Why you are high skill, but low MMR

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hello friends welcome back to another video where we're going to be talking about picking in pubs so one thing that a lot of people don't realize is that a lot of people don't talk about it a lot of people realize it but a lot of people don't talk about it especially on youtube especially on twitch pro players are super guilty of this everybody cares about competitive in dota 2. but pubs and competitive are completely different competitive players they pick certain heroes that work in competitive that don't necessarily work in pubs but because everybody in dota is super obsessed with dota as an esport they still use competitive as a reference for picking in pubs people look at dotatubeprotracker.com people look at dotabuff people look at all of these different things for learning what heroes they should be picking but that's not their bracket that's not the battlefield that they're playing in that's not the battlefield that i'm playing in even if you are a 7 to 8k mmr player who's pro level you're still playing in pubs you're still playing in a battlefield where people are largely uncoordinated and that is something that i think has to be factored in when it comes to your picks so when it comes to picks you need to pick differently instead of picking to just do your role's job you have to do that as well as pick to scale and pick to have control in the game alright so let's talk about control what how can you pick to control the game so to give you an example shadow shaman this is one of my absolute favorite heroes to pick as a position five and the reason for this is because he can push he can win fights he has tons of stuns he can carry the game if you get a lot of farm you can split push you hit towers you can take roshan with serpent awards you can farm incredibly quick quickly with the agonum shard i could go on and on the list goes on this hero does a lot and that's what matters so essentially the reason you want to pick heroes that can quote unquote control the game heroes that can do a lot of jobs in the game is because you can make up for the inevitable lack of something that will exist on your team and that's really the bottom line for me is that it doesn't matter how good you are if you pick oracle and you don't have heroes or teammates that are worth saving it doesn't matter if you're ppd it doesn't matter if you're niko baby you're not gonna carry this game it's it's not going to be possible by the sheer nature that your hero just does one thing really well so the second thing that you want to do in order to pick better heroes and pubs is pick heroes that can actually scale and the reason for this is that in literally every single bracket and dota including in the pro level bracket the bracket that i plan the bracket that ppd plays in if you are playing in a pub environment with five people that don't know each other five people that aren't sitting in discord with each other hell five people that probably dislike each other because let's be real this is dota there will be an excess amount of space on the map why because everybody is incredibly uncoordinated because of this festering hatred because of even you know jokes aside because of this just lack of coordination people are not going to be quick at ganking you people are not going to be good at maximizing their efficiency on the map and so you can basically almost always get more farm in pubs than in competitive that means that heroes that are good and competitive are not necessarily good in pubs because maybe these heroes in competitive are specifically good because they are great with no farm so in competitive if you are a five position typically you'll be buying a bunch of century wards you'll be buying smokes all the time your cores will be extremely good because they'll be you know tier one players if you watch these you know dpc and stuff you'll see these players that are playing with people who know how to completely maximize the map maximize their farming patterns so that they're getting every single neutral camp on the spawn every single boundary room things like that basically people are going to be so good at consuming the map that there is no space also it's worth noting that this exact same uncorded uh this exact same uncoordinated nature of pubs that we're talking about causes games to always go late every single dota game in pubs feels like it goes to the late game in competitive it's not about that at all teams are incredibly good at playing around timings where you know the carry will be like okay i got my bkb let's go let's end the game right now and then they do it that's never going to happen in a pub so pubs always go late and so if you're picking heroes that are quote unquote good and competitive but they can't farm then you will consistently go to the late game and you'll be consistently useless in the late game and so that is super worth thinking about if you are about to pick a hero in a pub think what does this hero actually do with items because you will get items because there's an excess of farm on the map and you will go to the late game so it will matter the last part of picking in pubs is you you need to do the fundamentals of your role and i think everybody generally knows what those are we'll talk a little bit about those later but i think people generally know what the fundamentals of the role are five position awards offline builds or items and so forth but you need to make sure while doing that you're picking heroes that also scale and control once again going back to the example of shadow shaman this hero is a great position five a lot of people say oh i can't win games of position five jenkins it's so hard that's if you think that you're just not picking heroes that scale and control straight up that is one of the biggest issues with five positions and it dr it's literally costing me to bald this is causing me so much stress because there are exceptionally good players that are it's so sad to see the mmr that is lost simply because they are picking heroes they're playing extremely well but they're picking heroes that don't scale and control the game because they think that because they're a five position they have to sacrifice you have to sacrifice your entire game that is not how pubs work that's a competitive mentality don't get stuck in that mentality one last tip that i do want to give you actually there's a couple of tips here at the end that i'd like to give you for drafting in pubs and making sure that your team is well-rounded even though you can't really communicate that consistently with your team to make sure that they're not picking stupid or maybe uh you know it's getting combos that's that's a little hard to do with it you know in pure solo queue but there are still ways to get around that uh so to deal with blind picks a lot better especially on the second phase is that make sure if one of your teammates is hover hovering over a hero that is countered by the same hero by the same type of heroes that counter your hero so to give you an example uh let's say the enemy team or sorry let's say you are hovering over la shrek you're an offlaner you're hovering over leshrac now let's say your mid laner is hovering over storm spirit what do both of these heroes do they lose all of their mana they sit at 10 mana in the fight and they do a crapload of damage that's all great now what happens if the enemy team picks anti-mage now both of you cannot carry the game because you've been hard countered this guy's gonna walk in and press r on either of you and he's gonna win the game so make sure that it's not an easy task but it's something that's worth looking at something that's worth definitely thinking about that if your team is picking a hero of a certain archetype that you can pick something that is completely different from that archetype if you're blind picking and the reason for doing that is because it's way less likely that the same hero that is blind picked against you is going to counter both of those heroes and that's that's the way that you can consistently make sure that there is some way for you to win in a draft so for instance in that example let's say you're hovering over offlane lashrack you have a guy hovering over mid-storm i will switch that la shrek pick to an axe pick because it does all of the things that we previously talked about but it's a polar opposite archetype of hero this is a melee tanky stunning strength hero versus a damage dealing carry mana based mid hero so the last thing is that if you are consistently getting countered in games let's say you're a five position and offlane and and carry are picking after you or let's say you're an off-laner and the carry picks after you which sometimes happens actually in high-level pubs that's kind of the meta right now is that the the carry picks last which means the off-liner is always countered that is when mario heroes are the absolute best and the reason that i call them mario heroes is because i'm thinking about mario in super smash bros and mario just in the whole nintendo world in general what do you think when you hear the the name mario he's just the generic guy nobody's that excited to to play mario and super smash brothers or something like that but nobody's like ah that character sucks he's just the guy he's the normal guy and so in dota the heroes that i consider mario heroes are the ones that they aren't really that exciting but no matter how the game goes they'll be fine and in dota generally stunners are very good mario heroes so in the offlane something like a tiny is always going to be fine because no matter how hard countered he is he's always going to be able to stun and that's that's just always good so make sure that if you are in a meta if you are in a position that is consistently getting countered that you are picking heroes that do not give a about being countered make sure that you are picking mario heroes in dota 2. that's it for this video make sure that if you are picking in your pubs do not pick like it's competitive make sure to abuse the crazy uncoordinated chaos that is the dota 2 pubs that we know and love and also kind of hate but with that being said thank you so much for watching this video guys and i hope to see you in another video
Channel: Jenkins
Views: 274,450
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dota 2, dota, heroes, jenkins, top, broken, op, items, itemization, build, guide, tutorial, meta, EG, arteezy, pro, player, tier list, update, drop, all, recent, gameleap, live, digest, analysis, match, tournament, skill, draft, drafting, bsj, pick, best, itemize, MMR, medal, new, carry, offlane, hard, easy, win, tricks, 7.24, most buffed, OP, new patch, patch 7.24, strongest, dota 2 update, dota 2 patch, farm, pro players, mmr, lose, gain, sumail, OG, lane, laning, pub, high skill, low mmr, pros, 7.30, patch, in, pubs, ranked, matchmaking
Id: srZCYBphnA8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 35sec (635 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 10 2021
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