League's Most HATED Role (And Dota's Most Beloved)

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the jungler is the most unique role in League of Legends your job is simple make an impact you can do this through ganking your team's Lanes countering your enemy jungler ganks securing neutral objectives or full clearing until you can 1 v9 sounds simple right well be prepared to get pinged every other minute as your laners collectively decide to make the most brain dead decisions and blame you for the consequences of their own actions this is in Star contrast to the position for also known as the soft support who when played well is dota's darling that can seemingly do wrong everybody loves a tus that can snowball save an earth Shaker that hits a fivem man echo or a NYX that can make his stuns look like ravages to find out why let's go over the main differences of these roles the first one is fairly straightforward DOTA PA 4 typically starts out in the off Lane paired with the off laner whereas League's jungler starts off in the jungle who would have thought typically the four and the three will face off against the enemies one and five positions and from the minute people arrive in Lane there's a lot of possible outcomes depending on your hero choices matchups and skill level you can start trading with the Enemy support and force them to use their regen harass the enemy carry and make farming a living hell for them or you can engage in what I like to call the ward Wars these funny little blue guys are called Sentry Wards they're pretty much dota's version of control Wards except they only last 7 minutes and don't give any vision of their own what they do let you do is see invisible units as long as they're in the AOE a neat little mechanic in Dota is that creep camps don't spawn when there's something in their spawn hit box and that's where the Sentry Wards come in hold alt on your keyboard smack one of these bad boys down in the yellow box and limit the enemy's ability to manage the wave typically you'll want to place one of these guys in the enemy camp closest to their Lane it's Ward Wars because the enemy support will realize this once the camp hasn't spawned anything and will buy their own Sentry Ward to remove it and once they do do this this opens up a lot of other options my favorite being link up with your off laner to kill or at the very least severely damaged the enemy carry because their supports to occupy to help and then you just deward their Sentry and place another rinse and repeat meanwhile over in League's jungle your first goal is to Simply clear camps but the first clear has a lot of nuance to it and it's going to depend on your game plan this is where the concept of jungle pathing comes in where you clear camps in a specific pattern in the most efficient way possible such that the last camp that you clear puts you in a certain position to make a play for example if you want your first gank to be in the Top Lane you'll want to start at the botside jungle so that by the time you finish your sixth Camp you're in Prime position to make a play against the enemy top laner your first Camp will almost always be one of the two buff camps red or blue when you clear this Camp you'll be getting a buff of the respective color red Buffs give you outof combat regen and makes your attacks apply extra damage over time while blue buff gives you man regen and cooldown reduction some Champs like carthus want to start at specific Buffs to make their lives easier and clears faster and every camp in League spawns in the exact same location every game which is then mirrored for the opposing side of the map so it's up to you whether the prioritize starting at a specific buff or pathing towards a specific Sid Lane and many players end up choosing the former because junglers practice their full clear memorizing their spell timings and specific numbers they need to hit to make their first clear as efficient as possible just like in Dota League camps will reset aggro after a certain time so good junglers will maximize their time to shave off valuable seconds when moving from Camp to camp now there is a way to speed up the full clear but it's kind of an outdated practice leashing is when your laners come and help clear your first Camp which is typically red or blue buff depending on where you're starting and they do this because the leash helps speed up the jungler's overall clear now the only reason people leash these days is to make sure that their jungler doesn't tilt or as a legacy practice however by leashing your teammates are actually losing on early game pryo for example if your Bot Lane leashes you but their Lane opponent doesn't match with a leash of their own that means their bot Lane will get the lane faster and hit their level two power Spike sooner and if they get a kill off of that that puts them at an advantage the rest of the game also leashing makes it obvious where you're starting giving the opposing jungler information to play off of by knowing your starting location they'll also have an idea of your farming pattern allowing them to make play on the opposing side of the map giving you no chance to respond remember there's no 100 gold TP scroll in League like there is in Dota and this means that if you're not in the vicinity to help your laner getting ganked there's almost never anybody coming to save them which leads me to talking about something that both of these roles have to account for map timings both DOTA and League's maps have specific changes depending on the match time that while everyone should be aware of the PA four and the jungler are the roles that can really play around these timings let's start with DOTA your first big timing as a POS 4 is level two among all of the roles POS 4 Heroes probably have some of the strongest level two timings in the game as with most things this depends on your hero but to name a few examples tiny unlocks avatus lion can Spike monin or lock someone down for almost 4 seconds and Earth Spirit has roll kick this opens up your potential to kill the enemy carry or or you can go down mid and Camp their mid laner like a league jungler next at 3 minutes DOTA spawns two crucial resources Bounty runes and lotuses bouny runes give your whole team a bit of gold and lotuses spawning at the Lotus pools on both side Lanes act as a single-use heal for both HP and Mana both of these are incredibly useful for POS fours in Lane you should be spamming your spells to harass and trade so you can get used from of the extra regen but you can also use the extra gold to get you a bit closer to your first item this means at 3 minutes you want to have a wave state that lets you collect either or both if you can which mer means shove The Wave in if you can't get them that's fine try again 3 minutes later once they respawn at 4 minutes water runes spawn at both locations in the river their lotuses but for the mid laner a good P four will head to the location to the Rune nearest to them and secure it for their laner or deny it from the enemy note that they also spawn at the two-minute mark But most games it's simply two early for a rotation every 2 minutes after is a power Rune spawn so you should try to go mid at these times timings if possible to help your midlaner secure them as well then at 5 minutes the next big map change happens the first night DOTA has an in-game day and night cycle which makes some pretty noticeable gameplay shifts first and most importantly it reduces the vision radius of most units this effectively increases the fog of War making it harder for people to spot incoming gangs and rotations second you also get bonus out of combat move speed making it faster for you to Traverse around the map and make a play but as a PA 4 you don't want to immediately barrel down mid come nighttime that's just way too obvious instead you want to get a good read of the map before making a decision if you leave Lane too early your enemy laners May realize this and make free gold out of your off laner what you want to do instead is assess the enemy lineup at the start of the game and keep your eyes on the mini map and wait for a play opportunity this could mean it's safe to go gank mid and help out your mid laner but it may also mean the exact opposite sometimes you'll actually want to stand Pat as PA 4 during the first night and keep your cooldowns and resources ready because if the enemy starts diving another Lane you want to be able to teleport to respond or you could even disappear into the jungle and start playing league for a bit for slow games when there's not much going on and you can't force a gank retreating into the jungle can be a pretty good option as long as you're not intruding on anyone's Farm it also puts you in a position to TP respond at a moment's notice provided that you're not using too many resources to farm camps and this is important because at 7 Minutes neutral items start to drop these are special items that can only be acquired by killing neutral camps that give some neat stats and effects the first batch of neutral items isn't absolutely gamebreaking those come at 60 plus minutes but free stats are free stats now whether you choose to play reactive or proactive depends entirely on your choice of hero wave States enemy lineup your own lineup and your currently available resources but you have to make some sort of rotation or move during the early game that helps your team out coordinate with your five and smoke G their mid laner set up a deep board in the enemy jungle start hunting corers just do something productive that gets you out of Lane simply because your lane mate the off laner would really appreciate getting some solo XP as these Heroes tend to scale with levels and the last big early game timer is also at 7 minutes when wisdom runes spawn these are runes that provide experience to both the people who picks them up and the person on your team with the least amount of experience two of these spawn deep within both teams territory but they're still neutral objectives meaning anyone can get them as poss four you want to be able to secure your team's wisdom Rune but if you somehow manage to secure both of the first wisdom runes on the map you pretty much win the early game because this means both of your supports likely have their ultimate power spikes whereas the enemies don't meanwhile league has some important timers too the most important timer being Camp spawning at 1 minute 30 and you likely have cleared three camps by 2 minute 30 and a three Camp clear should put you at level three from here you have a few other options you pick a lan in gank or you can continue and clear the last three camps most people will go with a ladder especially in this current meta but doing the former depends on your champion of choice laner gang Target wave States and ELO if you do choose to go for a gang you better make sure it results in a kill or at the very least a damn good trade now a jungler gank in League doesn't always have to result in a kill for it to be a successful gank sometimes a gank is good for bailing your laner out of a tough situation and alleviating a bit of pressure but many first ganks won't result in a kill but something almost as good which leads me to another key gameplay difference between league and DOTA Summoner spells Summoner spells are spells that the player can activate to give their Champion a bit of a boost when they're available they do a variety of things like providing heals creating a protective barrier removing CC effects and giving a temporary move speed boost just to name a few every player gets to choose two spells each but there will surely be two specific sums that you're going to see every game one of them being flash though it's common knowledge at this point Flash is League's version of blink dager it covers about a fifth of the distance and is mostly used as a spacing tool many champs use it to increase their engage rage like Annie or Ali but unlike blink dagger Flash doesn't get disabled by taking damage and can thus be used as a quick getaway tool for many champions especially immobile Marksman and midlane mages flash is their only means of Mobility it also has a five minute cool down anyway as a jungler that means your bare minimum for a successful gank should be at at least getting the opponent's flash if you get their Flash and they don't get yours nor your laners it's good enough in a lot of cases because you remove one of their major tools and remember most league matches don't last that long players will only use Flash maybe six or seven times at most in a game and if you get someone to blow flash early that's a huge tool of theirs completely off the table with this you can leave your laner with a flash Advantage so they can win off of that or you can revisit later on for another gang attempt with their Flash flash down but if you trade flashes with your gank Target or God forbid used to you better get that damn kill otherwise you'll have set yourself back and ruin your tempo for nothing now it's very important that when you gank you do not die sounds fairly obvious but there's a big reason for this if you die to a laner during your first gank not only do you feed them gold but if you die while having red end or blue buff the said Buffs get their duration reset and transferred to your killer so do not die or you've just griefed the person you were trying to help that's why ganking after three camps is incredibly risky so most of the time junglers will opt to full clear meaning to go for the last remaining camps of the Jungle and you want to have finished every single Camp by 3:30 cuz at 3:30 the Scuttle crabs spawn at both the top side and B side of the river this is a special jungle monster that when killed creates a small ward in the middle of that portion of the map that grants vision of the area and do brief speed boost for any friendly teammate who walks over it not only this but also grants more gold than the usual jungle Camp so you'll want to secure it but the thing is you may face opposition from the enemy jungler when going for Scuttle if you both started on the same part of the map and went through the same clear path they're likely going to have finished their camps around the same time as you you can always handshake and let the enemy jungler take one of the buggers while you take the other though if you're going to contest it it helps to have a Smite ready Smite is the jungler's signature spell it is an instant burst of true damage AKA pure damage for UD DOTA players that can only be used against minions and monsters it's mainly used to speed up your clear and help secure kills on neutral objectives with Smite you gain access to a jungle pet which functions like a permanent buff that helps you clear camps and grants you extra golden XP for clearing after clearing enough camps your Smite will evolve dealing even more damage when used on neutrals and allowing you to use it on enemy Champions to slow them briefly and deal a bit of Chip damage the jungler's early game is pretty much a pattern of ganking clearing and contesting objectives when they're up if you want to mix this pattern up you can also invade this is when you cross the river into the enemy jungle and take their camps it's a risky strategy and only really worth doing if you know you won't get punished for it but invading and stealing camps or killing the opposing jungler in their own home turf can give you a huge momentum boost if done properly another timing worth mentioning is the spawning of of jungle plants think of them as League's version of runes which instead of granting direct Buffs like in Dota help you out in some other way blast cones help you Traverse terrain and the ones near objective spawn at around 9 Minutes scryers blooms reveal the area in the direction they're hit in and they spawn at 3 minutes perfect if you want to see the enemy jungler is going to contest Scuttle or if your desired gank path is warded honey fruits drop little fruits that heal you upon walking over them they're lotuses but for the league player and they spawn at around six 30 these are great for topping yourself off when starting an objective or healing an injured teammate when they need it but the most important timings are for the neutral objectives I talked a bit about first Drake in my carry slpa one video so if you haven't already seen that go check that out Link in the description Drakes in League give you Nifty little Buffs to your stats and you get a much bigger buff the dragon soul upon killing four Drakes this is in stark contrast to Drakes in real life that allegedly touch little girls Let's go Team Kendrick anyway the first Drake spawns at 5 minutes so ideally before then you'll have either ganked either bot or mid to get them ahead or went back to base to reset with better items but void grubs are a bit different these little dudes spawn closer to Top Lane instead and killing them grants a buff that helps you take down enemy structures faster and this buff scales in power with every void grub slain giving you a special bonus if you manage to secure five or six they spawn in sets of three and the first set spawns at 6 minutes and the second second spawns 4 minutes after the first is Lane then at 14 minutes the rift Herald spawns where the void grubs would be affectionately nicknamed Shelly The Herald is a neutral objective that when killed gives a decent chunk of gold as well as a powerful trinket that lets you pilot her across the map this is in contrast to The Herald and DOTA which is typically my Poss one most people use her to push because she deals huge damage when ramming into a turret but you can also use her to Traverse the map and gank from crazy angles and finally at 20 minutes Baron Nasher spawns Nasher is League's version of Roshan indicated by the fact that the name Nasher is literally an anagram for Roshan that when killed gives every member of the team a kills worth of gold and a buff that not only makes your recall faster as well as giving free stats but gives all nearby minions an Anytime Fitness membership giving them Incredible strength and turning them purple but why did I spend almost 2 minutes of this video talking about these neutral objectives well unlike the p 4 the jungler is in charge of securing and contesting every single one yes that's right in addition to becoming the team's babysitter because you're in charge of ganking their lanes while balancing clearing your own camps all while tracking the enemy jungle who's trying to make life a living hell for you and your teammates you're also in charge of facing Fantastic Beasts and went to Smite them many junglers aren't able to solo these objectives in a reasonable amount of time and thus require intervention from their teammates to secure them but if your teammates don't come to secure objectives and the opposing junglers does then you have no choice but to either give it up or chance to steal where you'll likely end up dying usually in vain because there's no guarantee that you'll actually get the steel off but if you're taking an objective as a team and the enemy comes to contest and a fight breaks out and if your allies can't zone or kill the opposing jungler outright it'll be your job to win the good old Smite battle League's version of the Mexican standoff but instead of watching your opponent's movements you're waiting for the number on your screen to go below Smite range and to do this you need to use your skills Auto attacks and mind games to get your opponent to either miss their Smite or secure it before they do and smite battles are an incredibly stressful situation where a lot of things can happen sometimes it's a battle of reaction speed other times it's a game of chickens seeing who can blow their important cooldowns or smites first but most of the time you're better off not engaging in them unless you're on a champ that has a huge mathematical Advantage like Noo-noo losing a Smite battle as a jungler isn't entirely your fault but God damn will most teammates make you feel like it is they'll ping you missing ping your Smite trash talk you in all chat and it just sucks because you know that for a fact that yeah you lost the Smite battle but you're not the only one to blame and most people in Solo que will have too big of an ego to recognize that and this is where the frustration of the jungler role comes in as the jungler you're the scapegoat for everything if your Top Lane is chain feeding in the 1 V one you'll get pinged for not ganking even when they they shoved the lane deep into the enemy side of the map if your Bot Lane gets ganked by the enemy jungler 3 minutes into the game you'll get ping for not being in position to counter gank even when you waited a whole 15 seconds for them to initiate a fight and nothing happened if you do gank mid lane but you get the kill instead of your laner you'll get ped for stealing a kill enemy team gets four Drakes to your nothing even if your team never came to help secure it even once nope all your fault enjoy getting four reports along with those four Miss Drakes lose a single Smite battle despite being up in objectives yeah your honor level is going down after this one heck you can win Worlds as a jungler and play your damn heart out in an incredible title run with an underdog narrative but the only play people will remember you for is missing your Smite in game five to this day I still feel horrible for piosik no other role gets more undeserved hate than the jungler which is why this role is always a priority in the queue which is why this role gets so many Auto Fails which is why so many bad junglers exist it's an incredibly vicious cycle and I'm not sure what Riot can do to fix it and if we take a look back at DOTA the p 4 gets all the love and this even translates to the pro scene I don't think I've ever seen anyone hate on FY despite him never winning a TI by the way or JX as p 4 we don't talk about as POS 5 gameplay or DJ or yapor meanwhile League's junglers like piosik owner and peanut get called out pretty often by fans and even Canyon the best jungler of all time gets called overrated it's crazy how huge of a disparity there is between the love that these two roles have despite their similar role of impacting the game just like the jungler the PA 4 has a job to make plays and to be able to make plays the POS 4 needs a few key items of course this varies from hero to Hero but most are enabled through buying blink dagger this thing is Flash on steroids 15-second cool down about five times range it's the item that enables some PA fours to make the plays that they do and teammates will recognize the importance of getting the first big item as a PA 4 which is why they're allowed to get a little bit of farm but in comparison to junglers POS fors get babied I've had games where I'm playing Earth Shaker or Tusk and I'm given solo XP and Lane Farm while my offlaner goes to farm the jungle because he wants me to get my blink faster there are games where my P 5 takes charge of all the warding detection duties giving me all the gold to work with which is pretty weird honestly the game views you as a support but you're really playing some sort of semicore position with the amount of gold you get and that's why position four is the most flexible role in the game along with the off laner unlike leagues jungler Your Role doesn't have a very straight forward job your real job of make an impact can vary from game to game some games you'll want to gank mid other games you're better off playing babysitter to your offlaner and others you'll be linking up with your five to make a smoke play there's a lot of things that that a POS 4 can do despite not having a clear overall role but if you really want to give the PA 4 a specific identity their job is to play like a goddamn nuisance snipe corers deny runes gank with the Twin Gates and TP Scrolls use smokes just do whatever you can to make life a living hell for the enemy team and like I said it feels like this role doesn't get that much hate at all if you're playing three and your four is taking Farm your team is likely going to Flame you for being under farmed if the map is under warded the five is going to get the blame for not staying on top of vision even if it is partly Your Role to also buy and place Wards and when you make the great plays as POS 4 which you're likely going to be doing a lot you're going to get credit and your team is going to love you for it now surprisingly where PA 4 and jungle don't differentiate from each other is in their variety both of these roles have an incredibly healthy roster of viable Champions now this wasn't always the case but with the changes to the gold abundance in Dota and jungle tweaks and you can realistically take about 80 to 85% of each roster and put them in Jungle or POS for and you'll be able to do at least okay as long as you have the fundamentals to back yourself up and honestly these two roles kind of share archetypes there are going to be your Brawlers that bring lock down and great damage like fi and Marcy you also have your team Fighters which have gamebreaking spells that work great in 5V FS while also contributing great cing in skirmishes like maokai and Earth Shaker there are are Mages which can deal absurds amounts of damage like brand and skywrath there are even Mages that can stun for days namely Morana and lion and Shadow Shaman CC bought gankers who only exist to stun like Spirit breaker and ramas heck the rule is so diverse now that there are ADC Marksman playing as POS 4 and in the jungle like Kindred and clinks but of course there are always going to be Champions that were designed for the jungler role and DOTA Heroes that were designed to be less Farm dependent viability depends on different factors in Dota a hero's viability as a POS 4 depends on how much they can contribute to the team with the amount of farm that a POS 4 typically gets how good they are against the enemy lineup how well they synergize with the rest of the team and most importantly how much can they offer relative to other heroes in the role there are your traditional p 4 Picks that really just need a blink dagger to be effective and can fit seamlessly into most lineups because they'll always offer something useful like Earth Shaker lion Tusk and Nick's assassin and these are evergreen picks some metas won't favor them but you'll always be able to contribute something because they offer Cc or save a lot of fives can Flex to the four position too like venge in some games would appreciate an earlier ether lenss or stack oras with vlads and can even rush asgs if the game calls for it we're also starting to see traditional carries be played as four because people are realizing that they can be played effectively even without gold but these are more situational picks that shine against specific lineups because they don't typically offer much besides more damage and better scaling for example recently teror blade support is caught on and while he's a strong pick because he offers team fight presence vision control on demand damage and a save because of the way his que Works he's so much better against attribute based carries then he would be versus damage stackers like PA you haven't played this hero until you've watched the opposing morling Go full Agy and then just delete himself after pressing one button and as long as your team fight stuns and control spells are coming from elsewhere in the lineup up your team won't suffer meanwhile in League a Champion's jungle viability depends on three main things how good their ganks are how fast their clear speed is and how well they can contest and secure objectives most people think that to be a good champ in the jungle you need to have all three boxes checked when in reality you only really need two out of three for example Master ye ganks are nothing special but he's perhaps the fastest solo Dragon Taker and he clears camps incredibly quickly once he gets noon quiver he should only really be ganking if it's a sure kill or if it's to counter the opposing jungler's gank because he also scales really well and can 1 v9 on the other hand Ramis doesn't take objectives as fast as ye nor does he have the fastest clear but he has some of the best and easiest to execute ganks in the game but of course it's best to pick based on what your team needs if your team has a top laner that relies on getting ahead early pick shinza or j4 and Camp their Lane if you have a tank top laner and a draft that lacks late game pressure you you can pick a carry jungler like Kindred or belth to scale into the late game then they're just junglers who are always good and you can't talk about Evergreen junglers without mentioning Lee sin who is the most iconic champion in this role he has solid ganks decent clear and it doesn't matter if his objective taking isn't the fastest when he can just kick the opposing jungler to the shadow realm so what the both of these roles need to be played effectively if it's not already obvious map awareness more than any other rule the jungler and the POS 4 need to be aware of what's going on throughout the map and not just in one area while it's the entire team's job to track missing Heroes and champions it's still your role to respond and make decisions based off of that information people see the baron Snipes the AIS seals the insects and the echos slams but what they don't see is the constant shifting of the camera to other lanes to check how they're doing the on thefly decision making that goes into responding to ganks and contesting objectives and the players having their eyes is permanently glued to their mini Maps if you're reading the map playing around timings and making the right reads and securing key objectives you're going to be playing League's most hated role and dota's most beloved to the best of your ability but the real difference is what happens after win or lose the PA four will get four commands while the jungler will get four reports and with how different DOTA and League are as games there are probably a ton more differences to talk about and that's what the comment section is for if you feel like there's a point I missed out on and that you want to add or expand further or if you disagree with a statement in the video by all means type it out in the comments and join in the discussion this video is by no means a guide on how to get better at these games nor an in-depth analysis of these roles it's rather meant to introduce the concept of the role and discuss the differences between the two and why they're both important to the game but if you like this video found the joke funny or got some good Insight from it please let me know by hitting that like button making a comment down below and subscribing to the channel if you haven't already there's one more video on the differences between Top Lane and off Lane coming later this week so don't miss out on that be sure to check out the other videos in the series as well and that's all for now Ace out [Music]
Channel: Acex2ron
Views: 38,544
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: EG-e8Lk2uSc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 57sec (1677 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2024
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