DECLUTTER! Junk is Blocking YOUR Blessings!

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okay so i'm about to step on some toes i already know that because i have already stepped on my own toes and i haven't even started yet here's the deal if you want to get to the next level if you want to be in order if you want to march out the rest of this month marching orders we are planting the seeds for everything that we want to reap for the remaining nine months of the year you must get rid of junk you must declutter it is absolutely positively essential all of the extra stuff that we have lying around that we have coveted crept up that we have kept from ever from forever and ever and ever and we say we're gonna use it we're not gonna lose it so on and so forth it is time to get rid of it all so i have a comprehensive list just in case we are confused just in case anybody is wondering what we need to all get rid of okay so we're gonna go through this together and we're going to touch and agree and say amen at the end in jesus name so we can all get this thing right okay here's the deal if you think you can operate at your god-given best in the midst of clutter you are confused and probably delusional it is not going to happen okay so people who tell you well i operate better when it's junkie no they don't know any better i know i didn't have done that when the pandemic first started i was not prepared i was used to being in the office on the road so here i am at home i got stuff everywhere on the dining room table i'm trying to do my zooms from the bed okay janky just janky all of this kind of stuff and eventually it was so much stuff i said wait i had to clear out everything from my loft i had to get new furniture i had to put my computer there had to organize thing and oh my goodness i was able to fly so anybody who's telling you that they operate best in junk have to be a junkyard owner that's it everybody else we need to clear out the clutter so here's the deal take this time for you during the month of march and the remainder of the month the remainder of the quarter the remainder of whatever it's going to take and get your stuff in order get rid of the stuff you don't need get rid of the stuff you forgot about get rid of the stuff that you're never going to use again i have a clue now here's the thing if you do not get rid of this stuff you are going to block your blessings okay god cannot give you new stuff if you've got old stuff blocking your blessings so here's the things that you get to keep you get to keep important papers that cannot be scanned like your mortgage papers your real estate papers your birth certificates your passports you get to keep all those important things you get to keep titles to cars and other assets that you own you're going to keep those things in a safe you want to keep special certificates if you got a degree you want to keep those things you also want to keep furniture that you use now let me repeat furniture that you use now does anybody have a storage with all their old stuff and you have paid more for the storage than you would have had to pay if you bought the stuff again raise your hand everybody raise your hand if you're sure okay that's me we have got to get rid of this stuff so you're going to keep those important papers you're going to keep the furniture that you use now you're going to keep the clothing that you can fit okay you're not going to keep that used to be a size 6 but now you're a size 16 you know the the size sixes are either too old or too out of date when you get back down to that size god is going to bless you with some new money to get some new clothes on a budget you're going to live by the 10 10 30 50 the first 10 percent you tied the next 10 percent you save you're going to use some of your incidental money you're going to get some new small clothes but for right now you're going to get rid of the clothes that do not fit okay you're also going to get rid of the clothes that you have not seen heard of or you remembered for at least two years if you did not did not wear it in the past two years if you do not remember you even had it if it was your prom dress from 1962 and it is now 20 22 21 going on 22 we have to get rid of some of that stuff let me tell you what i had to get rid of i have the dress that i wore to my honeymoon in 1995. it's like a crushed velvet first of all who is wearing that nobody's wearing that i still have that in my closet it is time for you to go all of y'all y'all got some stuff you got some alligator shoes you got some old west side pimp hats you got some uh shirts with the straps and some sun dresses from the hippie days now i am not saying anything about that time but that time is over and a new time is here so we are getting rid of all clothing the only clothing that we are going to keep let me repeat is the clothing that we can fit today and that we have either warned in the past two years or remember we had have you ever gone into your closet and forgot you had some stuff you didn't even think about it but the last time you saw it 16 years ago you knew you needed to save it so that you could wear it when and you forgot that you said that and when you go back and look for some other stuff that you were finding some other stuff and you found some other stuff that you didn't really want and now you have all this stuff we have got to move on because see god wants to bless you exceedingly and abundantly more than you can ever ask according to his power at work in you but the power cannot work because you are constipated with too much stuff too much stuff okay so we're getting rid of that here's what else we are going to get rid of if you have not worn it since 1998 since 2008 uh in any other year prior to 2018 you're getting rid of that if it does not fit get rid of it i just have to keep repeating that because everybody who's trying to lose weight who's trying to work out and i know i get on the keto i get on the atkins i'm working out now that's why i got on my little tank top under here we're gonna fit all the stuff can't fit today it has to go all right it needs to go all right now you're going to get rid of everything else remember you're only keeping the furniture that you are using now you're only keeping your important papers things that you cannot duplicate again your trust your estate plan your mortgage your deed you know all those kind of things birth certificates uh degrees you're gonna keep those things and you're gonna keep the clothes that you can fit you're getting rid of everything else everything else let me tell you what everything else is because i know you might just be confused because i was confused too here's everything else proclamations invitations salutations greeting cards come on now you get 52 greeting cards for your birthday you put them someplace what are you gonna do with those you got a birthday coming next year and if you don't make it to next year you won't need them anyway now i'm not trying to be mean but come on now get rid of some of that stuff even the stuff for you from your kids i know your kids went to school and drew a picture my youngest daughter she had such a wide vocabulary she said mom i made a portrait i was like a portrait i thought it was just a drawing but anyway i know your kids made all that stuff but you got a house full of junk because you were trying to hold on to memories i want you to remember this we have got to remove the clutter if we want to get to the next level so you're going to get rid of proclamations invitations salutations greeting cards report cards programs etc if you are not going to scrapbook it get rid of it if you were not a scrapbooker before this moment you're not gonna start today okay this is for only people who have already started the process and they have a hobby or a business of scrap booking you can scrapbook that sub but please don't tell me well lynn i'm gonna scrapbook it no no no no you lying to yourself but not to me i want you to get rid of that stuff okay i'm so serious we gotta get rid of this stuff okay uh if you are not already a scrapbooker don't start now i just had to repeat that if you are not a celebrity okay everybody with your memorabilia your trophy from eighth grade your football uh hall of fame from your little school in tougaloo mississippi all of that stuff come on now i want you to do a yard sale a non-profit uh event sell that stuff give it to charity or do something if you are not a celebrity whose memorabilia is going to increase in value over time so we can create generational wealth i want you to get rid of that stuff okay um get rid of old clothes old shoes purses pocket books wedding dresses i still had my cousin's wedding dress she handed it down to me and my children were not going with that thing okay they just were not going to wear that thing i had the old wedding dress uniforms um get rid of all the old stuff that nobody is ever going to wear again now let me tell you something about these clothes i keep coming back to clothes because i know i'm going to step on toes if you have to rummage around on the floor on your hands and knees bent over with your back halfway out trying to find some stuff to wear that should be on a hanger you need to get rid of some stuff if you have a dresser uh a chest of drawers a closet several bins full of clothes but when you need to put something on you don't go to any of that you have to go to a new location all of that stuff in the chest of drawers the drawers the the uh wardrobe the closet all that stuff you gotta move that stuff out of the way and make some new room for the new stuff okay old clothes old shoes old purses pocket books wedding dresses bridesmaid dresses i have a bridesmaid dresses child uniforms all of that stuff that nobody's going to wear again we got to get rid of it take a picture and archive it if you want to remember okay take a picture take a picture with your smartphone your smartphone can hold 10 722 trillion pictures okay so take a picture of all the stuff that you want to remember and we're gonna distort digitally but we got to get rid of some of this clutter so we can go to the next level okay here's what else you're gonna get rid of i know you thought i was done furniture lamps curtains old dishes okay i had some dishes that i got as a wedding gift in 1995 i had those same dishes when i moved from chicago in 2014. i had never used them okay i wasn't gonna use those dishes whoever gave them to me i'm sorry but i'm not gonna use those things let me tell you what else i had in 2014 i had my college papers and graded exams from 1989 that's a problem okay so i told you i'm gonna step on your toes but only because i already stepped online okay we are in this together i know you feel my pain so furnitures lamps curtains dishes uh and don't ask me uh or anybody else if they want the stuff you get rid of nobody wants your stuff okay i want you to call the goodwill the salvation army uh maybe go on and throw a garage sale but one of my good friends i'm not gonna tell you who she is everybody knows her she got rid of her stuff and brought it to me then i had stuff that i wasn't gonna use it's just still sitting around here uh don't ask anybody if they want that stuff all right unless you know for sure that someone is in need and they need a couch or they need a television or they need those things then you're going to do that all right so here's the other thing give to the unfortunate get rid of the clutter get rid of the things that are blocking your mind blocking your blessings blocking your creativity i promise you you cannot get to the next level with clutter it is time i know it's friday it's payday we all on the zoom and uh the live with d nice while you partying would be nice i need you to go get declutter while you partying with d nice i need you to go destruct some of that junk that's in your closet that's in your bedroom that's under the bed don't even get me started with the stuff that's under the bed under the bed under the couch and please everybody now if you have a rodent problem now because i had roaches when i was a kid we had roaches and projects that's just what it was okay and i refuse to have roaches as an adult if you have roaches rodents rat mice call the inspector people and get rid of the clutter don't leave anything for them to eat don't leave anything from the nibble on don't leave and you might have to move get you some new neighbors but it all starts with us decluttering cleanliness is next to godliness god is not the author of confusion we are order was here first now let's get it in order let's line up let's march in jesus name i'm with you go to for help bye-bye
Channel: Lynn Richardson
Views: 55,657
Rating: 4.9672909 out of 5
Keywords: spring cleaning 2021, spring cleaning 2021 checklist, spring cleaning, cleaning motivation, declutter, declutter with me, decluttering and organizing, declutter with me 2021, gods blessings just for you, law of attraction coaching, blocking blessings, blessings, how to get god to bless me, financial freedom, financial freedom motivation
Id: EQA4HY20gKg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 58sec (778 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 19 2021
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