Serve God by Serving Others with Ptr. Joby Soriano

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well I need to really praise and thank God I'm so grateful that I celebrated my 57th birthday last Friday oh I know what you're saying you don't look 57 you look 56 you know I I want to say that do you like surprise parties do you like something I don't I don't like surprise parties especially when after the party they give you the surprise bill you know those are the worst times I specifically asked just to have a quiet day just a quiet day with the Lord to reflect on the past years of my life and you know it's 57 years is a long time so I'm still reflecting up to now I share this news with you not so that you will give me gifts or greet me but if you want to you know I would love your prayers I would love your prayers please pray for me that God would protect me give me wisdom and faithfulness because really friends I can't ask for more God has been so generous to me all these years he's given me such a loving supportive family a wonderful wife who I don't deserve and he's given me you my spiritual family you you have no choice you stuck with me that's that's the way it is but indeed I look back and I say it's been 16 years since I've been serving you as a pastor and and it's been a joy and privilege indeed for me you have been all so kind so patient so generous and and long-suffering and really your reward is in heaven with God but I must say that my life's journey has been truly a blessing most of all because God has given me the opportunity to serve to serve if you've been with us since the beginning of this year January we've gone through several series the first one was loving God learning to love God with all our heart soul mind and strength and then we talked about his word the Bible it's true getting to know God of the Bible and then obeying his word living it out in our lives and then the last series we just finished was about being connected in life through a small group those lessons I believe are so essential to all of us we need those lessons in our lives I often talk to people and and these people tell me I have so much and yet I'm unfulfilled when I hear that I dig deeper I say tell me what do you mean by that and they say well I've got a good family I've got an okay job I've got great kids spouse yeah but I've got you know loyal friends a vibrant church that I belong to I have all these things and yet I still feel unfulfilled can you somehow relate to that have you ever asked yourself that question why am I so unfulfilled what's missing in my life after many years I've discovered I've discovered that it's because you and I are made for so much more you were made for more than living for yourself friends you were made by God and for God what does that mean that means that unless your life is focused on serving God you will never find fulfilment let me say that again unless your life is focused on serving God you will never find fulfillment the title of our message today is serve God by serving others can you all say that serve God by serving others believe it or not serving brings fulfillment I know I can't explain it it's a mystery that I'm still trying to understand it you see we all grow up wanting to be served we don't want to be a servant and yet and yet when we serve others true joy and fulfillment in life begins when we serve others true joy and fulfillment in life begins I want to share with you three keys God's Word that will bring about this truth the very first point is God designed us to serve point number 2 God gifted us to serve and number 3 Jesus showed us how to serve I heard a story about a baker who went to a barber in the United States to get his hair cut after the Baker had his hair cut he went to pay the barber and the barber said I'm sorry I will not take your money because I'm doing community service this week oh the bigger was thrilled he left with Thanksgiving the following morning when the barber went to his shop to open it with the keys he saw on the ground he saw thank you card and guess what a dozen donuts from the Baker he was so happy that that morning a farmer came and had his hair cut and when he was about to pay the barber said no no no don't pay me I will not accept your money because I'm doing community service this week Wow the farmer was thrilled he was overjoyed he left with Thanksgiving the following morning when the barber went to his shop to open up with the keys guess what he found a thank-you card from the farmer and a dozen eggs that evening up in I went to have his hair cut and as I have used hair cut he was about to pay the barber in the bar so no no I will not accept your money because I'm doing community service this week the Pinoy was overjoyed he left with Thanksgiving the following morning when the barber went to his shop in the morning guess what he found that doesn't be noise waiting to have the haircut serve God by serving others our very first point God designed us to serve can you all say that God designed this to serve you know people design things for many reasons but they always have a specific purpose the chairs you're sitting on what's the purpose for that just sit on right are you supposed to stand on those chairs no that's not the design are you supposed to sleep in those chairs no that's why it's uncomfortable right I mean look look at this huh this microphone was designed to project a person's voice in a huge crowd that's the purpose of this this was not designed to hammer nails alright you'll ruin it everything has a purpose and because of its design you and I were designed specifically by God not just to raise a family not just to have children not just to have a career not just to eat drink sleep and consume resources friends God designed us to make a difference in our life he doesn't want us to just be takers he wants us to be givers as well to give something back and the Bible is very clear and emphatic when it talks about our design that Ephesians chapter 2 verse 10 look what it says everyone we are God's workmanship created in Christ Jesus to do good works which God prepared in advance for us to do notice there it says we all of us are God's workmanship God's creation designed by God created in Christ Jesus to do what good works the word good works there is the word for service when we serve others were serving God and all of our service believe it or not has already been designed and planned in advance you and I need to walk in it we need to actually do it we were created to serve God by serving others now let's look at the context of this verse go back to verse 8 Ephesians chapter 2 8 and 9 says for by grace you have been saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of God not as a result of works that no one should boast friends how are we saved by grace what is Grace unmerited favor it's a blessing that you and I do not deserve that's why it says it is the gift of God that's what grace is it's a gift you see you and I we cannot save ourselves no matter what we try to do to earn salvation there's nothing we can do and that's why we need faith see that say in Jesus Christ alone he brings us to salvation he gives us salvation have you ever come to a point in your life when you have humbly told Jesus in prayer Jesus I thank you for loving me I thank you for dying on the cross to pay for my sins I thank you that you rose from the dead to prove that you are God in the flesh I repent of my sins and I put my total trust and faith in you as my savior have you ever done that in your life because if you have you have now connected yourself with God you receive salvation but listen to this after you are saved you and I must get involved in good works because we were created by God for good works God wants us to get involved in good works he wants us to serve him by serving others and the evidence of our salvation is good works it's changed lives today the problem is that many Christians who are saved feel okay that's done I'm over and out I don't need good works Paulo so I just lived my life for myself what do I need good works for just enjoy my life and so they live a life without getting involved in any service friends listen to this you are saved to serve others can you say that's your neighbor you are saved to serve others today I want to challenge you I want to challenge you to serve as soldiers in the army of God you have all been hand-picked by the God most high and when he gives you an assignment you must do it with all your heart with all your love with all your passion give it your very best effort don't give up don't quit don't give in look there are so many what I call couch potato Christians you know what I'm talking about Christians who are just there on the bench sitting on the sidelines not involved not in the game not living for Christ they they know so much about the Bible and week after week they just gain they just get more knowledge and they get fat on the Word of God and then they walk out the front doors go about their life and they come back again when they're hungry and want to eat some more I don't know but what is it about those Christians is it because of a lack of motivation is it a lack of self-discipline is it selfishness is it lack of direction whatever it is I know this one thing that you'll never be content until you learn to serve you will never be content until you learn to serve do you want the cure for depression go out in the name of Jesus and help others do you want to be happy go out and do good to others do you want a meaningful life go out and serve others friends why should you serve the Lord what for what's in it for you what's in it for you many Christians look at this verse at 15 first Corinthians 15:57 and they like this verse it says there but thanks be to God continue he gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ therefore my dear brothers stand firm let nothing move you does that describe you the context of this verse is Christ has been resurrected the victory is ours death has lost its sting we are going to be resurrected with Christ one day but you know a lot of Christians take this verse and they say you know this is great I'm victorious and then they live their lives just coming Sunday after Sunday they think they're fine there's nothing that they need to do they don't even move but they fail to look at the next verse which has all the meaning it says in verse 58 always giving what give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord because you know that your labor in the Lord is what is not in vain that's the key verse it's not a verse for couch potatoes Kotchman 80 questions it's a verse for God's workmanship for those who are in Christ Jesus you see friends when I get to heaven I want to bring a lot of people with me and I don't want to bring people who just barely make it by the skin of their teeth I want to take highly-decorated battle-tested Christians who fought the good fight and I want to stand beside each and every one of you in God's presence and receive our crowns of service and then together take them off and lay them at the feet of Jesus in honor and worship of him if you are not currently serving the Lord today in any capacity you are in danger you're in danger of moral failure you're in danger of becoming stale complacent you're in danger of missing out on God's blessings you're in danger of experiencing spiritual decline then there was a young man who has shared the gospel with and that's why we shared the gospel he prayed to receive Christ he surrendered his life and accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior and then the ask that guy can you please share with me again I want to know let's hear that gospel with me again he shared it again after he reads can you share it to me again I won't hear it again he shared it five times the friend shared the gospel with this young man and after he shared it five times his friend said do you understand you finally understand the gospel and the young man said yes I do I'm so excited like I said why are you so excited the young man said joyously because now that I know the gospel so clearly I can't wait to share it with others we should be like that young man we should be responsible to share the wonderful truth that God has given us with others share and serve others just as God has served us you cannot say I will serve God but I will not serve others I will not serve people you can't say that when you serve God you will serve people and ministries all about people it's not about programs it's about people now you can serve people without serving god but maybe your motives will be wrong when we say I will serve God we must say I will be willing to serve people God designed us to serve you know if there's one that could communicate with all of us today what I really want you to take home it's the fact that you were saved in order to serve our mindset should change I am a servant and I must serve others my friends that would be all worth it our problem is that many times we are selfish by nature were selfish children do you teach children to be selfish yes or no no he has to teach them to be selfless to learn to share with others through these two good friends Rico and Joon who went to the restaurant and they each ordered a steak medium-well when the waiter came to bring the steak he brought both steaks Rico immediately got the larger stake his friend Joon said hey Rico when will you learn to be considerate about this when will you stop thinking just about yourself Rico replied why if you had a chance to pick a steak which says which steak would you choose well Joon said choose the smaller one of course or recurve light why are you complaining I just made it easy for you I gave you the smaller one already is that consideration or selfishness I would believe it's selfishness do you always have to have things your way are you selfish with others sometimes most of the times all the time if that's so that you and I need to learn to change our ways to learn to serve others someone once said we can serve without loving God but we cannot love God without serving others this morning we've got a sister who's gonna share a part of her life with us please welcome Edith lock up my deep love for God has moved me to serve him with all my heart by serving others I volunteer as a singer in the worship ministry teaching kids in Sunday school of the children's ministry sharing God's salvation at the visitors lounge and as a support of my husband as he leads our discipleship now three twice a month this 8:00 to 3:00 Sunday schedule may seem taxing to some of you but for me it gives me joy and privileged to serve the Lord the savior of my soul and the ruler of my life teaching about the knowledge of God to kids has taught me to persevere for his glory seeing kids in Sunday school know more about God and loving and obeying him is truly worth the preparation every week our present lesson is about God is awesome and in here the children are taught the visions of God experienced by three prophets as specifically as decal John and Isaiah in their the kids learned that no one and nothing in this world deserves to be called awesome a volunteer like me need not a pat in the back a praise or two or any recognition to show how much I love the Lord and I must go on serving him it is enough that Christ died for me made me who he wants me to be and that is to please and laura fie His Holy Name I am more encouraged by verse 58 of the fifteenth chapter of 1st Corinthians which was showed earlier by Pastor Joe B it says therefore my beloved brothers be steadfast immovable always abounding in the work of the Lord knowing that the Lord that in the lord your labor is not in vain God is truly awesome and is worthy to be served I remain the servant of God and my name is insignificant thank you Lord let me ask you do you know the name of your child's sunday-school teacher do you name of do you know the name of the usher who led you to your seat do you know the name of the person who leads our band or sings the songs many of these people serve with their hearts they volunteer because they love God and they choose to give their lives to him and in any way shape or form you might be saying okay Joby how do I serve what can what do I do to serve let's go back to the Bible may I suggest that you understand that you have been given a gift by God point number two God gifted us to serve can you all say that God gifted us to serve what's the basis of this first Peter chapter 4 verse 10 look what it says as each one has received a what a special gift employ it in making lots of money does that make sense is that what it says no no it doesn't say that it says employed in living it comfortable and carefree life is that it no no no let's its employed in the pleasures of life that doesn't sound good no but this is it employed in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God friends each and every one of us upon receiving Jesus in our lives receives the gift of salvation that's ours but he also gives us a special gift you know what that special gift this it is a spiritual gift yeah can I see that thank you very much Ethel belated thank you God gives you a gift now when you receive a gift what should you do with that gift what should you do that gift this is a very unique gift you and I must open it and give it to others we cannot keep this to ourselves this gift is not for us it is for us to bless others when I was young I could not afford to buy gifts for my brothers and sister and I felt kind of sad because during Christmas time I would see the ball exchanging gifts with one another being so happy they were giving me gifts but I wasn't giving them anything it made me so sad but the following year my parents came to me and said Joby we're gonna buy you gifts and those gifts you can give to your brothers and sister when I heard that I was so happy finally I can partake in that that merrymaking of giving gifts to other people the following Christmas was great have you ever met a person who is gifted gifted in some way that that you were just so blessed maybe you sat in a class with a teacher and that teacher shared in such a way that that you truly understood you you were so inspired has that happened to you or you maybe you sat in a in a class where it was a music lesson and the person played the piano or sang songs that were so exceptional that you Regis blown away friends giftedness means that that person's ability is exceptional it means that that person has a special skill that they possess that you might not possess what is a spiritual gift maybe that's your question what is a spiritual gift spiritual gifts God empowered abilities that cannot be earned or chosen given only to believers as God wills for the purpose of what serving blessing the body of believers and others as instruments of God for the purpose of glorifying him that is what spiritual gifts are all about that's what spiritual gifts are about spiritual gifts are very different from natural abilities I'm talking about artistic abilities athletic abilities very different what our talents what are those things well talents are from God but given at our birth or we inherited from our parents or learned learned it and developed it that's that those are talents when it comes to spiritual gifts these are given at our new birth upon commitment to Christ God directly gives us those gifts now those gifts are unearned but they're very valuable they're very valuable you can have more than one gift but you cannot have all the gifts sorry to say in 1st Corinthians chapter 2 verse 14 look at it says whoever does not have this spirit cannot receive the gifts that come from God's Spirit in other words you need to be connected with God in order to receive this spiritual gift throughout the epistles the Apostle Paul he writes about spiritual gifts because he doesn't want us to be ignorant we need to know about this he tells us that there are many gifts these are some examples godly wisdom faith discernment teaching service administration mercy giving hospitality and encouragement now this is not a comprehensive list okay there's many many more but these are the general list of gifts that have been given to us so we can give to others if you want to know more about the spiritual gifts I encourage you to read 1st Corinthians chapter 12 Romans chapter 12 Ephesians chapter 4 you'll see a whole explanation of these gifts and by the way if you attend the Holy Spirit class that we have here on Wednesday nights we teach a class on the gifts of the Holy Spirit and we encourage you to understand this because there's so much more to learn about this than just these few next next few minutes Ephesians chapter 4 verse 16 what does it say the whole body meaning the church is joined together by what every supporting ligament try to pick these pictures as you mind grows and builds itself up in love as each part does its what as each part does its work question do you consider yourselves to be part of the body of Christ yes or no or do you consider yourself to be independent meaning you've chosen to live apart from all the rest you're a lone ranger Christian see friends because Christ church is made up of many different people we all have a variety of gifts and these gifts we use to serve one another in areas that we don't excel so you you experience being served in areas that you don't have a gift and likewise you give it back and forth that's what it's that's what we're doing now give you illustration of this okay I bar that thank you okay you know I rode my bicycle here and I brought my wheel so it doesn't get stolen downstairs just kidding friends this these are spokes these these wires here are all spokes if you notice in the center you've got the hub and then you've got the tire of the wheel these spokes represent us all of us and our spiritual gifts notice that in the very center you've got a hub this represents Christ our faith in Christ he is the source and the center of our lives and from him out come the overflowed our lives our lives are connected to this wheel this wheel is like the body of Christ or the world around us each of these spokes is important they all need to be strong they only to be sturdy reliable why because if one of these spokes is is weak or missing like here this is this one here this is broken all right this book is broke if one of them is missing a broken it it makes this whole wheel unstable dangerous what is this ain't to us you and I are all important as part of the body of Christ there is no one here who can claim my gift is better than yours or someone here saying my gift is not as good as yours no no every single one of us working together as one we is one we can work together and we serve the body of Christ as one remember that friends our gifts are not to draw attention to ourselves it's not for us it's not for us to to get applause or approval from people god gives us these gifts so that we can be a blessing to others are you with me now 1st Corinthians chapter 13 the Apostle Paul he says if I have all the gifts but do not have love what I'm nothing I am nothing he says if you are conceited if you're filled with pride or you have selfish motives in using your gifts guess what all the blessings that that gift was meant to provide are useless they're all canceled any gift that is left unopened or just disregarded it's useless it's not serving its purpose if you serve others if you serve others they get blessed but if others don't serve we miss out we get cheated there have been many people over the years that have been such a special spiritual gift to this church and me I've seen how how they've worked and served this church and because of their service they have done great and mighty things and I pray that each and every one of us here would be just that we would be persons of of spiritual gifts that are so valuable to this church in my own life for example I believe that God has given me the spiritual gift of teaching of exhortation I love taking the Word of God taking something that's very difficult to understand and conveying it in such a simple easy-to-understand manner and I pray that when I teach people are blessed how do you discover your own spiritual gift that's the question how do you discover your spiritual gift let me give you some ideas and see if you can apply this in your life first and foremost volunteer your services go out and do something try something just whatever you're inclined to do just go out and if you see anything and your burden go and do it go and do it another one is know your abilities know your temperament your personality and your experience see what it is about you that then makes you different and and know your strengths know your weaknesses and just apply it apply it but you have to know yourself another one is check to see if you delight in exercising the gift it should not be a burden it should not be a task it should be something you enjoy doing it comes out natural it just it just flows from your life that's when you know it's a spiritual gift and lastly I encourage you ask others asked for the feedback Assam were you blessed by the teaching were you encouraged where you inspired no get people's feedback did you honor God most important did you honor God as you exercise that gift now don't easily give up don't easily quit because you feel you failed that gift of exercise of exercise that gift don't give up don't feel that you know I can't I can't be used by God because my gift this is not good enough friends sometimes you need to develop your gift you need to develop it don't hold back just because you feel you may not be fully ready to share that gift with others for example I look at look at this picture this is what happens when a D group member is sick in the hospital all the rest of the D group go and visit them does it happened to you and when they all gather around it's amazing because you'll see that they all start exercising their gifts it's a dynamic that that's hard to explain but everyone because of their natural gifting start serving for example you have a person there with them maybe a gift for mercy okay and this person with a gift of mercy who's in the hospital they what do what comes to your mind when you hear gift of mercy they think you know you must feel so bad let let me let me keep you company let me take care of you what were the things you need your that's to get the mercy bang now ah okay and then you have the gift of teacher the teaching gift now whoa to you if you have a friend who is a teaching gift and visit you in the hospital what do they say when they see you in the bed they say oh what lesson is God teaching you or they say what Bible character represents you in the situation that happened you know right they don't stop teaching you I'm not like a nun and they're still teaching you huh it's that's the way they want everyone every moment to be a learning experience teachers give them a break uh well if you have maybe the gift of administration the gives administration many of you might have that how does that person serve that person price says can I ask you who's taking care of your home while you're in the hospital who's the thing your children to school who's feeding your dog who's watering your garden good one you know and that person is really an administrator what if the person has a gift of exhortation how do they serve the gift of exhortation that person might say you know I I really encourage you stop taking all those commitments you need to say no once in a while think about your health you know you've got to rest sometimes and gift of exhortation and then maybe another one the gift of the gift of giving okay the gift of giving what would they say the price say can I ask you how are you gonna pay for the hospital if you need some money my husband will pay for you do you like that person to visit you in the hospital my husband's so generous they say then gift of giving what's my point my point is this we need each other we need each other do you understand what I'm saying question are you today aware of your spiritual gift are you aware of your spiritual gift or you're still not sure what it is ask people around your close family members do I have a spiritual gift that you experience that I'm exercising another question are you going out of your way to share the gift God has given you or II do you just don't care you hold back are you holding back your gift another question are you withholding your gift by not sharing it with others are you withholding your gift by not sharing it with us when we use our gifts together guys listen we all benefit God brought you here to CCF to be in service to your brothers and sisters within these walls and outside these walls as well all right then how do we then put this to practice how do we serve God how do we serve others in a way that we're meant to friends I got good news for you God did not just design this to serve he didn't just gift us to serve God sent Jesus Christ to show us how to serve point number three Jesus showed us how to serve he was example he's the model he came to this earth as a man and Jesus Christ says to us follow me watch what I do and do it as well Christ came to this earth and served Matthew chapter 20 verse 28 look at it says Jesus said everyone the son of man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many we ought to learn the example of what it is to be a christ-like servant and that's what Jesus was questioned do you want to be it do you want to make your life count do you want to make your life be an impact to the life of others yes or no what does it take to be a christ-like servant in the book of Matthew chapter 14 verse 14 here's an incident where Jesus says went ashore and he saw a large crowd and felt compassion for them you know that wherever Jesus went crowds gathered multitudes of crowds gathered they watched him teach perform miracles and do many things well at this one point it says there he felt compassion it was a sensitivity that he had for the crowds Jesus was sensitive can you say sensitive sensitive to there needs to be a christ-like servant you and I need to know the needs of others this is not automatic this is where you need to put put yourselves in the in the eyes of Jesus let let see things with his eyes see people with his eyes we will never know the needs of people until we are with people I have the opportunity to be around people a lot throughout the week and because I see people I hear their heartaches I listen to their pain I know their hurts and when I hear their brokenness my compassion builds in my heart husbands wives let me ask you a question do you know the cause of 90 percent of the problems in your marriage husbands wives do you know the the cause of 90 percent of the problems in your marriage let me just tell you it's not finances it's not physical it's not relational it's not emotional it's not even your in-laws you know what it is one word selfishness you think about yourself you're thinking about your needs you're thinking about your wants you're thinking about everything about yourself but you're not thinking of your spouse and I'm guilty of this too friends those of you who are think about getting married listen carefully okay I want you to be warned you might be planning your wedding very soon and you're excited you're excited about your wedding why because today you're so kind and considerate to your partner you want to to serve them you want to win his heart you want to win her heart to what you're so giving of each other that's what it is today but when you're married when you get married oh it's a whole nother case my goodness it's a whole nother story we need to be selfless and sensitive selfless insensitive indie groups today when you gather together in a d' group do you walk in thinking okay this guy better have a good lesson for me today otherwise I'm not coming back or do you think you know this group better encouraged me they better inspire me I mean I've got problems in my life I want to hear something that uplifts my my spirits is that your mindset or do you go to your D group thinking how can I be a blessing to these people how can I share my life so I can inspire them how can I share my struggles and how god is working through me what can I do to encourage everyone that's a whole different another mindset let's go back to our story Matthew chapter 14 Jesus comes ashore he sees the crowd he feels compassion he's the master teacher and he shows his disciples how to serve how to serve and he says you need to be available can you all say available available not just sensitive but available are you today so busy with your own agenda that you have no time to be available for others have you hung on your heart a sign that says please do not disturb and you're telling yourself you know I've got my own life by agenda my my plans my ambition I don't want to be bothered by old people's problems I don't need that I want to live my life my own my way don't bother me with people's problems or is your mindset you know I'm not good enough to serve I'm not good enough can I tell you something if that's the way you're thinking listen you will never be good enough to serve never but God still wants you to serve he still wants you to serve in spite of you being not good enough God wants you to be available available oftentimes we feel that we don't have enough resources to meet the needs of others cool and I hope I don't have I don't have what it takes to give them enough and that's what the disciples are feeling because of that you would draw you you step back I can't serve their needs so I step back the disciples wanted to withdraw they were telling Jesus Jesus we can't take care of these multitudes of people let's tell him to go home we can't feed them send them home what's Jesus reply he says to them in verse 17 verse 16 17 but jesus said to them they do not need to go away you give them something to eat notice you gives them something to eat they said to him we have here only what five loaves of bread and two fish that's all we have that's all we have Jesus friends listen to be available means what it means that we are simply distributors Jesus is the manufacturer we are the distributors he has all the resources that we need we need to simply be available to pass on those resources to others as Jesus gives them to us I hope that's make you sense he goes on to say in verse 19 he Jesus took the five loaves and two fish continued and looking upward to heaven he blessed food and breaking the loaves he gave them to the disciples and the disciples gave them to the crowds and they all ate and were satisfied take a note of this he gave them to the disciples and the disciples gave them to the crowds pass on okay don't be afraid to be available to be available means being willing to stop whatever you're doing to be interrupted just like Jesus when he was at the wedding of Cana he was there as a guest but he was willing to stop and be available to convert the water into wine where Jesus was going through Jericho he saw the chaos Jesus stopped and sat down with Zacchaeus when he was going through other parts He healed the blind man Bartimaeus He healed a leper he healed the demon-possessed man Jesus was always willing to stop be interrupted and be available Matthew 14 verse 20 and 21 notice they picked up what was left over of the twelve baskets twelve full baskets there were about what five thousand men who ate besides women and children can you imagine this all these people were able to eat friends the secret to an abundant life listen carefully the secret to an abundant life is what you receive from God you pass on to others what you receive you pass on you and I have no ability to our own to be able to serve other people but he has all the capability so we received from him and pass it on friends today you might be saying I can't love that person he's unlovable I can't forgive that person if you only knew what they did to me my family you'll never forgive that person and sure enough you cannot do it on your own and that's what we go to God and we say Lord God I need your help and you get your love from God you get all that love of God and then you pour out that love to that person you go to God and you get all the forgiveness for all your sins and Lord thank you for forgiving me and would that forgive us you forgive others that's the way it works you get from the manufacturer and you distribute it out now let me ask you when you go to a restaurant and you have extra food what do you what do you call that take-home leftovers right do you usually have leftovers in your in your meals or do you eat everything up now if you're with Jesus think about this you're with Jesus and you order five loaves of bread and two fish and after everyone eats what's left over well baskets full now if you own the restaurant and Jesus is okay we'll take home the lamb take home what would you do it to the right as the restaurant owner he'd close shop right now here were the disciples each carrying one big basket why why were the twelve baskets left over one for each disciple and I submit to you Jesus wanted to show them his sufficiency his all sufficiency that they were insufficient on their own but with Jesus he had all the sufficient sufficiency we must depend on Jesus when serving others when you serve people you get your resources from God to be a servant like Christ we must be sensitive remember see people's needs listen to their hearts so husbands and wives you have some work to do right and children with your parents people in D groups together relationships friends you need to be selfless but be sensitive and then in your D groups the same thing be a blessing to others after being sensitive be available be willing to be stopped meet other people's needs in the mids of your agenda why because you can supply them what he supplies you don't be afraid of not meeting their needs because all your needs are will it ready they're with God he's the manufacturer and we are the what distributors a distributor simply receives and passes on receives and passes on next Jesus showed us the model of faithfulness can you all say that faithfulness John chapter 17 verse 4 it says there Jesus said and he's talking to his father in a prayer just before he's about to go to the cross he says I glorified you on the earth having accomplished the work which you have given me to do Jesus was saying I did it all finished I completed the task case closed I'm ready to go home will we be able to say that will we be able to say that as well you see friends faithfulness is finishing the task it means that we do the best we can with what God has given us and we don't give up we don't give excuses we don't leave the work undone we don't do the work poorly as I was reading the parable of the talents where the master was going on a vacation and he gave his three servants talents in different proportions and he says when I come back I will take an accounting to see what you did with those talents I realized something when he came back and he honored those who were faithful look what he said he did not say well done good and faithful doctor he didn't say well done good and faithful businessman or lawyer he didn't say well done good and faithful pastor or D group leader you know why because it doesn't matter what you are what your vocation is it doesn't matter what your success is in life it doesn't matter what your company how much you've earned that doesn't matter what matters is this when he says well done good and faithful servant that's what counts that's what counts in the end are you a servant that is faithful are you a servant that is faithful faithfulness means we don't focus on title we don't focus on position we don't focus on prominence we don't focus on man's approval our focus is on pleasing the Lord are you with me as servants we must be sensitive available faithful and lastly enthusiastic just like Jesus we ought to serve God with fervor with passion look at this Colossians chapter 3 verse 23 let's read that whatever you do do your work what heartily ask for the Lord rather than men that word heartily is the word with passion with all you've got with fervor with enthusiasm that's how you should do the work some of us might think you know I've been serving God for so long it's like I'm doing God a favor you begin to feel sorry for yourself all this time all this effort that I'm putting in I cook a pot with Naaman cop we you know I'm really I really want you to understand if you feel really tired in doing all these things don't consider these sacrifices they are not sacrifice as friends because you never sacrifice for the Lord our mindset should be it is a privilege it is a privilege we're not doing God any favors by serving others as well in fact God is giving us the favor of serving on his behalf we must not serve listen we must not serve if we serve out of duty we must serve out of delight out of enthusiasm out of gratitude and how do we how do we maintain that that enthusiasm what's a secret to keeping enthusiastic remain enthusiastic the next verse closest 3:24 says knowing that from the Lord continue you will receive the reward of the inheritance it is the Lord Christ whom you serve you see it is the Lord Christ we serve no matter who you serve today in the workplace at home in your community whenever you serve you're serving Christ he says I have a reward for you there's a reward an inherited reward for you you say I don't need a reward God don't give me a reward please you gave me everything you are you died for me don't even think about giving me a reward but God is amazing he says I still want to give you a reward can you imagine that he still wants to give us a reward in spite of all that he's already done when the time comes and were face to face with God he will know exactly our lives past but he might ask us these questions God he won't ask what kind of car you drove but he'll ask how many people you drove who don't have transportation God won't ask how big was your house but he'll ask how many people you welcomed into your home God won't ask about the clothes you had in your closet look at those clothes huh well up on shoes Jen but he'll ask how many people or how many you helped the clothes God won't ask in what neighborhood you lived but he'll ask how you treated your neighbors God won't ask what you did to help yourself but he'll ask what you did to help others friends god knows everything we're doing today instead of looking for the applause and approval of man friends we need to look forward to the rewards of God he has these rewards set aside for us in heaven and this is the way that you and I can can continues to sustain the services we're doing for him friends nothing wrong in expecting rewards remember nothing wrong as were in fact in the last book of the Bible the book of Revelation it says to the last chapter revelation 22 verse 12 it says there jesus said behold I am what coming quickly and my reward is with me to render to every man according to what he has done that reward is not salvation friends it is your good works your works of service your life here on this earth that's what it's all about understand that God wants you to realize that it is never in vain when you serve Him when you work for the Lord people ask me Joby why do you serve God you know I serve God because of who he is and what he's done for me I look at my life and Here I am a sinner miraculously saved by God accepted by God not because of who I am or what I've done but because of his love and he transforms me day by day to be all that he wants me to be and sometimes it hurts because he's working on my character but I appreciate it because spends time with me and teaches me and disciplines me in many ways why will I not serve him I look at my family I look at my situation and I say God you blessed me so much if you ask me not to serve it doesn't matter I will still serve I will still serve because of God's love for me and my love for him serve God by serving others remember God designed us to serve God gifted us to serve and Jesus showed us how to serve I asked you in the beginning does a statement why do I feel so unfulfilled relate to you you have so much and yet inside you feel unfulfilled something's missing remember as we grow up we want to be served we don't want to be servants and yet when we serve others we experience true joy and fulfillment in life that's when life really begins and I encourage your friends to serve it doesn't mean serve here in the church serve in ministries no it means serve in every area that God puts you in in here and out there serve God as you serve others as bar heads in prayer Lord God in heaven would you please forgive us for the many times that we are so self-centered we think only about our our own needs we forget about others forgive us Lord God when we are selfish and we choose not to share the blessings that you've given us father I pray for all my brothers sisters as I pray for myself that we would have the servant qualities of Jesus to go out of our comfort zones and to be a blessing to others as you have blessed us give us the confidence give us the the courage to take that step of faith to know Lord God that you are with us behind us a hundred percent you will sustain us as we depend upon you thank you Lord God for the privilege it is and the honor it is to serve the King of Kings and the Lord of lords who are we Lord God that you've given us this privilege we counted truly an honor I pray for my brother's sisters here who are who have never made a decision in their life to receive you as Lord and Savior they hear about you they know about you in their heads but in their hearts you're still far from them you've never made a true surrender and commitment to you maybe today is that day Lord I know that you're reaching out and inviting them into your family and friend if if you've been playing around with God if you've been on the edge on the fringe just sitting there maybe today's the day that you commit fully commit your life to Him I want to lead you in a prayer make this prayer your prayer to God directly just pray Lord God you know my life I need you there's an emptiness that I cannot fill there's unfulfillment that I cannot earn I realize that it's only you that can fill it and so today right now father I just give my life to you I thank you for Jesus Christ who died on the cross to pay for all my sins I thank you for loving me the way I am with all my faults and failures and mistakes thank you for never giving up on me I surrender you my life I give you my heart and I ask you to take over now once and for all take over Lord as I surrender change me from the inside out make me a different person help me desire to know you to study your word and to obey you lord I want to live for you because I know that there's no greater life than to be beside you to be walking with you thank you Father that you will hear this prayer and your answered it already thank you father for all of us here today may we leave this place shining the bright lights of Jesus we serve the world may people see us as your servants and give honor and glory to you and you alone we pray all of this in the precious the mighty magnificent name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and everyone says Amen and they meant God bless you all I love you
Channel: CCF Alabang
Views: 15,822
Rating: 4.8245616 out of 5
Keywords: joby soriano, ccf alabang, sunday worship service
Id: DMq90kNWayw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 3sec (3483 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 03 2016
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