Why You Need a Homebased Business in 2021 & How to Start! | Dr. Lynn Richardson on His and Her Money

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i'm financial expert lynn richardson you might have seen me on good morning america giving financial advice watch my interview with talent and ty mcnealy on his and her money and learn how to generate wealth i'm so excited about this guest's return because here's what's important here's one thing we do know for sure it is the wrong idea to put all of our energy into one source of income if we haven't learned anything from the situation that our world is in is that you have to have diversity not just from the sense of investments i think we've all heard about diversifying the portfolio and how important that is but how can we don't apply that same mindset to our income sources you have to have diversity there as well and so today's guest for a return visit we had to get her back because she dropped excited so many jewels and so many of y'all was just like hitting us up right oh my god so we had to get dr lynn richardson back on the show we are super excited she is a celebrity yes she is she's gonna accept it this time celebrity financial coach and we are super excited to have you back welcome to his and her mother welcome y'all just gonna force me to act right you guys as you all come in make sure you hit that share button hit share because this is live we want as many people to hear what she has to say that's right so dr lynn all right we we had you on last time and you blew people's minds away because you were talking about the importance of why we need a home-based business everyone everyone it's not a want it's a it's a you must it's not an easy must it's a must and we see the situation that you know what's going on in the world and even if this situation wasn't going on in the world this is something you've been preaching for years and years and years right so you can talk pandemic you can talk pre-pandemic just overall in general why i mean because you are passionate about this yeah right this is this is something that you've been harping to people for a long long time so let's just start there where is the passion coming from when you give this message that we must have a home-based business whether we have a nine-to-five or not we must have a home-based business where is that coming from wow well first of all it is thank you thank you thank you thank you i am having the best time of my life and the good thing about that is um i'm doing what i always envisioned and that was to help other people be free uh the bad part about that that i'm having so much fun is that my whole entire team has put restrictions on me because i guess i'm working too hard i'm almost about to pass out and i'm like why can't i work i literally got on the phone they had my my pastor mentor uh well my pastors warren campbell but my the man who ordained me elder robert pierce he called me and got on the phone and basically told me to rest and i started crying because i wanted to work like i started crying so if that tells you like how much i love helping people to see the truth i mean i was crying because i couldn't work like like a two-year-old um so the passion comes from literally me failing at everything uh as it relates to money i was born and raised in chicago my grandmother was 75 years old cleaning home to wealthy people putting me through college we grew up in the projects i knew we weren't rich but i didn't feel poor if i needed money for anything she'd tell me to go look in the room on top of the shelf behind the book inside my pocketbook inside the zipper wrapped up in a piece of paper towel is 20 so when i went off to college i didn't know anything about money she told me to go to school get a good education get a good job go to church on sunday wear clean underwear in case you get hit by a bus but i did not know anything about money so when i got off to college i had a bunch of credit cards couldn't pay anybody and um i had a bad experience with money i left college my credit was jacked up and i thought i really thought my life was doomed i did not know what to do differently and i also did not think i needed to change anything that is an aha moment right here in this moment there are a lot of people who don't know what to do differently and don't think they need to change that's a recipe for disaster and that's where i was things weren't working the way i thought they should but i didn't think i needed to change and so i continued on that path of not dealing with the truth so fast forward i'm married i have three children big old house in the suburbs now i'm making all the money so that's why i'm thinking that what i was doing was right but then what happens i'm living check the monday see check the check is a blessing that means you get paid on friday by the next payday you're broke but check the monday is a whole nother story you get paid on friday you kick it on the weekend you pay on your past due bills and by monday you're broke and i'm educated with a degree in math and economics and finance come on the combination don't get any deeper than that i should have known how to learn uh uh how to manage money but i was an educated fool so the passion comes from making these mistakes so because i made all those mistakes i was making 80 90 000 a year still broke no matter how much money i made i always found a way to be broke so it's this is very critical for everybody who's out there you know you need to do something differently but you don't think you need to change the change comes from within so i am passionate about this because i am a living witness if i can do it anybody can do it and so of course spending less money i tell everybody to live by the 10 10 30 50. the first 10 percent you tied the next 10 percent you save 30 is cash in your pocket to keep you from having a spending addiction a spending addiction is what you have when you go to the store for toothpaste and walk out with 179.47 with the stuff you don't need 50 stays in your checking account for your bills if you have more than enough that's not a license to go spend see in our culture we come from the history of not having and our culture has told us that we need to look like we got it let me tell you something rich people say because they act poor and poor people stay poor because they act rich and poor people stay poor acting rich in front of other poor people which is crazy it's all get out so the goal there if you have more than enough money is to eliminate your debt because there's a there's a middleman between you and your wealth and it's called interest if you don't have enough money you must subtract so it starts there subtract what subtract that car subtract that house subtract those clothes subtract that kid in school whatever don't it doesn't mean that they don't go to school it means you line them up with the philosophy at the richardson household i told my kids listen school is free if you get a's you go to school for free if you get seized you're going to the free school either way it's going to be free for me so we have to disconnect ourselves from the things that we think give us value so the first step is to spend less money the next step is to get more money multiple streams of income but the third thing is to get your money back and i have to go through those three pieces because it is a system and the three of them work together and it wasn't until i learned how to get my money back that my whole entire life transformed so everybody has to have a home-based business everybody has to have a home-based business because the more money you make the more the irs will take there it's it's no wonder why people are struggling when they go for making twenty thousand then they make forty thousand then they get married and have a few kids and maybe your household income is now eighty thousand and it seems like the more money the average household makes the more debt they that they are in or the more financial struggle they have because with more money now comes along the things that come with more money okay so now we have a bigger family now we're going to buy a home now we're going to put our kids in this activity that activity so what's happening is the money is increasing like this okay it's going up going up but the irs is coming and taking it down so you take five steps forward and you take 10 steps back you take 20 steps forward you take 30 steps back and the only way to change the game is to get your money back why so what do i mean by get your money back i literally mean this if you went to the grocery store and you bought 300 worth of groceries and you ate all your groceries had a good time my husband's cooking breakfast right now i'm having breakfast in the middle of the day i'm so hungry imagine you ate all your good food and then the grocery store manager called you back in two weeks and said come back and get your money you'd say what let me tell you we'd stop drop and roll right now off of this skype everybody will go get their money well that's what the government says when you have a business so the government says if you have a business that cell phone that you were using now you can get your money back these things are causing people to be broke how much is an iphone now a car payment a monthly bill is a car payment it's like a college education right here in this phone so the irs says but if you use it for business i'll give you your money back the irs says if you have a home-based business when you drive that car i'll give you your money back the irs says if you have a business when you go on a trip a business trip i will give you your money back the irs says that 475 times just think about that 475 times now the average person only has about 12 to 15 things that we are consistently spending our money on that consistently but the irs says 475 times if you do this i will get you your money back and it only happens when you have a home-based business so people try to wonder why the wealthy rich pay less taxes let me tell you the difference between rich and wealthy rich rich was antoine walker the nba player who had 112 million contract you hear that i remember being young and watching the nba draft or hearing the news and like wow these people are giving me this kind of money we think they're rich but antoine walker was bankrupt two years out of the nba his whole career was about five to seven years bankrupt with 112 million dollars that's because he owed taxes of 55 million right then he owed management and agency fees for about 30 million so with the money that he had left he had offered already overspent couldn't pay the bill by the time it was due but not warren buffett not mitt romney not jeff bezos not the average business owner that you see walking down the street and let me tell you something they don't care about how they look sometimes they the clothes don't even match they got on uh penny loafers and a pair of levi's and a little white shirt but they got wealth so how do we get that because i think that there's a disconnect people think that somebody like me you think i'm somebody i mean i am somebody in god's eyesight but i'm no different than you i'm no different than anybody who is watching this i was born in the projects my grandmother had an eighth grade education nobody came and picked me up and said okay we're gonna drop you into a wealthy land no so if you understand the rules of the game and then play the game by the rules then you too can achieve and acquire the kind of financial independence that you're looking for so here's what starts to happen i'm like oh okay so the irs says if i do this i give my money back so now i start paying attention oh wait a minute the irs says let me tell you something everything i do is business everybody said i can get my money back 475 times let me tell you i think i have to know 473 of them i'll have to because everything i do is business i have three children ask them they don't get birthday cred presents christmas presents graduation no presents why because i can't get that money back but if i pay them a salary if i hire my kids to work in my home-based business okay because the government loves business it operates on two systems i'll tell you about that in a moment but if i hire my kids to work in my business to do uh social media to help me at events to help with filing to do bookkeeping keeping to tidy things up around the home because i have a home office there are many things that kids can do in a business and a lot of times your kids are smarter than these people out here that you're trying to go higher i know so many brilliant talented anointed and gifted entrepreneurs and business owners who are sitting at home struggling like octopuses is that a word octopi is it i don't even know how you say the octopus plural it has to be octopi i just made up a word like octopi with 12 arms trying to do everything and your kids sitting there on social media see we have to get into dynasty building so the irs says the irs loves businesses so much and the sba who is really big news right now talk about them too thought it was so important that they wrote a whole article on it five reasons to hire your kids one of which that there are no federal labor halls laws when your kids work in your home based business they can do data entry they can do it at four o'clock in the morning three o'clock in the afternoon there's no limit on the number of hours they work or on the time of the day do you think that those laws were an accident no they were not an accident everything is intentional so the irs says i can hire those kids pay them a salary now they with the money that they make they can go buy their own presents they can go buy their own gifts christmas every day they can pay for their own tuition they can buy their own diapers they can pay for their own shoes they can they could pay for their own stuff so now i get the money back because i understand the money game so that's what we have to learn so the irs says when you have a home-based business and you run your business like a business so the first reason why this is a game changer and i'm so passionate about it because you know i you we can tell people listen one day you have to retire okay yeah okay listen one day you might need an emergency so save oh okay yeah but start telling people you can get your money back oh see then everybody's at attention everybody said what wait you said i give my money back i came to full attention because we don't have a lack of financial literacy or lack of financial independence because we don't know everybody knows you should save some money everybody knows we shouldn't spend more than we have but what happens is emotions and feelings and feelings of having to have value get in the way of those decisions and we kind of block that out and then we look up and we're not where we want to be but tell somebody you can get your money back see that changes the game but see then now you have to follow the rules you have to follow the rules so the irs says if you work in your home-based business and run it like a business with the intent to make a profit so you have to understand the rules because naysayers haters blockers and crab barrel leg pullers will try to tell you what no they're lying listen to what i'm saying and then go back it up with the irs everything that i learned about taxes and a home-based business i learned from sandy bakken who used to be an irs attorney he used to train the irs agents on how to go out and get people in audits so it doesn't get any bigger than that for the past 12 years i've been following him and learning from him but more than that all he does is teach self-employed business owners how to get their money back so now you can get your money back now everybody's at attention so when you get your money back you can't just do it how you want to do it guess what you actually have to learn the rules of the game you got to learn the rules of the game which means now you have to get a financial education you can't get around it because you can't just get your money back look at what has just happened with the pandemic this thing that has never been presented before what happened they put people in two categories employees over here you can apply for unemployment you can give what six hundred dollars a week and you can get your economic stimulus for a thousand bucks at the most two thousand somewhere around there those employees but businesses oh submit your application to the eido we're giving away ten thousand dollar grants ten thousand i applied got mine all right then they said the paycheck protection program tell us what you did in revenue for the whole year we're going to do a calculation we're going to give you i got that too and guess what i didn't apply as lynn richardson the president of sunny girl entertainment a huge firm a multi-million dollar firm california i did not apply as i applied as lynn richardson sole proprietor so i could prove that it works so when you have a home-based business you get in the same i was in the same category as all those big companies that got the money and have to give it back right so if you are a dj if you do hair if you do nails if you have a home school if you um are a consultant if you are a coach if you are an uber driver if you are a multi-level marketing company if you are anybody who earns cash or gets a 10.99 now we're all in this category why because businesses are the engine of the economy and a car without an engine cannot drive i don't care how i don't care what to do to it and a and a country without a business cannot thrive so everybody has to have a home-based business now first you get your money back that should be enough but here's the next step one string of uh one stream of income is hazardous to your wealth going out there on the rules from 40 years ago if you want to it's and on the rules that said graduate from high school get a good job and retire in 30 years try it if you want to done work and it doesn't work for anybody anymore we used to think that there was a category of jobs that were safe there are no safe jobs anymore not even the teachers and that's a crime teacher should be at the top of the list of everything so teachers are going on strike if you work for the government they've been furloughed people who thought that they were safe from any kind of job elimination people who thought that they were safe are also facing the same issues now i need to take us back to history we have had multiple streams of income since the beginning of time since the beginning of time since the beginning of time the virtuous woman of proverbs had nine jobs she was a seamstress she planted a vineyard she did she planted that out of her profit i think she was a real estate investor because she sold something and she she purchased something and earned a profit and out of her profit she planted a vineyard she was a traitor she went to the merchant ships we've been having multiple streams of income since the beginning something happened along the way we thought we got a little too smart we we got real technologically savvy you know we got the telephone you know the longer had outhouses now we got indoor plumbing so we thought that that elevated us to a state where we could get one profession do one job look at the greats i came into the industry the very first place i worked in entertainment was for russell simmons look how many companies he sold for 100 million dollars look at bill gates look at oprah look at the people who are thriving so what i'm saying is that's what the average person can do one stream of income is hazardous to your wealth everybody needs a home-based business now you can write off your car when you're driving for business you can write off your house rooms in your house when you have a home office you can write off travel and entertainment let me tell you something no entertainment let me take that back no entertainment they they took that out of the rules so everybody when people tell me they're going on vacation i laugh you going on a what first of all you ain't on vacation the vacation is on you because nine times out of ten people go on vacation they spending they build money y'all know i'm you can go and laugh at that the vacation is on you you are not on a vacation it's on you and you just spent your rent money uh or whatever else and you don't went on vacation now you come home and now you're trying to figure out how you're gonna pay the bills same thing with christmas we spend our last stabbing next month rent and start off the new year we gotta end the cycle yeah then we begging for the tax refund we get the tax refund we happy for two minutes and then we broke again you see the bible says he who is faithful with little will be faithful with much he who is unfaithful with little will be unfaithful with much who can be trusted with true riches what's true riches peace abundance the ability to make jobs and opportunities for other people who can be trusted with true riches if you can't handle unrighteous money it's not even righteous so here's what i learned being smart wasn't it straight a student all of that making more money that wasn't it i could go out and make more money but here's the problem with making more money now first of all we're talking about some illegal that ain't even on my radar let's go to all the legal things you can never make you can never work as hard for money as it can work for itself money works harder for itself then you can ever work for it when you amass a certain amount of money and then you put that money and get it to working for itself over time our wealth ambassadors we had a great call last night on investing dollar cost averaging overtime staying with it and sticking with it money will work harder for you than you can ever ever work for it so why work that hard now be excellent do your part it's not going to happen overnight you have to put the time in and then one of the other things people say well which business is the best business that's like asking which prescription do you need for what like what prescription do you need well i'm coughing well we don't know if you got the coronavirus uh maybe you just have a cold maybe you have bronchitis who knows maybe have pneumonia you have to be willing to sit still and find out what god has for you because in jeremiah 29 11 he says i have plans to prosper you not to harm you plans to give you hope and the future but look at the key word plans it doesn't happen by happenstance and we're thinking that we can find a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow get a sugar daddy or sugar mama or get a winning lottery ticket now there are people out there who do that and god bless them but if you want to get in the game of controlling your own situation i dare you to get a home-based business run your business like a business get a financial education see here's the thing about a financial education i've seen people take how to start a home-based business or do the freedom package they get the 21 days of financial freedom to clean up their financial issues they get how to start a home-based business i've seen people say i the very first time i heard the concept of how to start home-based business i saved sixty thousand dollars sixty grand you're looking for money let me tell you how you're gonna get more money you can physically go out there and get more money but i can show you how to get your money back get your money back that's the same thing because you spent it and now you want that same money to come back in so you can basically be your own interest how about that because interest is simply the process of making money multiply so you mean to tell me money that i spent i can actually get it back that's why everybody needs a home-based business the last thing that i'm going to say is this as it relates to a home-based business why everybody needs one you can get your money back huge one stream of income is hazardous to your wealth that's obvious home-based businesses are winning right now if you know how to take what it is that you do and do it from home or wherever you are home-based business means if i'm on the beach last summer i told everybody but i got on the plane went to hawaii for five days on the sixth day i didn't even come home i called dr trina i said i think i'm staying one more day everybody start getting nervous i came home that next day i took my work with me i just took it with me i took my computer and i'm relaxed a lot but i also did some work it was a business trip so you can take this work you can take your home-based business with you wherever you go you can get your money back and then the third thing is everybody wants to feel like they have a sense of control see here's the deal money wants to obey you it does money is an exact science you don't have to worry about it you don't have to worry about if it's happy if it's sad you know we say we have joy how much joy do you have do you have do you have more joy to me like we can't even measure it but money is an exact science so you can tell it what to do what else out here that we need as a resource i can't control water i can't control fire but i can control money and money is saying if you follow the rules i will let you control me and then i will let i will work for you but if you don't follow the rules if you don't respect a dollar what you gonna do with ten thousand of them you ain't gonna you're never gonna get to a hundred thousand you're not gonna get to a million and if you get it it's gonna go it's gonna leave you faster than it came and it's gonna feel worse than never having it all been there done that had no money i used to when i was really broke living check the monday making 90 000 a month there were times when i had more money i was like i wish i was seven because my grandmother gave me two dollars every day i had more money when i was seven than when i was in my 20s and 30s making 90 000 a month so money says if you treat me right if you respect me if you abide by the laws that one plus one equals two and not try to make my two a ten if you live below your means if you let me do what i was created to do which is multiply for you then you won't have to worry about me ever again so what i say to people in the end is money controls you you worry about it you can't think you can't sleep you're trying to figure out you just said any other but that's because you're abusing it let me liken that to having children i have three beautiful children been married for 25 years i tell my children all the time i want you to understand that it is a privilege and an honor that your father and i have decided to raise you because there's no law you don't have to raise your kids you can leave them with their grandma you could leave them i was with my grandmother my mother was around but i was my grandmother gave me my upbringing my father wasn't around until later in life you don't have to raise your kids but let me tell you what you can't do you cannot abuse them and you cannot neglect them so here's the deal you don't even have to deal with money go lay on the beach i have a friend who told me he was gonna uh fly to vegas no take a bus to vegas and be homeless on the beach i said well that's probably a good place to be homeless it'll be nice and warm for you you know i don't know what to tell you but if you going to get in the game you cannot abuse money and you cannot neglect it if you abuse it or neglect it it won't work out for you if you abuse or neglect your children the law is coming for you so you have to take care of it and i think we're in a time today where everybody's like okay i feel like noah i've been saying it's going to rain it's going to rain it's going to rain nobody believed noah then all of a sudden the world was filled with water i've been saying get a home-based business get a home-based business get a home-based business learn how to get your money back learn how to get i said it so much i started getting tired of myself literally about two months ago i was like lynn now you've been saying this but i couldn't stop because i know what it's doing i know how it's working it's working i know how it changes people's lives and when you get a business and you empower others to make money and then and that's how the cycle of life continues so everybody needs a home-based business and now is the time before you get up and you go outside and you start going everywhere that they say we couldn't go to and now you're ready to go let me tell you something money is attached to that every time you wake up money is if the lights are owned money is attached to it you go get in your car you need gas money's attached to it come back in the other direction use this time wisely empower yourself get all of your strategies in place go through the 21 days to financial freedom hit the reset button on your finances change your mind talk to your family members talk to your friends tell people what you're doing if that work network doesn't work get a new network go to the next level it's possible i'm living proof i'm living proof i didn't know i didn't have a silver spoon in my mouth nobody gave me anything and guess what even with all that i had until i did the right thing it wasn't going to work for me so that's what everybody knows oh my goodness um if you guys have not shared this share this um we just got a little bit of feedback so i want to wait okay there we go all right guys come in share this this is so good um i feel like we know you personally for some reason i feel like we're students like oh my gosh like she knows what she's talking about like after you came on the first time um i was talking to my family talking to friends and i'm just like if you don't have a business home-based business you better get it like don't listen to me listen to lynn richardson you know and you guys what she's sharing she wants to i saw somebody say i want her to be my mentor she can go to his and her money dot com forward slash wealth school the link is on the screen and you guys she can teach you how to do this as well so um yeah i mean you laid it out we're like we're students of yours in in your school uh again like ty said his and hermoney.com well school and you can be a student like we are and one of the things because we know you got to go you got a whole bunch of things to do but i want people to walk away with the fact that you're you're not harping on the first half of the phrase by accident it's not any type of business it's home based business yeah you are speaking specifically about home-based businesses and you are leaning in your teachings that we've uh taken part in towards soul props for a few reasons so guys um and i'll let you elaborate on that but yeah if you are not a part of her school and you have a lot of products so let everybody know when they go they're extremely reasonably priced why are you doing that take advantage of this i'm like she's basically giving it away because i think that you're so passionate about this that you want like to eliminate excuses yeah you know what i mean like just go for it so when they come and they look at your products and they want to specifically learn what you just taught us here which product should they lean towards um i i'm gonna say like if you are serious and you're saying listen i'm all in i want to undo everything i did you see it takes a lot of undoing to undo the doing you have done you've been living for 10 years yes 10 years old you've been living for 3650 days 20 years you know double that 40 years quadruple that so let's say it's 14 000 days and you are looking at your financial situation and you're saying this is not what i envisioned for myself and you're all in then you need to do the entrepreneurs academy get the package get all four books get in get immersed in changing everything right um if you're saying you know what i'm all in but i need a little bit of time because my resources then do the freedom package the freedom package is the absolute it's the 21 days to financial freedom and it's how to start a home-based business it'll give you the jump start that you need um and if you can't do that then you need to just start with something even smaller because let me tell you there have been times when i didn't even have twenty dollars literally that was your story your story was so empowering and you shared that um last time i didn't mean to cut you off but i want you guys to see that she was not always at this place but she did different to get to this place yeah i remember once and this was right around the 2008 um recession and i had already started to change how i was dealing with money but then the recession hit and i couldn't get a job and i got on food stamps and one sunday at church a preacher came and he was selling his books that were retailing for thirty dollars or twenty five dollars he was selling them for five dollars i didn't have five dollars i literally did not have five dollars the five dollars i had i needed to go to aldi and buy a bag of chicken a vegetable and something to drink and a salad or something so my husband and my three children and i could eat that day so if you don't have anything then just find 20 bucks or something and start with the 21 days to financial freedom but if you're all in the entrepreneurs academy package is the best because what's happening is people start the education and then they want to take another class and another class in another class and in the entrepreneurs academy package it's all all in one so let me say this i'm not saying get a business i'm saying get a home-based business i have spoken to some of my friends who are millionaires at the networks and things that i work with oh i'm looking at your finances because they all call me for assistance with their finances oh you just missed a hundred and twenty two thousand dollars in tax write-offs they didn't hire their kids they didn't do like there's all these things that aren't that you can only do if you have a sole proprietorship so here's the deal if you have a home-based business you have access to all 475 tax deductions all of them but if you have a corporation you're limited in some of them if you have an llc you're limited in something and you're limited in some of them now that doesn't mean you don't need to keep your corporation if you have a corporation keep that that's what i told them if you have an llc if you have a s corp keep that but you must add a home-based business to the mix without the home-based business you're missing and so they're basically as blown away as i am their heads are rolling off the off the neck they're like oh my god why didn't anybody teach me this you're a tax professional i was there's a series right now with me on youtube i was with two other tax professionals i'm not trying to out them but they admitted it publicly they didn't know that you could hire your kids to work in your home we spoke with one personally yeah they was like no no no i'm not comfortable i'm like okay he's not the one this is not the right accountant but yes you're right that's real like that but this okay so now i'm just it's in i it says it's in the tax code yep it's in a tax code i'm not telling you something i made up i'm telling you what's in the tax code so sometimes people say well lynn okay so can i go back and hire my kid no no no no let me tell you learn the rules of the game and then play the game by the rules you don't have to watch your back you don't have to figure out if you mess something up you ain't trying to cover up no lies learn about this game if you just learn the rules of the game that's enough but see the part of it the thing that's missing is this it's hard work yeah it's hard work get your money back you got to track everything when you in line at starbucks you can't just walk away you got to get your receipt you gotta but once i learned what i what i know now what i teach i could not do it anymore even when i was irritated with my own self in life but what's going in my head that's your money that's your money that's your money that how much money you leave on the table and it's not like i'm obsessed with it it's just like when you care about something when god has given you something he's given you stewardship over it i told my children my children think i know everything like literally so because i'll i'll be like now what's going on with that they'd be like mom how did you know i tell them all the time god gave me gave you to me so i can give you back to him so my job is to raise you for his service so he's going to tell me everything i need to know about you so that's me being a good steward in parenting my children so now here's the deal god gave you money he's asking you to be a good steward okay so once he once i was taught this is how you get your money back how can you ignore it how can you ignore it yeah even with all the things that life puts in front of you and all the things that life is like all this stuff happening i'm so irritated i'm so frustrated and that's one of the things when people start getting their money back there's mixed emotions they're exhilarated they're happy they're reading live and check the monday they're literally laughing out loud okay they're laughing out loud but then they're irritated like the the system isn't working right they get frustrated they want to leave it alone leave it alone and do what stay broke that's not an option not on my watch when all we have to do is do the work so a home-based business is specific now here's the other thing i've had people who say well i don't want a home-based business okay we'll keep giving your money to the irs i don't know what to tell you keep get but i dare you show me your tax return sign up for a tax consultation through his and his and hermoney.com school sign up for tax conversation i'll show you all the money and then i'm gonna multiply by the number of years you've been missing it i'm gonna make you green and sick not just like the grinch see but this the grinch who stole your money right so you've got to make a decision how you're going to interact and how you're going to engage and um so we're here so i'm um let me tell you yes we want to encourage everybody to go to his and hermony.com wealth school two products in particular that you mentioned that you may want to take a look at is the entrepreneur academy or the freedom package depending on where you're at mentally financially either way you're going to come out in a much better position that you're in um i just want to say this i wish that i would have known this when our babies were babies like formula was expensive diapers clothes all of this stuff and it's like they could have been models they could we didn't have to pay for stock photos we could use them you know um in our advertising and some of our graphics like you all this information that she is sharing the truth of the matter is lynn some are going to do it and some are not some are going to be in the same position one year from now five years from now 65 but those that actually say you know what i need to make a change because i believe that this pandemic is causing everybody to think about their current situation like you can't get around that you are either thinking about what can i do better what do i need to improve what do i need to start a home-based business is one of those things that you should be coming out of this pandemic with and you yeah you dive deep in the in your classes but for those who are listening they're on the field like yeah i need to do this but but i don't i don't i don't know what can you just throw out a couple of home-based business ideas just to get people's wheels turned she said uber yeah well everybody can be a consultant so let's just start there anybody can be a consultant doing something that you know how to do that you can teach others how to do everybody can be a consultant at low risk services so you want you wouldn't want to consult on doing surgery like come on now you that's not a home-based business you need a a a license you need degrees you need to pass the board if you try to do that as a home-based business they're going to take you to jail do not call me because i am not going to be able to help you but everybody can be a consultant advising others teachers can tutor people who like art can do graphics work you can consult you can do hair you can do nails you can do like there's so many things djs mlm people are in mary kay they're in melaleuca they're in beachbody they're all kind of things um you can be a virtual assistant you can there what do you know how to do what do you know how to do so i'm not even going to say right now of course in the how to start a home-based business i go through like a lot of different things to give people structure but the truth is if you don't know how to start a home-based business or if you don't know what you would do in a home-based business that's why you come to the class so in the freedom package you get the class but you get the structure so sometimes with things it's like life is overwhelming us and we want to just get to the answer you can't just get to the answer see this is like division you think you could just learn division like come into school one day and learn it no no no no if you weren't there for addition subtraction and multiplication you will never learn division it's impossible like if you put a long division problem in front of anybody who's smart i have a math degree and if i want to do a long division problem i gotta okay so now which rule do i use okay so now i'm gonna multiply okay you carry that okay you subtract do you understand what i'm saying so when it comes to this see people think getting their money straight is something that they're supposed to know how to do no you're not it's supposed to be taught and as a matter of fact it wasn't until rockefeller and mr jp morgan chase himself took it out got together you know hundreds of years ago and did what took it right on now mm-hmm took it out of this rockefeller was quoted and saying i'm not trying to create thinkers i'm trying to create workers that's let me tell you that right now it was supposed to be taught my third my 18 year old when she was 13 she was complaining about algebra she was so and she's the rebel in the house she just speaks her mind and mommy i don't understand this i don't know why i need to do this i'm never going to use algebra why am i you doing algebra i need to be learning how to do my taxes that's what she said and she was right yeah she would tell me she was wrong so school is supposed to be alphabet mathematics so reading writing arithmetic god and he's first and taxes those the five subjects god reading writing arithmetic and taxes those are the five core subjects agreed if you if you get those you don't even need we need history but you'll get history through god through religion you'll get history through those are the five core subjects i don't need to know about photosynthesis i don't aspect the frog what i need to dissect the frog for for what now if you're gonna go operate on people then you need to go dissect frogs if you're gonna go be a botanist and help us with the beautification you need photosynthesis but the five core subjects yeah i can drop the mic on that yeah yeah yeah subject so people assume that they're supposed to know so here's a cycle i messed up with my money i'm feeling bad i know i'm supposed to do the right thing i'm gonna try to do the right thing i keep doing the wrong thing i'm supposed to know better i'm ashamed i'm not gonna talk to anybody about it i'm not gonna tell anybody about it let me tell you something you're not supposed to know it's supposed to be taught yeah it's like expecting a kid who lives in a jungle to know how to no they were they were abused they were left to die they were so they don't know they have to be cultured and cultivated you were supposed to be taught how to handle money you were not taught yeah that's it isn't hermoney.com slash wealth school is where you can learn there you go it is right there on the screen two products you need to go check out the entrepreneur academy or the freedom package they are both powerful powerful we are students we're not telling you something that we didn't do ourselves we are students ourselves forever learning we're forever in the place of being taught people say well when does it end it doesn't yeah because once you get your money then you gotta learn how to keep it then once you get it and keep it then everything changes you gotta know when is gonna change so people get degrees and i'm not talking against academic degrees i have a bachelor's degree i have a master's degree i have an honorary phd my children my oldest is about to graduate from northwestern mine to younger side howard but i know too many educated people who are broke i know too many educated people who broke and i need you all to understand this the system that we were fed was a setup and the system that we were fed was okay we're going to desegregate schools black people everybody people of color y'all can come on all to our schools oh by the way take as many loans out as you want parents you can put your kids in these private schools paying 15 20 000 a year tuition and people are not financially free they're stuck in more debt people are graduating from college with a mortgage and no house student loan a student loan that's any over fifty thousand dollars is a mortgage a fifty thousand a student loan is a car anything over there is a mortgage 100 000 that's a mortgage 200 000 that's a big mortgage 300 000 that's a mansion graduating with a mortgage graduating with a mortgage with no house with no house no asset and so then the the asset behind it is supposed to be your mind but you can't sell that but what you can do is teach it is use your mind to learn how money works to learn how money works so once you then so that's what i figured out i was like now please forgive me for saying this because at the at the lowest point of my financial mess i looked around and i was looking at some people i knew i was smarter than them but they had money and i was broke so who was the fool who was the dummy who was the dummy so this is what i said now lynn richardson if you so smart why are you in a dumb situation i can walk out the door on that don't tell me you smart if you in a dumb situation smart is matched by your circumstances if your circumstances are dumb who did it i did i did that to myself so only in education got me out so because an academic education does not equal financial success a financial education does equal success i i i spend money on my financial education yeah i'll show you my bank statement i i tell people to you know listen to the sandy back and stuff if you can i mean i teach a lot of it too but if you want to go straight to the horse's mouth and hear from him great i i learn from him i get the program you know so for me this is about people are trying to figure out what do i do yeah they are get a financial education what we missed i just learned that about rockefeller just this year i didn't know that before yep that they took it out to school specifically because they did not want thinkers they wanted workers that's it guys all right yeah i mean we we can't give it to you no really then we delivered it on a plate and dr richardson does this so good all day every day she does go to his or her money.com website we can't we can't do this for y'all all we can do is bring y'all the experts tell y'all the sources to get the information it's on you that's why we do what we do but it's at the end after after we get done talking and turn these microphones off it's on you you don't you she said at the beginning you gotta learn the rules of the game gotta learn rules again and let me tell you this it's like i'm thankful for my team because they do kind of have to keep me under control because i want to just explode because this is just the tip of the iceberg this ain't even hit yeah yep i got stuff i was talking to my team today estate planning dude people people got life insurance policies and they have children do you know what happens if something happened to you and all you have is a life insurance policy your children suffer until they turn 18 if you don't have an estate plan i got to teach about estate planning i got to teach about trademarks i got to teach about copyright because if you have a trademark you have a product you have a school you have a service you need to protect it so then you can license it out to other people we gotta talk about investing we gotta talk business finance oh my god business finance so the eidl and the paycheck protection program comes out so i let me just say this real quick government loves businesses they give individuals two thousand dollars they give businesses all this money and then all of us with businesses all of our good people who are out here every day working hard don't can't do a p l so you don't get the ten thousand dollars i put i put the thing in the computer i click send and two weeks later money just popped up in my account they ain't even say nothing they just sent the money and then for the paycheck protection program i had to do a p l i went to business finance 101 i literally went to that class pulled the stuff out i sat in the class one day and i did it and the reason i had to do it as a financial expert because i hadn't done my 2019 taxes yet nobody has so i had to be able to quickly pull together a profit and loss statement because if i i couldn't if i didn't do it now so i have a degree in finance who's going to sit up and pull together a profit and loss statement that's regular running around well you can learn how to do it so we've got to be equipped with the things that we need to then take advantage so i did uh myfairshare.com i did the promo with diddy so that we could be counted so now is the time for you to be counted get a home-based business they just said sole proprietors independent contractors freelancers that's all of us my grandmother was a freelancer she clean homes for wealthy people before she you know before she stopped working she got paid 50 a day 20 a day home-based business babysitters home-based business you did somebody's hair nails home-based business you cook for somebody they paid you money home-based business but see we shoot ourselves in the foot because everybody that's why you got to learn the rules of the game the rules of the game say report the money do you understand the difference between the hair stylist who collected all her money as cash and then just start and the hairstylist who collected all her money and at least put it in the bank first and then spent it well the hair stylist who was collecting all her money and put it in the bank she was able to get 10 15 000 from the government last week a no one but every other stylist in her shop couldn't get anything because they don't document their income [Music] so learn the rules of the game and play the game by the rules nobody expects this pandemic to come but it's here so keep going sports i love it and she's teaching you go to his or her money dot com forward slash wealth school um all of her information is there for you too dr lynn thank you so much thank you always back and blazing yes dropping jewels on top of jewels helping us all china every single time because we all have the ability that's the that's the most remarkable thing about this is everybody is attainable for all of us so thank you for the work that you're doing everybody i can't wait to come back i can't wait to talk about more stuff i wish they would let me talk about more stuff i need everybody to get their home-based business so i can talk yes that's right so everybody gets a home-based business so she can teach us more absolutely thank you all you're so wonderful thank you really admire you and what you're doing i'm so blessed to know you i'm so glad that we connected and god bless you all thank you thank you to you thank you so much we'll stay in touch okay okay to learn more about lynn richardson's webinars books and online courses please go to lynnrichardson.com
Channel: Lynn Richardson
Views: 85,583
Rating: 4.9660816 out of 5
Keywords: dave ramsey baby steps, dave ramsey budgeting, financial freedom retire early, personal finance for dummies, personal finance management
Id: aKZgLBnxV6I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 4sec (3304 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 01 2021
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