Complete 2024 Full-Stack Developer Roadmap | Noob ➜ Web Developer in 6 Months

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I'm currently working on top of the Empire State Building as a senior software engineer I've been an engineer for the past four years in this video I'm going to give you a very clear laser focused nobs road map to become a full stack developer in the ER of AI and I've also created a master notion template with all those steps so that you can use that as a guide in your journey you can download it through my newsletter link is below the first thing that you will need is the very basic Foundation of how websites are rendered it's HTML and CSS you can think about HTML as a skeleton of a body and CSS as the skin and the clothes and the hair basically the overall look HTML is really the basic structure of a web page so if I were to build a page with purely HTML it would look something like this so you see it's just like text titles images and links and that's it CSS is what adds styles to your page so if we take the previous web page that we had and we add a layer of CSS on it it would look like this so you see it's like the colors the positioning the animations the the overall look of the website those two languages are quite easy to learn actually there's not much complexity in it it's mostly like descriptive languages some people even argue whether it's real programming languages or not because basically you're just describing the page that you want in a specific syntax that you need to learn one good resource that I recommend to learn is code academy what I like about them is that it's very interactive as you're learning through different concepts you're directly applying them you directly code inside of your browser it's super interactive and you'll see that it's resource that I keep recommending across different chapters of this video but because it's a good one once you have learned the foundation of HTML and CSS I would recommend you to build a little project you can build a portfolio website for yourself try to make it a little interesting try to make it funny but don't spend too much time on it legit maybe one or two days is enough the nice thing about the personal website though is that it's going to give you an advantage when searching for a job it's going to make you stand out and also it's something that you can reuse for the rest of your life now to make one thing clear to build a personal website using HTML and CSS is just for learning purposes I would never build a professional looking website using that that's just dumb you're going to waste a lot of time fixing some annoying CSS bugs that you won't even need on the job most of the time there are so many tools that allow you to build a website super quickly they're extremely easy to use and they allow you to host the website online one of them is called hostinger I've part into them in this video to show you how easy it is to build a professional website in minutes go to the link in the description Cod Bender is going to send you on this page hosting is always running great deals it's a very affordable hosting provider right now is the Black Friday deal I personally recommend you take the Premium plan it's ideal for personal projects and portfolios it allows you to create up to 100 websites it has a lot of storage comes with a free domain which is very useful and also it has a free email domain so it's going to help you look a lot more legit you know when everyone else going to use their school email or their personal Gmail you're going to have something that is a lot more professional if you need more capacity on your plan though then take the business plan instead it's actually their more popular option and it will give you access to some of the advanced WordPress features once you select the plan you will get to this screen I recommend you guys take the 24 or 48 months plan I would just take 48 months because I know I'm going to need this forever you also just save the most money like that you scroll down create your account then below enter your payment information don't forget to enter the coupon code C Bender check this out it's going to be even cheaper now 10% off look I'm getting four years of web hosting for just $17 that's crazy you know back in the day when I was purchasing my first hosting it was with a different provider I paid close to that for just one year of hosting and it didn't have some of those bonuses like a free domain and other things so that's a very good deal for four years of Hosting after you finish the payment is going to send you to your dashboard and then you can start setting up your hosting hostinger has a nice on boarding that makes it super easy here pick the AI Builder you'll see it's It's Magic first thing you should do is claim your free domain pick the website domain you want I'll just pick zorc theod Bender zorc is my first name the Cod Bender is the name of the channel and is is more professional perfect the domain is available now in the AI Builder I just describe what I want an epic website okay all right let's do it so you created the base of the site for me now what I need to do is just add all my data so I'm going to replace all the pictures I'm going to replace the text and I'm going to tweak some of the colors too cuz I have some ideas like I'm thinking of making it like a dark team [Music] check this out 10 minutes and I'm done if I had to build the same thing from scratch in HTML CS try to make the website responsive and everything I would waste hours on it here I'm done in a few minutes like I said before I don't want you guys to spend a lot of time on HTML and CSS because most of you will only need to know the basics of it that's it so you want to move to the next step of the world map as fast as possible that's why go to to start building your personal website quickly do it now cuz it's the Black Friday deal you will save the most money like that so if you know you need it don't postpone it to later now we're moving to the next step of our road map it's where you will learn your first programming language JavaScript if you're creating a character in HTML is like the skeleton and CSS is like the skin and the clothes then JavaScript is the muscles and the nerves it's what makes the body move what it makes it react and interact with others JavaScript is the most popular language on planet Earth right now it's extremely powerful it has a very wide ecosystem of tools and Frameworks and libraries it's super versatile you can use it on the front end you can use it on the back end on web and on mobile you can handle complex tasks it's a very very powerful language and is the best language in my opinion for beginners to learn in terms of resources code academy has an excellent introductory course to JavaScript that's the one that I recommend you do after that I want you to build a project you can build a little game for example like a pong game in terms of time it's going to take you from a few weeks to a month month it depends on your level on prior experience and your Affinity with that language but yeah I would say like a month in terms of time it takes to learn obviously depends on how much time you're willing to put in every week it depends on your prior experience your Affinity of the language I would say on average it takes from a few weeks to a month to be able to learn it JavaScript is powerful but by itself it's actually not that powerful it's truly powerful because of its ecosystem and one of the most important libraries you need to learn is react if we take the previous example where a HTML is the skeleton and then CSS is the skin and JavaScript is like the muscles and the nerves react is like an exoskeleton it allows you to empower all the moves that you're doing and it allows you to do things that will be extremely difficult without it but in programming words what it allows you to do is to create a single page application so it's applications that have building blocks called components that are reused across the full app you have a dynamic State you have Pages it's super interactive it's a very Dynamic application it will really help you improve your speed and productivity again again for the resource code academy is an extremely good one but I would also recommend you reading the official react docs it's pretty well written and it's a resource that you're going to use just throughout your journey in terms of projects I've actually left a lot of projects on the notion guide but one thing that you can do is you can build a chat bot you can build a startup idea generator you can build a gift idea generator and a lot of more ideas you can just check out on the dock and for the time that you need to learn it I would say if you have mastered JavaScript you took the time to learn it you did like the code academy course I think a week or two weeks will be enough to learn JavaScript and start working on your first projects step four learn how the internet works and you might be asking like wait I know how the internet works I use it every day to go on Tik Tok bro this is not what I mean I mean truly learning how internet works and what I mean by that is when you open a web page what happens behind the scenes what is HTTP what is DNS what is SSL what are all of those terms and Concepts and if you have no idea what that means it's right I'm I'm going to explain you in very simple terms you can think about the internet as a mailing system where the IP is your home address the DNS is like that friendly Postman who knows where everyone lives HTTP is the standard deliver protocol https is just a secured version of that delivery protocol course is the regulations that determine who can send packages SSL is like the seal that ensures that no one else reads your mail that's it again I've linked a few videos in notion guide so you can familiar with it but one resource that I will recommend commend you is to check the Modzilla web docs it's very complete it has a lot of information about all those Concepts that I mentioned in terms of time it won't take long to learn maybe like a day or two cuz you don't want to go too deep into it you just want to learn the concepts just read about it and then you know what it is step five understand the command line if you want to become a full stack developer you have to master your terminal it's a super powerful tool it's like a Swiss army knife you can run apps you can install dependencies you can debug you can edit files you can do so many things if if you go really far in it you could legit not even need to use your mouse anymore you can do everything in your keyboard run any commands that you need but you don't need to go that Advan just learning the basics is enough for the resource just use cod Academy man at this stage they should sponsor this video like I gave them all this free marketing but the reality is that it's a lot easier to just use one resource for your full journey and and especially a good one like this one that is super interactive just makes things a lot easier once you have learned those basic commands go on CMD it's like a little game that will allow you to practice those comms commands that you learned and in terms of time to dedicate to this I would say just a few days maybe two three days is enough to learn the basic commands and then as you go you're going to keep learning new things next step is a super important one it's git and GitHub git is a system that allows you to track changes in your files to collaborate together with other Engineers to see previous versions of your file to roll back in a ton of different functionalities that it has geub is a website that basically uses git on the web so it makes all the features accessible through an interface where you can store your code it's the most popular website to store code and to work collaboratively with other people so it's extremely important if you want to go and work in a company or work with others it's as important as air for a human being get and get up is the equivalent for developer I remember man what I us say in the past before I knew get and get up if there was like an assignment or something like a group assignment and I had to share some code I would share it on Google Drive and it was so messy man like we were four different guys work on a project together we'll all share our code on Google Drive we' all have to compile the code together somehow sit next to each other say like oh I changed this code this line and then I did a change in this line and it would be such a mess it would spend hours and hours just trying to merge code together GitHub makes it extremely easy you can very easily see changes and merge code together it's specifically meant for that for the resource to learn it code academy you already know that for the project literally take the apps that you build in the previous steps and put push them to get up that's the best thing you can do to learn in terms of time I would spend just a few days to learn those Basics cuz you have to understand git is something you're going to be using every day so you'll have plenty of time to practice more is enough for the step to just get the basic foundations and then you move to the next step step seven learn backand development people TR around a lot of languages like python Ruby PHP C++ Java forget about all of them and focus only on nodejs if HTML is the scal CSS is the skin JavaScript are the muscles react is the exoskeleton then no GS is the brain it's what handles all the complex logic of your app and it's hidden you cannot see the brain it's in the back end no GS is a backend JavaScript runtime environment that allows you to run JavaScript on the server which normally you cannot do right because JavaScript can only be run on the browser but NOS allows you to do it on the server the advantage is that you don't need to learn new language it's all JavaScript which means that everything you learn in JavaScript you can still still apply to nodejs and it's super popular a lot of companies use it in my opinion is the go-to if you want to learn full stack development for the resource you're going to do the no GS course on code academy and then for the project you can literally take any of the projects you did in the past and try to add the back end to it in terms of time it's going to take you a week or a few weeks depending on how intensely you do it once you have learned that it's time to learn the next piece that you need which is the databases there are two popular types of databases there are SQL database and there are nosql databases you want to learn the difference between the two and when to use one over the other to make it very simple for you if your data is structured and there's relations between the data then you want to use a SQL database like postgis so for example let's say your task to organize a wedding and you have a list of guests you have a list of their meal preferences and then you have seats where they assigned to across different tables in the wedding hall this is structure data because each guest is related to a meal and is related to a seat so that's why you want to use SQL for this now on the other hand if you want to plan a surprise party for your best friend you don't know exactly which are the guests that are going to come and you don't know what they will bring so you have uncertainty and because of that reason it's best to use no SQL database like mongodb for example and advantage of a structure like that is that it's going to be a lot more flexible for the future as you scale and handle like more uncertainty learning both of those database is going to take some time I usually recommend learning only one and I recommend the first one post G sill because it's very powerful a lot of tech companies use it that's what I use too also at my company for the resource you're going to do the code academy postgress scill course for the project is very interesting now because you know front end back end and you just learned about databases so you can do full stack projects which means that you can add those backend functionalities to whatever app that you have built before you can add a user authentication sign in create user profiles store their data save their preferences and a lot of those things this going to be very exciting for you in terms of time again again dedicate a week or a little bit more depending on how involved you are and now we're moving to the most exciting step in my mind it's step nine AI integration this is a step that most likely all the other road maps that you're looking at they don't have it because it's so new and you cannot not learn this bro it's like refusing to become a Super Saiyan when you could become one doesn't make any sense you have to learn different AI apis like open AI That's the creators of CH GPT they're the most famous ones I would start with them and I would learn learn prompt engineering this is also super important to know how to prompt properly the main resource for this in my opinion is the open a documentation because since is so new there aren't many very good courses that have been built on this and right now the open a documentation is where you'll find the bulk of the information so that's where I would recommend you checking first but there is still one course that I was able to find and it has step-by-step instructions on how to build an AI application I've linked it in the notion guide so you can check that on out as a project now it's very interesting because you can build so many different projects you can build a speech to Cote converter where literally imagine an app where you say to the app I want you to build a portfolio website for me for example and then the app the same way as if you ask that to chat GPT is going to write the full code for you it will transcribe your voice and turn into the full code for the website you want that's one project idea another idea is that you can build an Elon Musk chatbot it's a chatbot that has the personality of elen musk and you can interact with him then you can build a gift idea recommender so you input the person personality of the person you want to offer a gift to it's going to suggest you a full list of personalized gifts for that person and in terms of time to invest into this step I would say after a few days or week you're going to be able to build the applications but bro spend as much time as you need and as much time as you can to learn those things There's No Limit there this is the only step where I Say No Limit invest as much time as you can and after that you can continue your journey the C bander never stops learning he never becomes obsolete because is always on top of things you can learn tab script you can learn scss you can learn Docker there's a lot of different things that you can do obviously AI are going to keep learning that because bro right now there's a huge opportunity in the market through AI once you have gone through the steps in this video you have an enormous potential to make a substantial amount of money and to change your life bro don't let this opportunity slip use the road map that I've created as a guide for you you can use it throughout your entire Journey you can access it in my newsletter you'll be able to download it there it's going to be the first email you'll get there's also a bonus step in it that I've written and it's something that in my opinion the reason why so many people who learn to code give up is that bonus step that I've laid out so I really recommend you check it out it's something that most people don't do so please do it the advantage of the notion document also is that I can update it a lot easier than updating this video so as AI evolves and as the market evolves I'll be able to update that document so keep referencing that one okay let me know in the comments what your struggles are I'll read all of them and I'll try to improve the road map based on that now good Benders you have everything you need to start your journey but if you're curious about my own Journey how I went from writing my first line of code to becoming a full stack software developer working on top of the Empire State Building you can check out this video
Channel: The Codebender
Views: 69,241
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to become a software engineer, become a software engineer in 2024, learn to code in 2024, how to learn to code, software engineer roadmap, web development roadmap, web development roadmap 2024, codebender, zaurbek stark, learn ai code, learn gpt, openai, react, full stack web development, web development
Id: 09n__iJvTeY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 17sec (1037 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 14 2023
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