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all right guys what is up today I'm loading into a little bit of a bot match as you can see by the names um it's Wilbur here talking to you about why it's important to be editing your HUD I think that it's a really important thing to not fixate on too much it's not going to be make or break in your gameplay but it is something that you see all high level players do really like anybody that is playing the game professionally any of the streams that I've been in I've seen them have a different HUD or a different setup in general and so it's not going to make you jump ranks out of nowhere you're not going to go from being a bronze to to gold five or gold one whatever the hell you're not going to do that you're just not but you are going to get a lot of information which that information can carry you from learning the game at a low level to learning the game at a high level and learning how professionals and how high level players are operating one thing to note they always move their map I've never seen somebody not move their map if somebody does play default Daniel like that's fine with them sure but it's not the most people that I've seen most people bring it in from this corner up here where it usually is they're bringing in over here here let's jump into HUD editor Let me just wiggle around so the game doesn't kick me because you will get kicked from bot matches fun fact learn that the hard way so I'm tucking that over there so I could talk about it a little bit more what I like to do I move to the level up stuff down because what the game likes to do default is it clutters this part of your screen a lot you're gonna have enemy deaths like right here and friendly deaths and you're gonna have any kill messages gonna be here notifications and titles like it's all going to be right over here they might be stacked on top of each other but just so much clutter I'm pretty sure even level up is over in the middle of your eyesight and it's just annoying really it's not going to be helpful for you um at past the beginning levels it's not going to be helpful it's going to remind you of these things when you're not really thinking about it but as you start to learn the game you're going to start to think about it a little bit more critically um as I said you're moving your map in that's kind of one of the things that made it a lot easier for me to accept what's happening on the map I made it a little bit bigger and a little bit more transparent so that way I could see like vulcan's there and Artemis over here but at the same time I don't have a massive blind spot what I decided to do I've seen a lot of people like I think Ben has it so that his allies are on the bottom but I grouped it all up so I could see everybody alive on the map in one Fell Swoop I just glance up there and I'm back um other than that buff bars I brought them together I'm pretty sure that they are usually separate um but bringing them together kind of helps you out a bit where you can see everything that's happening with your character in one spot uh I took everything that's not important to me and I just chucked it off to the side here like I don't care about accolades kills Etc I want to see it over here objective Health top front and center I'm playing a god like raw I want to steal objectives big part of that is going to be point of focus if my point of focus is here and I can just glance up and come back I'm good if I have to glance over here I'm not looking at the objective so I'm able to steal objectives because I can really maintain that level of focus and that's going to be huge for me uh other things just a little side note for ranked I'd strength surrender as small as I could and toss it in the corner you're going to get that 50 times a game and I just don't want to have it quite frankly so that's about it it's really just a small video but I thought it was something worth talking about just a way of gathering information a little bit more quickly if you have any further questions about it please feel free to let me know down in the comments please feel free to um ask anything in specific or give me ideas of what you want me to talk about next I love talking about the game I have a lot of knowledge in the game because I've spent way too much time on the game but anything that uh you want covered let me know and we got it after that please make sure to check out my twitch Twitch TV slash w0ba same thing you see on the main channel here um that's going to be where you can find me when I'm going live I do that pretty frequently right now we might scale it back a little bit going forward but at least you can hang out with me kind of get a feeling of uh who I am and hopefully you'll like it anyway thanks for checking out I hope you guys have a very good day and we'll catch you in the next one
Channel: Lost Coin
Views: 201
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: PYJT3ksg0Wo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 45sec (285 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 02 2023
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