love them uh maybe something like I don't really want to block the views that they're gonna have out of here maybe just a couple of jacarandas and I do feel like I want something slightly larger in the center that's not going to block the view or maybe that just like that yeah let's leave it like that watch free could we use along here that's going to look nice gotta be honest I think a straight up palm tree is just looking great down here that really goes with the Vibes of what this area is going to be oh my goodness my eardrums are going to explode there we go excellent I don't think I've missed any nope that would look good over there apparently not oh just thinking of the parks we can put in here as well very good so now let's take a quick look over here we've got to connect this road up obviously and get our pedestrian area working where our condos are gonna go so I'm actually thinking of the condos to be over here sort of facing this beachfront area which means we're going to have a road one along here but then of course because all of this is pedestrian streets we're gonna need another road so I think that is going to run along the railway line down here so let's just pick I mean it doesn't have to be anything too huge we can always upgrade it later if we want two lane road with sidewalks will be good and then we're gonna get uh the parallel tool here and which way are we going to go I know people tell me you can use tab to put it over the top I could but unfortunately my tab is used for one of my let's go from here we'll grab that one of my camera mods so it sort of messes things up I think we'll probably come all the way down to here yeah yeah and then we'll stop there so let's come out a bit what I am going to do is end up raising this up as a bridge piece so don't worry about this road being right up in the air because we're going to do that and then oh yeah it's all made it all a bridge piece oh okay very good um and then what I'm going to do is I'm going to grab this road here we're going to change that to Road height change that to grab the road whatever mode that is called and then we'll do this here control h and that's the height I want all the way along here so I'm just going to grab all of these nodes there we go and then we'll control h all of those down to this height oh and we missed one let's grab that one control h down to there and then I'm going to actually grab this road again is that the same one no it's this one here wasn't it am I going to change all of these to this type of Road oh I still miss one there but never mind we'll grab that in a sec there we go excellent and then while we're doing this I'm going to grab this Railway line and we're going to make that into a raised Railway line all the way along here and where it splits off and I'm wondering whether that bit as well you know what I might just do that bit there I think that'll work a little bit better there we go excellent and then we can smooth this out this little bit over here so we're going to take that from there to over here some oh gotta grab this node in the Middle where it changes from there to there yeah that'll do I'm gonna do the same from there to here and that'll do yeah that'll be fine excellent all this one here let's try that again this will be like the third time I've done this one Ctrl H to them excellent so now we've got a road running along there which is good we move trees onward and then we can build off of that oh what's I've got a nice rock let's pop that down the beach yeah we can build off that and we can connect that over here as well actually I'm thinking about increasing this road we're going to take this one here it's a still wide sidewalks but it's got trees on it as well as I think this is probably going to get quite busy down here which is fine and then this road here we're going to continue this down but we are going to have some sort of roadway Network in here as well so let's just swing that around into there there we go so that's access into our pedestrian area got the nice bollards on the end and then if we need some more roads over here the services and things we can do that let's just continue with this road there we go and then when we come down here this road can literally snap right into there which is fantastic so now we've got access all the way along here and then this sort of area here let's just get rid of some of these trees there we go we'll get rid of it down to there we've got this sand sort of seems to go back a little bit too far I'm just wondering whether I can get rid of that uh which one of these is sand that's pavement sand that's this one here isn't it never worked no it isn't it's not that one I know where it is it's hidden in here somewhere here it is that's the one in the Landscaping I know it's never in the place that you think it's going to be and we're going to try and just get rid of a bit of that and add a little bit more there oh it's not sand but what the heck's that then oh there it is it was oh okay fine yeah excellent and we've got a nice little beach down there very good and then I think the road that we are going to have along here is gonna be this road I think that would work very well and then we'll have our condos back in onto this but then we have got access is that a bit too close for the beach so they're gonna walk out here and literally walk down on the beach I feel like it just needs to be back just a tiny bit [Music] yes we've got a little bit of space in there as well so that'll work out okay we'll go down to there we can swing that around how far around can that go that can literally go all the way oh that was close I've got to save the rock around to there excellent so then anything we place along here I've still got Road access at the back very good let's have a look at the condos that we've got available to us so a lot of the condos we've got here are from Thomas they're Palm Beach series some of them are sort of smaller Palm Beach houses which is humongous and I think you'll have a couple of these sort of larger condos but I was hoping we could go for sort of these smaller ones along here and they wouldn't take up too much space so like these houses so I put in Palm Beach House we've got one ah okay well maybe let's just have a look through here I'll pick some out and we'll see how we go with them and to help with this I've just added in another filter picked Building height and gone for 20. that seems like if we go for 30 you start getting these taller building and go for 25 I mean you're getting these ones in here which aren't too bad so yeah actually I think 25 will do and then we've got a few smaller houses along here so I would like to why is that change oh yeah for meters there we go so let me grab some of these we're going to lay these out and see what they look like so I'm just looking at these ones here we seem to have a different parts we've got K condos a uh B I'm assuming that's C then we've got the center part then we've got the garages we've got a pool and we've got a reception so I'm just wondering whether we could build that into an area somewhere maybe a little bit further back here I think will work um let us just delete that and we're going to extend that out to Here There we go and then see what we can do with this I'll leave those buildings down there and we'll delete those if we use them so we've got the reception building already exists okay well fine what I'm going to do is use the movement mod we're going to grab that that and that and we're going to delete it and that we're going to delete it and then I can do whatever I like so we'll go with this one here so we'll pop in the reception now I don't know whether this has got a particular way it should be built um but we are going to do what we can so that says Center let's just pop that against the road go and have a look so now the doors come in each and every way out of those okay there's going to be a way of doing this isn't there let's let's pop them down so they're all going to want load access as well which isn't going to make it very easy so I've actually taken a look at the listing that is on the workshop and it seems like they're not sort of meant to all hook together um but they're supposed to sort of go let's have a look something like this you can have them I mean obviously you can do what you like with them but uh yeah I thought they were supposed to hook together in some sort of square formation but this little reception here has got these Gates which nicely fit over a road there which looks good um and then this Center place it's just basically where people can go play ping pong indoors if going down the beach is a little bit uh cold or something like that so what I'm doing I'm trying to start the movie mode there we go so I'm trying to sort of build these off of their own little road um if I bring that out to there and then sort of go up there and then we can line these all up with a nice view of the beach that's what I'm trying to do that's the that's the idea [Music] okay so I've placed a few of the garages along the back there and I'm just wondering actually whether we could upgrade some of these roads into these roads so we can get some parking right outside where they are and we'll probably put some along there this one here I'm thinking yeah we'll pop some Road parking out there as well and then I can easily fill in all of these gaps here with some of these like this there we go already got people coming over here parking up and going in to enjoy the wonderful views so whichever one of these you're in you're gonna have fantastic views of these areas I know there's these little things at the back here and you've got like a road and a railway line but you've got the lovely mountains as well and we'll have a load of trees around there but popped in a couple of pools but wherever you're staying yeah the views are going to be fantastic and I like the way that looks and if we come down here we've got these condos along the front which I think fit in really really well obviously we're going to add our little palm trees in there and we could even extend this sand further up this piece of land here and I think that would look a lot better let's fill all of this in there we go you're literally stepping out your house crossing over the pedestrian street straight onto the beach with the great big rocks excellent foreign detail there I think that looks nice very good right things are ticking along here nicely I've got power and water over to almost all of this we obviously need to sort out our pedestrian Zone but we'll get to that in a moment um let's just flatten the land out a little bit over here we'll grab this grab that and we're going to this height let's put that up all the way there we go excellent because I want to put behind here oh we've got to be careful a sunken Plaza let's push that back a little bit there we go excellent so I want this behind here so I'm going to place it there like so and then I'm going to use the move it mods and we're going to just drag that through here and I want that sort of attached to the back of here which actually now I'm thinking about if we just grabbed one of these pedestrian streets and Drew that through here as straight as we could then we can connect that to the back of here nicely not be quite straight because you know they always do that don't they there we go something like that so we've got this you can come and have a look at then you've got the sunken Plaza to do some shopping which will be good and then of course this also needs to connect over here yep there we go that's fine right okay so let's pop in the district that we need here so all of this basically needs to be one big pedestrian Zone here we go we'll do something like that I don't want it too large it's going to cost us a load of money I do want to just sort of bring it down and take in this section because this is where we're going to put um the items that need to look after the services in this area here and also now with the building spawn point there we go excellent we can drag these around which is fantastic so a cargo truck and post which one is that one that middle one there garbage truck so we can change where we want these to come in and out so what I'm going to do is I'm going to grab one new road this one here we're going to have that sort of along the back here like so and that is where they're going to come in in and out rather than at the front so if we grab this again so this one is Disaster Response so we don't need garbage truck on that one because we've got another one for garbage truck so remove that we don't need cargo truck and we don't need post everything else I will leave on there and then we'll move these ones so that's this middle one here if you click it and drag it I don't know whether you can turn it around oh it's gone there we go no I think we still need to use this to turn it around there we go so I've got all those lined up at the back there which is us where I think they should come in and out we'll still get some cars and things popping in and out on there but that's okay and then we just need to add our water pipes under the road and yeah there we go they'll start taking care of all of those knees the power will jump across momentarily I'm liking the look of this I'm gonna need some detailing but we're getting there we're getting there and I'm just thinking about a few shops just around here just to sort of help this area out again they're going to be inside this pedestrian Zone if I go up the side there with that does that clip yes it does so if we use the move it mod I'm going to grab that there I'm going to move that away so it doesn't clip anymore and line these up oh man I'm really messing this up aren't I whoa mama okay I think we've got it I'm going to remove that connection there because it's all a bit weird and I wanted another road down the side here which isn't too bad there we go and then if we just sort of shift if either a tiny touch we can get that all nicely lined up and it just means that we can have a few shops along here and I'll be thinking in here we're going to use the ones from the new shopping malls content creator pack and I think I'm going to just go through here and pick out a few of the lower buildings like this which I think would look very nice along here what have we got that's a restaurant level two so definitely a small little restaurant in here would be nice oh there we go yeah people can sit there and enjoy some of the views out the back very nice okay so just dropped a few of those shops in there we're going to do some more detailing around that and I've just switched this around as well so it's facing the front over here so the trucks aren't coming inside and then what I'd also like to do is get a metro in here to help people get over here because it is sort of out on a limb we do have access to the highway but as we mentioned at the beginning we've got this metro line that runs underneath and the one I'm thinking of using is this one from the sports venues um pack and that is just going to mess all of those lines up so what I'm going to do is I'm going to remove all of that so we can play with it a bit we are going to take a two-year road with glass and I'd like to make a little straight section out of here let's just delete that and try that again so we go like that like that like that yeah there we go that'll be fine and then we can hopefully fit that in there more or less in the center something along those lines yep looking good and I remember with this there is a variation I know it said Stadium Station but you know don't mind the name oh that looks interesting that looks interesting I'm wondering whether that one goes well because we've got all the whites buildings going on around here what do you reckon this sort of matches the color of those and it's a little bit lower down this one is a little bit too modern we're gonna go with this one I've got all the nice trees on the road as well yep that's all lined up nicely let's get these hooked up underneath [Music] there we go that should be okay and then if we let that run we should be able to grab the line there and add a stop in there we go so now we can get some stops in here as well excellent that hooks up okay doesn't it and there's the Metro game passed oh this is looking nice I'm liking that very good very good so I'm just wondering now whether it's just to move this over here a bit just to give this a little bit more breathing space because let's grab that so I'm trying to sort of get like maybe like a mini Plaza Shopping Area together over there once you've come out of the train station I think that'll be okay let's move that over a bit we've got this path that comes out the back which I also think we can add in we're going to add in a load of pars let's get the movement mods there we go so we'll shift that there and then we'll just start adding some paths everywhere to increase the walkability as well [Music] what is good the parking is being well used over here I don't know why people are driving over the parking spaces please don't do that that is not the way to get around and to make friends with people but yeah hopefully this will drop down a bit it's not super busy is it but hopefully that'll drop down a bit now that we've got the Metro connection over here as well and we've got a load of flickering going on I feel like I need to reload my game we started my game and also thank you very much to chameleon for letting me know that the Acme camera mod if you adjust your near clip distance from I think it's normally a 1.2 or something like that put it up to two meters and then you'll find that the flickering disappears well it has for me anyway and it's looking good so we're about to do a big detailing time lapse and one thing I just noticed is I had the parking on this side of the road but people are parking right outside their places over there and just on the little bit of detailing over here we've got these uh planter networks which are nice I'm just put along there popped a load of paths in all over the place you might upgrade read those ones to ones with trees I'm gonna put some Park in there we've also got these tiles that are underneath which come with The Pedestrian plazas and promenade's DLC which I think look really nice on the bottom of these and allows people to use the garages as well and we're going to sort of ignore the fact that they're going to be sat on their balconies looking at that side because people are going to be I just wondering whether this whole thing needs to switch around the other way do you know what maybe not we'll leave it like it is we'll say people are looking at their front but mainly if you're this close to the beach you are going down the beach aren't you okay so let us do some detailing gonna move all the parking over here as well and then yeah we'll see what it looks like at the end [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] so would you come and stay in these condos let me know in the comments below by the way I flip them around so their balconies are facing out to sea and the wonderful view of New Zealand thank you very much for watching and your continued support on my channel it's really appreciated subscribe and watch the next video on the screen I'll see you next time take care bye
Channel: Biffa Plays Indie Games
Views: 125,717
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines free update, cities skylines hubs and transport, cities skylines shopping malls, cities skylines sports venues, cities skylines dlc, content creators pack, cities skylines, cities skylines update, cities skylines gameplay, lets play cities skylines, everything new cities skylines, Cities skylines tutorial, city skylines, biffa plays, biffa plays cities skylines
Id: xjj9_KnvNiY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 14sec (2294 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 18 2023
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