Why YOU Should Visit Luxor? Egypt

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today I'm going to visit the historic city of luxa I'm going to be having a chat with some of the locals visiting some of the amazing sites getting up early to head on a hot air balloon and checking out one of the best places to stay in luxa one thing on many people's bucket list is seeing the sunrise over the desert in luxa the only thing is you have to get up incredibly early or I guess just don't go to bed we're going through about four different boats to get to the boat we're on I got picked up from my hotel at 2:00 and I was staying over on the east Bank of the Nile and we had to head over the West Bank they offered us some morning coffee and told us to fill out some health and safety forms [Music] so apparently for safety all the hot air balloon trips went at the same time I was worried we would miss the Sunrise it's like organized chaos there's so many people people shouting there's so many bloes I have no idea where I'm going or who I'm supposed to be walking with these people were in the car with me so I guess I'll go with them I had already paid but when I got out of the car the guy tried to charge me [Applause] again this one you out [Applause] here sorry it's tight isn't it it's certainly pack you in here feel the heat woo the people on the end are like getting roasted we need that a little bit over here a bit [Music] bye hi 800 ft above the ground guys 800 ft above the ground we still ascending we're 1,000 ft up in the air right now don't think I'm scared of heights not really Valley of 1300 above can see guys we are not controll in the direction of the balloon balloon travel by wind but different altitude from up here as well you just see how everything close to theal is so green Lally it's desert the case today the High Altitude take us this way the moderate and even the low take back us this way when we fly like this and you smell Fresh Hair hitting your face it mean change in the direction and if you notice the wind it's coming this way we seems to be away from everybody else who were all over there where are we going to land cuz um it's just Farmers fields in front of us theow they all running to help us saw a farmer over there looking a little bit annoyed and of course you can buy a video the whole experience we're not yet down so I think we're down obviously they can't let the balloon fall in the farmer's field so they've got to get ready to pack it up wow that's falling quick definitely an amazing experience I think we were up there for about 15 minutes the only thing you have to watch out for is some of the guys will come around and ask you to pay again just tell them that you have paid right now I'm in the Valley of the Kings this place has quite a lot of tombs in it but there's a few interesting tombs that you should see over others for example I'm here to see to and kon's tomb and obviously the mummy of toot and Kon is in there as well and also ramesis the 5ifth and ramesis the 6th now it's best to get here before 9:00 if you can one because it doesn't get too hot and two it's not too busy so instead of looking at the backs of people's heads you can actually see the tombs in their intricate detail there will also be people coming up to you and asking if you want a guide I kind of got sucked into that he was showing me around he charged me $25 for it little bit of a ripoff to be honest but it is kind of nice to have and then they will kind of sell you other stuff anyway let's go and check out a tomb that I've been wanting to see all of my life is to and K come on so obviously have to pay an entrance fee and then once you're in here you have to pay per tomb so it's so they don't do like a wristband where you can visit all of them but you can pay um to go into one tomb and then not into the others hence why I've paid just for these two tombs so this is the tomb of tutan Carmen one of the more mysterious tombs that Howard Carter discovered he was looking for this for years and some of the stories about some of the uh yeah if you don't mind bugs and animals that came flying out when you opened the tomb I've seen Egyptian paintings and photos at theme parks and to see it in real life the actual real thing pretty amazing and then preserved in this glass box is to T's money they had nearly 180 workers was just found dead because of the gases and the radiation that just went out and killed those workers so because of that either Ram the third Ram the four tried to work any more further in this tomb despite they had pluster the tomb from they fix it and to took it to England and later they decid to bring a replica mask probably some of the Egyptians saw that this is still brand new this is absolutely beautiful you kind of got to look down as well as look up because you're on a slope hello hello just look at the artwork on that wall and on the ceiling that is incredible bur in mind this must have been done well it would have been done in Candle Light they did try to take that out hence why it's a bit broken many many years ago but that weighs about 7 .5 tons it's incredible really it's crazy to just think how long this has been here the world was a different place when these were written and this is a reason why you should come early because give it another hour and this place will be jam-packed and you won't get the best experience so if you come early you get to feel like you're really here rather than just looking over the backs of people's heads obviously they upsell everything here in the Valley of the Kings there's a gift shop some of these tombs are not even open at the minute so you can come and look at all the tombs but obviously some are open some are not this one's not open looks like they just storing stuff in there just having a coffee with the locals Cheers Cheers Cheers so through the hotel I booked the private car but obviously they want to upsell you where they can so on route to the next Temple we've stopped off here they've shown me around if I wanted to buy anything a lot of this stuff is handmade so it's worth coming in here by the way cash here is King and it doesn't matter what currency it's in Euros pounds or dollars they don't like Egyptian pounds though hasn't got as much value as like dollars it's been given a coffee by these very kind gentlemen about okay thank you chickp theyve also given me something sweet it's the end of Ramadan at the minute so they're all celebrating what what's your name sry just giving me five Egyptian pounds as a gift thank you so much why did you give this to me yeah why are you giving this to me for you why for you got to get a subscriber while we can and you can write yeah yeah yeah Channel your channel my channel name um thank you you know is his his uncle is the highest priest like you guys have the pop really wow yes so he's a gra man holy man yes we kiss his hand and just like we're blessing him and do this kind of stuff wow yeah blessed his brother yes you're blessed his uncle his uncle he's the highest holy man all over Arab oh wow Tunisia lebnan Morocco Algeria morania all the Muslim countries higher than the president himself really like you have uh the queen yeah doesn't the queen goes into the pop and kiss his hand yeah all right you will kiss his hand wow I feel blessed you are blessed my most famous subscriber you should see you later guys bye Egyptian people are so friendly yes this ction everyone's very happy cuz I come end of Ramadan yes I come in every time here we're just like Valley of the Kings to get to the temple the driver drops me off and you have to walk through the bazaar where they will try and sell you lots of things no thank you you just got to learn to barter if you want some of the stuff Hello one please thank you there a bit of a walk over there so we can get on these so for about a dollar you can get on one of these little buggies that will take you there but to be honest it's not too hot I think I can just walk up there it looks bigger further away than it does up close I don't know what's easier the slope or the stairs halfway there yikes [Music] thank you this as you can see they'll always offer to take your photo but then they'll demand money for it I probably spent about $10 in here for photos that I didn't really want uh it's a shame you can't go inside I wish they' explain that to me before I pay to go in it but still an amazing place this place is massive carak Temple it's also really busy here today it's busy every day I don't know whether you can just see all the people in the distance there that's crazy this does look pretty special at night it's amazing how most of the wars are still intact considering how old this is what's great is that you can explore your own pace wow so you can come here without a guide but obviously coming with a guide is probably a good idea because they can explain the story and also about some of the writings on the walls yeah this is it just blows my mind how on Earth they built these they even had their own swimming pool just so you can see how big these really are how on Earth did they manage to carve these out crazy this place is so big but you probably can walk around it within an hour probably take longer if you take photos like what I'm doing video again they funnel you through the shops to exit very clever they do pressure C but you just got to say no no thank you so let me show you where I'm staying then here in luxa I thought I would stay pretty Central to the temples actually most of it is on the West Bank I'm staying on the East Bank uh the Hilton luxa Resort and Spa let me show me room and the resort come [Music] on so this is literally right on the Nile it is so beautiful before I show you the pools and the bars and the restaurants let's first check out my room this is the view you've got though so I had to book a room with a balcony and a Nile View and I will show you that view in a moment before I do that let's have a look around the room now I wouldn't say it's up to Hilton standards like the UK obviously we're here in Egypt but it is pretty nice nevertheless I love these lights though they're really nice um huge TV you'll have to excuse my stuff and something I didn't expect to see cuz oh no that's broken um is a kettle in my room I've stayed in uh Egyptian hotels before and I've never really had a kettle so that was a nice touch English breakfast tea coffee some huge mugs I have got complimentary water I've got a fridge here but obviously there's no mini bar it's just an empty fridge but I can get room service so the bathroom is pretty nice with a huge shower it's one of those long showers you can probably get around about I would say six people standing in here no branding on the slippers though or branding on their robes but nice nevertheless there's the hair dryer what's this they a shoe it there's an iron in the wardrobe this is why I paid a little bit extra to get a n view which you can see here is beautiful and a nice couple of chairs and what is great is that you get sunset here so you can sit on your balcony have a glass of something and watch the sun set over the Nile how romantic is that just a shame I'm here on my own right let's check out the rest of the resort so it isn't the biggest Resort in the world but it's got everything you need couple of restaurants Nice eating areas I'll show you the two pools and of course that view of the Nile so when you're half bored like me you come and have breakfast and dinner in there I thought to myself wow it's got those when you look closely though they literally have placed sunbeds in the pool they're not those sunbeds that are built into the pool no these are literally Sun beds plunked into the pool they have a pool bar there apparently that's closed for some reason b a shame there's more sunbathing here on the banks of the Nile there's a restaurant you can come and pay extra for and talking of paying extra at Sunset you can order one of these tables here where you can have a lovely romantic meal at Sunset by the Nile considered to be the largest river in the world and the Mediterranean is a long long way that way if you're wondering why it's so quiet it is still fairly quiet in the season actually and like so it's April at the minute and it's quite nice because it's not hot at all in fact uh in the wind it's quite cool actually is quite nice just going to head over there because there is an amazing infinity pool little fire p it really want to sit on these though so this is part of the spa just quickly show you the spa there's a bar here where you can get healthy drinks of of course Citrus and cucumber yeah nice space so all these little buildings here are treatment rooms and you get a massage overlooking the Nile it looks so nice now that is what you call an infinity pool overlooking the Nile look at that for view wow look at that Sunset over the Nile one thing though sunset at night time you need this stuff because the mosquitoes will bite them out of you and I tell you what even though this is really potent and strong it's a Lifeline I looked down on my leg last night and I was like wow there's so many dead mosquitoes this stuff is really good I recommend getting the maximum the strong stuff there's a few people on that Nile cruise I did think about doing that but there's so many to choose from also heard some awful stories about them don't if you can see that the Crescent Moon there which signified the end of Ramadan and there was a lot of celebrating going on today hence why when I was um chatting to the locals they were um they were giving out treats and Candy they do it to all the children nice they did it for me as well but I've never been given money before yes I know five Egyptian pound isn't much but it was a really nice sentiment so I'm half bored so that means I get breakfast and dinner included the dinner though doesn't Overlook that appetiz cuz it's Buffet form um and if you've ever been to Egypt you may have heard about the funny belly that you sometimes get and I can never quite pinpoint it what it is is it the alcohol is it the ice or is it the food that's not kept hot enough I don't know do let me know in the comments if you're liking the video please make sure you do give it a thumbs up remember to hit that subscribe button it doesn't cost you anything and of course it does help me out more than you know can't believe I'm going to say this but it's actually quite cool tonight I'm actually feeling a little bit cold pools look always so good at night don't they no Night Swimming here though first thing that catches my eye is the desserts wow although if you've ever been into Egypt you'll know that all the desserts kind of taste the same which is a bit of a shame salad options hello so I know it sounds crazy but none of that really floa in my boat so I thought I'd come over to the other restaurant and pay £9 for one of their stakes and enjoying the entertainment it's actually really good really [Music] good well the steak wasn't as cheap as I thought because they added sales tax and another tax on there as well which is almost 40% the price of the steak anyway don't judge me I thought i' get the money's worth I thought I'd come in here for dessert so this doesn't cost me anything it's definitely been an experience if you want to see more Egypt why don't you check out my hotel in Cairo that you must see here well if you're fany seeing Shamar Shake click the video here give the video a thumbs up make sure you hit that subscribe button I'll see you next time
Channel: Walk With Me Tim
Views: 163,506
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: luxor, is luxor safe, traveling to egypt, how to get to Luxor from the uk, things to do in luxor, luxor travel guide, hot air balloon luxor, Vally of the kings luxor, hotels in luxor, places to stay in luxor, best hotel in luxor, hilton luxor, luxury travel to luxor
Id: LjjEoZ9h6xY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 57sec (1617 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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