The Dangers of a Counteroffer

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hi sean rigsby here with rsg hey congratulations you've got your dream job and you've accepted a position that is that you're really excited about in in coming on board to a new company and you're about to hand in your resignation probably one of the toughest things you're ever going to face professionally now your company i want to make it quite clear is going to try to do everything in their power to keep you there why you're asking because it's a lot easier to keep you there by giving a few extra bucks a new title or promising to fix the things you don't like and then instead of looking for someone new altogether but giving a resignation is probably like i said just a moment ago is one of the hardest things you're ever going to do there's a lot of emotion that goes into it it's kind of scary and it can make you feel like you have a bowling ball in your stomach and trust me i know this from first hand and when you're giving your notice you're going to hear all the reasons on why you should be staying people are going to be saying oh my goodness i didn't know you were that unhappy how can we fix this you're just too valuable all the things you wanted fixed are now going to come to the forefront but what most people really don't realize is that one of the biggest things out there that could potentially hurt someone's career as a counteroffer counteroffers are great from a short-term perspective if that's your goal fine go ahead and take it but you can get a new title and more money but you got to ask yourself where did the money come from or the title why did you want to leave your company in the first place why did you have to put a gun to their head just to get them to show how much they appreciate you do you really think it's truly sincere think about that for a moment counteroffers in most instances can hurt your career in the long run and i would really encourage you to go online go online yourself look for articles on counteroffers and see all the potential negatives that can happen to an individual in accepting one but i'll also include a few examples of articles i found in for and i'll include that information at the bottom of this video description what i always tell people when they are ready to give notices that you really want really have to go back to the reasons why you wanted to make the change in the first place what were the reasons you wanted to change jobs and that's going to help center you and it's really important it is a very emotional process to make a switch but you have to leave the emotion just put it off to the side because your current company is going to do everything in their power to keep you and they know you pretty well they know what is important to you they know what makes you tick they know what issues have you've had in the past you probably verbalized it to them and they will use this information to try to keep you and get you to stay i hear this from companies all the time that's why i'm i i know so when you hand in your resignation you want to be very wary of any counteroffer in most instances six to nine months after an individual accepts a counteroffer the reasons that they wanted to leave in the first place will usually resurface and very rarely are the issues permanently resolved in my 20-plus years of experience as a recruiter and helping people transition into new positions i can only think of three instances over my career where account offering didn't truly hurt someone's career say you accept the counteroffer one of the things that can potentially hurt you long term is that you're not necessarily going to be viewed viewed the same way within the organization you will be viewed as someone who is not necessarily a team player anymore it's a fact whatever money they give you in most instances is going to be what you know your next two or three annual raises so you're probably not going to see any future raises for the next couple of years another fact another potential pitfall for you if you accept a counteroffer is that if you're ever in line for a promotion say a promotion comes up that you really want you might lose out on that position that promotion because the company will remember that you put a gun in their head just to get a counter offer and in most instances they're going to go with another individual who is viewed as a loyal team employee of the company instead so as i mentioned in the beginning of my presentation giving a resignation is definitely one of the more stressful things you're going to experience in your professional life you know my objective here today was to really let you know about the serious negatives and pitfalls that can come with accepting a counteroffer and i'd strongly encourage you to do your own research speak with people you look to as mentors or advisors to get a second opinion on the situation that's going to be helpful i i rely on people mentors in my life remember you don't want to make a decision based on your emotions but you instead you want to base your final decision on the reasons why you wanted to make a change in the first place if you consider all the possible outcomes before you make your decision you will steer your future in a much better direction hey thank you very much i hope you found this information helpful and i hope you have a great day thank you
Channel: Rigsby Search Group, LLC
Views: 36,433
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Id: frYYBwz3rWI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 0sec (360 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 09 2015
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